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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
gutter_trash said:
what up with all the Dan selections? I always get self-conscious when people select Dan, like if it's some sort of message haha

I played a guy today who did Dan's super taunt, then after I super/ultra'd him out of it for the win, he proceeded to send me a message calling me gay and cheap for linking Gen's super/ultra.

XBL blows my mind sometimes.

But yeah, when people pick Dan I'm the same way. I don't know whether to be scared or not :lol


Just got a disconnect.
Reflecting Akuma's air fireball really confused the shit out of him, haha.


I am Korean.


AZ Greg said:
GGs again Arde. Sorry for bailing after only a few games, but I need to get some stuff done before bed.
Awesome games, Greg - your Vega really forces my Fuerte to be crazy insane moving all around like a chicken plucked off its head. :lol

And I still lost all of the games. :( Till next time, Greg - next time!!
Freshmaker said:

I guess you misunderstood me, I want to see two turtle characters against each other. So Dhalsim vs Claw, Dhalsim vs Dictator, or Akuma vs Dictator.

I get extremely frustrated playing against turtle characters. Normally the people controlling them are good or half way decent so I can't get close to them. Even if I do, I'm a below average player so I can't deal good damage. I want to see how pros who play turtle characters do against each other.


I am Korean.
Rice-Eater said:
I guess you misunderstood me, I want to see two turtle characters against each other. So Dhalsim vs Claw, Dhalsim vs Dictator, or Akuma vs Dictator.

I get extremely frustrated playing against turtle characters. Normally the people controlling them are good or half way decent so I can't get close to them. Even if I do, I'm a below average player so I can't deal good damage. I want to see how pros who play turtle characters do against each other.
Well, Dhalsim vs Sagat pretty much fits the bill given how Sagat was played. :lol


TurtleSnatcher said:
I also almost lost to a Vega that just did wall jumps.. I couldn't counter the shit.. had no idea what to do.. thankfully I got 1 knockdown and got him in a Tostada string and raped him.
Wait till you get to fight AZ Greg's Vega who abuses the fuck out of PPP and KKK - no wake-up shenanigans for poor lil Fuerte. :(

I basically just went crazy with the dashes in an effort to confuse the fuck out of Greg. :lol

It was glorious, although I still lost in the end. :(

Against wall-jumps: don't bother trying to airthrow a good Vega that can control their wall-jumps and Izuna drops easily, you'll get clawed everytime.

FAs kinda work though not that good unless Claw actually hits you in front - and even then, he can just easily do izuna drop instead.

I got Greg mostly when he's trying to poke me with some back habanero dash tostada splash or tortilla propeller. Problem is, after knocking him down, Vega has the advantage in escaping a lot of Fuerte's wake-up shenanigans.

This match is Vega's to lose unfortunately - the only thing you can do is punish his mistakes (getting too aggressive in poking, slide, whiffed izuna drop, whiffed/blocked ultra). Against his specials, Fuerte doesn't have any solid answer.
Freshmaker said:
Well, Dhalsim vs Sagat pretty much fits the bill given how Sagat was played. :lol

I main Ryu and that's pretty much what I'm forced to do. Like I said, I'm no good so I can't get near them. They get there hits and then run away, I chase and we repeat. So pretty much, I know I'm screwed so I sit back and throw fireballs to make them come after me or let them win when time runs out.
Rice-Eater said:
I guess you misunderstood me, I want to see two turtle characters against each other. So Dhalsim vs Claw, Dhalsim vs Dictator, or Akuma vs Dictator.

I get extremely frustrated playing against turtle characters. Normally the people controlling them are good or half way decent so I can't get close to them. Even if I do, I'm a below average player so I can't deal good damage. I want to see how pros who play turtle characters do against each other.

vega and bison are turtle characters? I totally rush down with both of them. Akuma too, if I ever played him. The only ones I would play keep away with are dhalsim and chun-li, and possibly guile and honda.


NeoGAF: my new HOME
Haunts, dude, man, dude! Are you doing a Rose combo video?

I'm switching between her and Sakura right now (still need to change my entire strategy with her before I can play her effectively :( ) and I do way better with her but I'm having trouble coming up with effective punishments for whiffed hits. I'm currently relying on throws and her heavy kick pokes to whittle the other guy down. I wanna start punishing them proper like!


gutter_trash said:
Bison isn't cheap at all, he is quite honorable IMO, he is no SF2 Champion Edition torpedo abusing Bison.

