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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


Spirit of Jazz said:
It's almost a fair point, but I often find tiers will effect people of a similar skill level which is what the game sets out to do. Also I think you need to question what's lost in allowing blind select?

That said I've started playing as Gen and it's been pretty fun (I through crossing over with Abel was easy...) On the down side I've not worked out what to do with him when I'm not wanting to jump in.

I wouldn't mind the option of blind select but I also don't think its game breaking like a lot of people do. I think the problem is choosing between which you think is the lesser of two evils:

1. Putting in blind select...which might result in players always choosing a specific character that they think matches up best with the most variety of characters.


2. Not putting in blind select...and people choosing different characters to counter other characters.

Of course the above kind of gets thrown out the door in non-ranked matches as people care less about winning and losing and more about having fun. Blind select isn't going to affect the people always using Ken, outside of MAYBE the extra 25 secs it takes them to choose. That being said, if you don't really care who they are picking in the first place, whats the problem? The faster you pick the faster they will go pick Ken or their shoto of choice. :)


blind select would be nice. it sucks watching someone wait for me to pick sim and immediately run to geif to lariat everything i do.


akumadiavolo said:
It's content that is on the disc, that you need to pay more on top of retail to use. It is a rip off in every sense of the term. It doesn't matter if it's game breaking or important, it's game content on the disc that I already paid for. There should be the reasonable expectation that I get access to ALL data on the disc I bought.

No offense, but people like you are the reason next gen we are going to be paying 60 bucks for the engine, then all the levels and characters and so forth are going to cost more. Crap like what CAPCOM is doing here and with MM9 is just the start, and the end isn't going to be pretty.

You have the content so you can see people that are playing with the alt costumes. Sorta like burnout paradise, you technically have the data for the DLC cars, but you have to pay to use them. You need the data so you can see people playing with them. I agree that the DLC for SF4 is a little expensive, but it's in no way game changing or breaking. You wouldn't even be up in arms if the costumes didn't exist. ♦ (yes, I bought all the alt costume packs because I'm a sucker) :lol


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
The biggest thing is penalizing droppers, double blind selects are practically superficial in the bigger picture.

Hopefully the patch will address dropping in some form.


PSGames said:
This is ridiculous. The game will sell 10 times more here in America than in Japan.
It is made by a Japanese company by Japanese people, it doesn't matter.

Of course, we are now doing exactly what Seth Killian does not want us to do - talk about a blind select feature that doesn't look like there is any intention of ever being implemented...


Brobzoid said:
The biggest thing is penalizing droppers, double blind selects are practically superficial in the bigger picture.

Hopefully the patch will address dropping in some form.

100% agree, I could care less about blind select or people taking there time to pick a char. I use that time to take shots of black label!:D


Anytime I run into someone that waits for me to select a character before making their choice, I simply move my cursor onto their selection and then follow them around the screen until they give up and pick someone, then I just go and get whoever I was going to grab in the first place. Kinda stupid but sort of funny too.


TimeKillr said:
Your Balrog is a beast. Seriously.. wow. I also need to do more block strings; at many points I felt like I wasn't sure which one of your followups were coming (jab into throw or jab into c.fk?)

yeah, rog has no crossup so he has a very hard time cracking people who just block low. he has to rely on tick setups a lot more than most characters it seems. i think once i get the timing on ex-overhead ~ c.mp xx headbutt it will really help that part of my game.


Every time I've picked Rufus, they always went with Gouken or Ken. Won most of them because they keep forgetting that if I have some of my Super bar filled, I can suck them out of the corner.

That's the best thing about Rufus; corners don't mean anything to him.

Also, SPINNING LARIA - GRAVITY SUCK! (actually I don't know if this works yet; time to try it out in a moment...)
Rummy Bunnz said:
Oh good. Will you get bored of posting in this thread next? Because shit, joke or not, these posts are lame as hell.

