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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


BitchTits said:
Edit 3: Finally done Rufus and everyone in Normal :D

Congrats! :D

I cheat a little for the difficult trials: I rebind all attacks used in the combo to the face buttons. Makes things so much easier. Got all the normal trials done, and a good portion of the hard trials too. I'll never be able to pull off these combos in a real game, though. (Using the default 360 pad.)


The physical form of blasphemy
You know...I realised something earlier, when I was playing one of Philly's best. I blamed way to much shit on the controller. If my execution is horrible when I try to do certain moves (I.E. Dictator's ultra, cause I keep doing the teleport by mistake), then logic would dictate to try another tactic and practice some patience. :/ You don't have to be flashy to win...

I'm getting a stick, but yea...

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Sanjay said:
I wish you could have lived up to your name and picked Vega instead. :( :lol


I play with Vega as well as Vega represents Spain :lol

Dont worry though, looking at the bracket, theres people there that I know can kick my ass, so Ill see you in the losers bracket ;)

Your Sagat is good, all you need to do is be more proficient with punishing your opponents fuckups. So try to perfect one or 2 combos that do 3 or 4 hits and youll be doing pretty good for yourself. Also remember that you have the fastest fireballs in the game, so exploit that! As for anti air use the tiger punch but your standing roundhouses also pack a punch ... matter of fact I noticed you didnt punish my jumping around early on, so I took advantage of that when I knew I REALLY needed to land a hit.

Very fun match though, you can mix it up


Questions for Chun-Li players:
Is the half.circle.backwards+K move effective for anything else besides countering a fireball?
Can the crouch.forward+HK be combo'd into anything? what's a good follow up?
When is the crouch.forward+LK most effective? countering cross-ups?
What's a good follow up to a successful SBK? Seems like characters like Zangief can just eat the hits, and then grab throw.


Archie said:
Grifter is a fucking BEAST. I went 0-9 against him and won like 5 rounds total, rofl.

:lol GGs! The rounds were CLOSE so you were bound to go on a run if I didn't have to jet. Always need work on Blanka if you want to play.


Oldschoolgamer said:
You know...I realised something earlier, when I was playing one of Philly's best. I blamed way to much shit on the controller. If my execution is horrible when I try to do certain moves (I.E. Dictator's ultra, cause I keep doing the teleport by mistake), then logic would dictate to try another tactic and practice some patience. :/ You don't have to be flashy to win...

I'm getting a stick, but yea...

Its not the controller thats making Bison teleport, its the way the game interprets your imputs. Its regestering the shoryuken shortcut imput of a double diagnal. I was having this same problem so I took Bison into training mode and turned imputs on. I found that if I ended the back forward back forward movement on a diagnal down, it would regester as a teleport. But if I made the very last directional imput a forward instead of a diagnal down, it would come out as an ultra. Basically you need to concentrate on ending the imput with a direct left or right and not diagnal down, and you won't have any problems.


I am Korean.
2DMention said:
I hate turtles. Played a couple of them last night and lost to both of them.
I had a twirling Zangeif player go nuts last night 'cause of that. Dhalsim's supposed to be an infighter? :lol


loves Arcade Sticks
Stantron said:
Questions for Chun-Li players:
Is the half.circle.backwards+K move effective for anything else besides countering a fireball?
Can the crouch.forward+HK be combo'd into anything? what's a good follow up?
When is the crouch.forward+LK most effective? countering cross-ups?
What's a good follow up to a successful SBK? Seems like characters like Zangief can just eat the hits, and then grab throw.

hcb+k is an overhead, it's a good tool, just don't be too obvious when doing it.

Her crossup kick is good on wake up and if it lands deep enough you can combo off of it, cr.lk into ex legs into ex sbk is a good option... if you don't want to waste meter just do ex legs into wakeup.

I never use that flip move lol...

