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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

HomerSimpson-Man said:
How well does Ryu's uppercut do against that move?
Now I'm interested into looking at everyone's effective anti-air regulars just to try and shut down that hit and run tactic since I'm at such a disadvantage against Vega without some sort of anti-air special.

If Vega lands right on top of you or kind of in front, a well timed uppercut will knock him away. But it won't work of course if his wall leap sends him to your back side.
Rice-Eater said:
If Vega lands right on top of you or kind of in front, a well timed uppercut will knock him away. But it won't work of course if his wall leap sends him to your back side.

Oh man, I'm trying to play as Chun-li but she seems to be at a real disadvantage in the anti-air department here.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
HomerSimpson-Man said:
Oh man, I'm trying to play as Chun-li but she seems to be at a real disadvantage in the anti-air department here.

Maybe try going air to air, use Focus attack, or a non-traditional anti-air?


Rodent Whores
So I'm using the Soul Caliber 4 Hori joystick for the 360. I seem to keep whiffing supers and ultras more times than I'd like. A lot of times the game registers a dragon punch command instead of d,f,d,f. Also, I seem to have more success inputting commands from the 2p position.

Any tips?
HomerSimpson-Man said:
Oh man, I'm trying to play as Chun-li but she seems to be at a real disadvantage in the anti-air department here.
EX Spinning Bird Kick pwns vega leapers or anyone coming in.

Ploid 3.0 said:
I'm at 2,400 bp living off of +1 - +5 per round wins now. They really messed this ranking system if bp is to define your rank.

You need to join custom games with same/more skill. You sound like you are doing quick matches which are generally the lower pile.

Today I got my Fuerte up to about 1800 which is the highest I've been since I've been using him. My last game of the night I ended up taking out an Akuma player who had 2800BP in 2 rounds. I was so proud of myself because Akuma air fireballs are so fucking lame against a Fuerte player.


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
Damn, fought four Guiles in a row in ranked. :eek: Got beaten by one of 'em too, and none of them dropped! Life is good.
slayn said:
Gutter trash has a mean honda. I need a lot more practice against that matchup.

Headbutt beating ball is so horrible. Bad Capcom =(

Come to think of it, could I have punished blocked headbutts with a slide?
I think I can.

Why didn't I think of that 20 minutes ago.

Blanka scares the crap out of me when that Ultra is loaded because I still forget to block Low or High and I get screwed by that Ultra everytime.

You can punsih blocked HP headbutt with an HP Beast Roll (why did I say that?)

GGs dude :p
TurtleSnatcher said:
EX Spinning Bird Kick pwns vega leapers or anyone coming in.

Really? Even against Vega's diving cross up special? Great to know. Got to keep that meter charged then.

Jazzy Network said:
Her down roundhouse is prob the best anti-air she has.

Interesting, but that means I have to really keep Chun-Li range game going as moves that are coming straight down on me (VEGA!!!) wouldn't sound like it work too well.


TurtleSnatcher said:
Anyone have tips for Fuerte vs Akuma (Air FB spammer) and Fuerte vs Blanka..

Those are my two worst matchups.
Fuerte v Blanka? Patience and lots of it - you can't rush against Blanka at all whatsoever - you can, however, punish all of his specials and some normal moves.

Blocked blanka ball: free run slide.
Blocked rainbow: guacamole air throw, dash grab, delayed slide/tostada press/fajita buster.
Blocked blanka slide (early): free grab.
Against Blankas who like to do electricity on wake-up: tortilla propeller beats it clean, and a delayed tostada press will trade or beat it clean.

Walljumps are pretty useless here unless it's done at the corner for wake-up purposes - even if you trade tostada press with Rainbow ball, you get hit more due to your lower health.

Should Blanka decide to get in your grill? Back run with some well-timed tostada presses or Tortilla propeller definitely helps to discourage him or just back run to run away.

But when you have a life lead and try to rush him to finish him off, you'll get hit really, really really badly.

I kinda think of Blanka as an alternate-Gief - Fuerte has all of the counter-measure and defensive tools, it's just that offensively, Fuerte is at such a huge disadvantage that the end result is never worth it to rush against Blanka.

