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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

Kintaro said:
Try a Fierce SRK > FADC > Ultra. in the training mode. You'll spaz a bit trying to fit it in all in, but with practice, you'll see there's a decent amount of time to get the FADC out and the Ultra input in.

No silly...I was trying to get Haunts to clarify for the original poster. I can get it to work. I don't like the timing (mostly because of the number of button presses).

I think the EX Fireball>>>FADC>>>Ultra is a lot more difficult because of the window of opportunity.

And...ugh...the game is poorly balanced from the stand point of the ultras...

Ryu has many ways to utilize his Ultra...

Jumping strong...
dragon punch that trades...
jab srk that anti airs early...
counter a fireball or move off of reaction...

What does poor Guile have? Aye carumba... It also doesn't help that they went back to charge supers vs. TS...double fireball motions...


Is this a good arcade stick/deal?


It's on amazon for 49.99$
Playstation 3 Fighting Stick 3

I don't want to buy the TE stick (a bit too pricey for me) and I've read all about the problems with the madcatz SE stick.
PhatSaqs said:
My bad. 9 times out of ten I dont see invites if im away. I think it goes away if its canceled too.

Ya, don't worry about it too much.
I'll usually create a player match lobby and then spam a bunch of invites and whoever gets in first gets to be killed by my Abel ;)
YakiSOBA said:
Is this a good arcade stick/deal?


It's on amazon for 49.99$
Playstation 3 Fighting Stick 3

I don't want to buy the TE stick (a bit too pricey for me) and I've read all about the problems with the madcatz SE stick.
I enjoy mine.


The Everyman
YakiSOBA said:
Is this a good arcade stick/deal?


It's on amazon for 49.99$
Playstation 3 Fighting Stick 3

I don't want to buy the TE stick (a bit too pricey for me) and I've read all about the problems with the madcatz SE stick.
if you can get a solid stick for $50 i'm game :eek:


The new definition of irony: I was playing a dude online and he picked Sagat in under a second, which leads me to believe he always picks Sagat. So I picked Bison (Dictator). He proceeded to throw fireball after fireball, so I head stomped his ass every time he tried to throw a fireball. He did this until half of his life was gone. After that he jumped in on me and then tried to uppercut. I blocked and then threw him on the way down. He woke up with a dragon punch and I blocked and then threw him. He then went back to fireballs, again with no success. I felt like getting crazy so I threw some combos on him in the second round and then he fell into the same exact pattern. He always wakes up with an uppercut and gets punished. So after the match he boots me from the room (We were playing Friendly) and I sent my typical "GG dude" message after a friendly match. I get a reply "Fuck you, you spam the same move"

I replied with "I don't know if you understand the irony in that statement but your title before we played was "knowledge is power" and clearly you didn't learn anything. You spammed risky moves with Sagat and I punished you for it. I cannot "spam" counter attacks dude, I can only counter your attacks with them. So if anyone was spamming it was your Sagat. You should want to learn to get better with him and beat me."

I'm still shocked by people online and I have no idea why.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Spiderjericho said:
And...ugh...the game is poorly balanced from the stand point of the ultras...

I'd have to agree. Not only in the return to goofy super motions (SF3 had this right), but the types given to some characters just overpower all others.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
MrOctober said:
The new definition of irony: I was playing a dude online and he picked Sagat in under a second, which leads me to believe he always picks Sagat. So I picked Bison (Dictator). He proceeded to throw fireball after fireball, so I head stomped his ass every time he tried to throw a fireball. He did this until half of his life was gone. After that he jumped in on me and then tried to uppercut. I blocked and then threw him on the way down. He woke up with a dragon punch and I blocked and then threw him. He then went back to fireballs, again with no success. I felt like getting crazy so I threw some combos on him in the second round and then he fell into the same exact pattern. He always wakes up with an uppercut and gets punished. So after the match he boots me from the room (We were playing Friendly) and I sent my typical "GG dude" message after a friendly match. I get a reply "Fuck you, you spam the same move"

I replied with "I don't know if you understand the irony in that statement but your title before we played was "knowledge is power" and clearly you didn't learn anything. You spammed risky moves with Sagat and I punished you for it. I cannot "spam" counter attacks dude, I can only counter your attacks with them. So if anyone was spamming it was your Sagat. You should want to learn to get better with him and beat me."