Don't use SBK unless it's to beat a wake up attack or in a combo. EX SBK on wakeup vs jump ins/pre-emptive throw mindgames = win.
Stantron said:
Questions for Chun-Li players:
Is the half.circle.backwards+K move effective for anything else besides countering a fireball?
Can the crouch.forward+HK be combo'd into anything? what's a good follow up?
When is the crouch.forward+LK most effective? countering cross-ups?
What's a good follow up to a successful SBK? Seems like characters like Zangief can just eat the hits, and then grab throw.

Hsanshu is mostly useful for fireballs but also can be useful in mind games because I believe it hits overhead for ducking blocking characters. Not sure about that one.

Her sweep move is mostly for distant punishing, if an enemy jumps right in front of you for pushing them away or hitting them if they're going right into some attacks. If you score with it and get a knockdown I usually do a kikoken they need to block into standing MP, a medium hasanshu, or her Down/Forward and HK cross-up kick as they're getting up. Be careful of characters with reversal/wakeup AA moves or DP type moves, as they'll destroy her often in wakeup games.

Crouch+forward LK is a decent AA for deep jump in attacks, but the damage is so slight you'll want to step back and use FP or RH, or EX SBK, or almost anything else.

The follow up to a successful SBK is almost always you take damage. That move is near useless in it's regular form if not performed in at the end of a combo. You're very vulnerable after hitting one and best case is you get away without taking damage after landing it. EX SBK, though has many combo and AA, and chip uses.
heh mark man beat me to it. I thought he was referring to her sweep, not the crossup kick.

I almost always use EX Legs after a crossup kick if I have the meter. It does pretty good damage. I should experiment with that one for combo potential. That move messes with a lot of people if done right. It's a lot like Ryu's overhead that people use to finish a match when someone is turtling. Excellent wakeup move.


needs to show more effort.
is sf4 on psn not working for anyone else?

now I can't get on psn at all

An error occurred during communication with the server.
This is a DNS error.

freaky, I normally don't have any problems until just today. I decided to follow what this guy said:
and that fixed my problem

I guess setting the DNS manually somehow makes it more reliable?
Someone please strategy for the last dude
I just seem to get killed after I have taken him down once, he then starts this crazy ass shit and hits me with all has until I die :(
robertsan21 said:
Someone please strategy for the last dude
I just seem to get killed after I have taken him down once, he then starts this crazy ass shit and hits me with all has until I die :(
Here's strategy: Adjust difficulty to Easiest.


robertsan21 said:
Someone please strategy for the last dude
I just seem to get killed after I have taken him down once, he then starts this crazy ass shit and hits me with all has until I die :(

What difficulty are you on? If you're just unlocking characters on Easiest, pick Zangief and spam Lariats all day. Seth has crazy priority on a lot of his moves, but you should be fine with 'Gief.
first tourney match later tonight!!!! time for gaf to feel my soul rage!!!!
unless of course i get paired up with akachan ningen, who will then proceed to rape my ass like he always does
( i <3 rose) lol

good luck to everyone with their matches :D

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Progress on the Darkstalkers piece (yeah I know this is OT, but this is the only place Im showing this, so yeah)



I am Korean.
h3ro said:
What difficulty are you on? If you're just unlocking characters on Easiest, pick Zangief and spam Lariats all day. Seth has crazy priority on a lot of his moves, but you should be fine with 'Gief.
On easiest, Seth can't block a sweep to save his life.
I think I need to spend one whole day practicing SJC :(

What is Viper supposed to do against Bison's headstomp/aerial tomfoolery. Block and look for punish opportunity? Fierce Thunder Knuckle like, trades to my disadvantage at best, no?

So for the second time using my arcade stick, I decided to hop online for the first time. I threw out my new guy Abel and managed 0/3 :lol. I ran into 2 Shoryuken spammers and a Blanka Ball spammer. For my fourth fight I turned on my Dualshock, picked Akuma, and stole all 66 of my next opponent's BP :lol. As far as my HRAP3 goes, the stick feels really short but has a lot of throw, and the buttons seem really far spaced apart with not much room below for me to rest my palm (is that even proper form). I guess my beefy hands weren't exactly the template sticks were designed around.

