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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


I am Homie
C- Warrior said:
Yeah, well Vega has good long range pokes. But if somebody is up close to him, their jabs usually win out especially if they are a Balrog. You also can't do his off the wall attacks since his start up jump from the ground takes forever and a simple jab will stop the animation/attack.

What Vega needs is a forward motion (PPP)/(KKK) invincible backflip (foward?? flip) I've lost matches I was dominating only to lose it at the end when the player pins me in a corner.

He's clearly under-powered compared to a similar character with above air attacks (such as Bison) Vega has no teleport, his off the wall attacks have massively less priority than Bison's air stomp etc.

In fact, it doesn't surprise me most Vega players graduate to Bison.
I agree on all counts, but most of the time the scarlet gets beat to the punch as well. Rog is an all around tuff match-up for Vega, and if he has you in a corner you will need luck on your side.

I thought about switching to bison, but I get too much satisfaction out of Vega's pokes, and izuna drops. Bison just isn't as fun to play as imho.


needs to show more effort.
Brobzoid said:
damn, you crushed me :lol GG, but I barely put up a fight ;(
You did alright. Balrog actually seems to be one of the matchups I have the most practice with. As in, amongst the good people I play that can beat me, balrog is a common choice.

So you were at a disadvantage just from my experience with the matchup. Assuming of course you haven't faced a lot of decent blankas.


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
I shall take you on as the Loser Bracket Champion and redeem myself >:|

Blanka AI here I come!

*training montage*


Business & Marketing Manager @ GungHo
so... I decided to jump into online and I've quickly learned that I'm resorting back to offline matches for now.

I've fought 13 matches and here are the character counts of what I've faced.
5 - Kens
3 - Akumas
2 - Guiles
1 - Ryu
1 - Cammy
1 - Sagat

Out of them all, facing Ken is the most annoying due to the constant spamming of uppercuts. Oh and my win count is like 3 lol... and they were against Cammy, Guile and 1 Ken. One of the Akumas quit out on me when he couldn't keep his distance from me, so I should have 4 wins.

I'll admit that it's annoying, as someone mentioned earlier, when these pricks go around acting like they are going to pick someone and end up at Ken or Akuma as if they were trying to actually pick one.

Back to more practice as I clearly need it. I don't even know how to 'Fake Kick' in Challenge Mode :(. Anyone have advice since it doesn't exactly give you the most profound advice to learn how to accomplish one.

I honestly want to try and use someone like Dhalsim and surprise the hell out of my online opponents since I highly doubt they face off against this opponent enough to know how to face the character.


Comics, serious business!
Thanks everyone (Raging Spaniard, Freshmaker, drohne, Zertez) for the tips. I'm becoming a lot better already. I'm winning more frequently but still losing the majority of the time.

I'm surprised at the lack of Sagats online, too. In my 40 or so matches I've come across him <5 times. It's always Akuma, Ryu/Ken or a hidden character.

Edit: I also want to say I'm shocked at how great the 360 pad is working for me. I can't play UMKIII AT ALL with the 360 pad. The moves work <50% of the time for me with that game. I'm using the thumbstick and not the d-pad. I can pull off the moves 90% of the time. The only real difficulty I have is the super and ultra combos. For some reason down/right, down/right punch is very hard for me to pull off in the heat of battle.


Caspel said:
Back to more practice as I clearly need it. I don't even know how to 'Fake Kick' in Challenge Mode :(. Anyone have advice since it doesn't exactly give you the most profound advice to learn how to accomplish one..
press it really fucking fast... i think i read somewhere that if you do it right after you land from a jump its a bit easier or something, bit i jus tsmashed the buttons (some people even set multiple buttons to the kick so you can smash all o fhtem)
drohne said:
good akuma players can use it to catch you in the middle of a move or coming down from a jump
That's what happened to me today...dude caught me right when my Chun Li's foot from her jumping forward roundhouse was about to smack his face...it was just right there! =/ Luckily I was able to win the match though =)


Okay, question then for the peeps talking about the Ken uppper cut spam fest...


I'm talking about the Ken's how mash Fierce Shoryuken throughout the match. I would assume block-throw-repeat being the easiest way, but isn't that just as bad as spamming the same move over and over again???


NYR said:
Okay, question then for the peeps talking about the Ken uppper cut spam fest...


I'm talking about the Ken's how mash Fierce Shoryuken throughout the match. I would assume block-throw-repeat being the easiest way, but isn't that just as bad as spamming the same move over and over again???

Who gives a shit if its as bad as what they do. You could just throw some combo's in when they land if you want some variety. I dont think the lobotomy patients that are spamming Ken are going to care too much about what you do to kick there asses.


