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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


PhatSaqs said:
Im not that good I just play a lot. Seriously. I'm too old :lol
What does age have to do with anything?
How old is old?

Also I need to get a couple of games with you...as a fellow old gamer ;)


Comics, serious business!
ShinAmano said:
What does age have to do with anything?
How old is old?

Also I need to get a couple of games with you...as a fellow old gamer ;)

lol, Phatsaqs is 63 :lol He often complains about his arthritis between matches.


ShinAmano said:
What does age have to do with anything?
How old is old?

Also I need to get a couple of games with you...as a fellow old gamer ;)
My reaction time ain't what it used to be along with things just taking a lot longer to register memory wise. Sloppy execution is another thing.
lol, Phatsaqs is 63 He often complains about his arthritis between matches.
I actually did run into a wrist issue requiring a splint :lol


hyperbolically metafictive
Fersis said:
He doesnt do much damage,low defense and doesnt have long combos, you have to hit and run during all the match.
So... here is where i start to wonder a couple of things:
Zangief can beat El Fuerte with 3 piledrivers, Akuma with 1 Ultra and 1 HP shoryuken... so whats the deal ?
He have low defense,low strength, and it doesnt have any quick move for short range matchs...(Oddly he doesnt have a grappling or throw move)
His LP is amazingly fast.. so is his crouch MK and Crouch LK or standing LK.
Almost every move comes from canceling RUN (FORWARD) and RUN (BACKWARD), his strong normal attacks doesnt help at all:
-Standing HP has a lot of recovery time
But timed well with Run and Stop can create to that loop combo which is one of the strongest in the game
-Standing far HK is too slow and has lot of recovery time
-Jumping HP and HK doesnt have good range (HP is better than HK tough)
Jumping HP is amazing.. especially for jump ins
-His crouching HK is too slow
His slide is amazing with the run though and moves a decent distance
-His crouching HP doesnt have a good range
Its anti-air.. not really a viable norm attack

Don't forget his F+MK and F+HK - These are good.

QUESADILLA BOMB should have been an quarter circle forward + kick move and not a press and release move, since
its really easy to cancel in EL FUERTE DYNAMITE
Before jumping in with some Tostada's you can hold this down.. or you can jump in with HP then HP or HK and then again let go and set up your El Fuerte Dynamite

Worst match-ups (That ive experienced):
Against a Zangief you have to run all the time and try to attack with PROPELLER TORTILLA or FAJITA BUSTER because if the
TOSTADA PRESS is blocked you are gonna eat a piledriver. (And two more of those and you are out)
I actually rarely get hit by SPD after blocked Tostada .. mainly on whiffed ones where I fall in front of him. Abusing his slide and Fajita Buster and Propeller are great against Gief. Also bounce off walls and come in with Fajita Busters/Tostada Presses since he always wants to get close. Spinning Clothlesline amazingly is pretty worthless against a Fuerte who leaps off the wall and counters with a T-Press.

Air fireballs, 'nough said.
I only played 3 times against Akuma(Gouki) and i lose 2, i didnt find any good reliable way to avoid the pressure from the air fireballs.

Agreed.. the Air Fireballs are so hard to get away from or get past to get the initial knockdown. He also seems to have better priority on his DP then even Ken/Ryu but I could be imagining that

I'm shocked you didn't list Blanka. But maybe thats just me.. His lightning is retarded and he has great Anti air with balls and constant pressure. Not to mention his FP sweep has insane range and he is quick in dashing.

Nice writeup. I put my comments in some things I wanted to mention as well. I know it was written your way and to not take it seriously but maybe some of the things I mention will help.

His ultra is one thing you didn't touch on. Its probably one of the most damaging in the game and one of the easiest to connect with if timed right.

Also confused on what you mean by "He doesn't have a throw or grapple" but all characters do.. And Fajita Buster is a throw.

drohne said:

Don't sweat it.. I took the BP loss by using Fuerte in Ranked.. I went from 1980 back down to 900's. Now I'm back at 2182 which is the highest I've ever been and its with Fuerte who is now apparently better then my other character (Vega).


HomerSimpson-Man said:
Wait, you love they pick a gimped character when you pick an overly abused character?

Now if it's was the other way around, that would be awesome.
I beat an Akuma twice with Dan, but it was in player match so I don't even think it really counts...It seems like everyone decent plays ranked, when on SFHDR it was almost the opposite...BTW, does anyone else miss the bigger lobbies? Why does it specify 1 on 1 lobby in player match, when larger ones cannot even be selected?


Vdragoon said:
I've played Ken since SFII. If they think every Ken is a scrub that's too bad :D free points for me.
I would do the same thing, because if they beat with you Dan that is quite the insult, and I have a natural tendency to hate Kens because they are the main ones who wait around for you to pick your character first so they can get Ken (like it is some kind of cheat), and they always to try to spam fierce shoryukens to no avail.


Fersis said:
I still dont know which player to use besides El Fuerte ..im between Ryu and Abel.
HALP please!:lol
don't be another face in a massive crowd, I never have encountered an Abel in ranked, my vote goes to him.
HiResDes said:
I beat an Akuma twice with Dan, but it was in player match so I don't even think it really counts...It seems like everyone decent plays ranked, when on SFHDR it was almost the opposite...BTW, does anyone else miss the bigger lobbies? Why does it specify 1 on 1 lobby in player match, when larger ones cannot even be selected?
I can only hope they consciously do intend to patch more
So I just had the worst string of games vs a Ken ever.

This guy invented the Ken Flow Chart

I have never heard so many Shoryukens come from my speakers ever.

He was doing nonstop LP shoryukens from the opposite side of the screen. I would beat them with a wall jump Tostada Press.

Then he would wakeup with a Fierce Shoryuken.. and constantly try his ultra to no avail.