I'm still shocked by people online and I have no idea why.

What was that guy's name? I played a similarly-shit Sagat player named "DsTrBd69" or something; all I ended up doing the whole match was throwing him when he got close, and from far away kept hitting EX hooligan combos every time he threw a fireball. This worked EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

So after the match, I get a message that says "Wow. Your cheap throws rock!" And I reply "Wow. You can't even counter throws. You don't rock!"

I love playing retards like this.
:lol at the fools setting it to 30 sec 1 round. Not obvious at all when you pick Sagat... They were surprised when I just hit em a few times and kept doing the teleport with Akuma while time expired:lol


The Everyman
spermatic cord said:
:lol at the fools setting it to 30 sec 1 round. Not obvious at all when you pick Sagat... They were surprised when I just hit em a few times and kept doing the teleport with Akuma while time expired:lol
nice :lol
myDingling said:
Also, regarding character matchups, I play as Cammy and have the hardest time with Blanka, Sagat, Guile.

Cammy vs. Blanka: It's hard to keep pressure on him because of electricity. I usually play in your face with Cammy but for Blankas I need to slow down and wait for a mistake, or bait an electricity attack first.

Cammy Vs. Sagat: Too effing big and strong. Ridiculous range. No different than other shotos I guess, but his brute size and strength make this an annoying matchup.

Cammy vs. Guile: A turtling guile sucks. Sonic Booms chip you down and flash kick prevents any aerial counters.
Yeah, these are my problem matchups as Cammy too.

I dunno what the hell to do against Guile. My worst matchup by far. I have no problem getting up close, I just dunno what to do when I get in there.

Like you I have to turtle with Blankas. I hate it. I play similarly against Zangiefs but I kinda like that. There's tension to it, because he can kill me pretty quick. But with Blanka it's tiring.

Sagat isn't as bad as the other two. I don't feel frustrated fighting him. I almost always think I'm winning the fight. But then I look up at the health bars and see he has more health even though I've landed way more hits. Fuuuuuck Sagat.

I also have problems against Boxer occasionally but I like fighting him. I can at least cross him up easily, which I just can't do with Guile or Blanka.

I really love Cammy but it does feel like it takes me way more effort to win with her than a lot of the other characters.

Won said:
Wow had some really close matches tonight. Got several love messages. People love fighting El Fuerte it seems. :p
I know I do! He's so crazy and I've only run into him a few times in ranked. More than I've seen Rufus of Viper, though. I think I've played Rufus twice. Which is a shame because he's great. :(
Rummy Bunnz said:
Yeah, these are my problem matchups as Cammy too.

I dunno what the hell to do against Guile. My worst matchup by far. I have no problem getting up close, I just dunno what to do when I get in there.

Like you I have to turtle with Blankas. I hate it. I play similarly against Zangiefs but I kinda like that. There's tension to it, because he can kill me pretty quick. But with Blanka it's tiring.

Sagat isn't as bad as the other two. I don't feel frustrated fighting him. I almost always think I'm winning the fight. But then I look up at the health bars and see he has more health even though I've landed way more hits. Fuuuuuck Sagat.

I also have problems against Boxer occasionally but I like fighting him. I can at least cross him up easily, which I just can't do with Guile or Blanka.

I really love Cammy but it does feel like it takes me way more effort to win with her than a lot of the other characters.
There's a lot of interesting info on SRK regarding Cammy Vs. Blanka - seems her drill is really handy against him (beats his rolls, even EX, also beats his ultra, etc). After reading it i stopped turtling and started trying to bait rolls. It didnt work so hot but it was mostly poor execution on my part.


Comics, serious business!
1) I'd like to give a shout out to McGunner0. He's a lurker (membership request keeps getting shot down for some reason) who sent me a FR to play. He beat me 3-1. But... at least I can post here :)

2) After losing to McGunner0 I went on an absolute tear. I have no idea what the fuck happened to me but I became a Ken and Ryu eating machine. Got my 10 wins in a row achievement, and I finished the night with a 17 win streak. I have 1300 bps now and am almost at 100 wins (only 104 behind you haunts!!!!).



Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?