It's actually a valid complaint. Apparently you're still wrapping your head around flowchart Ken's, but for us who have gotten past that, 99 times out of 100 you get somebody that you just dominate and player and ranked. I know there are 1,000's better than on my xbox live, but unfortunately they are drowned out by the 100,000's of players that aren't a challenge. And I know I'm not the only GAFFer here who feels this way.
Shinjitsu said:
You have the content so you can see people that are playing with the alt costumes. Sorta like burnout paradise, you technically have the data for the DLC cars, but you have to pay to use them. You need the data so you can see people playing with them. I agree that the DLC for SF4 is a little expensive, but it's in no way game changing or breaking. You wouldn't even be up in arms if the costumes didn't exist. ♦ (yes, I bought all the alt costume packs because I'm a sucker) :lol

I would care a little if there was no content, one costume per fighter is a little lame in this day and age. But the fact that they have the content on the disc that I paid for, then want me to pay to use it is just a pure money grab on CAPCOMs part. They did the same thing with MM9 where they held back game modes and released them a week later.

CAPCOM has likely lost all future business from me over this.


blackadde said:
ggs timekillr, fun matches. i dont get to fight many abels so it was cool. he really does have a sick crossup game.

oh yeah, and i also learned that fullscreen EX rushes aren't safe against abel, haha.

Well, I hope you learned that ONE of his fullscreen EX rushes is safe. :)

The one that rushes low I could never punish.

Typically I crossup more, but the second I made a timing mistake or if you blocked it I'd get thrown. That sort of makes me weary of doing it...


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
blackadde said:
yeah, rog has no crossup so he has a very hard time cracking people who just block low. he has to rely on tick setups a lot more than most characters it seems. i think once i get the timing on ex-overhead ~ c.mp xx headbutt it will really help that part of my game.
yeah, that shit is invaluable. Half my game is that bnb. I also have bad habit of sitting on a TAP forever. until I'm in a situation where my throws a fireball at mid range or does something really stupid like trying a full FA. ahh, it feels so good raping someone with a 30 second TAP >:eek:

I really need to play you sometime soon, I have yet to fight a serious boxer, you mind if I add you on PSN?


shooting blanks
Brobzoid said:
The biggest thing is penalizing droppers, double blind selects are practically superficial in the bigger picture.

Hopefully the patch will address dropping in some form.

Yeah. Unfortunately I'm not good enough that people quit on me.
TurtleSnatcher said:
Wow you sound like a douche.

Funny how you bitch about not having competition yet you only have 3000 BP so there are plenty of people out there.

There is no observable challenge on xbox live, I start a player match, I get back to back to back people that I have about 18-2 record against, or ranked match, same thing -- it's been this way for the past 30 hours.

Yes, I am really saying that nobody on xbox live is better than me ? My god you are so-fuckin-stupid. All I'm saying is that it's getting increasingly difficult to find players of equal skill or of better skill, not that they don't exist, for fucks sake connect the dots -- it's not a hard concept to figure out, and I know it's happening with other gaffers.

Oh and battle points doesn't mean shit - I have 3,000, I fight somebody with 2,000 easy win. I fight somebody with 4,000 -- easy win (why did he have so much BP? Oh, that's right -- he's a rage quitter so he doesn't lose an BP and just tags on the wins to increase his BP). It's retarded.

So, kindly go fuck yourself now.

To those who actually got the jist of what I was saying and gave avenues to find local tournaments, thank you.


needs to show more effort.
The one thing I like about not having blind select, is that sometimes when not playing ranked, I can hover my cursor over random, and the other person will take the hint and also pick random. (I don't have a headset)


Brobzoid said:
yeah, that shit is invaluable. Half my game is that bnb. I also have bad habit of sitting on a TAP forever. until I'm in a situation where my throws a fireball at mid range or does something really stupid like trying a full FA. ahh, it feels so good raping someone with a 30 second TAP >:eek:

I really need to play you sometime soon, I have yet to fight a serious boxer, you mind if I add you on PSN?

yeah, sure. my psn name is just blackadde.

TAP is really unsafe, a final TAP doubly so. but every once in a while you can ultra afterwards and hit people that try to punish it, so that's pretty fun. :lol


ThatCrazyGuy said:
Seth is wrong. game needs blind select. What is he saying, Sirlin did it the wrong way with HDR?

To be fair, HDR (and ST) are much more matchup-oriented games then SF4. Even the matchups in SF4 that are considered disadvantage or lopsided have nothing on some of the disadvantage matchups in HDR/ST.


