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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

Brobzoid said:
What the FUCK is the point of using Vega's roll? It's slow as hell even when you juice it with Ex. It doesn't do particularly huge damage either. Is it just crap? whyyy capcom!? Vega is awesome, why break his shit like this?

LP roll comes out fast enough to combo into. c.mp, s.lp, lp claw roll. You can also pressure people into a corner and charge while rolling, so like, fp claw roll when they're standing up to force them to block, pushing them into a corner then as soon as you're done rolling use your super off the wall directly behind them. They'll be block stunned so you can score the grab easily.

GrayFoxPL said:
I play multi characters. Guile, Fei, Guoken, Sakura, Honda, Bison. Basicly anyone that's not straight shoto.

When I try anti air like Flash Kick or shoryu based attack I get izuna droped. I was wondering what normals beat vega wall jumps, or if I can jumpkick vega out of the air. I don't know why but I have trouble with him. Like that crossup, it looks like he'd land in front of me, but few frames later I get raped in the back :lol.

If you can predict where he's going, just jump and hit him. If you catch him before he hits the wall he can't attack. Time your jumps right and you can air throw him with Guile if you don't have a charge ready for flash kick. Even if you end up trading blows, it's a winning scenario for you. Vega's health and attack power are garbage. A smart Vega will notice when you get savvy and start faking the wall jumps and punish any anti-air, though. It's all mind games! I'm just telling you what usually works on me. Not sure if that's smart though...


Damn I hate the Honda matchup against my Blanka. It is so annoying trying to catch that fat boy! I had to fight him 3 times this morning and only won once. sigh.

Oh, and Seth on easiest is EASY. Just get barely within low sweep range then low sweep. Rince and repeat. He will hit you once or twice with something or other but just keep doing it. He gets swept off his feet OVER AND OVER. Very easy on Easiest Mode.


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
GrayFoxPL said:
I play multi characters. Guile, Fei, Guoken, Sakura, Honda, Bison. Basicly anyone that's not straight shoto.

When I try anti air like Flash Kick or shoryu based attack I get izuna droped. I was wondering what normals beat vega wall jumps, or if I can jumpkick vega out of the air. I don't know why but I have trouble with him. Like that crossup, it looks like he'd land in front of me, but few frames later I get raped in the back :lol.
Well, you can always FADC to absorb the cross-up, but if he mixes it up with izuna drops you're best served by trying to grab him in the air before he can you or knock his ass down before he makes it to the wall. My point of dashing forward still stands, depending on who you play of course, some characters have real sluggish dashes that won't get you far.
manabanana said:
If you can predict where he's going, just jump and hit him. If you catch him before he hits the wall he can't attack. Time your jumps right and you can air throw him with Guile if you don't have a charge ready for flash kick. Even if you end up trading blows, it's a winning scenario for you. Vega's health and attack power are garbage. A smart Vega will notice when you get savvy and start faking the wall jumps and punish any anti-air, though. It's all mind games! I'm just telling you what usually works on me. Not sure if that's smart though...
good advice. listen to the banana grayfox!

manabanana said:
LP roll comes out fast enough to combo into. c.mp, s.lp, lp claw roll. You can also pressure people into a corner and charge while rolling, so like, fp claw roll when they're standing up to force them to block, pushing them into a corner then as soon as you're done rolling use your super off the wall directly behind them. They'll be block stunned so you can score the grab easily.
c.mp, s.lp xx lp roll is a good combo? does it work as pressure on block too, or rather; is the lp roll safe at close range? Does Ex'ing improve this combo enough for it to be worth the bar?

It seems that Vega is very poke oriented doing cross-ups with barcelona jumps and playing footsie with a slide or ch.fp etc once in a while. The only combos I found useful playing earlier were (don't remember the real name) front foot flip into the Ex version, FA Ex barcelona jump Izuna drop and FA ultra. Also spamming barcelona jumps in the corner seems to drive fireball scrubs wild :)


Brobzoid said:
listen to the banana grayfox!

But then people in the white van come :(::.

Thanks manabanana and BroBzoid. I'll train.

Vega is really fun to play with and against. Btw. Is there anything to the throwing away claw and mask gimmick? Is it just for mocking the oponnent? :lol


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
GrayFoxPL said:
But then people in the white van come :(::.

Thanks manabanana and Brobzoid. I'll train.

Vega is really fun to play with and against. Btw. Is there anything to the throwing away claw and mask gimmick? Is it just for mocking the oponnent? :lol
Well, when you throw your claw your reach is impaired, so it's a real taunt. Like placing one arm on your back in a fist fight. When you throw your mask you're wasting two bars of SC so that's a serious taunt too (plus you can totally hit his face). Vega is pretty arrogant, being such a shitty character and having such hardcore taunts. :lol

There were talk about throwing the claw did a sliver of damage but that seems to be wrong :( that would be badass. I loved the rose in 3s.

edit: why did you edit in a capitalization on the second b in my screen-name? It seems weird adding mistakes... or are you making fun of me? >:eek:


Brobzoid said:
There were talk about throwing the claw did a sliver of damage but that seems to be wrong :( that would be badass. I loved the rose in 3s.

