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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


C- Warrior said:
Oh my god. Yes I've been fuckin sarcastic - shit no do I think "GAF poses no challenge" fuckin-a dude, that's like saying all Republicans are red-neck hicks with no college education.

But my point about shit match-making and fighting players worse than you despite any adjustments to the match search criteria is legit, and its beginning to get boring. Playing 40 players worse than you even though you've seemingly done everything in power to avoid so, to then play that one intermediate or advanced player after 3 hour of searching is just annoying.

So basically, you've spent the past several posts reminding us how fucking awesome you are BUT NOT REALLY IT'S SARCASM LOLOLOLOL!

Seriously, you just couldn't shut your mouth for two seconds, so you literally talked yourself in a circle. OMG I HAVE A 95-PERCENT WIN AVERAGE IN THE PAST 30 HOURS! Yet only a couple matches every three hours pose any sort of challenge? Sounds like only about five percent of the time you fight someone who isn't fucking terrible!

AAAAAND, when you fight someone of considerable skill, you break even? YEAHHHH YOU SURE SOUND INDESTRUCTIBLE!

Why don't you go suck a fucking bag of wind and jerk off to turtling Balrog vids or something instead of shitting up the thread with your inane boasting. If you're really such a badass fight vet, you'd have known for years where to find real competition. Shut up.


So I was not able to experiment Rufus vs Zangief, but I did do Dan vs Zangief!

Once the announcer said FIGHT! I realized that I really had to play keep away with Dan since he doesn't have any true range. So many grab threats, the Lariats were always waiting for me on a jump in unless I did that flying kick over it. Flashing yellow, running across the screen trying to smack my back down... it was tense. But I managed to eke out a win. You should've seen it; it was totally the best.

Last bits of health on both of us and I just say 'fuck it' and Taunt Jump over him. I land and throw a few punches then Taunt Jump over him again right before he did a grab. Land behind him and threw HIM for the win.

I love Taunt Jumping, I love it; it's the best!
FindMyFarms said:
My ps3 is fried up, so I can't find out for myself :/ Does it also change his air taunt and crouching taunt?
nope, just his standing one, he keeps his yahoo jumping taunt

sorry to hear about your PS3 :(
no more beatings from your Balrog?
gutter_trash said:
nope, just his standing one, he keeps his yahoo jumping taunt

sorry to hear about your PS3 :(
no more beatings from your Balrog?

Yeah it sucks dude :( I wouldn't call them beatings though considering I get beat down as well and half the time it's honda sitting on my face (*_*)

I'll probably be playing on my friends ps3 for the meanwhile, if you get an invite from bananafriends (or something weird like that) it's probably me!
hclflow said:
Seriously, you just couldn't shut your mouth for two seconds, so you literally talked yourself in a circle. OMG I HAVE A 95-PERCENT WIN AVERAGE IN THE PAST 30 HOURS!

People here must have really poor sense of reading comprehension, or just love putting words in other peoples mouths.

My argument:

It's difficult to find players of equal skill

Basis for argument:

In the past several hours of play, I've been matched with players with lower BP's and in player ranked to such a degree I've had what seems to be a 95% win percentage.

Your analysis of my post:

C- think he's the shit, FUCK OFF D00DE! LOL, YOU THINK YOU'RE AWESOME CUS YOU GOT 95% WIN PERCENTAGE, GET THE FUCK OUT, YOU'RE NOT good, if yuuuz was the good, yuuz know where to fight the super -awesome daigo gods.

Get the fuck out of here. I admitted that I'm maybe in the upper 'something' of some sort of percentile and you go ape-shit crazy calling me an elitist. It's fuckin street fighter dude, if I want to say I'm the shit at it, who gives a fuck. It's more detrimental to me, I'm like the only kid in my med school who's GPA dropped because I play video games.


C- Warrior said:
It's more detrimental to me, I'm like the only kid in my med school who's GPA dropped because I play video games.

Good to know the C- applies to more than your level of posting skill and reading comprehension.


Brobzoid said:
yeah, that shit is invaluable. Half my game is that bnb. I also have bad habit of sitting on a TAP forever. until I'm in a situation where my throws a fireball at mid range or does something really stupid like trying a full FA. ahh, it feels so good raping someone with a 30 second TAP >:eek:

I really need to play you sometime soon, I have yet to fight a serious boxer, you mind if I add you on PSN?

I've never played a Balrog like his, so it's a lot of fun. I should try yours too, maybe it'll give me a bit more training against good Balrogs.