I really shouldn't play at night. Was up to 1700 BP, now I'm back to 1400. Stupid jumpers screw me up way too easy. :/


Zabka said:
I play Honda. Because of counterpicking I basically fight 3 characters at my BP level.

Zangief, Sagat and Ryu.

It can get boring sometimes, but I dread the day people realize how easily Abel can cross-up and slap Honda around.

Player lobbies are much more important though. Second would be having BP per character instead of per gamertag (there would be much more variety in ranked). Third would be having standard match settings and real matchmaking in ranked mode. Fourth would be penalties for quitters. Then blind select.

I wish Capcom would listen to every single word of that.


slayn said:
The one thing I like about not having blind select, is that sometimes when not playing ranked, I can hover my cursor over random, and the other person will take the hint and also pick random. (I don't have a headset)

The funny thing about random is that it really isn't random. It lets you back out during the part where you pick color. Sometimes I'll use random and I'll get a character I REALLY DON'T LIKE to use and I'll cancel and re-random lol...kind of defeats the purpose no? Random should pick all that stuff for you and not let you know who you picked til the match starts. :lol


C- Warrior said:
There is no observable challenge on xbox live, I start a player match, I get back to back to back people that I have about 18-2 record against, or ranked match, same thing -- it's been this way for the past 30 hours.

Yes, I am really saying that nobody on xbox live is better than me ? My god you are so-fuckin-stupid. All I'm saying is that it's getting increasingly difficult to find players of equal skill or of better skill, not that they don't exist, for fucks sake connect the dots -- it's not a hard concept to figure out, and I know it's happening with other gaffers.

Oh and battle points doesn't mean shit - I have 3,000, I fight somebody with 2,000 easy win. I fight somebody with 4,000 -- easy win (why did he have so much BP? Oh, that's right -- he's a rage quitter so he doesn't lose an BP and just tags on the wins to increase his BP). It's retarded.

So, kindly go fuck yourself now.

To those who actually got the jist of what I was saying and gave avenues to find local tournaments, thank you.

Jesus Christ dude, what have you actually done to look for better players besides complaining that everyone sucks ass? And if you're sick of people on your friends list sucking ass, what have you done to help them step their game up?
UC1 said:
Jesus Christ dude, what have you actually done to look for better players besides complaining that everyone sucks ass? And if you're sick of people on your friends list sucking ass, what have you done to help them step their game up?

"What have done to look for better players."

Any and everything possible in the realm of the game. Search and seek characters with 'mastered' icons and titles, search for more skilled players, search for Japanese language players (under the assumption that maybe their are more el11te over there).

"What have I done to help them step up their game?"

Well, ask any GAFFer here who played against me, I -always- send them a message on two things, what they do well and what they need to do better. I think the most recent GAFFer I played was Flarkmaster.

One GAFFer asked me to play as Guile and only Guile simply because he wanted to get used to him, for fun -- I liked to cycle between characters, but I played as Guile FOR 2 HOURS STRAIGHT just to help this GAFFer, and I really don't have fun playing as Guile.

Instead of acting like my "SF skillz" are stepping on the toes of your "SF skillz" and being so defensive, I wonder if anyone would actually notice that there is a fundamental problem with the match-making system in this game for those who feel they are competitive. The game seems to only cater to beginners, advance players are too diluted from all the beginners, and the intermediates get stuck with beginner players 99 times out of a 100.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
As some of you guys know im learning El Fuerte , i had a match against a good Zangief, he beated me with 3 piledrivers (2 of them reversals) 0_o
henhowc said:
The funny thing about random is that it really isn't random. It lets you back out during the part where you pick color. Sometimes I'll use random and I'll get a character I REALLY DON'T LIKE to use and I'll cancel and re-random lol...kind of defeats the purpose no? Random should pick all that stuff for you and not let you know who you picked til the match starts. :lol
No, I like it this way! I'm not man enough to make the best of the hand I'm dealt.

Though again, a random-only filter would be pretty fun.

C- Warrior said:
It's actually a valid complaint. Apparently you're still wrapping your head around flowchart Ken's

And I know I'm not the only GAFFer here who feels this way.
But you're the only one posting in this thread like some 12 year old kid trying to cut a wrestling promo. Take that shit somewhere else.


needs to show more effort.
C- Warrior said:
"What have done to look for better players."

