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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


:D :D :D :D :D


^^ I can't believe that I've never made that connection before @_@

(eta: they're spelled differently. nevermind :D)

forgeforsaken said:
I don't think I've seen a single Blanka actually. Been seeing a bunch of Fei Longs lately, oddly.

It feels good to be on the other side of scrubby shotoness. 1600 battlepoints. I had 400 before today.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Yeah guys I definitely dont want any more Blankas, they're hard to beat and I want none of that. Next thing you know Im gonna have to PRACTICE and shit, fuck that.

Game needs more Kens though.
Played some online with Cammy today. Man, she is a lot of fun.

I played about 6 matches against some kid who played Sakura and Viper. His Viper is solid, but his Sakura is a work in progress. It was nice to play a non-Ken/Ryu/Akuma.


forgeforsaken said:
I don't think I've seen a single Blanka actually. Been seeing a bunch of Fei Longs lately, oddly.

Just got my ass handed to by someone with 4500 BP, match was Blanka on Blanka action and I loved every minute of my rapeing. Seeing him in action was jaw dropping and best of all I only lost 1BP for this loss.

Raging Spaniard, honestly it was you who drove me to try to improve my Blanka, its all your doing.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Sanjay said:
Raging Spaniard, honestly it was you who drove me to try to improve my Blanka, its all your doing.

Shit, good thing you didnt play against somebody whos actually good with Ryu then :p

If you had picked Blanka, you probably would have won, btw. Charge characters kick my ass.


I am Homie
MIMIC said:
^^ I can't believe that I've never made that connection before @_@

(eta: they're spelled differently. nevermind :D)

well, if he has enough time to dodge, your ultra probably would have been blocked, or dodged by any other character.


iam220 said:
anyone else getting "lost connection to playstation network" when trying to get online in SF4 atm?

edit: nvm, i'm back up .. iam220 on psn for those that want to play.

Good job again man.

Your Sagat is learning how to beat my Abel. I don't like that :) A lot of those matches were freaky close, and I have to play more psychologically with you. Great matches!


Raging Spaniard said:
If you had picked Blanka, you probably would have won, btw. Charge characters kick my ass.

I think I will use him in the next Tourney game, and then I will lose and that player will say to me, "If you had picked Sagat, you probably would have won"


FootNinja said:
well, if he has enough time to dodge, your ultra probably would have been blocked, or dodged by any other character.

He had like 0% health left and I had him cornered. I was just gonna chip away at him so blocking wouldn't have done him any good.

My face must have been priceless. I was just staring at the screen watching his flip dodge/go THROUGH my ULTRA. My ULTRA. I call shenanigans. No way should that move be able to dodge an ultra. Technically speaking, if you did it all game, you'd be invincible.

/bitter rant


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
Finally started getting into Boxer. He is so damn awesome in this game. I love him.



I am Homie
MIMIC said:
He had like 0% health left and I had him cornered. I was just gonna chip away at him so blocking wouldn't have done him any good.

My face must have been priceless. I was just staring at the screen watching his flip dodge/go THROUGH my ULTRA. My ULTRA. I call shenanigans. No way should that move be able to dodge an ultra. Technically speaking, if you did it all game, you'd be invincible.

/bitter rant
There is a frame after the flip that leaves him open to attacks and unable to defend himself, so unless your careful, the roll can get you punished hard.
Sectus, good matches awhile back.

Sorry I had to bail after 6 or so matches, roomates were going out for dinner and I couldn't have them wait on me.


Is there a way to see the total number of people in a given leaderboard, to get a sense of which version has a more active community so far?


Comics, serious business!
Ok, my win rate is up to 20% (shut up, it was like 1% two hours ago).

I'm Sagat (I know, I know) and my difficulties are:

1) Akuma fighters. FUUUCK! I can't get anywhere near these guys! AND WHAT THE HELL IS THAT ATTACK WHEN ALL THE JAPANESE(?) CHARACTERS FLASH ON THE SCREEN AND THE SCREEN GOES BLACK? That's how 99% of my Akuma matches end. They just wait to pull off that move and I'm toast.

