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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


Kal said:
Is there anything that stops a knocked down Ken's Shoryuken? I swear that move goes through everything (even when he isn't down lol) Do I have any other option other than blocking or dashing backwards?

Of course not. What would a Ken player do without a shoryuken out of every position?
Arde5643 said:
Fuerte v Blanka? Patience and lots of it - you can't rush against Blanka at all whatsoever - you can, however, punish all of his specials and some normal moves.

Blocked blanka ball: free run slide.
Blocked rainbow: guacamole air throw, dash grab, delayed slide/tostada press/fajita buster.
Blocked blanka slide (early): free grab.
Against Blankas who like to do electricity on wake-up: tortilla propeller beats it clean, and a delayed tostada press will trade or beat it clean.

Walljumps are pretty useless here unless it's done at the corner for wake-up purposes - even if you trade tostada press with Rainbow ball, you get hit more due to your lower health.

Should Blanka decide to get in your grill? Back run with some well-timed tostada presses or Tortilla propeller definitely helps to discourage him or just back run to run away.

But when you have a life lead and try to rush him to finish him off, you'll get hit really, really really badly.

I kinda think of Blanka as an alternate-Gief - Fuerte has all of the counter-measure and defensive tools, it's just that offensively, Fuerte is at such a huge disadvantage that the end result is never worth it to rush against Blanka.

The problem is when Blanka has a life lead on you and decides to turtle - that's where your patience and skill will be really tested since you have to inch very carefully and deliberately in order to make Blanka make a mistake here.

Great advice.. Thanks. Gonna try to time those runs and slides after blocked balls.

I'm also really addicted to Wall Jumps into Tostada Presses.. almost too addicted.. Its actually sometimes killing lol. I just need to slow down with Fuerte a little more until I get the initial knock down then go bonkers and tone it back down.

Any advice for Akuma Air Fireball Spammers..? I have issues getting in. Though last night I did well somehow and beat a 2800 BP Akuma which is quite a feat for me. (El Fuerte tips that is)


After facing a few quiters and a bunch of Akuma players with one Vega which I defeated my Zangief.

I have reached 1000+ BP points.... YAYAY!!! :)


I've been using Blanka/Guile from the start, but it seems like the last few players I've encountered match my Blanka with Blanka. They highlight a bunch of characters and then choose Blanka with 10 seconds left. If they chose Blanka from the start no problem, I would just go with Guile, but they wait for my choice before making a move. There's nothing worse than a Blanka vs Blanka match.
Killa Sasa said:
Are you doing the Ultra the way that it's described in the manual/move list, or the (better) way drohne and others discovered (charge db, df db, b, ub + 3k)? I use the latter and haven't got the incorrect input in a while. The first though, I screw up all the time. Damn near impossible on a pad.

You can do it that way? I've been doing it the way the game describes (charge db, df, db, uf +3k) but it's always been inconsistent on the dualshock, but the way you describe it sounds incredibly easier, I'll have to give that a go tonight.

Awesome to find out, thanks for the tip.

Agent X

Here's something unusual that I encountered in single-player Arcade mode today. I was using Ken, fighting against the computer-controlled Seth. At the end of round 1, I performed a combo which I think was close standing strong punch, into close standing fierce punch, into a Dragon Punch. This delivered the KO to Seth. After the KO was called, Ken went into a Shoryureppa. I don't know if I accidentally did the motion for it just before the KO. The Shoryureppa juggled Seth, but of course I didn't get the fancy background flash, since the KO occurred before the Shoryureppa. I was concerned that I had just wasted my Super meter for something that was completely unnecessary.

At the beginning of round 2, my Super meter was still completely full!

I just figured I'd mention it here, as I'm not sure if it's a bug or if it's the game's safeguard against "unnecessary" super combos. I'm curious to know if anyone else has ever encountered something similar to this.


Agent X said:
Here's something unusual that I encountered in single-player Arcade mode today. I was using Ken, fighting against the computer-controlled Seth. At the end of round 1, I performed a combo which I think was close standing strong punch, into close standing fierce punch, into a Dragon Punch. This delivered the KO to Seth. After the KO was called, Ken went into a Shoryureppa. I don't know if I accidentally did the motion for it just before the KO. The Shoryureppa juggled Seth, but of course I didn't get the fancy background flash, since the KO occurred before the Shoryureppa. I was concerned that I had just wasted my Super meter for something that was completely unnecessary.

At the beginning of round 2, my Super meter was still completely full!

I just figured I'd mention it here, as I'm not sure if it's a bug or if it's the game's safeguard against "unnecessary" super combos. I'm curious to know if anyone else has ever encountered something similar to this.

I've done that with Ryu... That's because you sometimes get one extra hit after you KOed an opponent.