Any and everything possible in the realm of the game. Search and seek characters with 'mastered' icons and titles, search for more skilled players, search for Japanese language players (under the assumption that maybe their are more el11te over there).

"What have I done to help them step up their game?"

Well, ask any GAFFer here who played against me, I -always- send them a message on two things, what they do well and what they need to do better. I think the most recent GAFFer I played was Flarkmaster.

One GAFFer asked me to play as Guile and only Guile simply because he wanted to get used to him, for fun -- I liked to cycle between characters, but I played as Guile FOR 2 HOURS STRAIGHT just to help this GAFFer, and I really don't have fun playing as Guile.

Instead of acting like my "SF skillz" are stepping on the toes of your "SF skillz" and being so defensive, I wonder if anyone would actually notice that there is a fundamental problem with the match-making system in this game for those who feel they are competitive. The game seems to only cater to beginners, advance players are too diluted from all the beginners, and the intermediates get stuck with beginner players 99 times out of a 100.
Play on psn. That's where all the good players are ;)


I am still learning Zangief, but the thing is that I usually pick Ryu. Anyway a guy chose Vega and I was about to pick Ryu then I moved to Zangief right after that.

It does kind of balance the playing field a bit if you know what your opponent is choosing.

I still lost in the end, but I did give him a good run for his money.

Also this was during a ranked game. :)


C- Warrior said:
There is no observable challenge on xbox live, I start a player match, I get back to back to back people that I have about 18-2 record against, or ranked match, same thing -- it's been this way for the past 30 hours.

Yes, I am really saying that nobody on xbox live is better than me ? My god you are so-fuckin-stupid. All I'm saying is that it's getting increasingly difficult to find players of equal skill or of better skill, not that they don't exist, for fucks sake connect the dots -- it's not a hard concept to figure out, and I know it's happening with other gaffers.

Oh and battle points doesn't mean shit - I have 3,000, I fight somebody with 2,000 easy win. I fight somebody with 4,000 -- easy win (why did he have so much BP? Oh, that's right -- he's a rage quitter so he doesn't lose an BP and just tags on the wins to increase his BP). It's retarded.

So, kindly go fuck yourself now.

To those who actually got the jist of what I was saying and gave avenues to find local tournaments, thank you.

Haha..I'd have to agree with you on this one actually. I'm usually around the 2000BP range and most of the people I play are well below that even when I and search for people with more BP. I have something like a 75% W/L record but most of those losses have been in player matches. Seeing mostly noobs on here is a good thing and a bad thing. Good thing in that it most likely means that SF4 sold well and is got a lot of new gamers to buy it. On the other hand its a bad thing because 75% of the people you are going to play are going to be worse than you and you might start to get bored.

I think it will eventually balance out once the noobs move onto something else. You'll be left with the core fans and the new fans who actually enjoy the game enough to practice and get better.


Comics, serious business!
UC1 said:
Jesus Christ dude, what have you actually done to look for better players besides complaining that everyone sucks ass? And if you're sick of people on your friends list sucking ass, what have you done to help them step their game up?

I don't think he's complaining. I think he's just describing the system pretty accurately. Like I said before: I suck. I only have 1300bps and Sagat is my man (that tells you enough right there). I search for players that are more skilled than me. I find, 99% of the time, players with fewer BPs than me or players that have more BPs but are actually way worse. It's just the way it works. There really isn't anything you can do beyond searching exclusively for better players.
You people may want to go back and read his posts..

Yea he's complaining about matchmaking sure.. I think that is a valid argument, but half his posts are just disses onto GAF and how we aren't 'skilled' enough to beat him.

I mean.. did he think GAF was the epicenter of ultimate fighting game gods? Seriously?

Play yeb then.. or Haunts or maybe PhatSaqs if you want a challenge.. other then that you may want to try SRK and friending up some vets.. But don't go around saying "I've discovered that GAF poses no threat to me" and crap like "I'm wiping the floor with everyone from GAF that has played me"

We get it you are good. I'm not denying that but don't fucking bloat around like you are some queen of GAF and bitch and moan post after post when you can easily find better competition at fighting game dedicated communities.