I agree with this. I main Bison & in some ways I feel he's underpowered (although I guess I would say that really...)

I just love collecting grist for the Shadaloo mill.


This morning I started doing the Challenge Mode with random characters to unlock more stuff. I think I need to start playing with Boxer. His moves are ridiculous and his quotes at the end of matches are the best. :lol


Hey Haunts, are you the "haunts" that's going to Final Round in Atlanta this weekend? Just curious. Wish I could be there... Heard Gootecks from SoCal was going to be there.

am planning on going to the Waba tourney on the 28th though as my first ever tourney. :D
RevenantKioku said:
I hope some of you are available when I get home in like... whenever my boss realize it's time to drive me home from work.

You're playing demon souls ;(. Help me train a secondary character please, I'll be your bleeding punching bag for a few matches.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
PhatSaqs said:
GS last night haunts! Poor Rose was so not feeling Sagat :lol

I don't think anyone feels Sagat. I know when the game came out, I thought Rose was put in just to counter shotos, but she's not really strong enough to do it.

Sick enough of Sagat right now that it's killing my interest in this, and I was hoping it would last until June when the next thing I want is out.

BTW the person deciding between Chun and Honda, Chun's MUCH better. The more I play Honda, the more I see his huge problems. He's just so damn unsafe.


Some guy sent me a MSG 'learn a new move fag' in reference to my abuse of cammys spiral arrow against him. I replied 'learn how to block fag' in reference to the fact that if I can get away with it I will.


NeoGAF: my new HOME
xabre said:
Some guy sent me a MSG 'learn a new move fag' in reference to my abuse of cammys spiral arrow against him. I replied 'learn how to block fag' in reference to the fact that if I can get away with it I will.

You shouldn't sink to their level, report, move on and if you face him again, dominate his sorry behind as before.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
McBradders said:
You shouldn't sink to their level, report, move on and if you face him again, dominate his sorry behind as before.

I see no problem with trash talking droppers. Especially if they're whoring the top tier.
I usually just tell them to go back to Halo or Smash.


Pop On Arrival said:
You're playing demon souls ;(. Help me train a secondary character please, I'll be your bleeding punching bag for a few matches.
Jesus, was I really playing Demon's Souls for that long? "/ That's almost depressing. I don't even really like the game!


Whine Whine FADC Troll
_dementia said:
real mature

Maturity doesn't work with these people. They'll probably ignore it anyways. I just block whatever response I get, which often involves seven varieties of gay, Jew, or communist.

I've been around enough hardcore fighting gamer types to not want to be around hardcore fighting gamer types. ^_^ (The legit top players like the Justin Wongs and stuff are pretty cool though, but you only see those sorts at tournies)


For anyone that has it, how did you get over 4000 BP???........I am stuck at like 3000 now and ALL im fighting is 700-1500 range....maybe ill get a 2000 here and there but thats few and far between.


Comics, serious business!
Is there anything in life better than jumping over Akuma's ultra and then following up with your own? I don't think so.
bah321 said:
For anyone that has it, how did you get over 4000 BP???........I am stuck at like 3000 now and ALL im fighting is 700-1500 range....maybe ill get a 2000 here and there but thats few and far between.

you still get at least one bp per match so just get one thousand more wins without losing :Þ


akachan ningen said:
you still get at least one bp per match so just get one thousand more wins without losing :Þ

haha.....after every ranked match when the BP screen comes up, I'm like...please be good please be good please be good...

but yeah i think i am enjoying player matches alot more now


Whine Whine FADC Troll
bah321 said:
For anyone that has it, how did you get over 4000 BP???........I am stuck at like 3000 now and ALL im fighting is 700-1500 range....maybe ill get a 2000 here and there but thats few and far between.

Host matches. Win. Hope you don't run into 20 straight Sagats who know what you're doing. I lost about 1000 bp due to that, gained half of it back. Don't main a character who loses at least 7-3 to Sagat. Still well over 4k though.

It's not supposed to be easy.


arstal said:
Host matches. Win. Hope you don't run into 20 straight Sagats who know what you're doing. I lost about 1000 bp due to that, gained half of it back. Don't main a character who loses at least 7-3 to Sagat. Still well over 4k though.

It's not supposed to be easy.



arstal said:
Host matches. Win. Hope you don't run into 20 straight Sagats who know what you're doing. I lost about 1000 bp due to that, gained half of it back. Don't main a character who loses at least 7-3 to Sagat. Still well over 4k though.