My Abel was lacking against his Balrog, but I did manage to win a few matches and I was slowly getting into it. My main problem is throws - Blackadde is insane with throws and it completely shut down a LOT of the stuff I usually do. I had to start jumping up when I knew a throw was coming, but he almost always recovered by the time I was back on the ground (Abel doesn't seem to have anything good jumping straight up).

I had the biggest grin on my face as my ass was getting handed to me. I haven't had this much fun in a long time - I absolutely love losing to someone better than me since the part of the game I enjoy most is trying to get better. At some point I stop caring when all I do is win, unless I'm playing with someone who's seriously attempting to learn.
hclflow said:
Good to know the C- applies to more than your level of posting skill and reading comprehension.

Oh my fuckin god you're useless to this conversation -- :lol

Ignore list you go!

Anyone who feels that it's difficult to find a decent competition due to the match making structure of the game - post XBL's if you want to have some player matches.
C- Warrior said:
People here must have really poor sense of reading comprehension, or just love putting words in other peoples mouths.

My argument:

It's difficult to find players of equal skill

Basis for argument:

In the past several hours of play, I've been matched with players with lower BP's and in player ranked to such a degree I've had what seems to be a 95% win percentage.

Your analysis of my post:

C- think he's the shit, FUCK OFF D00DE! LOL, YOU THINK YOU'RE AWESOME CUS YOU GOT 95% WIN PERCENTAGE, GET THE FUCK OUT, YOU'RE NOT good, if yuuuz was the good, yuuz know where to fight the super -awesome daigo gods.

Get the fuck out of here. I admitted that I'm maybe in the upper 'something' of some sort of percentile and you go ape-shit crazy calling me an elitist. It's fuckin street fighter dude, if I want to say I'm the shit at it, who gives a fuck. It's more detrimental to me, I'm like the only kid in my med school who's GPA dropped because I play video games.

Here's a legit response for you. I do this on PSN though, so I don't know if you'll get the same results.

Do ranked game, custom search, set priority to same skill, everything else to any. Try this between 9 - 12 at night (central time for me.) I got around 4100 BP, and a good 80% of my results gave me fights with people between 2500 - 5000 BP

That mainly applies on Mon - Thurs. During weekends, you'll get the matches typically after 12. From prior experience, you'll be hard pressed to find good matches during the day.

Also, like I said before, try to find a local meet up group in Shoryuken.com, though that might be time consuming for someone in med school (I have a friend that's in med school, I feel for ya lol) Definitely consider it though.


C- Warrior said:
Oh my fuckin god you're useless to this conversation -- :lol

Anyone who feels that it's difficult to find a decent competition due to the match making structure of the game - post XBL's if you want to have some player matches.

XBL: henhowc

No promises that it'll be competitive though. I promise you'll get some variety of characters to beat up though. :lol
FindMyFarms said:
Here's a legit response for you. I do this on PSN though, so I don't know if you'll get the same results.

Do ranked game, custom search, set priority to same skill, everything else to any. Try this between 9 - 12 at night (central time for me.) I got around 4100 BP, and a good 80% of my results gave me fights with people between 2500 - 5000 BP

That mainly applies on Mon - Thurs. During weekends, you'll get the matches typically after 12. From prior experience, you'll be hard pressed to find good matches during the day.

Also, like I said before, try to find a local meet up group in Shoryuken.com, though that might be time consuming for someone in med school (I have a friend that's in med school, I feel for ya lol) Definitely consider it though.

A lot of people in this thread have mentioned that the competition is a lot steeper and more importantly consistent on PSN than XBL. And I'm on XBL.

The problem with BP is that you get those with high BP simply because they rage quit, so they never lose BP and simply log the matches where they win the BP. So, even then -- more often than not I'll beat a 4,000 or 5,000 BP opponent yet they play worse than a lot of mid 1,000-ers.

FindMyFarms said:
Also, like I said before, try to find a local meet up group in Shoryuken.com, though that might be time consuming for someone in med school (I have a friend that's in med school, I feel for ya lol) Definitely consider it though.

I'm a 3rd year so it really gets easier after the 2nd. Even then, I've put in way too many hours into SFIV, I've basically substituted sleep time with SFIV time :lol
Brobzoid said:
yeah, that shit is invaluable. Half my game is that bnb. I also have bad habit of sitting on a TAP forever. until I'm in a situation where my throws a fireball at mid range or does something really stupid like trying a full FA. ahh, it feels so good raping someone with a 30 second TAP >:eek:

I really need to play you sometime soon, I have yet to fight a serious boxer, you mind if I add you on PSN?