I think I got hit by it one time in air, but maybe it's just my imagination.

Brobzoid said:
edit: why did you edit in a capitalization on the second b in my screen-name? It seems weird adding mistakes... or are you making fun of me? >:eek:

Shit, you noticed. Sorry, I'm shizotypic (or psychotypic, can't remember) and I do lots of these wierd things. Not to mock anyone, it's a pain in the ass for me too. You're the first one that noticed it, really.

People always think I'm joking when I say I'm insane. :lol.


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
An insanity plea? that shit won't work on me sister! I'm currently blasting heidi montag, because I have to love music made by women I find attractive and if I turn it off I will be forced to sing it to myself while thinking about sex and that would be so sad I might jump out of my one story window.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
FF_VIII said:
Probably been asked, but;

He'll always be Zangeef in my and all my friends hearts, but the announcer calls him Zangee-ef. Fuck that noise.


Just got a newsletter from Gootecks:

I wanted you guys to be the first to know about a brand new site called SFTournaments.com. It's like MySpace for Street Fighter players, but what makes it awesome is that they are going to be holding regular online tournaments on for Xbox 360 and PS3 with cash prizes!

I am involved in the development process so I'm looking for some feedback here as well as looking to get you guys signed up on the site if you're interested in playing in online tournaments as well as meeting other Street Fighter players.

The site has only been up for a day or so so there may be some bugs that we have to work out.

If you could please do me a favor and fill out this quick survey, it would really help us out a lot because we're looking for YOUR input to make this site as good as it can possibly be.


Brobzoid said:
An insanity plea? that shit won't work on me sister! I'm currently blasting heidi montag, because I have to love music made by women I find attractive and if I turn it off I will be forced to sing it to myself while thinking about sex and that would be so sad I might jump out of my one story window.

I wish it was a joke :lol. I got some many fad post edited because I added dots or spaces, or tried to figure out how to write something and not using a word I really needed. :lol
Brobzoid said:
c.mp, s.lp xx lp roll is a good combo? does it work as pressure on block too, or rather; is the lp roll safe at close range? Does Ex'ing improve this combo enough for it to be worth the bar?

It seems that Vega is very poke oriented doing cross-ups with barcelona jumps and playing footsie with a slide or ch.fp etc once in a while. The only combos I found useful playing earlier were (don't remember the real name) front foot flip into the Ex version, FA Ex barcelona jump Izuna drop and FA ultra. Also spamming barcelona jumps in the corner seems to drive fireball scrubs wild :)

EX roll has slower startup and won't combo, only LP roll combos. LP roll is safe on block (I think it's the only one?), and you can FADC any roll for a throw if they block it. He's got mad crazy combos with his EX barcelona. j.FK, c.MK, c.MP, EX barcelona towards the opponent, then izuna for a 5-hit. df.FK, EX barcelona or df.HK EX flip kick. His super is rarely worth the gamble since you can do so much more damage with his EX attacks. EX flip kick stuffs almost anything so it's a really good choice against a jump in, plus you can juggle with another flip kick.

Vega is really fun to play with and against. Btw. Is there anything to the throwing away claw and mask gimmick? Is it just for mocking the oponnent?

Dropping the mask lowers defense but increases attack (by about 10%). I'm not sure about the claw though.


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
Manabanana said:
EX roll has slower startup and won't combo, only LP roll combos. LP roll is safe on block (I think it's the only one?), and you can FADC any roll for a throw if they block it. He's got mad crazy combos with his EX barcelona. j.FK, c.MK, c.MP, EX barcelona towards the opponent, then izuna for a 5-hit. df.FK, EX barcelona or df.HK EX flip kick. His super is rarely worth the gamble since you can do so much more damage with his EX attacks. EX flip kick stuffs almost anything so it's a really good choice against a jump in, plus you can juggle with another flip kick.
You can ex flip kick and combo into a regular flip kick? I thought it was just the other way around (yay, versatility) And holy shit at the Barcelona shit, those require some serious brain power to adjust to, so I'm real scrubby when it comes to Barcelona set-ups. In time I shall rule all of Catalonia!
Manabanana said:
Dropping the mask lowers defense but increases attack (by about 10%). I'm not sure about the claw though.
Dropping the claw probably does the opposite (although you lose range as well as the, for now, supposed attack decrease). Vega's stamina and attack suck enough ass, so there is really no good situation to do either of them though. rite?
Manabanana said:
Dropping the mask lowers defense but increases attack (by about 10%). I'm not sure about the claw though.

