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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


Quick achievement question...the all gold ones...do they include the trial modes as well? I finished Survival and Time Attack on normal with all golds...was going to start on Hard tonight, but I know I will never be able to finish all the trials...

C Jones

haunts said:
hah, and I still fuck it up.. I just got lucky Saqs didnt block the second one, but thats part of the fun of FP TK Fients I guess... I actually fucked up most of my combos in that vid! oh well.
That makes me feel better hahaha. I have a hard time pulling her stuff off consistently. I just can't get my hands to cooperate sometimes. She has me living in practice mode.


So I just read on SRK that you can do 33+P to perform a DP. Blew my mind.

Apparently this explains why my Dictator teleports when I try to pull off Ultras at times. :(


Worships the porcelain goddess
So, I got the call from my GameStop that one of TE sticks finally arrived (the PS3 one...really needed the 360 one). I have mixed feelings on this. =/
No_Style said:
So I just read on SRK that you can do 33+P to perform a DP. Blew my mind.

Apparently this explains why my Dictator teleports when I try to pull off Ultras at times. :(
This is how I do Dhalsim's teleports. I'm the same as you: whenever I try to do ultra (QCF, QCF, PPP) I end up teleporting. Fail.

Stat Flow

He gonna cry in the car
I have a question...

Like maany people (I'm assuming), I sucked ass when I first jumped into ranked, but recently it's been going well...but what the hell determines battle points?

In my last 15 or so ranked gamems I've gone like 11-4 and for each of my wins I get like 40 something battlepoints but I lose like 95 every loss

Not cool.


No_Style said:
So I just read on SRK that you can do 33+P to perform a DP. Blew my mind.

Apparently this explains why my Dictator teleports when I try to pull off Ultras at times. :(

:lol Yup, yup. See my complaints about whiffing random Abel air-grabs for no good reason.


Holy Crap MicVlad's Dhalsim is good! It's amazing!

My Blanka tried to put up a good game. I got a round here and there and one time it came down the last round, but for the most part he took me apart with his teleports, combos (Dhalsim...who knew!?) and fireball/ultra teleport-turnaround tricks.

My hat is off to you sir.

I wish I could save some freaking replays so that I can study what happened to me! :lol


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
haunts said:
my GT is hauntsxl if you guys want to add me.. (duh) :p

Yep! Thats my site..
If i may say : Freaking awesome site! :D
Awesome, today i watched the KOF XII video on that site.


Bacon of Hope
Fersis said:
If i may say : Freaking awesome site! :D
Awesome, today i watched the KOF XII video on that site.

oh man thanks.. i work really hard on it and blog comments make me so happy you have no idea.. lol.


Worships the porcelain goddess
haunts said:
oh man thanks.. i work really hard on it and blog comments make me so happy you have no idea.. lol.

Makes you want to write more and more doesn't it? I'm having similar results as of late. =O


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
I'd love to challenge you sometime Haunts - hopefully sometime this week would be cool...

Actually, I still need to add the GAF tag as a matter of fact...


Business & Marketing Manager @ GungHo
So before I played my match today in the tournament I am holding, I decided I would mess around with Dan. After about 4 matches with Dan, I've fallen in love with Dan since so many Ken players have no idea how to play against him since he's not a character that is regularly used.

But getting back to my tournament match, I played as Sagat against my opponent's Sagat (the tournament is set up to find the best player for each character), I lost 2 matches to 0 and asked if he wanted to play with other characters for fun. So I immediately picked Dan and took him by surprise with combos and maneuvers that he wasn't prepared for :).

Looks like I am maining Dan now. I also want to start using El Fuerte since he's vastly unpredictable and will scare the shit out of turtling Ken players.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
blargh everytime I think I'm starting to learn a bit with ryu I play some online and get schooled by some bastard. Sagat is a freaking beast if the person is even half good with him, that tiger knee is just terrifying. I really want to make ryu my main, because he's simple and I don't really like/understand the charge characters (although I did just win with Guile vs blanka)

need to get those FADCs happening. I don't even know how though. On Ryus uppercut, can you FADC out of the normal one or must it be ex?


Bacon of Hope
catfish said:
blargh everytime I think I'm starting to learn a bit with ryu I play some online and get schooled by some bastard. Sagat is a freaking beast if the person is even half good with him, that tiger knee is just terrifying. I really want to make ryu my main, because he's simple and I don't really like/understand the charge characters (although I did just win with Guile vs blanka)

need to get those FADCs happening. I don't even know how though. On Ryus uppercut, can you FADC out of the normal one or must it be ex?

Normal DP, not the EX. FADCing the EX takes up 3 bars so its waste in most cases.
haunts said:
Normal DP, not the EX. FADCing the EX takes up 3 bars so its waste in most cases.