The problem is when Blanka has a life lead on you and decides to turtle - that's where your patience and skill will be really tested since you have to inch very carefully and deliberately in order to make Blanka make a mistake here.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
gutter_trash said:
Blanka scares the crap out of me when that Ultra is loaded because I still forget to block Low or High and I get screwed by that Ultra everytime.

You can punsih blocked HP headbutt with an HP Beast Roll (why did I say that?)

GGs dude :p

I HATE Honda vs Blanka matchup. I feel like Honda's only real chance of winning is to turtle up. I'm naturally a turtle, but I feel SF4 is the first game in a while where I actually feel like it's worth it to attack usually.

Usually I end up creeping forward and spamming low jabs to get in range.


arstal said:
I HATE Honda vs Blanka matchup. I feel like Honda's only real chance of winning is to turtle up. I'm naturally a turtle, but I feel SF4 is the first game in a while where I actually feel like it's worth it to attack usually.

Usually I end up creeping forward and spamming low jabs to get in range.
Still not as bad as Vega vs Blanka match-up though - this match-up is just a gimme for Blanka.
lupin23rd said:
WTF had my first guy quit on me and it was a Player match?

Yeah, happened to me today (I thus far have only played player matches) when I managed to beat a guy in one round, so it was 1 to 1 and he quit just as the final round started.

Come on!


good credit (by proxy)
I just realized that blanka's ultra is easily countered by ryu, and even if you trade hits, the damage is equal to if you had blocked.

In more crossup bullshit that no one but me seems to care about but me news, from a certain range blanka's crossup ball can hit you from the front (animation shows blanka hitting from front, and the little hit indicator that's blue if a move is blocked and red if it hits shows on ryu's front side). This is pure bullshit.

Darkman M

HomerSimpson-Man said:
Yeah, happened to me today (I thus far have only played player matches) when I managed to beat a guy in one round, so it was 1 to 1 and he quit just as the final round started.

Come on!

Whats your xbxlive name because i dc on someone soon as the third round started, my modem is dying i think because i was dcing all day....:lol

Mr Jared

Timedog said:
In more crossup bullshit that no one but me seems to care about but me news, from a certain range blanka's crossup ball can hit you from the front (animation shows blanka hitting from front, and the little hit indicator that's blue if a move is blocked and red if it hits shows on ryu's front side). This is pure bullshit.

But that's the only thing that's good about Blanka's Ultra! :lol You knock someone down, play a quick mix-up (hop, FADC, what have you), and then release the Ultra. If you do it right, it lands directly on top of the head and it's like the most ambiguous cross-up ever. It's beautiful!


Xevren said:
Phil is good, but god when he loses he's such a damn whiner.
Its 1 reason why I watch..
He's good to watch and see how people counter (though he plays boring chars like Sagat and Blanka and Balrog :() but his reactions make me laugh.

The Hooligan at the end made me LAWLz

Mad props to Rummy. He is pretty ace. He has a TON of ranked matches under his belt too.

Xevren said:

Random combo! Because FADC'ing into an ultra is random durp!

His rufus is bad.. did you see how he relied on the Ryu jumping in the air.. So he can get his Jumping kick combo into a Ultra.. thats all he knows in terms of links with Rufus.. he is pretty bad with him.. (The Ryu never jumped and Phil got punished for it)

Then he blamed lag. hah

AZ Greg

Xevren said:
Phil is good, but god when he loses he's such a damn whiner.

Seriously. I was watching one of his HD Remix videos and after he loses he starts complaining that his super didn't come out like he wanted. But if you look you see that his super meter wasn't even filled! :lol
AZ Greg said:
Seriously. I was watching one of his HD Remix videos and after he loses he starts complaining that his super didn't come out like he wanted. But if you look you see that his super meter wasn't even filled! :lol
Haha.... no one of his SF4 videos is better..