2) Ken/Ryu jump kick/spin trip. Yeah, this is annoying. You know, where they jump in and immediately low kick you. What is the defense to this? Plus, some Ken/Ryu guys like to get me in a corner and just low kick low kick low kick. So annoying!

Overall I'm liking the game a lot more. But the Ultra combos are getting annoying. It's like every match just comes down to who can pull it off first...
FootNinja said:
There is a frame after the flip that leaves him open to attacks and unable to defend himself, so unless your careful, the roll can get you punished hard.

yeah, also Vega is like shit tier, so the little strengths he has is all well and good.

But man does everythign collapse when you have Vega pinned in the corner. He has like one good defense in that siutation and that's a reveral/wake-up EX barcelona flip kick. Which doesn't seem reliable as a wake-up since the timing is a lot harder than lets say a headbutt, or a flashkick, or a dragon punch.

Even Vega's Ultra can't come out of you're pressuring him in a corner. Since he's not invincible in teh first few frames.


gkrykewy said:
Is there a way to see the total number of people in a given leaderboard, to get a sense of which version has a more active community so far?

Both have a really active community. Shouldn't be any problems getting matches for a while on either platform. Numbers are only for system warz.


hyperbolically metafictive
RSTEIN said:
1) Akuma fighters. FUUUCK! I can't get anywhere near these guys! AND WHAT THE HELL IS THAT ATTACK WHEN ALL THE JAPANESE(?) CHARACTERS FLASH ON THE SCREEN AND THE SCREEN GOES BLACK? That's how 99% of my Akuma matches end. They just wait to pull off that move and I'm toast.

just jump out of the way when you see it coming -- it's really easy to avoid in this game. good akuma players can use it to catch you in the middle of a move or coming down from a jump, but most online players will just throw it out randomly


I am Homie
C- Warrior said:
yeah, also Vega is like shit tier, so the little strengths he has is all well and good.

But man does everythign collapse when you have Vega pinned in the corner. He has like one good defense in that siutation and that's a reveral/wake-up EX barcelona flip kick. Which doesn't seem reliable as a wake-up since the timing is a lot harder than lets say a headbutt, or a flashkick, or a dragon punch.

Even Vega's Ultra can't come out of you're pressuring him in a corner. Since he's not invincible in teh first few frames.
Scarlet is so useless in most situations, and id feel more safe jumping off the wall, or getting a poke in to escape.


I am Korean.
RSTEIN said:
Ok, my win rate is up to 20% (shut up, it was like 1% two hours ago).

I'm Sagat (I know, I know) and my difficulties are:

1) Akuma fighters. FUUUCK! I can't get anywhere near these guys! AND WHAT THE HELL IS THAT ATTACK WHEN ALL THE JAPANESE(?) CHARACTERS FLASH ON THE SCREEN AND THE SCREEN GOES BLACK? That's how 99% of my Akuma matches end. They just wait to pull off that move and I'm toast.
Jump. Can't hit you in the air.

2) Ken/Ryu jump kick/spin trip. Yeah, this is annoying. You know, where they jump in and immediately low kick you. What is the defense to this? Plus, some Ken/Ryu guys like to get me in a corner and just low kick low kick low kick. So annoying!
When you block it, there's enough recovery time to sneak in a counter hit after the sweep.


dabbled in the jelly
Ok I'm not having as much fun as I was when I first start experimenting with characters and their new feel. At first I was having a lot of fun with focus attacks and finding new ways to combo so it was easier to overlook the things I didn't like about the combat. Fun game still but I honestly had more fun with 3rd strike by far. Maybe they will continue to polish the game with future releases but right now I'm hanging up my gloves for a while.


I was tired of Akuma, so I just kept picking random in a player match w/ a friend until a found someone that "clicked". It was Sagat...I've been getting some nasty messages online. I'm not letting it get to me though, if you're dumb enough to jump, you're gonna get uppercutted or kneed in the face.
EDIT: I love Zangief too, the lariat is great for dodging hadokens, and his Banishing Flat and grabs just destroy people up close.
FootNinja said:
Scarlet is so useless in most situations, and id feel more safe jumping off the wall, or getting a poke in to escape.