It's not supposed to be easy.

Haha.....I main Sagat.....but also Cammy.
arstal said:
Maturity doesn't work with these people. They'll probably ignore it anyways. I just block whatever response I get, which often involves seven varieties of gay, Jew, or communist.

I've been around enough hardcore fighting gamer types to not want to be around hardcore fighting gamer types. ^_^ (The legit top players like the Justin Wongs and stuff are pretty cool though, but you only see those sorts at tournies)
Report/file a complaint against the user in question and move on. Why sink to his level?


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
Any good Cammy combo videos out there? I don't know what they did to her in SFIV but I just cant get anywhere with her cute little butt.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
_dementia said:
Report/file a complaint against the user in question and move on. Why sink to his level?

Because if you do nothing, oftentimes this happens:

The person comes right back. Repeatedly.

Plus sometimes they'll apologize. If you say nothing, it's possible that the drop was an accident and you end up trashing someone who may be decent. This has happened once or twice.

If the person is a scrub and they drop- I don't say anything. It's the people who have a clue and who drop that irritate me, or those who whore the top tiers.
Router said:
Any good Cammy combo videos out there? I don't know what they did to her in SFIV but I just cant get anywhere with her cute little butt.



NeoGAF: my new HOME
Router said:
Any good Cammy combo videos out there? I don't know what they did to her in SFIV but I just cant get anywhere with her cute little butt.

Be aggressive. B. E aggressive.

All the good Cammy's who I've faced have been consistently in my face, close any space I gain back using EX Hooligan's or knuckles and just keep the pressure on. Just be sure to know what her safe moves are with wich to pressure and trap with.


Router said:
Any good Cammy combo videos out there? I don't know what they did to her in SFIV but I just cant get anywhere with her cute little butt.

All i know is her cannon spike combos have to start very deep.......and Sprial Arrow FADC to cannon strike juggles can only hit once with Sprial arrow.

I also found it easier when starting the Cannon Strike-FADC- DASH forward instead of backwards-Cannon Strike but DASH backwards to chain it to a super or ultra
RevenantKioku said:
Jesus, was I really playing Demon's Souls for that long? "/ That's almost depressing. I don't even really like the game!


Jesus, you utterly destroyed my viper. I still really want to use her, but goddamn, is she ever hard to use. :lol


Pop On Arrival said:

Jesus, you utterly destroyed my viper. I still really want to use her, but goddamn, is she ever hard to use. :lol
Heh, but I'm still having issues with your Chun-Li. Especially with Rose. Sakura did a little better but not by much. I don't think I've ever used a super though. I just enjoy the EX moves too much. Especially Sakura's EX Dragon Punch. How many times I caught various characters with that today is ridiculous.
I found out this weekend that I tend to let go of the stick when doing moves, and this screws me up. Gotta force myself to hold onto the stick so I stop doing the wrong damn move or jumping for no damn reason.

And now for 7th Dragon until I pass out.
arstal said:
The more I play Honda, the more I see his huge problems. He's just so damn unsafe.

Same with me, when I run into tough opponents who know how to exploit his weaknesses and it irks me how badly punishable he is compared to Super Turbo and CVS2

they seriously need to to make Headbutts not so insanely punishable on block while characters like Sagat have insanely fast projectile speed fast enough to connect full screen EX Tiger shots in row and crap
gutter_trash said:
Same with me, when I run into tough opponents who know how to exploit his weaknesses and it irks me how badly punishable he is compared to Super Turbo and CVS2

they seriously need to to make Headbutts not so insanely punishable on block while characters like Sagat have insanely fast projectile speed fast enough to connect full screen EX Tiger shots in row and crap

what are his weaknesses? besides the recovery on the headbutt?


Well, I am being reminded of why I never play Arcade Mode. Trying to learn Boxer, I can't get past Seth. How in the hell do I beat Seth with Boxer?

Once again, what a ridiculously terrible boss. The fact that I have to find a single cheap move to use over and over again... ridiculous.


xabre said:
Some guy sent me a MSG 'learn a new move fag' in reference to my abuse of cammys spiral arrow against him. I replied 'learn how to block fag' in reference to the fact that if I can get away with it I will.

:lol I got a message from some guy whos ass I had just kicked with Dhalsim saying, and I quote "HEY, YOUR A F***ING PUSSY". Seemed like such a nice chap when we were fighting too
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