I'm assuming you are saying you do not need to FADC the EX SRK because you can ultra after it without FADCing. If that is correct, is that also true of Sagat?


In the GAF downtime I ended up on SRK poking about the Rufus board, in the matchups thread

I remember someone else here sharing in a tough matchup in Rufus vs. Blanka, I wanted to come back and share what I read because it seems to have really helped

Golden_Gunman from SRK said:
vs. Blanka:

This is one of the hardest match-ups I encounter with Rufus.

Blanka's jump-ins are fast and they hit hard. I don't know how many times I have seen his Jump Fierce cleanly beat a standing HP or Snake Strike. EX Snake Strike and Ultra are the only two moves I know that can cleanly anti-air Blanka.

Blanka's roll is really good in SF IV. You have to be aware of it at any time. It has armour-breaking proeprties, so you can't Focus Attack through it, which makes it an even more effective move. You can beat it with a standing MP if you know it's coming. Also if you block it, take one step forward and go for a crouching HP, you should connect if you act fast enough.

Blanka's Ultra is really cheap, it can do so much damage to you even if you block it. So fear this move because it is deadly. You block it Low, High, Low, but it can still catch you out sometimes, as you guys will find out in due course!

Blanka's sliding punch across the ground (down-forward + HP) is insane in SF IV. It can hit from down town and it is fast. This means Rufus has to block low a lot when approaching Blanka and this makes it ideal for him to jump in on you because your options are really limited against Blanka. If you are feeling brave, you can go "Focus Fishing" when you are in Blanka's sliding punch range, but you are warned that you will be in trouble if you do this too much.

The sliding punch is really deadly because it knocks down and then Blanka can play his cross-up / throw / electricity mind games, and you want to avoid this situation as much as possible. If you are forced into this situation, a neat trick is to Focus Attack a cross-up (as it will work no matter which side it hits) and then Dash-Cancel. that might earn you enough time to react to what Blanka's next move will be.

Dive Kicks are dangerous against Blanka, Vertical Ball is ready and waiting for jump happy Rufus players!

This match comes down to playing patient, and waiting for a Blanka mistake. As always, once you get your knock-down, that's your chance to strike.

This is a good match-up for developing mind-games because you will need them to break down a good Blanka.

At my level, the biggest help was step forward > crouch.fp as an answer to blanka ball. I'm not sure if it's a guaranteed hit (I'd need someone to help test it), but taking away the safety of that attack, if only in my head, helped my game immensely.


prodystopian said:
I'm assuming you are saying you do not need to FADC the EX SRK because you can ultra after it without FADCing. If that is correct, is that also true of Sagat?

I don't know if the first part is true, but Sagat can definitely ultra after EX Tiger Uppercut. I learned that in Haunts' combo video!
Cowie said:
I don't know if the first part is true, but Sagat can definitely ultra after EX Tiger Uppercut. I learned that in Haunts' combo video!

Haha. Thanks. Long day at work and I didn't even think to look there.


Bacon of Hope
prodystopian said:
I'm assuming you are saying you do not need to FADC the EX SRK because you can ultra after it without FADCing. If that is correct, is that also true of Sagat?

err the way I wrote it is confusing.. you have to FADC out of the EX to land an Ultra but you should jsut use a regular DP since that takes up so much meter..
haunts said:
err the way I wrote it is confusing.. you have to FADC out of the EX to land an Ultra but you should jsut use a regular DP since that takes up so much meter..

So are you saying...just do a jab SRK and ultra...or uppercut>>>FADC>>>Ultra?


I am Homie
Spiderjericho said:
So are you saying...just do a jab SRK and ultra...or uppercut>>>FADC>>>Ultra?
I think if you do kens first hard trial, that's what he means.

just tuning into this convo so I could be totally off base.
Mcvalid's Dhalsim is a beast. He was so good with the teleportation, it started to get frustrating. He took like 4 of the 6, but i had to bust balls to get just the 2 i did. He was great about things to and i learned alot. good session Mcvalid
FootNinja said:
I think if you do kens first hard trial, that's what he means.

just tuning into this convo so I could be totally off base.

The original question is referring to Ryu's SRK into Ultra.

Mind you...I'm the scrubbiest person here...since I haven't wet my feet online except for getting my ass kicked by N3ss and violating Dhalsim's appendages with MicVlad.

If your SRK trades...>>>ultra

If you do an early jab uppercut on a jump in....>>> Ultra (maybe)


Haunts, you're welcome to correct me. And my bad if I'm wrong.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Spiderjericho said:
So are you saying...just do a jab SRK and ultra...or uppercut>>>FADC>>>Ultra?

Try a Fierce SRK > FADC > Ultra. in the training mode. You'll spaz a bit trying to fit it in all in, but with practice, you'll see there's a decent amount of time to get the FADC out and the Ultra input in.
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