It was after he played like 200 matches or something and then he bitches his Ultra meter dissapeared yet he didn't use it (A new round had started)

He is such a weirdo.


good credit (by proxy)
Mr Jared said:
But that's the only thing that's good about Blanka's Ultra! :lol You knock someone down, play a quick mix-up (hop, FADC, what have you), and then release the Ultra. If you do it right, it lands directly on top of the head and it's like the most ambiguous cross-up ever. It's beautiful!

Oh no, i'm talking about his arcing ball thing. You literally have to press forward in order to block it FROM THE FRONT in some situations. That doesn't make sense with the mechanics of street fighter and leaves me saying "what's the point?". Theres a very specific and small range where this happens. I ran into a guy doing it to me multiple times online and didn't know what the fuck was going on, then I went into training mode to confirm. I'm fine with the ultra being able to ambiguous cross-up, it makes sense.

The more I learn about this game the more things are pissing me off, like zangief pulling SPD's while he's still in the air.
I'm actually winning some matches online! This is amazing!

It's especially awesome when someone is spamming the same stupid move over and over again thinking they can beat me with it just cos I'm a scrub, but then I come up with a way to counter it and it actually pays off.

Coming from the perspective of a SF noob like me, it feels really good when good strategizing and a flexible fighting style actually provide distinct, immediately noticeable advantages. There's nothing worse than a fighting game (or any game for that matter) when I KNOW how to stop a cheap move someone is using, but I just CAN'T. That's never happened to me in SF4, I just have to figure out a way around it before I lose the whole match and I'll usually give the person a taste of my justice-knuckle-sandwich.
Why do people rage quit in PLAYER matches...

Personally I WANT to play people better than me! How the fuck else do these fucking douchesticles expect to get better at this game?!

And when I /do/ find people better than me they win a round and then bounce all like, "yeah I won! Sweet! *quit*"

*flips table over*

At least people on my friend list aren't fucking donkey cocks.

Mr Jared

Timedog said:
Oh no, i'm talking about his arcing ball thing.

Ohh.. EX Rainbow ball ... yeah, I hate that :lol After a while you'll learn to just dash forward on reaction and then it's a free what have you.
flarkminator said:
Why do people rage quit in PLAYER matches...

Personally I WANT to play people better than me! How the fuck else do these fucking douchesticles expect to get better at this game?!

And when I /do/ find people better than me they win a round and then bounce all like, "yeah I won! Sweet! *quit*"

*flips table over*

At least people on my friend list aren't fucking donkey cocks.

you were probably using a cheap move :lol :lol


flarkminator said:
Why do people rage quit in PLAYER matches...

Personally I WANT to play people better than me! How the fuck else do these fucking douchesticles expect to get better at this game?!

And when I /do/ find people better than me they win a round and then bounce all like, "yeah I won! Sweet! *quit*"

*flips table over*

At least people on my friend list aren't fucking donkey cocks.

I just had 3 people rage quit on me in a row. All playing Sagat. I'm really trying to learn some new people but nooooo. What I don't get is that only one of them was a blowout, the other 2 were fairly close. Whatever, I get my TE stick tomorrow and they won't rue my day damn it.


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
What the FUCK is the point of using Vega's roll? It's slow as hell even when you juice it with Ex. It doesn't do particularly huge damage either. Is it just crap? whyyy capcom!? Vega is awesome, why break his shit like this?


Brobzoid said:
What the FUCK is the point of using Vega's roll? It's slow as hell even when you juice it with Ex. It doesn't do particularly huge damage either. Is it just crap? whyyy capcom!? Vega is awesome, why break his shit like this?

His weaker ones aren't too bad, but even then its just for chip damage anymore. You can link into the weaker ones at least.
Whats the trick behind charging?

Can you load a charge? Because I played a Vega and this dude was doing everything like I was a training dummy.
Brobzoid said:
What the FUCK is the point of using Vega's roll? It's slow as hell even when you juice it with Ex. It doesn't do particularly huge damage either. Is it just crap? whyyy capcom!? Vega is awesome, why break his shit like this?
Chip dmg is amazing..

I use Fierce Roll on lots of non wakeupish characters and soon as they get up they are forced to block most of the time.