Comics, serious business!
If anyone is looking for a Live player, add Z IR 0 C O O L. He's on a NeoGAF 'vacation' right now but eager to player anyone.


viewtiful_dru said:
The thing about "priority" is that its completely arbitrary and subjective.

There's no technical way to gauge priority. It's just a term used in place of "attack x beats attack y." Seeing as how determining what attack beats another is reliant on a number of factors (ie, timing, size of "blue"/"red" hitboxes, startup and recovery), trying to generally argue what determines "priority" is useless.

It's better to talk about things in specific instances, like, if Claw's c.MP is already active, will Ken's f+MK win since its startup is so quick? (vs stating that Rufus c.HP will lose to Balrog LP or whatever).

I just thought more people here would know how to read frame data (it's incredibly easy). That example you gave isn't very good by the way, you should've asked if you can interrupt Ken's f+MK with Claw's cr.MP, which you can, there's a 7 frame window.

It sounds like you know what you're talking about kinda, except the part where you said it's arbitrary and subjective, and it's useless to argue what determines it. I agree that using specific examples is best though.

I won't argue with anyone who doesn't get it, but could've sworn I've seen numerous people here talking about how to interrupt moves and how to punish stuff...

Mr Jared

Agent X said:
I just figured I'd mention it here, as I'm not sure if it's a bug or if it's the game's safeguard against "unnecessary" super combos. I'm curious to know if anyone else has ever encountered something similar to this.

This happened a lot in 3rd Strike as well, though I'm pretty sure back then it was because you 1-framed the Super Art to the KO. I've seen this a few times in SF4, though I don't know how strict the timing is. Nice to know it doesn't take away Super though :lol


he's Virgin Tight™
Man I faced an awesome Ken today... though he yelled every time I kicked his ass. It went 8-4 his win though =(. Epic, intense, and I learned a lot. Now I know I need to better learn to cancel attacks and follow them with another one. Damn =P


Im' pretty sure this has been answered a million times, but how in the hell do I do Sagat's fake kick? Am I missing something? -_-

edit: NM, got it. There is no way I would try that in battle. The speed that requires is ridiculous.


TurtleSnatcher said:
Great advice.. Thanks. Gonna try to time those runs and slides after blocked balls.

I'm also really addicted to Wall Jumps into Tostada Presses.. almost too addicted.. Its actually sometimes killing lol. I just need to slow down with Fuerte a little more until I get the initial knock down then go bonkers and tone it back down.

Any advice for Akuma Air Fireball Spammers..? I have issues getting in. Though last night I did well somehow and beat a 2800 BP Akuma which is quite a feat for me. (El Fuerte tips that is)
I haven't faced too many decent Akumas online since I have pretty low BP (mostly play player matches) so not too sure on strat.

For any Fuerte or Akuma players, is this possible? Akuma does air fireball, Fuerte does habanero dash forward to slide.
Does Akuma have enough time to block or do shoryuken upon landing after air fireball?

I find walljumps to be really annoying to Akuma users as well if they like to spam fireballs (land or air variety). :D


hyperbolically metafictive
Killa Sasa said:
Meet it with a jumping mp. And if you've got moves, you can also air throw that bitch. Break his back. I've lost to too many Bisons before i started countering all his BS.

He's on the list with Blanka.

Edit: this is a guile point of view. From what I can tell, you're an very good Guile player. If you're not using air throw much, start incorporating into your anti air game; it can also work on things like the rainbow Blanka ball. Took me a while but it's helped alot, and discourages the crossups that Guile is so weak against.

huh -- i do airthrow a fair bit, but i've never tried it against blanka's arcing ball, and i was under the impression that it tends to lose to the headstomp. i'll have to give it a try
kurahadol said:
I was trying to use Fei Long but his moves lack so much power and priority. I really want to use someone unique and stray away from the shoto path :/

Fei Long is strong and always seems to have high priority to me, maybe you're just getting into his rhythm? It just too bad his chicken wing doesn't dodge hadokens on reaction like cammy's hooligan does.

Turtlesnatcher said:
So I've been playing Cammy a little today.

Her EX Hooligan is so disgusting it isn't even funny.

Oh god, the EX Hooligan is the scariest move in the game. I seriously shit my pants if I miss a projectile and that thing comes flying at me.

Cammy's definately gonna be my other main once I get more comfortable with her move set.
lawblob said:
Im' pretty sure this has been answered a million times, but how in the hell do I do Sagat's fake kick? Am I missing something? -_-

edit: NM, got it. There is no way I would try that in battle. The speed that requires is ridiculous.
I got it my first try on my HRAP w/ Sanwa buttons. Easy to do if you have responsive buttons, just feather the button with two fingers.


Arde5643 said:
I haven't faced too many decent Akumas online since I have pretty low BP (mostly play player matches) so not too sure on strat.