Business & Marketing Manager @ GungHo
punkypine said:
press it really fucking fast... i think i read somewhere that if you do it right after you land from a jump its a bit easier or something, bit i jus tsmashed the buttons (some people even set multiple buttons to the kick so you can smash all o fhtem)

yeah, right now it's on the high kick is configured to right trigger of my 360 controller - something that's really frustrating me since I hate this pad with a passion. I need an arcade stick badly since my thumb is getting raw from sliding around the D-Pad.


NYR said:
Okay, question then for the peeps talking about the Ken uppper cut spam fest...


I'm talking about the Ken's how mash Fierce Shoryuken throughout the match. I would assume block-throw-repeat being the easiest way, but isn't that just as bad as spamming the same move over and over again???
Don't jump in. When you knock him down, block on wakeup, and punish hard (something better than throw) when he lands. He's wide open, do the best combo/ultra you can.


good credit (by proxy)
I wasted away 500 bp last night just picking ken and ONLY doing fierce shoryuken. Somehow I actually ended up beating one guy with 1100 bp.




needs to show more effort.
Brobzoid said:
I shall take you on as the Loser Bracket Champion and redeem myself >:|

Blanka AI here I come!

*training montage*
I will be happy to eat your face
LakeEarth said:
Don't jump in. When you knock him down, block on wakeup, and punish hard (something better than throw) when he lands. He's wide open, do the best combo/ultra you can.
I just simply poke spamming Kens/Sagats/Ryus with my Chun Li's crouching roundhouses when I block their wakeup uppercuts...why even combo if they just keep repeating it over and over again? They just don't learn...might as well do something mundane but just as humiliating in return :lol


GamePnoy74 said:
I just simply poke spamming Kens/Sagats/Ryus with my Chun Li's crouching roundhouses when I block their wakeup uppercuts...why even combo if they just keep repeating it over and over again? They just don't learn...might as well do something mundane but just as humiliating in return :lol
I say do whatever's the most damaging for your character that you can pull off. Shoryuken do some much damage, so much priority, combo's great, and is an awesome anti-air. The trade-off? You miss, you lose a third or more of your life. I don't know Chun well enough to give a suggestion though.


Rice-Eater said:
I play Ryu almost exclusively and I hardly use special moves. I like to stay close and attack with sweeps and strong kicks/punches. When I sweep a guy, I'll stand over him and throw a axe kick or that ground punch(that's unblockable if your opponent blocks low) and sweep. When I play against Shoto players, I'll normally get up close and see if they try to shoryuken me, then I'll throw them. After a few, they'll stop trying to DP me so I can keep axe kicking them.

Problem with this strategy is that it's easy to get hit with ultras. Even if my attack is already in action, when my opponent performs a ultra, it's as if I never attacked because mine will not knock my opponent out of a ultra. The other thing they may do to counter me is start throwing me instead of DP'ing or blocking which really screws me up.

Does anybody play similar to me and have any tips for me?

lol, I think I've played against you. It was like 4 in the morning eastern. You're like a difficult AI, I started to hold my own once I figured you out.

def sim

nubbe said:
Don't know why... but being taunted mid fight makes me rage.

It's pretty funny when the game is really close but your opponent still decides to do a taunt. I think they're trying to get me all raged up and reckless.
LakeEarth said:
I say do whatever's the most damaging for your character that you can pull off. Shoryuken do some much damage, so much priority, combo's great, and is an awesome anti-air. The trade-off? You miss, you lose a third or more of your life. I don't know Chun well enough to give a suggestion though.
I only do that for people who are excessive spammers that obviously know nothing else in the game (and there's quite a bit of them out there :lol) Bait them into pulling it off (just stay close in a crouching block when they're on the ground), see them go waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay up on their wakeup uppercut, then simply kick them on the way down. Wash rinse repeat =)

I'll be mixing it up as usual for everyone else =)

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Guys Im gonna give you a big hint in order to succeed, the answer to "how can I hit Ken if all he does is Dragon Punch me out of the air" is simple.

Street Fighter is a mind game. Your opponent constantly tries to guess what youre gonna do, if he guesses right, then youre the one whos punished. Ergo, in order to hit the fucker, he must not be able to anticipate your movements.

This is some zen shit.

So instead of jumping all the time, mix it up. Make a weak version of your special, they have their use! throw some strong fireballs and then throw a weak/slow one, your opponent will fall for it, fucking up his timing. Maybe attempt a FA on your opponent wakeup, maybe FAKE your FA, and dash back as your opponent gets up, use the other buttons on the pad too!, middle power moves usually have better range, so move back a bit, throw some long ranged attacks, then dash in for a combo, attack high, attack low, switch it up and then just get close and make a throw. Most of all though, allow time for your opponent to fuck up and then he will be so fucking confused that you can jump in, Fierce Kick, Sweep and win the round :lol


If anyone wants to take on a really good Claw, hit up AZ Greg, he wiped the floor with me...

