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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

MoxManiac said:
Hey spider, when are we gonna play!

Sorry...I teach in the Marine Corps...so been pretty busy with that. But if you hit me up at nights...

Next time I log on (since I've only been playing single player), I'll see if you're online.

Just throwing it out...I'm aiight...not great...just aiight. N3ss waxed me with Akuma shenanigans last week.

And for those having difficulties with Seth. Play on easy...jump kick and sweep over and over again. If he sucks you in...block or retaliate (just be careful of the SPD). Block his ultra. Block super. If he throws out a sonic boom, combo him. If he throws out his kick, block and retaliate with a combo, throw or foot sweep. On the harder difficulties be careful of jumping in...as he will triple dragon punch you. And be wary of his teleports, as he will do shenanigans like SPD, SRK or kick.


needs to show more effort.
MoxManiac said:
I'm more concerned about BP being stored locally. That is really something that should be server-side.
It has to be stored server side, otherwise the ranking lists wouldn't work. It could be a problem where his local copy of his BP got corrupted, and because there was an inconsistency between local and server BP, it forced him back to 0 in an attempt to catch cheaters?

That or its stored locally and synced with a server when you connect, but that seems rather stupid and would allow for tampering/hacking


Comics, serious business!
catfish said:
haha. As a startout Ryu player it's hard not to do this when you start getting beat on. I work on combos and just take the pounding that comes with not being able to execute them, but I find street fighter in general, even if playing with other players tends to push me to panic mode. I haven't played a fighter in years and the last one was soul calibur so I guess....

:) I hear you. I'm sure I infuriate people with my Sagat from time to time. I'm just sick and tired of Ryu and Ken. 90% of the time I'm facing these guys. Fortunately I've adjusted my game big time and I now win most encounters, whereas before I was just a jump kick-sweep ragdoll. Still pisses me off tho from time to time.


One more clothes pack and that's it.

i have the Brawler Pack and the Femme Fatale Pack the last one i shall buy will be the Shoruken Pack and then no more.
MoxManiac said:
Yeah, i'm up for it any time i'm online playing SF4. The tournament is going at a snail's pace anyways so it won't interfere with that. You use honda and bison, right? I could definitely use some experience versus them...especially bison. He's a beast.
Cool! I haven't fought a mained Rufus yet.
I need to learn how to fight against them new guys too as well :p

yup, Honda and Bison are my mains.
gutter_trash said:
Cool! I haven't fought a mained Rufus yet.
I need to learn how to fight against them new guys too as well :p

yup, Honda and Bison are my mains.

Rufus is awesome if you know how to use him. In fact, two of my rage quitters from yesterday were from destroying Kens with my Rufus. He has a decent, normal anti-air and his Ultra finishes off anyone jumping in.

Foxix Von

So... I was looking through the different artwork I've unlocked so far. Some stuff is a little odd but I noticed this completely kickass sort of little red riding hood cammy outfit.


This is easily the best thing cammy could wear in the game... well except for that creepy captain hook hand. I'm gonna be pissed if they're holding out on me and want me to pay $5 for this, because honestly? I'm not sure if I could hold back...



Foxix said:
So... I was looking through the different artwork I've unlocked so far. Some stuff is a little odd but I noticed this completely kickass sort of little red riding hood cammy outfit.


This is easily the best thing cammy could wear in the game... well except for that creepy captain hook hand. I'm gonna be pissed if they're holding out on me and want me to pay $5 for this, because honestly? I'm not sure if I could hold back...


I am pretty sure that outfit is Rose's alt costume.
I'm bout to just call it quits.....I suck bad. Got owned epicly today, after last night in which I thought I was getting better. I don't like to call anyone else cheap ( because if I could get wins, I'd probally do that same) but I can't even beat fireball spammers, leg sweeps, and when I think I can get those flowcharters down I don't face anymore. Ugh...this game makes me question my skills as a gamer...I'm actually depressed after losing now before i was just "lol I suck: now not so much....

Street Fighter IV: Makes you emo...


Neo Member
I haven't fought a Ken or Ryu in a long time... I don't know if this is a sign if people stopped using them as much... or there arent' as many people playing online anymore :(


Foxix said:
So... I was looking through the different artwork I've unlocked so far. Some stuff is a little odd but I noticed this completely kickass sort of little red riding hood cammy outfit.


This is easily the best thing cammy could wear in the game... well except for that creepy captain hook hand. I'm gonna be pissed if they're holding out on me and want me to pay $5 for this, because honestly? I'm not sure if I could hold back...


That's Rose's alt costume. It's cool.