For any Fuerte or Akuma players, is this possible? Akuma does air fireball, Fuerte does habanero dash forward to slide.
Does Akuma have enough time to block or do shoryuken upon landing after air fireball?

I find walljumps to be really annoying to Akuma users as well if they like to spam fireballs (land or air variety). :D

They slide should get him. At least it always connects for me. Air Fireballs are overall not really that big of a problem. Most of the time the dash is fast enough to just run past them. And if not EX just soaks them up and most Akuma players don't react fast enough to counter what ever you want to do.


God's Beard said:
Fei Long is strong and always seems to have high priority to me, maybe you're just getting into his rhythm? It just too bad his chicken wing doesn't dodge hadokens on reaction like cammy's hooligan does.
Would probably be the case, far from an expert with Fei Long, so if everyone is disagreeing with me, I'm going to side with you guys haha.


Won said:
They slide should get him. At least it always connects for me. Air Fireballs are overall not really that big of a problem. Most of the time the dash is fast enough to just run past them. And if not EX just soaks them up and most Akuma players don't react fast enough to counter what ever you want to do.

It depends on how close they are to the ground tho. Not 100% sure but I'd guess if they're fairly low then they would have time to block.
_dementia said:
Oh yeah, sorry for the sporadic lag yesterday MicVlaD, problem was on my end.
Kind of late with my response, but good that you found the issue. What was it?

FindMyFarms said:
Hey just though I'd chime in. If you're inputting his teleport right after you press up, then you're doing it wrong. If not, then ignore this post lol.

There's a MUCH easier way to do it. If you've played charge characters before, you know that if you perform a sonic boom/kikouken/etc. you input the command for those techniques as charge back 2 seconds, forward, back punch. This is due to the fact that no one in the world can actually press forward and punch at the exact same nanosecond, and the game allows you a split second of delay between forward and punch to accomodate for that. Hitting back first and then punch allows you to start your charge for your next sonic boom before the animation for the first even begins.

This same theory applies to the Yoga teleport as well. You input his directions for the yoga teleport, then press up/forward, THEN press the three punches. You'll be able to stay a lot lower in the air. Also, with various inputs you can teleport/land at varying heights.


That thread pretty much explains it all. Like I said, if you already knew this, the just ignore this post lol. Hopefully this was of help to some new Dhalsim players at least.
I had no idea, but then again, I seldomly pick charge characters (if ever). Tried it yesterday and it does work, but unfortunately it's a lot harder for me to pull off whenever I want to, because I'm so used to the "faulty" method by now. :lol

nakedsushi said:
As much as I get bored of all the Kens I play, I can't help but failing miserably whenever one traps in in a corner and shoryukens the hell out of me. I usually play C.Viper. Is there a way to get out of that? I try to time a crouching fierce kick when they land, but for some reason, they end up doing it first.
It's not the most punishing counter, but I just play defensively and grab after every blocked Shoryuken when I expect them. Doesn't do significant damage, but it sure as hell annoys the other guy (especially once you start landing consecutive grabs) to no end.

moai said:
so what's the general opinion on dan?
UC1 said:
I know I said that last post was my last on this topic, this one really is I swear.

That's not what frame advantage means. Frame advantage is to do with what happens after your attack hits or is blocked, and whether there's a combo opportunity available, or if it can be punished. Read the whole thing I linked you to, it explains all that.

I didn't say that was frame advantage, I said it relates to it. As in, when a character has frame advantage, his next attack could still get beat out if the opponent's attack if its startup is fast enough. Again, this whole time you've been talking about speed, not priority. In your reply to viewtiful dru, you're doing the same thing, talking about something totally different than he is.

Speaking about speed in those terms is pointless anyway because how often do two character's moves start at the exact same frame in an actual match?


I am playing the challenge mode trials (in the training arena) with Abel and I am on level 5 challenge 2. It is the last challenge for Abel. It says to do a light punch followed by a medium punch (extremely easy compared to level 4, but whatever). The problem is it's not registering the medium punch. Has anyone else run into this problem? How did you beat this?


akachan ningen said:
I didn't say that was frame advantage, I said it relates to it. As in, when a character has frame advantage, his next attack could still get beat out if the opponent's attack if its startup is fast enough. Again, this whole time you've been talking about speed, not priority. In your reply to viewtiful dru, you're doing the same thing, talking about something totally different than he is.

Speaking about speed in those terms is pointless anyway because how often do two character's moves start at the exact same frame in an actual match?


Dude, you're an idiot. This is like the most basic maths there is. It doesn't matter if the 2 moves start on the same frame, you can do basic adding and subtracting to figure out which will hit first. If they're both active and collide, it's a clash. The only reason that wouldn't happen comes down to hitboxes (i.e. one of the moves whiffing).