Good matches though, realized you can learn a lot by getting beat. :p


I gotta admit it's pretty fun to choose Ken at the last second, then spam fierce dragon punches straight away :lol


Shaheed79 said:
Vega is so much slower than before. I had a friend who preferred Vega over everyone and he can't stand this version of Vega. It's like some of his moves take an extra few frames to pull off especially his rolling crystal flash. The jumping for a lot of characters is more floaty than I had hoped as well. I don't even know if floaty is the right word but it's hard to explain. It just feels a little off. If their goal was to recapture the addictiveness of SSFIIT they succeeded on some levels but on others... well I'll just leave it at that.

They have succeeded in making SFII-IV truly different. That in itself is an achievement. I already see my circle of friends drawing their lines in the sand as to which is the best.
Yeah, I didn't like his slower rolling crystal flash either. I never really played Vega/Balrog much in Zero 3, but I think the SF4 version is closer to Alpha/Zero series than SF2.


Business & Marketing Manager @ GungHo
I'm not one for self-promotion, but I thought I'd give some of you SFIV fans another tournament to compete in if you are eliminated from GAF's own. There are four prize packages that I'm giving away and the rules are much different than other tournaments I have seen put together for the title. If there are a lot of entrants, I'll be adding more to the prize packages to entice players to play their best.

Street Fighter IV Tournament

Prize packages as of right now:
1st Place:
$50 GameStop Gift Card
Lost Planet: Colonies Edition
Warriors Orochi
Street Fighter IV Training Manual

2nd Place:
Grand Theft Auto IV: The Lost and the Damned T-Shirt
Gears of War for Windows
Dark Sector Poster
Street Fighter IV Training Manual

3rd Place:
Onechanbara Poster
Prince of Persia Poster
Project Gotham Racing 2 Soundtrack
Street Fighter IV Training Manuals

4th Place:
Street Fighter IV Training Manual

play nice :)

Edit: This is for the Xbox 360


GamePnoy74 said:
I just simply poke spamming Kens/Sagats/Ryus with my Chun Li's crouching roundhouses when I block their wakeup uppercuts...why even combo if they just keep repeating it over and over again? They just don't learn...might as well do something mundane but just as humiliating in return :lol
I like to crouching fierce -> mid spinning bird kick. It does about 25%-30% damage. 2 quick fierce hits should stun after that.
Damn, played more Cammy this evening. It's the first time I've learned a new Street Fighter character in years. I'm loving it!

SF4 is a blast -- this will keep me busy for years (if need be)!


Bleh, ranked matchmaking is messed up.

-Play arcade mode and you're stuck playing against the awful AI while waiting. And the game doesn't make it visible when it's actively searching for opponents. The waiting time can still take a ton of time.
-Hosting your matches simply doesn't work anymore. Does this work for anyone? I've hosted several matches the last few days, and no one has joined. I waited 50 minutes once and no one joined.
-Joining games manually is a hassle, 99% of the time you'll get an "unable to join" message.


good credit (by proxy)
UC1 said:
I gotta admit it's pretty fun to choose Ken at the last second, then spam fierce dragon punches straight away :lol
hahaha i've been doing it so much. even if they pick their character right away, i STILL wait til theres one second left on the clock and then choose ken!

one guy caught on to the joke and we had a laugh.


Sectus said:
Bleh, ranked matchmaking is messed up.

-Play arcade mode and you're stuck playing against the awful AI while waiting. And the game doesn't make it visible when it's actively searching for opponents. The waiting time can still take a ton of time.
-Hosting your matches simply doesn't work anymore. Does this work for anyone? I've hosted several matches the last few days, and no one has joined. I waited 50 minutes once and no one joined.
-Joining games manually is a hassle, 99% of the time you'll get an "unable to join" message.

No problems here. Most of the time the game against the AI deosn't even start and someone already joins. And if he leaves for some reason, someone else joins up pretty fast.

I also rarely got the unable to join message.

I think you are doing something wrong. :p


Won said:
No problems here. Most of the time the game against the AI deosn't even start and someone already joins. And if he leaves for some reason, someone else joins up pretty fast.

I also rarely got the unable to join message.

I think you are doing something wrong. :p
I'm perfectly willing to listen to suggestions. I don't see what steps I could be doing wrong in either scenario.


Sectus said:
Bleh, ranked matchmaking is messed up.

-Play arcade mode and you're stuck playing against the awful AI while waiting. And the game doesn't make it visible when it's actively searching for opponents. The waiting time can still take a ton of time.
-Hosting your matches simply doesn't work anymore. Does this work for anyone? I've hosted several matches the last few days, and no one has joined. I waited 50 minutes once and no one joined.
-Joining games manually is a hassle, 99% of the time you'll get an "unable to join" message.
I have the same problems as you. i know its not a firewall issue because I've DMZ'd my 360.
btw anyone want to play?
send me an invite:
Darkside Hero
Sectus said:
Bleh, ranked matchmaking is messed up.