After he/she sent me:
i thk u4 fightin ^_^
I said thanks for not using Ryu/Ken/Akuma
he/she sent back:
i dont hav him unlocked.as 4 ryu &ken u most hav fight aLOOOOT of ranked matches with others ^_^ edriver and always expect the unexpected is that not one of the ways of the warrior .....but still i hav lot 2 lean .^_^ unit then. indever..
I'm not really sure. :lol


RSTEIN said:
1) I'd like to give a shout out to McGunner0. He's a lurker (membership request keeps getting shot down for some reason) who sent me a FR to play. He beat me 3-1. But... at least I can post here :)

2) After losing to McGunner0 I went on an absolute tear. I have no idea what the fuck happened to me but I became a Ken and Ryu eating machine. Got my 10 wins in a row achievement, and I finished the night with a 17 win streak. I have 1300 bps now and am almost at 100 wins (only 104 behind you haunts!!!!).


Awesome. I cant get the 10 wins I've got as high as 7 or 8 and then either i make a stupid mistake and lose to a scrub or someone way way better than me tears me a new asshole. Congrats.
Cromulent_Word said:
There's a lot of interesting info on SRK regarding Cammy Vs. Blanka - seems her drill is really handy against him (beats his rolls, even EX, also beats his ultra, etc). After reading it i stopped turtling and started trying to bait rolls. It didnt work so hot but it was mostly poor execution on my part.
Yeah I mostly just wait for a ball, block it, then drill. I haven't had much luck taking them out head on. It seemed like sometimes the drill would trade rather than take Blanka out. I may be playing overly cautious against them but I'm terrified of the electricity. I'm still not sure of the right timing or distance required to take it out.
spermatic cord said:
:lol at the fools setting it to 30 sec 1 round. Not obvious at all when you pick Sagat... They were surprised when I just hit em a few times and kept doing the teleport with Akuma while time expired:lol
Akuma is the master.


Comics, serious business!
MrOctober said:
Awesome. I cant get the 10 wins I've got as high as 7 or 8 and then either i make a stupid mistake and lose to a scrub or someone way way better than me tears me a new asshole. Congrats.

Thanks! It was really the perfect storm. I encountered some guys who had 0 bps, too, which helped. I guess they were just having fun and wanted to try out Seth, Sakura, etc. I'm definitely the worst player in the world who has the 10 wins in a row achievement :lol


Mrs. Harvey
RSTEIN said:
1) I'd like to give a shout out to McGunner0. He's a lurker (membership request keeps getting shot down for some reason) who sent me a FR to play. He beat me 3-1. But... at least I can post here :)

I got a message from him saying he doesnt like the site and if he beats me I can't post here anymore.
Is there any way to do piano inputs for a FADC? As in SRK motion, MP to finish the SRK, piano tap MK. Or do I have to do SRK immediately followed by MP+MK? I'm just wondering if anyone does it the first way.
"Is there any way to do piano inputs for a FADC? As in SRK motion, MP to finish the SRK, piano tap MK. Or do I have to do SRK immediately followed by MP+MK? I'm just wondering if anyone does it the first way."

That sounds awfully finger gymnastic-y. I just do jab (or fierce) tiger upper with my index (or pink in the case of fierce) and have my middle finger and thumb on mp+mk. I look at it doing it the same way I'd do a kara throw. The timing is really not that strict at all. Plus, you need to hold mp+mk in order to dash out of it, or else it'll finish the focus attack.

AZ Greg

I'm going through this thread and the online SF4 thread and sending out friend requests to people who posted their tags. So if you're wondering where the request came from, it was me. :)


Lyte Edge said:
What was that guy's name? I played a similarly-shit Sagat player named "DsTrBd69" or something; all I ended up doing the whole match was throwing him when he got close, and from far away kept hitting EX hooligan combos every time he threw a fireball. This worked EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

So after the match, I get a message that says "Wow. Your cheap throws rock!" And I reply "Wow. You can't even counter throws. You don't rock!"

I love playing retards like this.

He was on PSN and his name was ChimPz514 it was hilarious.


Comics, serious business!
Kadey said:
I got a message from him saying he doesnt like the site and if he beats me I can't post here anymore.

Yup, same thing with me. He basically hates everyone who can post here and is raging with jealousy.