Yeah, well Vega has good long range pokes. But if somebody is up close to him, their jabs usually win out especially if they are a Balrog. You also can't do his off the wall attacks since his start up jump from the ground takes forever and a simple jab will stop the animation/attack.

What Vega needs is a forward motion (PPP)/(KKK) invincible backflip (foward?? flip) I've lost matches I was dominating only to lose it at the end when the player pins me in a corner.

He's clearly under-powered compared to a similar character with above air attacks (such as Bison) Vega has no teleport, his off the wall attacks have massively less priority than Bison's air stomp etc.

In fact, it doesn't surprise me most Vega players graduate to Bison.


Taking a break from this game or at least ranked matches I just had 3 people in a row disconnect on me after I kicked their ass. Very annoying.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
RSTEIN said:
Ok, my win rate is up to 20% (shut up, it was like 1% two hours ago).

I'm Sagat (I know, I know) and my difficulties are:

1) Akuma fighters. FUUUCK! I can't get anywhere near these guys! AND WHAT THE HELL IS THAT ATTACK WHEN ALL THE JAPANESE(?) CHARACTERS FLASH ON THE SCREEN AND THE SCREEN GOES BLACK? That's how 99% of my Akuma matches end. They just wait to pull off that move and I'm toast.

2) Ken/Ryu jump kick/spin trip. Yeah, this is annoying. You know, where they jump in and immediately low kick you. What is the defense to this? Plus, some Ken/Ryu guys like to get me in a corner and just low kick low kick low kick. So annoying!

Overall I'm liking the game a lot more. But the Ultra combos are getting annoying. It's like every match just comes down to who can pull it off first...

Is cool, dont worry

1) Like its been said, just jump out of the way as soon as you see it coming. Most Akuma players will try to do that move as soon as humanly possible, so just wait for it or attack when they try to do it.

2) Try to be a bit more patient, if you know what theyre going to do, then just block until a chance for a counterattack opens up. If your character has an antiair move then practice it until it becomes second nature. The key a lot of times is to let your opponents fuck up, since youre playing sagat, you have the fastest fireball in the game so make sure you USE IT. Once the guys get close to you, a simple combo will hurt them a lot (low middle kick into tiger uppercut for instance) Most of your specials have a lot of priority, meaning that if you do them at the same time your opponent does, your move will probably "win", keep that in mind and use them often (when you get up, when you block, when somebody jumps at you, etc)

Good luck! Sagat is a fantastic character in this game, so once some things become second nature to you, youll start getting wins in no time :)

C- Warrior said:
Yeah, well Vega has good long range pokes. But if somebody is up close to him, their jabs usually win out especially if they are a Balrog. You also can't do his off the wall attacks since his start up jump from the ground takes forever and a simple jab will stop the animation/attack.

What Vega needs is a forward motion (PPP)/(KKK) invincible backflip (foward?? flip) I've lost matches I was dominating only to lose it at the end when the player pins me in a corner.

He's clearly under-powered compared to a similar character with above air attacks (such as Bison) Vega has no teleport, his off the wall attacks have massively less priority than Bison's air stomp etc.

In fact, it doesn't surprise me most Vega players graduate to Bison.

Um yeah but if you make Vega good in close range situations, then the guy becomes invincible. Thats the whole trick to beat the guy, pin him in a corner. I mean fuck, a character needs to have his weak points, you know. He spends a whole lot more time in the air than Bison, so I dont think your comparison is accurate, hes like a mixture of Dalshim and Fuerte seeing how he has great airgame, some grabs and can attack from a variety of ways.


RSTEIN said:
Ok, my win rate is up to 20% (shut up, it was like 1% two hours ago).