I play boxer too but my ps3 did it's own version of RRoD. Blackadde has a really good boxer. You should also play GalacticAE. And if you're feeling courageous, add this guy on psn : SRKcoopa ....GL/HF! lol

It might be a while til' I get back on, but I also play boxer (i'm aite, nothing too crazy.) my psn is : FindMyFarms

PS : didn't you play slayn in the tourney?

C - Warrior

Yea, I heard that too. But I think the most important part is just the time slots I mentioned, you'd be surprised!


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
FindMyFarms said:
I play boxer too but my ps3 did it's own version of RRoD. Blackadde has a really good boxer. You should also play GalacticAE. And if you're feeling courageous, add this guy on psn : SRKcoopa ....GL/HF! lol

It might be a while til' I get back on, but I also play boxer (i'm aite, nothing too crazy.) my psn is : FindMyFarms

PS : didn't you play slayn in the tourney?
Slayn demolished me, yes. :( in my defense, I hadn't played a Blanka online that knew what the hell he was doing before he tsunamied my ass. You beat him in the tourny right? I fear you even without a functional ps3. >.>


C- Warrior said:
Oh my fuckin god you're useless to this conversation -- :lol

Ignore list you go!

Anyone who feels that it's difficult to find a decent competition due to the match making structure of the game - post XBL's if you want to have some player matches.



needs to show more effort.
Gutter trash has a mean honda. I need a lot more practice against that matchup.

Headbutt beating ball is so horrible. Bad Capcom =(

Come to think of it, could I have punished blocked headbutts with a slide?
I think I can.

Why didn't I think of that 20 minutes ago.


Mrs. Harvey
I managed to do all of Dhalsim's hard trials. Probably the easiest of the bunch. Did a couple others as well. The ones that give me the most trouble are the FADC ones. Small hands+big ass controller= :(
Things I've learned while playing SF4 online as a below average Ryu player

1) Use your lows and mediums, going for the sweep kick when you're too close will cause you to take punishment if you're too close to your opponent because you won't be able to block there counter sweep

2) Anytime I play against Zangief, Vega, and Balrog I'm toast. I've yet to beat a Zangeif or Vega and have probably only beaten 2 or 3 Balrog's in like 20 some tries.

3) When you throw a guy at least once, he makes it his personal vendetta to not only get you back, but throw you as much as possible in the remainder of the game

4) On the other hand, I lose my composure when I get thrown a few times. I flip out and start trying to throw them and take plenty of punishment for it :*(

5) Standing over a player after knocking them to there back and trying to deal some block damage is not a very good idea, especially against characters with anti-air moves. I've hate too many ultras trying to deal some block damage.

6) Last but not least, but certainly my most hated aspect of playing online, most people turtle. Losing sucks, but I hate losing more when I spend the entire match chasing a guy all over the freaking place.


needs to show more effort.
Rice-Eater said:
Things I've learned while playing SF4 online as a below average Ryu player

5) Standing over a player after knocking them to there back and trying to deal some block damage is not a very good idea, especially against characters with anti-air moves. I've hate too many ultras trying to deal some block damage.

Simply sticking your leg out there is generally a bad idea, but there is lots of things you can do.

Doing a focus attack that lands the instant they get up
Doing a focus attack but backdash and punsh whatever they try doing
Get up close, but don't attack. Just block, and punsh what they try to do
Rice-Eater said:
Things I've learned while playing SF4 online as a below average Ryu player

1) Use your lows and mediums, going for the sweep kick when you're too close will cause you to take punishment if you're too close to your opponent because you won't be able to block there counter sweep

2) Anytime I play against Zangief, Vega, and Balrog I'm toast. I've yet to beat a Zangeif or Vega and have probably only beaten 2 or 3 Balrog's in like 20 some tries.

3) When you throw a guy at least once, he makes it his personal vendetta to not only get you back, but throw you as much as possible in the remainder of the game

4) On the other hand, I lose my composure when I get thrown a few times. I flip out and start trying to throw them and take plenty of punishment for it :*(

5) Standing over a player after knocking them to there back and trying to deal some block damage is not a very good idea, especially against characters with anti-air moves. I've hate too many ultras trying to deal some block damage.

6) Last but not least, but certainly my most hated aspect of playing online, most people turtle. Losing sucks, but I hate losing more when I spend the entire match chasing a guy all over the freaking place.

Yeah, similar experiences, though I'm not a shoto-player online at all, I pick everyone else so I can get a feel for them so far since I've spent too much of my youth and early years as a Ryu player.

