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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


fatty said:
I also notice on the one combo where you back-kick (charge down, up + medium kick) them up in the air and they have to land on your 'spinning bird kick' to complete the combo, that you pretty much have to be in the corner or else they'll 'get away' from you due to the momentum of the back-kick. Am I right in thinking this?

Pretty much. You don't need to charge the upkicks, but you do need to charge the EX SBK and they have to be in the corner.


Bacon of Hope
n3ss said:
Him and Balrog are my worst match ups so far... :(

Balrog I dont mind as much... i feel like he is a little easier to control and get around...

Bison on the other hand, his s.mk and s.hk kill viper SO BAD. He is a pain for Sagat too.. I think I lost like 18 straight last night against my friends Bison.. :(

by the end of the session I understand what to do a bit more but the cross up mk into poke string/combos and s.mk/s.rh are pretty rough to deal with.


toneroni said:
I love when they taunt in the first round while i'm warming up or something. Wonder how they felt when i finished em up in the other rounds :lol

Yeah, I meant to finish him off with the Ultra Combo but it worked out better this way because I got the taunt in.

It feels great to get these kinds of wins because there's been so many times I'm been on the bad end of it as well.

I also love when I'm playing a defensive person and I try to get close as he's crouching/blocking. I get in right next to him into a crouch position as well...and then there's a waiting game to see if someone is going to attack low to get in a counter. So the both of us are just crouching and staring at each other, looking like idiots. The moment only lasts for less than a 1/2 second but it feels like an eternity. :lol
As much as I get bored of all the Kens I play, I can't help but failing miserably whenever one traps in in a corner and shoryukens the hell out of me. I usually play C.Viper. Is there a way to get out of that? I try to time a crouching fierce kick when they land, but for some reason, they end up doing it first.


My girlfriend took a half day from work since she didn't have any meetings so she could come home and drum on RB. She's an addict.

I can't even play SF now. I wanted to work on more Hard trials.


Strap on your hooker ...
nakedsushi said:
As much as I get bored of all the Kens I play, I can't help but failing miserably whenever one traps in in a corner and shoryukens the hell out of me. I usually play C.Viper. Is there a way to get out of that? I try to time a crouching fierce kick when they land, but for some reason, they end up doing it first.
FP Lightning Knuckle just before they land?


Gold Member
toneroni said:
I love when they taunt in the first round while i'm warming up or something. Wonder how they felt when i finished em up in the other rounds :lol

I suck so hard I often accidently hit the taunt button, which pisses me off because I'm not trying to disrespect someone who will almost certainly slaughter me. I turn it off when I'm playing but sometimes I forget.
The thing about "priority" is that its completely arbitrary and subjective.

There's no technical way to gauge priority. It's just a term used in place of "attack x beats attack y." Seeing as how determining what attack beats another is reliant on a number of factors (ie, timing, size of "blue"/"red" hitboxes, startup and recovery), trying to generally argue what determines "priority" is useless.

It's better to talk about things in specific instances, like, if Claw's c.MP is already active, will Ken's f+MK win since its startup is so quick? (vs stating that Rufus c.HP will lose to Balrog LP or whatever).


jrricky said:
wats dat? tell me more.

other question: Is it possible to beat Seth on very hard mode?
No one responded on how to 'filter' matchmaking yet? :-( There is absolutely no one with a good connection.
nakedsushi said:
As much as I get bored of all the Kens I play, I can't help but failing miserably whenever one traps in in a corner and shoryukens the hell out of me. I usually play C.Viper. Is there a way to get out of that? I try to time a crouching fierce kick when they land, but for some reason, they end up doing it first.

Don't FK. Do something faster like LK or LP.

It does suck when they corner you. My most hated Ken move though is EX Tornado Kick into EX Shoryuken. Takes off probably 25-33% health while being ridiculously easy with no chance to counter or recover =(

As much as I hate dem Kens, I've been fighting more and more effing Sagats nowadays. Sagat seems so broken in this game. Ridiculous amounts of damage and speed on basic moves. Helaos has massive range+damage...good lord. I probably have to hit him three times as much with my Cammy in order to win. Any chance he'll get 'fixed'?


fatty said:
Edit: Nevermind this first paragraph, it was clarified above. Thanks to both of you guys.
[ignore]Do you have to charge back on either of those? And after the fireball I was always trying to charge back and then forward, back, forward + kick (super) but if you only have to go back once that makes it much easier. Thanks for the help, I'm going to tackle that tonight.[/ignore]

I also notice on the one combo where you back-kick (charge down, up + medium kick) them up in the air and they have to land on your 'spinning bird kick' to complete the combo, that you pretty much have to be in the corner or else they'll 'get away' from you due to the momentum of the back-kick. Am I right in thinking this?
correct, isn't fun to play with broken characters where all of their best combos only work in the corner. =(


Man, I love Abel. He's the only person I really like playing as. BEFORE SFIV, I was mostly a shoto player. Now, I never play as them in an online match, probably thanks to the whole flowchart Ken stigma.