I think I'm starting to get bored of this game -- there just is nobody online that poses a challenge anymore...


no more challengers? I'm knocking down GAFFers left and right.

I need a good GAFFer to challenge me, because right now I'm on a "holy shit I'm awesome" high that needs to be put in place.

Somebody --- please...

make my day

So I've realized GAF doesn't pose any challenges for me, I've literally destroyed any and all who have come in my path.


Challenge me, I will likely destroy you

I mean jesus christ.. Head out of ass.. stat.

Hell your in the damn losers bracket on the GAF tourney..


Fersis said:
As some of you guys know im learning El Fuerte , i had a match against a good Zangief, he beated me with 3 piledrivers (2 of them reversals) 0_o
Learn to run. :)

But seriously: don't be predictable with tostada splashes or specials from his run (Gief can SPD on reaction if he blocks or escapes it) - do this if Gief gets too predictable with his lariats or tries to jump in/jump away too much.

Here's the gist of it:
Tostada splash, Fajita buster, slide kick, jumping Fierce and Tortilla propeller owns Gief's lariat. A Gief that tries to lariat Fuerte from a distance is a stupid Gief.

Learn to find the right distance so that you're too far from SPD but in block range from green hand (a blocked green hand is a free throw).

If he jumps in, you have Guacamole throw or crouching Fierce to handle that, or if you're too far, a simple QCB+Fierce (tortilla propeller) or even ultra will ensure Gief stays on land.

If he stays on land, the only thing Gief can do is try to slowly inch his way with jabs or do a green hand (that's why it's imperative you stay close enough to block green hand).

This is a match of patience for Fuerte and a match of rush Fuerte with everything for Gief.

Don't rush in at all in this match - Fuerte has all of the defensive tools to counter any of Gief's moves, but one mistake can cause you to eat an ultra from Gief that will cause all of your hard work ruined.
Rummy Bunnz said:
No, I like it this way! I'm not man enough to make the best of the hand I'm dealt.

Though again, a random-only filter would be pretty fun.


But you're the only one posting in this thread like some 12 year old kid trying to cut a wrestling promo. Take that shit somewhere else.

Can you put me on your ignore list dude? Cus' like - I'm trying to actually get a point across that I feel is valid, and you seem extremely butt-hurt that I said it's difficult to find challengers on xbox live, to the point as to where it seems as if they is no challenge. I'm sure you're the best in the world -- I'm just saying that I don't get matched with the better players -- for the past 30 hours I think I've had a 95% win percentage. I'm not trying to be a dick, I'm really not -- but thats just the reality of the situation. What the fuck do you want me to do?


C- Warrior said:
"What have done to look for better players."

Any and everything possible in the realm of the game. Search and seek characters with 'mastered' icons and titles, search for more skilled players, search for Japanese language players (under the assumption that maybe their are more el11te over there).

:lol :lol :lol

Sorry man. Ahhhh....

Did you ever consider that some excellent players may not give a crap about titles, icons, or even bothering to unlock anything (including BP)? Also, unless you live in Japan you're not going to get a good connection to Japanese players. Anything you learn in those matches is a lag tactic.
UC1 said:
:lol :lol :lol

Sorry man. Ahhhh....

Did you ever consider that some excellent players may not give a crap about titles, icons, or even bothering to unlock anything (including BP)? Also, unless you live in Japan you're not going to get a good connection to Japanese players. Anything you learn in those matches is a lag tactic.

You don't seem to understand, I've done any and everything. I've put in about 90 hours into the game -- I think I've tried all available avenues to find better players. It's just too inconsistent.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Arde5643 said:
Learn to run. :)

But seriously: don't be predictable with tostada splashes or specials from his run (Gief can SPD on reaction if he blocks or escapes it) - do this if Gief gets too predictable with his lariats or tries to jump in/jump away too much.

Here's the gist of it:
Tostada splash, Fajita buster, slide kick, jumping Fierce and Tortilla propeller owns Gief's lariat. A Gief that tries to lariat Fuerte from a distance is a stupid Gief.

Learn to find the right distance so that you're too far from SPD but in block range from green hand (a blocked green hand is a free throw).