I'm not sure, but it seems like his attacks have less power and reach, but more priority without the claw.


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
akachan ningen said:
I'm not sure, but it seems like his attacks have less power and reach, but more priority without the claw.
will a clawless sky high claw out-prioritize a Blanka ball? because I don't think it does with the claw.
Brobzoid said:
You can ex flip kick and combo into a regular flip kick? I thought it was just the other way around (yay, versatility) And holy shit at the Barcelona shit, those require some serious brain power to adjust to, so I'm real scrubby when it comes to Barcelona set-ups. In time I shall rule all of Catalonia!

Dropping the claw probably does the opposite (although you lose range as well as the, for now, supposed attack decrease). Vega's stamina and attack suck enough ass, so there is really no good situation to do either of them though. rite?

Yeah, it's really dangerous. If you're way low on health the mask wouldn't matter anyway, so towards the end of the matches I'll usually leave it off and go for the ultra. If you can land it, it drains about half their life meter without the mask (depending on who you're fighting). Basically if one hit will kill you either way, leave the mask on the ground or drop it if they're giving you space.
_dementia said:
So you're saying size of the attack box has nothing to do with priority?

I do believe you are mistaken.

It doesn't. Priority means which move will beat which other move if they are both out simultaneously. Rufus's c.mp, for one, has high priority and almost no reach.


Range/hitbox definitely has something to do with priority. It isn't just about the startup frames (seriously doubt removing the claw reduces startup fwiw).


so I just tried this over at a friend's 360....man, now I know why people prefer the PS3 over the 360 version.

Using the D-pad was almost near impossible when trying to perform delicate moves. Tried using the stick but that didn't help much either.

Considering how SF 3 Alpha was soooo good on the dualshock 2, I'm going to assume playing on my D3 will be sooooo goooodd
Tideas said:
so I just tried this over at a friend's 360....man, now I know why people prefer the PS3 over the 360 version.

Using the D-pad was almost near impossible when trying to perform delicate moves. Tried using the stick but that didn't help much either.

Considering how SF 3 Alpha was soooo good on the dualshock 2, I'm going to assume playing on my D3 will be sooooo goooodd
i hate to sound elitist, but lol pads


akachan ningen said:
It doesn't. Priority means which move will beat which other move if they are both out simultaneously. Rufus's c.mp, for one, has high priority and almost no reach.

Priority is still all hitbox-based. Attacks don't have special priorities; it's all based on how hitboxes interconnect.


_dementia said:
i hate to sound elitist, but lol pads
Not going to lie...I have the TE stick and a fightpad (as well as a homemade Saturn pad) for my 360...the TE gets the least use...the Saturn pad would get the most, but the down connection needs to be re-soldered.


FF_VIII said:
Probably been asked, but;


I'm constantly amazed by the number of people who still mispronounce characters' names ages after Capcom started using an annoucer. Of course it's Zan-gi-ef (Zan being pronounced closer to Zahn, NOT Zen). And it's Ree-yuu (or even just Ryuuu if you want to get it 100% right) and not Ra-yu. It's pretty much Choon-Lee (but with a short u) and not Chun as in "stun". And it's Ah-bel and not Ey-bel.

Those ridiculously bad anime video sequences certainly don't help things with half the characters mis-pronouncing their own name (the producer of the English voice track really failed there).

Oh well, at least most of you don't have to suffer through people reading Fei Long's name "Fy". Or "Ly-Fy" for Lei-Fei in VF. No, stupid, when they transcribed those names to roman characters they were NOT thinking of the German way to read "ei".
MoxManiac said:
Priority is still all hitbox-based. Attacks don't have special priorities; it's all based on how hitboxes interconnect.

that's now how it was before, at least in cvs2 and 3rd strike. If it's all hitbox based, then why when two attacks meet in the same spot, like vega's c.fp and ryu's fp, ryu's fp will hit and vega's won't?


Kyo said:
I'm constantly amazed by the number of people who still mispronounce characters' names ages after Capcom started using an annoucer. Of course it's Zan-gi-ef (Zan being pronounced closer to Zahn, NOT Zen). And it's Ree-yuu (or even just Ryuuu if you want to get it 100% right) and not Ra-yu. It's pretty much Choon-Lee (but with a short u) and not Chun as in "stun". And it's Ah-bel and not Ey-bel.

Those ridiculously bad anime video sequences certainly don't help things with half the characters mis-pronouncing their own name (the producer of the English voice track really failed there).

I hate pronouncing it Ree-yuu :(

RI-YOU ftw!


Tideas said:
so I just tried this over at a friend's 360....man, now I know why people prefer the PS3 over the 360 version.