I do get a sense of satisfaction taking down Kens, Akumas and Sagats. With Akuma, I love baiting them to pull out either raging demon, and then let Abel's Ultra take priority. Always fun.

Anyway, I'm still usually playing at night, around 11pm EST for those interested "Jimb0" PSN (0 = zero) in some friendly matches.

jrricky said:
No one responded on how to 'filter' matchmaking yet? :-( There is absolutely no one with a good connection.

I've yet to play someone with less than 3 bars, though I never get 5. It's perfectly smooth 99% of the time. There's never a shortage of people jumping in as a new challenger. It's actually impossible to play the arcade mode with the option on. I can't get through one character.


Duke Togo said:

I have a 59.95% win percentage...with over 250 matches. How does that stack up with you guys? How hard of a scrub am I?

73.30% with over 300 matches


Whine Whine FADC Troll
Beardz said:
73.30% with over 300 matches

I'm at about 66% with 850 matches- but I've been hosting games so I'm not playing that many scrub-level players anymore.

And I haven't lost to a gravure idol who cosplays as Chun. (Then again I make it a point never to lose to cosplayers)
I'm at 60-61% but I screw around in Player Matches with so many characters that it has ruined my win%

In the end I honestly don't care. I'm just having fun :)


jonah777 said:
What do you guys do to relax during your matches? :lol

I'm slowly getting better, but I find my biggest hurdle is getting over that adrenaline rush when a round is close. I start making all kinds of mistakes I wouldn't normally make especially when it comes to defensive play. Am I gonna have to pull out the Kava before a match?

Do things even your opponent wouldn't even think of.

I'll walk full screen from one corner to their face and throw them because they're getting ready to counter my Spiral Arrow, so I'm almost to them, they keep blocking, waiting for the attack and... nope, nothing special here, just a game-winning toss.


Jim said:
Man, I love Abel. He's the only person I really like playing as. BEFORE SFIV, I was mostly a shoto player. Now, I never play as them in an online match, probably thanks to the whole flowchart Ken stigma.

I do get a sense of satisfaction taking down Kens, Akumas and Sagats. With Akuma, I love baiting them to pull out either raging demon, and then let Abel's Ultra take priority. Always fun.

Anyway, I'm still usually playing at night, around 11pm EST for those interested "Jimb0" PSN (0 = zero) in some friendly matches.

I've yet to play someone with less than 3 bars, though I never get 5. It's perfectly smooth 99% of the time. There's never a shortage of people jumping in as a new challenger. It's actually impossible to play the arcade mode with the option on. I can't get through one character.

I’m the same way, in that before SFIV my main was Ken. I don’t play as Ken as much (mostly against other shotos) due to people saying they don’t like facing them, but I don’t mind the shotos at all. Maybe it’s because I’m aware of their tendencies so I like to see how they play him. But in general I just like playing online against whoever.

I didn’t know that Abel's Ultra took priority over Akuma’s. Is there somewhere out there that breaks down these type of things? I guess I’d assume that any Ultra would overtake Akuma’s since his has the advantage of not being blockable but I’m not sure.

And I love playing arcade mode with the challenge option turned out. The furthest I’ve gotten is one round before getting another challenge.


argh!!!! 8 ranked wins in a row and then some Blanka player destroyed me... whenever I get close to 10 I get nervous hands shaking and all, I'm playing a somewhat decent Guile against every Spanish Ken, Ryu and Sagat you can imagine.


fatty said:
I didn’t know that Abel's Ultra took priority over Akuma’s. Is there somewhere out there that breaks down these type of things? I guess I’d assume that any Ultra would overtake Akuma’s since his has the advantage of not being blockable but I’m not sure.
You can knock Akuma out of Demon with just about any special, ultra or super. Even jump attacks beat it. Demon is ass in SF4. The threat of it is the best thing about it IMO.


When this came out I played it non-stop for 2 weeks but suddenly a horrible pain shot through my right arm and now it hurts too much to play any game with quick button presses :(

I can only play slow paced games like Animal Crossing for a while until this horrible pain goes away. I miss this game so much though.. arrg.


I realized something today when I made my first venture online, I don't have a character I can call my main, and this really hurts. I haven't really put and focus or training on one specific character yet and it makes my playing ability pretty standard. If I was to say I had a best character, I guess it would be your typical shoto Ryu or Ken, which I'm not to excited about maining. I tried Abel, who intrigues me quite a bit, but Guile mopped the floor with me.

I really just need to start looking at strategies and such for specific players instead of trying to reach out all over the grid. I also tend to get way to aggressive with characters, which can be a pretty wrong road to take with a character like Abel. Anyone have any suggestions or specific strategies/sites/videos I should check out to get myself on my way?