Mrs. Harvey
By the way. Tonight is a bad night. I lost like 600bp in just 15 minutes. Trying to learn some new characters in rank and I paid for it. Though it was a good learning experience somewhat. Except for Gen, I pretty much like all the characters.


good credit (by proxy)
I've done decent against people on GAF who I know are good, but i'm not sure if they're kinda just fucking around.

I played MicVlad last night and we went 1-1 when I picked my main(ryu).

I played A Rival and I think it was either 1-1 with my main, it could of been 1-2, I don't remember I picked a ton of people.

I played Saqs in HDR in a tournament and we went 1-1 with my ryu vs. his akuma, then he owned me the 3rd match with fei long(don't know how to fight against fei long on either game).

My highest BP ever was only around 1850. It's like 1500 now but I'm just practicing learning when it's good to use FA's, ultra's, and super's since I wasn't using them at all before. Somehow I can't seem to beat anyone in the 2000-2500 range ever unless they're Zangief. I feel like there's something simple I'm lacking that could make me a good player, but i'm not sure what it is.


I am Homie
Kadey said:
By the way. Tonight is a bad night. I lost like 600bp in just 15 minutes. Trying to learn some new characters in rank and I paid for it. Though it was a good learning experience somewhat. Except for Gen, I pretty much like all the characters.
I agree. I really wanted to learn gen before I got the game, and now I am just completely turned off by him for some unexplainable reason.
Teknopathetic said:
"Is there any way to do piano inputs for a FADC? As in SRK motion, MP to finish the SRK, piano tap MK. Or do I have to do SRK immediately followed by MP+MK? I'm just wondering if anyone does it the first way."

That sounds awfully finger gymnastic-y. I just do jab (or fierce) tiger upper with my index (or pink in the case of fierce) and have my middle finger and thumb on mp+mk. I look at it doing it the same way I'd do a kara throw. The timing is really not that strict at all. Plus, you need to hold mp+mk in order to dash out of it, or else it'll finish the focus attack.

Thanks, I'll just have to practice more.


You know..
It would be cool if BPs were shown before a match.. :p
I play online just for fun..no biggie, just chillin'..have under 200BPs since the game was released......

The thing is that in most of the (ranked) fights, the other players was like this "uber"-gamer, with a weird Icon, which probably got after all his matches and some smartass line, just to shown that he's quite far in the game..so I play normally, yet they basically counter everything, jump around do super combos..beat me...then, when they see me losing the few BPs I have, they send me messages saying basically "Sorry, I thought you had more BPs...good game"...

:/ ..happened for the fifth time just a few moments ago..

Ploid 3.0

I notice people are taking up a jump back until you hit a wall, then try to go to the other side and do it again technique. All in the hopes to get a win for battle points. Abilities become useless when your opponent is running away. However I'm gad I'm Blanka (hop hop), screw Akuma jumpers though.


good credit (by proxy)
Ploid 3.0 said:
I notice people are taking up a jump back until you hit a wall, then try to go to the other side and do it again technique. All in the hopes to get a win for battle points. Abilities become useless when your opponent is running away. However I'm gad I'm Blanka (hop hop), screw Akuma jumpers though.

Stay closer than half screen to akuma and trip or fireball his landing after he air fireballs.


Mrs. Harvey
fernoca said:
You know..
It would be cool if BPs were shown before a match.. :p
I play online just for fun..no biggie, just chillin'..have under 200BPs since the game was released......

The thing is that in most of the (ranked) fights, the other players was like this "uber"-gamer, with a weird Icon, which probably got after all his matches and some smartass line, just to shown that he's quite far in the game..so I play normally, yet they basically counter everything, jump around do super combos..beat me...then, when they see me losing the few BPs I have, they send me messages saying basically "Sorry, I thought you had more BPs...good game"...

:/ ..happened for the fifth time just a few moments ago..

I'm all for displaying wins/losses and BP. It's very difficult to get icons (and impossible if you can't do hard trials) and even some of the great people have to stick to the chickens, flowers and regular logos.


So the only medal I need before I can get the all medals trophy is the won a round online via judgment one. That shit is stupid. No one ever lets the time run out unless they are doing the 30 seconds 1 round trick. That's a stupid medal to put in the game.
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