If he jumps in, you have Guacamole throw or crouching Fierce to handle that, or if you're too far, a simple QCB+Fierce (tortilla propeller) or even ultra will ensure Gief stays on land.

If he stays on land, the only thing Gief can do is try to slowly inch his way with jabs or do a green hand (that's why it's imperative you stay close enough to block green hand).

This is a match of patience for Fuerte and a match of rush Fuerte with everything for Gief.

Don't rush in at all in this match - Fuerte has all of the defensive tools to counter any of Gief's moves, but one mistake can cause you to eat an ultra from Gief that will cause all of your hard work ruined.
WOW, that was a really deep analysis , and yes i was rushing like a mad
Thanks man


C- Warrior said:
You don't seem to understand, I've done any and everything. I've put in about 90 hours into the game -- I think I've tried all available avenues to find better players. It's just too inconsistent.

Have you tried shoryuken.com? You'll probably find most of the skilled tournament players posting there. That being said, I'm sure its also been over run by newbies due to the release of SF4.

Try adding CaliPower to your XBL friends list. That's Alex Valle...I randomly got matched up with him in HD Remix once and he destroyed me. Maybe he'll play you (assuming he has SF4 for 360 and not PS3) :)
Darkman M said:
C-warrior send hauts or Saqs a game invite,they are pretty good according to the leader boards. :lol

I played PhatSaqs a little, we played 4 matches and went 2-2 broke even, unfortunately that was a tough night and I couldn't put too much time.

flarkminator said:
C- Warrior is totally a scrub anyway




...stupid ken...stupid vega

You forgot my Bison and Guile that quickly? I think you're in line for another reminder.

Yeah, I hate using Ken against other people, poking and kara-throwing isn't exactly the best in terms of 'gamemanship'

Anyway, you've been doing a lot better since I told you to step up your tick throwing with Balrog. And always ease up on the headbutts.
C- Warrior said:
I played PhatSaqs a little, we played 4 matches and went 2-2 broke even, unfortunately that was a tough night and I couldn't put too much time.
Try yeb. I hear he is a machine.

Also try Grifter.. he's good too.
C- Warrior said:
Can you put me on your ignore list dude? Cus' like - I'm trying to actually get a point across that I feel is valid, and you seem extremely butt-hurt that I said it's difficult to find challengers on xbox live, to the point as to where it seems as if they is no challenge. I'm sure you're the best in the world -- I'm just saying that I don't get matched with the better players -- for the past 30 hours I think I've had a 95% win percentage. I'm not trying to be a dick, I'm really not -- but thats just the reality of the situation. What the fuck do you want me to do?
Haha. OK! I can't tell if this is all a put-on or if you've been sincere all along, but either way you're hilarious.

CO_Andy said:
Ever heard of a friends list? There are plenty of people on this forum who'd snap you in two.
Or other forums. I'm sure there are plenty of crazy hardcore dudes over on SRK who can deliver the action we can't.
C- Warrior said:
You forgot my Bison and Guile that quickly? I think you're in line for another reminder.

Yeah, I hate using Ken against other people, poking and kara-throwing isn't exactly the best in terms of 'gamemanship'

Anyway, you've been doing a lot better since I told you to step up your tick throwing with Balrog. And always ease up on the headbutts.

Heh - Vega I just don't even know where to begin. He's like an enigma wrapped in a wall jumping fuck bag.

I can hook you up with some of my coworkers though if you're still looking for challengers. They are better than I am.
Rummy Bunnz said:
Haha. OK! I can't tell if this is all a put-on or if you've been sincere all along, but either way you're hilarious.

Or other forums. I'm sure there are plenty of crazy hardcore dudes over on SRK who can deliver the action we can't.

Oh my god. Yes I've been fuckin sarcastic - shit no do I think "GAF poses no challenge" fuckin-a dude, that's like saying all Republicans are red-neck hicks with no college education.

But my point about shit match-making and fighting players worse than you despite any adjustments to the match search criteria is legit, and its beginning to get boring. Playing 40 players worse than you even though you've seemingly done everything in power to avoid so, to then play that one intermediate or advanced player after 3 hour of searching is just annoying.
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