I'm Sagat (I know, I know) and my difficulties are:

1) Akuma fighters. FUUUCK! I can't get anywhere near these guys! AND WHAT THE HELL IS THAT ATTACK WHEN ALL THE JAPANESE(?) CHARACTERS FLASH ON THE SCREEN AND THE SCREEN GOES BLACK? That's how 99% of my Akuma matches end. They just wait to pull off that move and I'm toast.
When you see Akuma go into his Ultra jump over it and he will fly right by you. It is easy to dodge once you know what to look for. Most people online using Akuma, pop his Ultra everytime it is up expecting people not to dodge it.


he's Virgin Tight™
It's simple, you can apply a scrub excuse to it:

Anyone who wins by an Ultra only won because he was getting his ass kicked throughout the fight.


Went from steady 0 BP to 500 BP with Fuerte...which is nothing, but I still would call it an improvement.^^ The shoto pack is still so hard to beat. :/
It really surprised me when many of the people I played today didn't know how to just simply jump out of the way of Akuma's Ultra. I stomped on some other Akumas :lol Only lost 1 at win #9 due to phone ringing out of like 15.


Second-rate Anihawk
Does anyone have a list of BNB combos for Blanka? Surprisingly, I didn't see anything at SRK (or I didn't look hard enough).


Haven't played online yet but you guys make it sound so scrubby.

Surprised at the lack of Sagats online. Lots of my friends play him and he's an absolute beast.

His shorts to kara tiger knee pressure string is sick. As well as his Ultra combos. F.HK, Ultra and his jab Tiger Upper, FADC, F.HK, Ultra is sick. Its so freakin easy to hit too. I pretty much get nail by this shit all the time.

Being a Gief and Honda player doesn't help either. I had to start using ryu cause I got no chance against them with honda and gief.

Still don't have the timing for his jab dp, FDAC, Ultra down and always forget to Ultra after a jab dp trade. Which is hella stupid considering Sagat's elbow drop trades with dp all the time.
ccbfan said:
Haven't played online yet but you guys make it sound so scrubby.

Surprised at the lack of Sagats online. Lots of my friends play him and he's an absolute beast.

His shorts to kara tiger knee pressure string is sick. As well as his Ultra combos. F.HK, Ultra and his jab Tiger Upper, FADC, F.HK, Ultra is sick. Its so freakin easy to hit too. I pretty much get nail by this shit all the time.

Being a Gief and Honda player doesn't help either. I had to start using ryu cause I got no chance against them with honda and gief.

Still don't have the timing for his jab dp, FDAC, Ultra down and always forget to Ultra after a jab dp trade. Which is hella stupid considering Sagat's elbow drop trades with dp all the time.
There are tons of Sagats online because of how simple he is. Almost as many as there are kens and ryus.


needs to show more effort.
Archie said:
Does anyone have a list of BNB combos for Blanka? Surprisingly, I didn't see anything at SRK (or I didn't look hard enough).
combos are actually my weakest area with blanka, but some that I know are:
jumping attack (j.mk, j.hp, j.hk) -> lp -> hp electricity -> c.hk(if electricity is blocked)
jumping attack -> c.mk -> lp -> ball
c.mk -> lp -> ball

I believe you can do c.mk->ultra but I've never pulled it off in a real match.

you really don't see much more than that combo wise with blanka.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
ccbfan said:
Haven't played online yet but you guys make it sound so scrubby.

Surprised at the lack of Sagats online. Lots of my friends play him and he's an absolute beast.



needs to show more effort.
Raging Spaniard said:
I assume he means people in this thread. He expects more people to be talking about how they use sagat in here. Or more people complaining about the use of sagat online.



dabbled in the jelly
Vega is so much slower than before. I had a friend who preferred Vega over everyone and he can't stand this version of Vega. It's like some of his moves take an extra few frames to pull off especially his rolling crystal flash. The jumping for a lot of characters is more floaty than I had hoped as well. I don't even know if floaty is the right word but it's hard to explain. It just feels a little off. If their goal was to recapture the addictiveness of SSFIIT they succeeded on some levels but on others... well I'll just leave it at that.

They have succeeded in making SFII-IV truly different. That in itself is an achievement. I already see my circle of friends drawing their lines in the sand as to which is the best.
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