Still I'm barely average and get easily intimidated, but I don't give up even if I lose. There's so point.

I got my ass handed to me today like 10 to nothing against one guy, but at least he seemed to vary his character selection to more than shotos but good-god I hated fighting his Vega(Claw) almost as much as fighting shotos, simply because I spend like most of the match chasing his ass!! The times when I got an actual victory round was when I managed to catch up and get close to him, but he would win out in the end of our matches.

He does that damn cross up special of Vega again and again, and then turtles and runs. I keep messing up on the block since you have to have to press forward instead of back if his move is a complete cross-up, which it is most of the time.
It's amazing how many people DC just cause they're losing. I know I'm probably beating a dead horse, but I haven't really been playing the game much online until recently, but I see at least 30-40% of my games and around 50% of my wins end up with a jack off DCing cause he can't take the loss. Boo fricken hoo.
Has anyone else got their save corrupted in this game? I went to play it a couple of days ago and it said my save was corrupted, now I have to earn everyone againa nd redo the challenges I beat. :( I have the 360 version by the way.
HomerSimpson-Man said:
He does that damn cross up special of Vega again and again, and then turtles and runs. I keep messing up on the block since you have to have to press forward instead of back if his move is a complete cross-up, which it is most of the time.

I get killed by the reach all the time. And either it's me or Vega has mad recovery time after his slide because I can never counter attack successfully after blocking a slide. When they go for the wall I can't do anything about it because I'm too slow to throw a dragon punch in time. So I just block or crouch down and try to time a regular uppercut.


What do you guys do to relax during your matches? :lol

I'm slowly getting better, but I find my biggest hurdle is getting over that adrenaline rush when a round is close. I start making all kinds of mistakes I wouldn't normally make especially when it comes to defensive play. Am I gonna have to pull out the Kava before a match?
slayn said:
Simply sticking your leg out there is generally a bad idea, but there is lots of things you can do.

Doing a focus attack that lands the instant they get up
Doing a focus attack but backdash and punsh whatever they try doing
Get up close, but don't attack. Just block, and punsh what they try to do

Between those 4 I use the last one a lot. Now I always throw a fireball or stay in close and try to sucker them into doing something that could leave them wide open. This is perfect for Sagat and Ken players that are obsessed with their characters anti air attack. After about the 2nd or 3rd throw, they stop going for a wakeup Tiger Uppercut/Shoryuken :lol


Jazzy Network said:
It's amazing how many people DC just cause they're losing. I know I'm probably beating a dead horse, but I haven't really been playing the game much online until recently, but I see at least 30-40% of my games and around 50% of my wins end up with a jack off DCing cause he can't take the loss. Boo fricken hoo.

I seem to be noticing this with more frequency lately as well, it's pretty annoying.

Mr Jared

jonah777 said:
What do you guys do to relax during your matches? :lol

Breathe. If you get excited, chances are you're going to start holding your breathe, which means there's no oxygen getting into your body which is burning out your muscles which is going to cause your hands and other limbs to shake uncontrollably.

So when I realize I'm letting things get out of control, I breathe, and then figure out what I'm doing wrong.


Trucker Sexologist
Jazzy Network said:
It's amazing how many people DC just cause they're losing. I know I'm probably beating a dead horse, but I haven't really been playing the game much online until recently, but I see at least 30-40% of my games and around 50% of my wins end up with a jack off DCing cause he can't take the loss. Boo fricken hoo.
If you play arcade and don't have any tags then people won't DC on you because they'll assume you're a scrub with no BP.


Rice-Eater said:
Between those 4 I use the last one a lot. Now I always throw a fireball or stay in close and try to sucker them into doing something that could leave them wide open. This is perfect for Sagat and Ken players that are obsessed with their characters anti air attack. After about the 2nd or 3rd throw, they stop going for a wakeup Tiger Uppercut/Shoryuken :lol
Works great for scrubs, but you will have to be offensive on wakeup sometimes. I find focus-attack cancelled into a backdash is better, as it will counter both wakeup shoryukens, throws, though you have to time it right to avoid getting screwed by certain ultras. Plus your opponent may be surprised when you mix it up and hit him with a level 3 FA.

Though the really dumb ones will always shoryuken/ultra and not learn when you continuously punish them when they fail.
Rice-Eater said:
I get killed by the reach all the time. And either it's me or Vega has mad recovery time after his slide because I can never counter attack successfully after blocking a slide. When they go for the wall I can't do anything about it because I'm too slow to throw a dragon punch in time. So I just block or crouch down and try to time a regular uppercut.