Ok this is seriously ridiculous..everyone I play that has one of those 'i suck' titles has over 1000 bp post match, yet those with normal tags are almost always <1000. ugh
Dartastic said:
I think a Cammy flowchart could also be made.

Done and done.



NeoUltima said:
Ok this is seriously ridiculous..everyone I play that has one of those 'i suck' titles has over 1000 bp post match, yet those with normal tags are almost always <1000. ugh

Hah I have a something like chump fighter and Im at 1600. When I had something else, people wouldnt accept the match.


Saerk said:
Hah I have a something like chump fighter and Im at 1600. When I had something else, people wouldnt accept the match.
I have Bottom Feeder and about 2500BP...I just have not felt like changing it.


NeoUltima said:
Ok this is seriously ridiculous..everyone I play that has one of those 'i suck' titles has over 1000 bp post match, yet those with normal tags are almost always <1000. ugh

I like to match my icon and my title. Right now I have that little chikc with the cowboy hat and the title "Not on my watch!". :D

But I'm not good anyway...
Knux-Future said:
I'm bout to just call it quits.....I suck bad. Got owned epicly today, after last night in which I thought I was getting better. I don't like to call anyone else cheap ( because if I could get wins, I'd probally do that same) but I can't even beat fireball spammers, leg sweeps, and when I think I can get those flowcharters down I don't face anymore. Ugh...this game makes me question my skills as a gamer...I'm actually depressed after losing now before i was just "lol I suck: now not so much....

Street Fighter IV: Makes you emo...
Don't worry and just stick with it. I admit I'm not very good at this game and get very frustrated when I get killed by a fireball spammer, Bison leg sweeper, or Zangief lariat whore. But whenever I play a match against a friend or GAFer who knows what he is doing, I have a great time even thought I lose most of the time.

I've gotten better against spammers by going to Training -> CPU Record (and set up Ken to do jump in kick, sweep, shoryuken) -> Playback and just spending 15 minutes learning timing for how to counter and when to block for the shoryuken.
Xater said:
I like to match my icon and my title. Right now I have that little chikc with the cowboy hat and the title "Not on my watch!". :D

But I'm not good anyway...
I think you just raped me with cammy /blanka.....I remember the Cowboy Chick. I don't pay attention to icons ....I usually just pick the top matchn and go with that.


Son of Godzilla said:

This is applicable to a lot of characters. :lol

Thanks, Haunts for the videos. Very helpful and inspiring to see the possibilities of a character through them.

Also, spammers teach me a valuable lesson: I still have much to learn. Every time I fall to a spammer, I analyze the hell out of it. "Why the hell did I lose to the same move over, and over again?"

Most of the time it's a spacing and lack of aggression problem. :(


Knux-Future said:
I'm bout to just call it quits.....I suck bad. Got owned epicly today, after last night in which I thought I was getting better. I don't like to call anyone else cheap ( because if I could get wins, I'd probally do that same) but I can't even beat fireball spammers, leg sweeps, and when I think I can get those flowcharters down I don't face anymore. Ugh...this game makes me question my skills as a gamer...I'm actually depressed after losing now before i was just "lol I suck: now not so much....

Street Fighter IV: Makes you emo...

I have up and down days at SFIV as well, just stick with it. Last night I started off losing and ended up beating a dude with twice the BP as well, made up for almost all I lost.


Comics, serious business!
Knux-Future said:
I'm bout to just call it quits.....I suck bad. Got owned epicly today, after last night in which I thought I was getting better. I don't like to call anyone else cheap ( because if I could get wins, I'd probally do that same) but I can't even beat fireball spammers, leg sweeps, and when I think I can get those flowcharters down I don't face anymore. Ugh...this game makes me question my skills as a gamer...I'm actually depressed after losing now before i was just "lol I suck: now not so much....

Street Fighter IV: Makes you emo...

Who are you using?

haunts said:

I'm only 75 wins away from you. My goal in life is to have more ranked wins than you. I realize I'll never have has much BP, so this is my consolation prize.


I love playing as Abel, great mixups and nice grabs. Rolling through projectiles = $$$, especially against all of these shotoplayers who just jump back and do nothing but throw fireballs the entire match :)
RSTEIN said:
Who are you using?

I started with Sakura ( just to not be another Ryu/Ken) and it wasn't too pretty, I kept jumping in to avoid Fireballs and yeah got owned. Breifly switched to Cammy and didn't really like the the way she played. Recently I've been trying to move to Chun-Li and Guile , I like the fact that I can play a defensive role instead of just "FUCK IT SHURYUKEN!!!/CANNON SPIKE!!!!!"....I think the problem is that I just use the speical moves ( Sonic Booms/Bird Kicks/Flash Kicks) instead of actually fighting, I also find myself turtling (I'm just trying to charge mah shit).....I will get better soon just gotta keep trying, I;m gonna stay away from ranked matches for a while it's just too depressing.