Now clearly you've had no idea how any of this works all along, and I've been kind enough to explain it to you several times and link to articles which explain it. Meanwhile you've been misusing terminology and talking out of your ass. At what point do you admit that you've got no idea?

I think it's for the best that I add you to my ignore list. Just hope that nobody takes you seriously as you blatantly make shit up that can't be proven. You honestly expect people to believe that you know the exact frame a move hits and beats another move that is also hitting? Are you able to slow down time until you can perceive 1/30th of a second? What a fucking jackass.


daw840 said:
I am playing the challenge mode trials (in the training arena) with Abel and I am on level 5 challenge 2. It is the last challenge for Abel. It says to do a light punch followed by a medium punch (extremely easy compared to level 4, but whatever). The problem is it's not registering the medium punch. Has anyone else run into this problem? How did you beat this?
If it's not registering the MP, you might be doing it just that fraction of a second too soon.

The last challenges on Normal for everyone are these type of short hit combos, once you've done a few you'll get the hang of the timing.
UC1 said:

Dude, you're an idiot. This is like the most basic maths there is. It doesn't matter if the 2 moves start on the same frame, you can do basic adding and subtracting to figure out which will hit first. If they're both active and collide, it's a clash. The only reason that wouldn't happen comes down to hitboxes (i.e. one of the moves whiffing).

Now clearly you've had no idea how any of this works all along, and I've been kind enough to explain it to you several times and link to articles which explain it. Meanwhile you've been misusing terminology and talking out of your ass. At what point do you admit that you've got no idea?

I think it's for the best that I add you to my ignore list. Just hope that nobody takes you seriously as you blatantly make shit up that can't be proven. You honestly expect people to believe that you know the exact frame a move hits and beats another move that is also hitting? Are you able to slow down time until you can perceive 1/30th of a second? What a fucking jackass.

Why are you getting so mad? That just makes you look like an idiot.

Anyway, everyone else that has replied to you on the last two pages disagrees with you too and you haven't been able to refute anything they've said either.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
UC1 said:

Dude, you're an idiot. This is like the most basic maths there is. It doesn't matter if the 2 moves start on the same frame, you can do basic adding and subtracting to figure out which will hit first. If they're both active and collide, it's a clash. The only reason that wouldn't happen comes down to hitboxes (i.e. one of the moves whiffing).

Now clearly you've had no idea how any of this works all along, and I've been kind enough to explain it to you several times and link to articles which explain it. Meanwhile you've been misusing terminology and talking out of your ass. At what point do you admit that you've got no idea?

I think it's for the best that I add you to my ignore list. Just hope that nobody takes you seriously as you blatantly make shit up that can't be proven. You honestly expect people to believe that you know the exact frame a move hits and beats another move that is also hitting? Are you able to slow down time until you can perceive 1/30th of a second? What a fucking jackass.

Street Fighter: Serious Business


BitchTits said:
If it's not registering the MP, you might be doing it just that fraction of a second too soon.

The last challenges on Normal for everyone are these type of short hit combos, once you've done a few you'll get the hang of the timing.

Thanks man, I got it somehow.


Bane was better.
help a scroto out folks,

I'm doing the trials, and can't get passed the third set (combos). How do I do ryu's Crouching Fierce into Shoryuken? I can't get the timing right


Won said:
They slide should get him. At least it always connects for me. Air Fireballs are overall not really that big of a problem. Most of the time the dash is fast enough to just run past them. And if not EX just soaks them up and most Akuma players don't react fast enough to counter what ever you want to do.
I also find it's helpful to not try to rush in to kill off Akuma once you have the life lead as Fuerte.

A combo from Akuma with EX meter/FADC shenanigans can put him back up very easily.

Instead, run away tactics to frustrate Akuma works best in general since any fireball attempts from Akuma can be easily escaped by Fuerte.
Thai said:
help a scroto out folks,

I'm doing the trials, and can't get passed the third set (combos). How do I do ryu's Crouching Fierce into Shoryuken? I can't get the timing right

hold df when you do the c.hp, instead of holding down. then just do the mini-DP motion.
Vdragoon said:
I love when I pick Ken and they bolt straight to Dan ... then lose badly.

Wait, you love they pick a gimped character when you pick an overly abused character?

Now if it's was the other way around, that would be awesome.


I've actually been getting failures to join game invites as of late. what the hell is up with that?

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
I hardly ever got any disconnectors when I played Cammy mostly on Ranked. But now that I play Gen a lot, 3 out of every 10 matches it's all like



Player match + ranking is a fucking lost cause for me atm.Out of all the matches I've played today more than half of them ended up in disconnects mid match or people kicking me out after 1 victory along with a couple of "good game" messages I sent which got a "fuck you!111" response :lol

Add Caj814 GT if you haven't already if you are on XBL.I'm sticking to friend matches for the most part.
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