How well does Ryu's uppercut do against that move?
Now I'm interested into looking at everyone's effective anti-air regulars just to try and shut down that hit and run tactic since I'm at such a disadvantage against Vega without some sort of anti-air special.


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
SlaughterX said:
Has anyone else got their save corrupted in this game? I went to play it a couple of days ago and it said my save was corrupted, now I have to earn everyone againa nd redo the challenges I beat. :( I have the 360 version by the way.
I would cry if that happened to me and I've only put like 40 hours into it at the moment. A friend of mine had his eight year in the making Perfect Dark save game corrupt this summer. That's suicide watch shit man :(


Mr Jared said:
Breathe. If you get excited, chances are you're going to start holding your breathe, which means there's no oxygen getting into your body which is burning out your muscles which is going to cause your hands and other limbs to shake uncontrollably.

So when I realize I'm letting things get out of control, I breathe, and then figure out what I'm doing wrong.

True... I know I take this for granted when playing. I'm fine against cpu but online I go into a zone then feel drained after playing for an hour or so.
Never tried online because I had no bars. Said screw it today and put it on arcade mode and waited. Barely any time I had to wait, and man did I get my ass kicked but I loved it! Maybe 1 out of 10 matches were laggy. Holy shit there's awesome players out there. The most fun was one where I was Honda vs Akuma. Dude was teleporting and tossing fireballs like mad and totally had me chasing him for like forever but when I finally caught him I beat the shit out of him. He ended up winning but barely. Good stuff!!
SapientWolf said:
If you play arcade and don't have any tags then people won't DC on you because they'll assume you're a scrub with no BP.

I don't have a tag deliberately for that reason and it still happens. It's getting rather tiresome.


Comics, serious business!
robut said:
Never tried online because I had no bars. Said screw it today and put it on arcade mode and waited. Barely any time I had to wait, and man did I get my ass kicked but I loved it

I don't think I've ever played a game with any bars.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
Ploid 3.0 said:
I'm at 2,400 bp living off of +1 - +5 per round wins now. They really messed this ranking system if bp is to define your rank.

If I fight someone with 2400bp I get 1 if I win.

You just need to start hosting games.

I saw a guy with 6000bp that was a complete idiot though.


What are peoples' connections normally like on Xbox Live? I'm getting No bars, just a blinking antenna icon on just about every potential match, yet for those it doesn't play all that laggy. I get much better connection bars display in SFIV on the PS3. I woulda thought it would be opposite. Is something up w/ Live and this game? I've had my router ports set up correctly for ages.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
2&2 said:
What are peoples' connections normally like on Xbox Live? I'm getting No bars, just a blinking antenna icon on just about every potential match, yet for those it doesn't play all that laggy. I get much better connection bars display in SFIV on the PS3. I woulda thought it would be opposite. Is something up w/ Live and this game? I've had my router ports set up correctly for ages.

If it's blinking, it's still trying to determine the connection rating, which seems to always be good in your case...

This happens when you search a Quick Match...


Whine Whine FADC Troll
Zabka said:
I play Honda. Because of counterpicking I basically fight 3 characters at my BP level.

Zangief, Sagat and Ryu.

It can get boring sometimes, but I dread the day people realize how easily Abel can cross-up and slap Honda around.

Player lobbies are much more important though. Second would be having BP per character instead of per gamertag (there would be much more variety in ranked). Third would be having standard match settings and real matchmaking in ranked mode. Fourth would be penalties for quitters. Then blind select.

Honda can beat Gief pretty easily

Here's what I do, they lariat, jump fierce, vertical jump fierce, low forward, or time a headbutt to hit right as it ends.

Just keep him out otherwise.

I don't try to oichio him that much. If you get a jumping jab or close jab in to put you at +3 it's worth a try though occasionally.

Also if you got ultra and he lariats, it can hit (but not if you do it too early)


watch out for dirtywerk on PSN. To me, this guy was far worse than a dropper. I'm pretty sure he intentionally creates lag by messing with his router. He picked Zangief and would start to lag whenever I got on the offensive. No, this was not natural input lag, this was literally the game slowing to a crawl. The guy did this and mashed out reversal SPDs on everything and it annoyed the shit out of me. Funny how everything always returned to normal after he got the lead on life. I hate people


Skilotonn said:
If it's blinking, it's still trying to determine the connection rating, which seems to always be good in your case...

This happens when you search a Quick Match...

Ah, thanks for the info.
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