If someone is down for casual player matches later, feel free to add me (PSN: TwinTurboJosh).


Stupid question incoming:

How am I supposed to hit someone with Blanka's Rolling Attack? It seems that at the point I can actually do it (after charging) I don't fly forward far enough to actually hit the person. Is there something I'm missing?


Second-rate Anihawk
botkiller said:
Stupid question incoming:

How am I supposed to hit someone with Blanka's Rolling Attack? It seems that at the point I can actually do it (after charging) I don't fly forward far enough to actually hit the person. Is there something I'm missing?
Crouch backwards and use the fierce punch.


vas_a_morir said:
My new policy: you pick a shoto, I pick Sagat. Tiger knee > shoryuken. I can be scrubby, too.

vas_a_morir said:
Akuma! haha, you may be a scrubby choice, but, you see now why they call me the king of scrubs. Sagat.

Stop that! Don't give them ideas! I don't need more Sagats online! -.-


After the tournament I am giving up on Abel. Its just getting ridiculous, in fights I will see my opponents mistakes, but I am just incapable of punishing them. See you in hell, Abel. Time to give Sagat a shot.


The physical form of blasphemy
_dementia said:
Oh, GGs OldSchoolGamer.

I have no idea how to deal with the headstomp :/


I don't play Viper, so I really can't help you there. lol. Be a bit more patient though. If I'm low on health and the clock is running out, sit on it. I'm going to have to come to you or I'll lose. A couple of times I got you with the headstomp, because you were in the middle of her seismo((?) The ground shit)) or something else. I'm sure you can block it, same with the EX variant.

Watch for the devil's reverse too. I baited you into using your ultra one round. Block and punish that shit.

He can teleport on wake-up, headstomp on wake-up, and PC on wake-up, so be mindful of that too.

You kinda shut me down when you rushed me a couple of times, so that's something I have to work on.

Your Balrog is mean. :( I'm not that sure about the match-up between him and Dictator, so you kinda handed me my ass a couple of times with him.
What do you do when you have an asshole akuma player who just jumps to the corner and shoots fireballs? I couldn't dash fast enough to get to him.


MicVlaD is the one that plays Dhalsim, right? Our matches were REALLY, REALLY tight. He won 4 matches to 3 against my Guile, IIRC (my Chun-Li loss doesn't count :lol)


anyone else getting "lost connection to playstation network" when trying to get online in SF4 atm?

edit: nvm, i'm back up .. iam220 on psn for those that want to play.


vas_a_morir said:
What do you do when you have an asshole akuma player who just jumps to the corner and shoots fireballs? I couldn't dash fast enough to get to him.

usually I just pick Viper, she match up well against runaway-Akumas...


Junior Member
vas_a_morir said:
What do you do when you have an asshole akuma player who just jumps to the corner and shoots fireballs? I couldn't dash fast enough to get to him.

Depends. If you have more health stay at the other end of the screen and just jump over them. Eventually he will have to come to you as the time runs out.

If your health is lower you can't just dash, you have to jump to dodge them aswell. You can also use Focus attack to absorb them as you make your way across.


MIMIC said:
MicVlaD is the one that plays Dhalsim, right? Our matches were REALLY, REALLY tight. He won 4 matches to 3 against my Guile, IIRC (my Chun-Li loss doesn't count :lol)
Having lost 5 in a row against him, and yet all ridiculously close matches, I can say that the man knows how to eek a win.


lawblob said:
After the tournament I am giving up on Abel. Its just getting ridiculous, in fights I will see my opponents mistakes, but I am just incapable of punishing them. See you in hell, Abel. Time to give Sagat a shot.

Try out Blanka, its mostly mind games and its loads of fun.
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