Its bad on like Ryu and Kens just because they can wake up and rape you.

It isnt so bad if u can time it right the fierce sometimes they wont wake up and just take chip or just take dmg.


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
Xevren said:
His weaker ones aren't too bad, but even then its just for chip damage anymore. You can link into the weaker ones at least.
I hope they beef him in the patch. Speed up the roll or something. I only use it to punish full FA and other stupid shit, as a principle at this point.

edit: But nobody plays non-wake up characters! :( It's all ryu/ken/sagat, and even on the rare accation it's someone else it's still someone with crushing wake up like balrog or cammy.
jonah777 said:
What do you guys do to relax during your matches? :lol

I'm slowly getting better, but I find my biggest hurdle is getting over that adrenaline rush when a round is close. I start making all kinds of mistakes I wouldn't normally make especially when it comes to defensive play. Am I gonna have to pull out the Kava before a match?
You should try playing with the HUD off. Minimizes distractions, and there are plenty of audio cues to tell you how the match is progressing. I've played Third Strike that way for as long as I can remember and did the same for SFIV after a few days.


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
Does Vega's Ex roll have any invincible frames? I can't roll under fireballs unless I do an Ex, but when I Ex I can pass under a fireball no matter at what point in the roll I am. it doesn't take away armor either, it just doesn't hit. :\ weird. at least there is something positive about this foul pos.


jordan0386 said:
Whats the trick behind charging?

Can you load a charge? Because I played a Vega and this dude was doing everything like I was a training dummy.
There's no trick, you can't store charges, but you can do other things whilst charging. Just holding back, db or ub is charging.

So you can jump forward and still be charging, as soon as you jump, hold back or db, so that when you land, you are already halfway to a charge, which is the start of a ton of simple combos. Also, charging db is charging both back and down, so you have two options to use the charge with a character like Guile, Balrog or Vega who have back/forward and up/down charge attacks.
I hate charging. I wish there was some sort of visual cue that lets you know when you're charged. :(

This is pretty much why I stopped playing Guile.


polyh3dron said:
Holy fuck even on "Easiest" difficulty, beating Seth with Dan is a BITCH. HOLY FUCKING FUCK.
Heh, that was my first perfect against Seth. You just need to pressure him, starting with a jump in to his kick move, and hopping away to avoid the counter attack.


polyh3dron said:
Holy fuck even on "Easiest" difficulty, beating Seth with Dan is a BITCH. HOLY FUCKING FUCK.

Beating CPU Seth, with anyone: Get to mid range and block one of his Dhalsim stretchy crouching punches, pause, jump the second one, hard punch/kick his face while jumping, hard punch/kick his nuts when you land. Repeat. Any time he tries his turn dark grey moves, jump in and... hard punch/kick him in the face, then the nuts. (With all of this, use punch or kick depending on which character you're using).

Just get the distance right to make him do the punch sequence. This works on hardest too.


autobzooty said:
I hate charging. I wish there was some sort of visual cue that lets you know when you're charged. :(

This is pretty much why I stopped playing Guile.

Yeah, that would be great way to warn the opponent. We don't want them to get hit when they're not expecting it, do we?

I played super annoying vega, he didn't izuna drop me but he aimed to land behind me in the last frames and claw me me when I was backing blocking high.

I need abc to counter vega jumps, anyone?


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
Playing as who? light shoruyken, FADC,Rainbow Ball etc... if you know he's going for cross-ups just dash towards and punish accordingly.


Brobzoid said:
Playing as who? light shoruyken, FADC,Rainbow Ball etc... if you know he's going for cross-ups just dash towards and punish accordingly.

I play multi characters. Guile, Fei, Guoken, Sakura, Honda, Bison. Basicly anyone that's not straight shoto.

When I try anti air like Flash Kick or shoryu based attack I get izuna droped. I was wondering what normals beat vega wall jumps, or if I can jumpkick vega out of the air. I don't know why but I have trouble with him. Like that crossup, it looks like he'd land in front of me, but few frames later I get raped in the back :lol.
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