I ended up going like 3-3 today, 2 of my losses were really close matches, 1 was an absolute ravage against me (vs Guile). So hopefully I can improve myself with this game, I never did succeed or put much time into Street Fighter games, I was always an SNK player. I'm trying to turn that around now, but it may be too late :lol
Found this on the SRK Forums. Super damn funny :lol Rage quitters on XBL don't play.

eshelon from srk said:
I should probably mention the best ever LOLz I had on XBL in SF4.

Very recently when I played this terrible Ryu, he kept spamming Tatsus (first I've seen of a tatsu spammer) and i kept destroying him with Air FBs (I main Akuma). He sends me a msg after saying "FB spammer, learn to fight."

I was intrigued so I sent a msg back saying "rematch? I won't FB at all." He agreed!

I create a lobby and pick Akuma (now we're voice chatting).
He starts SCREAMING "you said NO FBS! WHY U PICK AKUMA?!?!"
I said "Don't worry, I won't FB at all. Not once".
Him: "Ok, but if I see one FB, I quit"
I said "Ok, no FBs. No problem".
FYI, he picks ken.

Match starts:

Jumping cross-up MK into cr. LK tatsu fierce SRK.

He muffles under his breath: That's some fucking bullshit right there.

He starts spamming FBs as ken. I FADC through them, block his SRK, and repeat the same combo as before, replacing the cross-up with a standing RH.


Finally, he lands a few SRKs on me and I jump back. He jumps in and I Ultra Demon.

I hear lots of screaming and metal crunching noises (like he threw his controller or broke something).

I said GG, rematch?

He said, FUCKING BULLSHIT! YOU FUCKING CHEAP BLAH BLAH BLAH, I can't remember all the details.

He agreed to a rematch and I stated that I wouldn't use ANY special moves. Just normals.


I said, Then this should be a fun match for you!

No response.

I select Akuma again.

He picks Ken again.

Match start. Jumping MK cross-up into 4 chained low LPs.


Me: Relax dude, it's just the beginning.

The entire match I just kept getting in on him with throws and doing some low punches. I don't think I even shot out a single fierce. Second round, using this tactic, I scored a perfect.

Now I hear LOTS of screaming and heard something break for sure. His mic must be on the ground because it's kind of far back. I think I hear something like "you're a dick" but I couldn't really understand. After about 30 seconds, it goes somewhat quiet. He picks his mic up. I hear heavy panting.

Me: "You ok dude?"

Him: "You broke my stick"

Me: "What?"

Him: "You...<breathing heavy>...broke...<breathing heavy>...my<BH>...<yelling>STICK!!!</yelling>"

Me: "WTF? <snicker> How did I do that?"


I didn't really understand much after that and then he quit. He sends me a pic a few minutes later of his stick that was missing 2 buttons and had a huge crack in the middle (looked like an old hori stick or something). God I wish I hadn't purged all my messages. That was one worth keeping.

I actually kind of felt bad for him but I guess that's what you get for having an inability to control your rage


I think I am between 75-80% not sure how many matches, but I am sure it is 500+...

Can't wait to get home and try on my new Shadoloo diggs!
I've played 1500 or so matches and lost about 390 of them. My win percentage is like 73% which I consider low. I want to keep it at 80% or above which I had for a while.


hyperbolically metafictive
is there any way to punish dictator's headstomp? with guile or ryu specifically? sometimes i can catch it with guile's ub+fp, but unless there's something i'm missing, it seems like dic can just throw it out with impunity. i guess i don't get hit by it too often, but ARGH ITS ANNOYING AND IF THIS WAS ST I COULD KILL THAT SHIT


drohne said:
is there any way to punish dictator's headstomp? with guile or ryu specifically sometimes i can catch it with guile's ub+fp, but unless there's something i'm missing, it seems like dic can just throw it out with impunity. i guess i don't get hit by it too often, but ARGH ITS ANNOYING AND IF THIS WAS ST I COULD KILL THAT SHIT
Back dash and punish.
drohne said:
is there any way to punish dictator's headstomp? with guile or ryu specifically? sometimes i can catch it with guile's ub+fp, but unless there's something i'm missing, it seems like dic can just throw it out with impunity. i guess i don't get hit by it too often, but ARGH ITS ANNOYING AND IF THIS WAS ST I COULD KILL THAT SHIT

Meet it with a jumping mp. And if you've got moves, you can also air throw that bitch. Break his back. I've lost to too many Bisons before i started countering all his BS.

He's on the list with Blanka.

Edit: this is a guile point of view. From what I can tell, you're an very good Guile player. If you're not using air throw much, start incorporating into your anti air game; it can also work on things like the rainbow Blanka ball. Took me a while but it's helped alot, and discourages the crossups that Guile is so weak against.
to fight Bison, walk back and forth when you think he is going to stomp, you will be surprised how retarded the homing is.