-Play arcade mode and you're stuck playing against the awful AI while waiting. And the game doesn't make it visible when it's actively searching for opponents. The waiting time can still take a ton of time.

I think there is a little icon on the bottom of the screen between the super bars in arcade mode to show when it's searching. Or it means you are available at the moment. I know it means something, because sometimes it goes away on the 2nd and 3rd rounds.


I am Korean.
Sectus said:
Bleh, ranked matchmaking is messed up.

-Play arcade mode and you're stuck playing against the awful AI while waiting. And the game doesn't make it visible when it's actively searching for opponents. The waiting time can still take a ton of time.
-Hosting your matches simply doesn't work anymore. Does this work for anyone? I've hosted several matches the last few days, and no one has joined. I waited 50 minutes once and no one joined.
The big problem I have is that there's no entry tone when someone comes into the lobby. If I'm not right in front of the screen at all times, I have no idea if someone's come in or not. (I prefer to browse or something while I'm waiting, so I don't just have to sit there and wait.)


LuCkymoON said:
I have the same problems as you. i know its not a firewall issue because I've DMZ'd my 360.

Even with DMZ enabled, it could still be a NAT issue. If you don't have NAT set to "Open" or similar you will have the issues you're describing. You can actually use the Xbox Live diagnostic test in the System Settings to verify this.


Sectus said:
I'm perfectly willing to listen to suggestions. I don't see what steps I could be doing wrong in either scenario.

I have no idea. I had the same problem with the "no one joins my lobby" thing. Thats the reason why I started to play through arcade and since then everything seems fine.
LuCkymoON said:
I like to crouching fierce -> mid spinning bird kick. It does about 25%-30% damage. 2 quick fierce hits should stun after that.
Cool, I'll give that a try for combos in general, thanks! =) I would like to integrate SBK's more often into my play other than just using it as an EX wakeup, but it's pretty vulnerable as a move just by itself.

My philosophy for dealing with spammers (my 'zen' sh!t =P) is that if they're doing something brainless that can be easily countered might as well just play to their level, y'know? Show them you can just simply beat them with basic, non-combo'd attacks =P Don't even beat them down with a fancy combo they can maybe learn in training mode later on, they don't deserve to see something that nice =)


Ronabo said:
I have no idea either. My GF was like, "isn't playing properly mean you win?"
Exactly what I was going to say.

Yes, it's really infuriating to lose to someone who's obviously spamming the same thing, but if you lost, that means it was the right strategy. There are a good amount of spammy players who obviously doesn't know the game very well BUT they have an ability to control the match, which is a huge advantage.


*bangs head against wall* I hate hate losing fights like that. I fought a Honda guy (I was playing as Cammy) and what he did 95% of the time was a torpedo move. To my defense, I've never played against Honda before so I didn't know the properties for that move. So the fight basically went like this...

Spiral arrow! Both players hit eachother at the same time. Okie fair enough, it was kinda amusing to see that so I might as well do it again... spiral arrow! We both hit eachother again, and ouch, I noticed his move does about twice as much damage. Definitely time to change tactic.

I decide to jump, which was a mistake because he has enough range to actually hit me with the same move (each time I'm hit he walks back to maximum range). I decide to simply block the move and punish it. Didn't work so well because he bounces back quite a distance each time the move is blocked. Since the move goes straight forward I decide I'll just jump over it next time he does it. (at this time we're in the second round as my experimentation to avoid that stupid move has already cost me one KO)

... I wait for him to do the move. Takes a few seconds, and then I try to jump. Input lag! Apparently I didn't bother to check the ping before starting the match (which I rarely bother to do actually, since it takes 5-10 seconds for the ping to appear in the lobby). I try to react faster, but no, there's no way I could jump over the move with the input lag.

Basically, the only thing I could find which worked to a degree was blocking the move, immediately doing a spiral arrow to get close (even though he can easily block it), and then try to maintain my close distance. I think I was able to do that 2-3 times the entire match, but I wasn't able to win. I did manage to do a fair amount of damage when close, but I was already damaged far too much by that one stupid simple move.

This is one thing I kinda dislike about the entire fighting genre. I'm sure if I had more time to fight against him I would have found an effective counter, but either way it's no fun playing against someone who spams one attack, even if I'm the one winning. And to ensure it never happens again I'd have to memorize the properties of every special move in the game, which is a bit of a stretch. At least it isn't as bad as Soul Calibur 4 where the amount of moves is 10 times as much and there's always a substantial degree of input lag when playing online.
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