Using the D-pad was almost near impossible when trying to perform delicate moves. Tried using the stick but that didn't help much either.

Considering how SF 3 Alpha was soooo good on the dualshock 2, I'm going to assume playing on my D3 will be sooooo goooodd

I use the 360 pad and would use the analog over that dpad attrocity anyday.
The more practice I get, the more my Blanka rages on PSN. Using some things I learned about crossups from playing other Blankas (like Slayn's Blanka), I'm putting a hurting on people that turtle and people that try to come in with jumps (see: shotos).

I still can't get past people that play a good keep-away game like Rose or Dhalsim. What are things you can use to close space and counter the keep-away games of characters like Rose or Dhalsim?


akachan ningen said:
that's now how it was before, at least in cvs2 and 3rd strike. If it's all hitbox based, then why when two attacks meet in the same spot, like vega's c.fp and ryu's fp, ryu's fp will hit and vega's won't?

They both have 5 startup frames so they trade. Oh but wait you were going to explain how startup has nothing to do with priority??


I'm pretty sure akachan is right.

And people saying Rai-oo annoys me. Technically, there should be a slight d sound to the r too, right?

Ah-bel is totally weird though :\ First time I heard the announcer say it was weird...


I don't know what the hitboxes on those characters' moves look like, but I imagine it's because vega is being hit by a part of ryu's red hitbox without hitting ryu's blue hitbox in time.

When a red (hitbox) collides with opponent's blue hit box (where they can be hit) the character gets hit. red hitboxes are typically not 1:1 with the character's own blue hitboxes, they often extend past them, so in certain ranges the red hitbox will come in contact with the opponents blue hitbox, but the opponent's red hitbox on their move doesn't reach.

turn on hitboxes in HDR to see this sort of thing in action.

EDIT: Also, red hitboxes are only active on certain frames of a move, so if you do a move that has active red hitboxes earlier then the move you are trying to beat, your move will win.


Damodar said:
I'm pretty sure akachan is right.

And people saying Rai-oo annoys me. Technically, there should be a slight d sound to the r too, right?

Something between an R, an L and a D, really. I find it impossible to pinpoint the correct pronounciation of that Japanese consonant and many Japanese people seem to vary it quite randomly from word to word.

Ah-bel is totally weird though :\ First time I heard the announcer say it was weird...

He's supposed to be French, that's why it at least makes more sense than to pronounce it like an English name. But I agree, it's a weird name anyway.
UC1 said:
They both have 5 startup frames so they trade. Oh but wait you were going to explain how startup has nothing to do with priority??

They don't trade. Ryu's fp wins. if you're at close range, they trade, but poking with vega's c.fp at such close range is retarded, most people wouldn't do it. at optimum range, it gets beat by a lot of normals. Priority means they either have a priority value attached to the hitbox, or they have hit boxes that are vulnerable to attacks and some that aren't, which is a weird way to do it.

try going into training and using rufus's f+fp, which seems to be one of the highest priority normals and making it hit some other normals at the same time.

edit: mox just described the second possibility I mentioned. I knew it was done that way in old SF but I though they had changed it since then for newer capcom games. Either way, range and startup frames have nothing to do with it.


Kyo said:
I'm constantly amazed by the number of people who still mispronounce characters' names ages after Capcom started using an annoucer.
Yeah I don't care...it is always going to be:
Guile (although a buddy back in SF2 days used to say Gui - le which I alwas thought funny)

The new guys I am more lenient on, but since I have been going rye-u for 20 years I think I will stay with it (and yeah I knew it was ree-u about 10-15 years ago).


There is no priority value attached to moves in capcom fighters, man. Look at HDR training mode. It's all about how red and blue hitboxes intersect (and when red hitboxes are active).

EDIT: Nevermind the above. Is there a reason that makes you think they switched to a priority system? I can't see any gameplay reason to do so.


Kyo said:
He's supposed to be French, that's why it at least makes more sense than to pronounce it like an English name. But I agree, it's a weird name anyway.

Actually yeah, that totally makes sense and I didn't think of that. Just weird hearing the American announcer say it.
MoxManiac said:
There is no priority value attached to moves in capcom fighters, man. Look at HDR training mode. It's all about how red and blue hitboxes intersect (and when red hitboxes are active).

Are you sure it's not just ST and the games before it? Because it seems to work differently in other games, especially in cvs2.

Nevermind the above. Is there a reason that makes you think they switched to a priority system? I can't see any gameplay reason to do so.

I would imagine so that there's a larger range of move priority. I don't know, we should ask them.


akachan ningen you don't have a clue what you're talking about. Startup is the time it takes until a move becomes active, which is the "red hitbox" that Mox is talking about. Rufus' F+HP has 19 startup frames so anything with less startup frames will beat it, provided it's in range so that the hitboxes collide. Stop talking nonsense please.
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