Guile has decent walking speed and Sonic Boom Recovery and I always see them walking back instead of crouch charging now to try to screw Bison's homing

using slow characters, back dash
Man, for whatever reason I just cannot get Ultras off consistently in a match. Even simple ones like the shotos ultras, half the time I do a dragon punch even though I make sure to go all the way down and all the way up, slow or fast, the timing seems almost random.

My main problem is Guile though, the guy I'm maining online. I don't have many issues with his flash kick and sonic boom, but man do I ever get frustrated trying to get his Ultra off (I'm just on the DS3 btw). I can get it off very consistently in challenge mode, and I've practiced it enough to work it into combos and such so I don't have to worry about it being blocked. But once I'm in a match, it just doesn't want to go. It's getting frustrating.


Is there anything that stops a knocked down Ken's Shoryuken? I swear that move goes through everything (even when he isn't down lol) Do I have any other option other than blocking or dashing backwards?
FourSerioux said:
Man, for whatever reason I just cannot get Ultras off consistently in a match. Even simple ones like the shotos ultras, half the time I do a dragon punch even though I make sure to go all the way down and all the way up, slow or fast, the timing seems almost random.

My main problem is Guile though, the guy I'm maining online. I don't have many issues with his flash kick and sonic boom, but man do I ever get frustrated trying to get his Ultra off (I'm just on the DS3 btw). I can get it off very consistently in challenge mode, and I've practiced it enough to work it into combos and such so I don't have to worry about it being blocked. But once I'm in a match, it just doesn't want to go. It's getting frustrating.

I know you can combo his super (if you haven't burn it off EX's), but his Ultra off anything other than a connected super? Almost doesn't sound worth it to me for difficulty :p How's that damage off a combo into his Ultra? I thought there was a lot of time in the start up of Guile's ultra -- plus, it can be Focus Attacked if the person is quick (I learned this the hard way >:| ).

Are you doing the Ultra the way that it's described in the manual/move list, or the (better) way drohne and others discovered (charge db, df db, b, ub + 3k)? I use the latter and haven't got the incorrect input in a while. The first though, I screw up all the time. Damn near impossible on a pad.


gutter_trash said:
to fight Bison, walk back and forth when you think he is going to stomp, you will be surprised how retarded the homing is.

Guile has decent walking speed and Sonic Boom Recovery and I always see them walking back instead of crouch charging now to try to screw Bison's homing

using slow characters, back dash

Seriously. I use Bison and a simple walk forward makes me miss the headstomp. But that's where the Devil Reverse comes in handy :D


I've had this game for weeks and I still don't know who to main. I like Dictator but he almost feels cheap. I like Guile, too, but he seems very difficult to become proficient at. Gouken is fun but maybe a little slow? I'd like to learn Fei Long but he feels so different I'm having difficulty getting into a rhythm. Of course I don't want to use Ken/Ryu/Akuma/Sagat because too much sameness is boring.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
I still dont know which player to use besides El Fuerte ..im between Ryu and Abel.
HALP please!:lol
MrOctober said:
Seriously. I use Bison and a simple walk forward makes me miss the headstomp. But that's where the Devil Reverse comes in handy :D
what I do is that I spam the Devils Reverse then throw out a Headstomp when they expect another Devils Reverse and etc

I love Bison


Evlar said:
I've had this game for weeks and I still don't know who to main. I like Dictator but he almost feels cheap. I like Guile, too, but he seems very difficult to become proficient at. Gouken is fun but maybe a little slow? I'd like to learn Fei Long but he feels so different I'm having difficulty getting into a rhythm. Of course I don't want to use Ken/Ryu/Akuma/Sagat because too much sameness is boring.
pick Cammy then :D


Evlar said:
I've had this game for weeks and I still don't know who to main. I like Dictator but he almost feels cheap. I like Guile, too, but he seems very difficult to become proficient at. Gouken is fun but maybe a little slow? I'd like to learn Fei Long but he feels so different I'm having difficulty getting into a rhythm. Of course I don't want to use Ken/Ryu/Akuma/Sagat because too much sameness is boring.

I was trying to use Fei Long but his moves lack so much power and priority. I really want to use someone unique and stray away from the shoto path :/
Evlar said:
I've had this game for weeks and I still don't know who to main. I like Dictator but he almost feels cheap. I like Guile, too, but he seems very difficult to become proficient at. Gouken is fun but maybe a little slow? I'd like to learn Fei Long but he feels so different I'm having difficulty getting into a rhythm. Of course I don't want to use Ken/Ryu/Akuma/Sagat because too much sameness is boring.

*pounds two gloved fists together*

I think you know the answer
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