Comics, serious business!
Knux-Future said:
I started with Sakura ( just to not be another Ryu/Ken) and it wasn't too pretty, I kept jumping in to avoid Fireballs and yeah got owned. Breifly switched to Cammy and didn't really like the the way she played. Recently I've been trying to move to Chun-Li and Guile , I like the fact that I can play a defensive role instead of just "FUCK IT SHURYUKEN!!!/CANNON SPIKE!!!!!"....I think the problem is that I just use the speical moves ( Sonic Booms/Bird Kicks/Flash Kicks) instead of actually fighting, I also find myself turtling (I'm just trying to charge mah shit).....I will get better soon just gotta keep trying, I;m gonna stay away from ranked matches for a while it's just too depressing.

Yeah, well you are using characters that by default are much harder to use effectively, which is awesome, but some Sagat idiot (like me) or some Ryu sweeper (majority of people) will devastate you with their power. Even if they're not good (like me), if you're not using similar combos (e.g. jump kick sweep) they're going to chip you down eventually and infuriate you with the sheer power of their regular moves (e.g. Sagat's HK).
I think Ken's pimp alt is awesome. Best one in the shoto pack by far.

arstal said:
XBL activity won't determine if a sequel comes, so don't worry about it.

My guess is more top players are on PSN due to PS3 bias at SRK. (but there's plenty of great ones on 360 as well)
There are what, a few hundred hardcore players? Maybe a few thousand? They don't make a difference. The "PS3 has a superior dpad" theories make more sense than this.

iam220 said:
Guys, don't bother with joining games, just play arcade with fight request on ... soooo much better.
I've started doing this but I don't even play. Easiest/Infinite/7 rounds. Take my hands off the joystick and wait for a match. Usually doesn't take long.

slayn said:
It has to be stored server side, otherwise the ranking lists wouldn't work. It could be a problem where his local copy of his BP got corrupted, and because there was an inconsistency between local and server BP, it forced him back to 0 in an attempt to catch cheaters?

That or its stored locally and synced with a server when you connect, but that seems rather stupid and would allow for tampering/hacking
It was confirmed awhile ago that it's stored locally, wasn't it? I wouldn't be surprised if there is some tampering going on currently. You can copy the 360 save. Maybe it does sync but I've been wondering if you can backup the save and then restore it whenever you lose BP. Maybe Capcom/Dimps is smarter than I give them credit for though. I think the top dude has like 26,000 BP or something insane. I've been wondering how that's even possible.


Saerk said:
Hah I have a something like chump fighter and Im at 1600. When I had something else, people wouldnt accept the match.
I find this too. If you use an icon or title that isn't unlocked more or less straight away, you get a lot of disconnects before the match. :-/
Knux-Future said:
I'm bout to just call it quits.....I suck bad. Got owned epicly today, after last night in which I thought I was getting better. I don't like to call anyone else cheap ( because if I could get wins, I'd probally do that same) but I can't even beat fireball spammers, leg sweeps, and when I think I can get those flowcharters down I don't face anymore. Ugh...this game makes me question my skills as a gamer...I'm actually depressed after losing now before i was just "lol I suck: now not so much....

Street Fighter IV: Makes you emo...

Do you have your execution down? If you're new to this game, that's the number one thing to be good at first. I don't mean being able to pull crazy link combos, but just being able to perform all your normals and specials on command. Can't play basketball if you don't know how to dribble right?

From there, you want to know what moves to use in certain situations. Know you're anti air, know your close range pokes, know you medium range pokes, know your moves to close distance, if your character has a crossup, if you have an overhead, etc. Also, know what moves you can use to punish whiffed specials!

When you're new also, the number one thing to concentrate is NOT MAKING UNFORCED ERRORS. Never make careless mistakes that your opponent can punish. If you get hit because your opponent set you up, that's a different story. But if you get hit because you jump in on a standing Ryu, that's all you! You can't expect to win a tennis match if you keep hitting the ball out of bounds you know? A good 90% of the battles I've won in ranked are simply due to people making dumb mistakes.

Lastly, you'll just have to stick it out. Fighting games are stupid hard to learn, but once you become competent, they're a joy to play!

Which character do you use? And are you on PSN or XBL?


Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
Atomzzk! said:
I love playing as Abel, great mixups and nice grabs. Rolling through projectiles = $$$, especially against all of these shotoplayers who just jump back and do nothing but throw fireballs the entire match :)
And his ultra busts right through them. :D


havent played in a little while but I can never find anyone with more BP than me! I only have around 1800 and have it set to find players above my skill but i end up playing people with 0 bp!! It sucks to lose 100 and get only like 15 when i beat them. ugh...

btw sometimes i play as flowchart ken to relieve my stress. Its amazing how many people dont know how to block..:lol


Whine Whine FADC Troll
I had like 7 straight people in player match boot me rather then play me, all 3-4 bar connects so lag wasn't an issue.

I use Waxing and Waning time attack as the title.

Then again, I feel like if they'd not want to play me- they likely just want chumps, so I wouldn't get much fun out of it.
Most people online are generally bad I assume? I played my first game online and recked a ken player with my Cammy that had around 500 BP. Not great, but I mean he was terrible.
Jazzy Network said:
Most people online are generally bad I assume? I played my first game online and recked a ken player with my Cammy that had around 500 BP. Not great, but I mean he was terrible.

500bp means they suck really bad or are brand new as well.
Knux-Future said:
I started with Sakura ( just to not be another Ryu/Ken) and it wasn't too pretty, I kept jumping in to avoid Fireballs and yeah got owned. Breifly switched to Cammy and didn't really like the the way she played. Recently I've been trying to move to Chun-Li and Guile , I like the fact that I can play a defensive role instead of just "FUCK IT SHURYUKEN!!!/CANNON SPIKE!!!!!"....I think the problem is that I just use the speical moves ( Sonic Booms/Bird Kicks/Flash Kicks) instead of actually fighting, I also find myself turtling (I'm just trying to charge mah shit).....I will get better soon just gotta keep trying, I;m gonna stay away from ranked matches for a while it's just too depressing.

Just hang in there. I started off trying to main C. Viper without playing any fighting game since SF II on the SNES. That was brutal. But after a couple nights of player matches, I think I got better. I'd stay away from ranked matches too. There seem to be a lot of people who resort to boring tactics like fireballs, or akuma's ultra to win.

One thing that really helps when playing Chun Li is what another gaffer pointed out: controlling the space between you and your opponent. Instead of just hanging all the way back charging for her fireball, you can get closer, bait them to come closer, and then kick them. Chun Li's fierce kick has so much range!

Also, I don't know if it works for me, but to get closer to the opponent more "safely", I throw a fireball and then follow behind it so that it's kinda like a shield.

I agree with the over-reliance on special moves. I started forcing myself to play matches without any specials just so I can get a feel of the priority of the punches/kicks and use throws more.


Bacon of Hope
nakedsushi said:
Just hang in there. I started off trying to main C. Viper without playing any fighting game since SF II on the SNES. That was brutal. But after a couple nights of player matches, I think I got better. I'd stay away from ranked matches too. There seem to be a lot of people who resort to boring tactics like fireballs, or akuma's ultra to win.



Comics, serious business!
toneroni said:
havent played in a little while but I can never find anyone with more BP than me! I only have around 1800 and have it set to find players above my skill but i end up playing people with 0 bp!! It sucks to lose 100 and get only like 15 when i beat them. ugh...

Same here. I think I played 0bp players in virtually every match today. One Ken destroyed me and took 100bps from me :D he deserved it.
I stopped playing ranked. I'd play good and win 10 games then lose 1 and lose all 10 games worth of progress.. It was annoying and I just stopped doing it.

Not to mention I'm bsing a lot with characters like Fuerte, and Rose, etc. I'm just playing around with them and not taking them seriously though my Fuerte is pretty good and I win 90% of the matches when I use him.

I may go into ranked and start using him.

toneroni said:
seriously! they really did get the SF2 audience back :D
He's 'wowing' at you using Viper when not playing a fighting game in so many years I think.

Viper is quite possibly one of the hardest characters to use in the game in terms of linking combos etc.


TurtleSnatcher said:
I stopped playing ranked. I'd play good and win 10 games then lose 1 and lose all 10 games worth of progress.. It was annoying and I just stopped doing it.

Haha, yeah I keep swearing off Ranked because I get so fuckin worked up over gaining/losing BP, but I always come crawling back


Bacon of Hope
TurtleSnatcher said:
He's 'wowing' at you using Viper when not playing a fighting game in so many years I think.

Viper is quite possibly one of the hardest characters to use in the game in terms of linking combos etc.

haha yeah, you got it.. cant imagine trying to play viper after a 10 year hiatus.
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