It was CRAZY.

I would get him into Tostada Press rotations where he couldn't get out of because I was crossing him up. He was complaining that his Shoryuken wasn't hitting and that it was cheap. I told him what I was doing and he finally started to understand.

He then went on about how Ken's Shoryuken Arc is nothing like past games and that if it was then he would win. He also whined about how his Shoryuken isn't invincible like past games and that he would win if they kept it like that.

Everytime I got him down or blocked a Shoryuken he would say "Interesting..." or "That was interesting .. it shouldn't be like that" 'That was interesting now I know" "Oh I didn't mean to do that move.. interesting"

It drove me crazy.

I then switched to Vega.. won a few more. Swithched to Cammy who i don't know how to play and still won 3 out of 5..

I told him he relied on Shoryuken too much and he just kept going on about how it was nerfed and that if it was like an older game he would dominate..

EDIT: Oh and my favorite

"Im not big into throw.. I prefer to just combo them into a shoryuken.. Throwing just seems like the weaker way out"

I threw him about 500 times that match to punish his Shoryukens.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
HiResDes said:
I beat an Akuma twice with Dan, but it was in player match so I don't even think it really counts...It seems like everyone decent plays ranked, when on SFHDR it was almost the opposite...BTW, does anyone else miss the bigger lobbies? Why does it specify 1 on 1 lobby in player match, when larger ones cannot even be selected?

When you get disconnected from someone, it says "Connection with other player(s) has been lost," so I figure that yeah, they have it in mind.
TurtleSnatcher said:
So I just had the worst string of games vs a Ken ever.

This guy invented the Ken Flow Chart

I have never heard so many Shoryukens come from my speakers ever.

He was doing nonstop LP shoryukens from the opposite side of the screen. I would beat them with a wall jump Tostada Press.

Then he would wakeup with a Fierce Shoryuken.. and constantly try his ultra to no avail.

It was CRAZY.

I would get him into Tostada Press rotations where he couldn't get out of because I was crossing him up. He was complaining that his Shoryuken wasn't hitting and that it was cheap. I told him what I was doing and he finally started to understand.

He then went on about how Ken's Shoryuken Arc is nothing like past games and that if it was then he would win. He also whined about how his Shoryuken isn't invincible like past games and that he would win if they kept it like that.

Everytime I got him down or blocked a Shoryuken he would say "Interesting..." or "That was interesting .. it shouldn't be like that" 'That was interesting now I know" "Oh I didn't mean to do that move.. interesting"

It drove me crazy.

I then switched to Vega.. won a few more. Swithched to Cammy who i don't know how to play and still won 3 out of 5..

I told him he relied on Shoryuken too much and he just kept going on about how it was nerfed and that if it was like an older game he would dominate..

EDIT: Oh and my favorite

"Im not big into throw.. I prefer to just combo them into a shoryuken.. Throwing just seems like the weaker way out"

I threw him about 500 times that match to punish his Shoryukens.



I don't consider it a successful bout of Street Fighting unless I get at least one message berating me for abusing throws til the cows come home. Today was a successful bout.

GotMischief: "FUCK you n----r blah blah throws INTERNET blah you didn't win blah N----R"

Brannon: "Learn to use Akuma better?"

That really set him off. From the many messages afterward I learned that throws are cheap and lame and that I got them from the internet, they only work because of the lag (there was lag?), I should've been eating jabs (or giving them, wasn't too clear on that) whenever he landed from throwing his many, MANY air fireballs or dragon punches or hurricane kicks, and that 'compensation' is a big word. Also I'm a n----r.

To be honest, he was a lot calmer than this other guy I had a couple days ago when my Rufus would grab and grab and grab and then the guy learned to stay back, but then I gravity vortexed him toward me and I grabbed him again for the win. Then I learned I was a fat cracker who was going to get his.

Truly, I am all races.


And yes, I do abuse throws like they're going out of style, but if you're going to keep doing dragon punches knowing I'm going to block it or throw air balls knowing I'm going to dash at you, then what the hell?
TurtleSnatcher said:
Exactly.. he kept saying that.
Hahaha, I know a guy IRL just like that.

I really want to know what "the older game" is because this fellow never played ST or 3S much.

He also complains when I throw... A mutual friend and I have been teaching him to tech and throw more though.


TurtleSnatcher said:
So I just had the worst string of games vs a Ken ever.

This guy invented the Ken Flow Chart

"Im not big into throw.. I prefer to just combo them into a shoryuken.. Throwing just seems like the weaker way out"
This guy should write a book.

How to play Flowchart Ken like the Pros

Ch.4 - Throwing is for pussies


Lyte Edge said:
I have a real problem with Cammy against Honda though. Well, to be more specific, against gutter_trash's Honda. Other players haven't been much of a problem...the way he uses Honda, you'd think this was the SF2 version! :lol
The toughest Cammys I've fought usually spend the entire fight jumping backwards. Not the most interesting matches, but it can be fun trying to trick her into doing a cannon spike and then shoving her face in the dirt.

I just remembered another thing Honda can't do that was a big part of his ST game. He can't store Oicho throw motions anymore. It used to be a great jump-in counter if you didn't have a charge.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
TurtleSnatcher said:
Exactly.. he kept saying that.

And yet from the looks of it, he'd get his ass handed to him in ANY Street Fighter for doing the same dumb crap over and over again.


Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Zabka said:
The toughest Cammys I've fought usually spend the entire fight jumping backwards. Not the most interesting matches, but it can be fun trying to trick her into doing a cannon spike and then shoving her face in the dirt.

I just remembered another thing Honda can't do that was a big part of his ST game. He can't store Oicho throw motions anymore. It used to be a great jump-in counter if you didn't have a charge.

That's pretty stupid. She works the best up close and more offensively, not jumping away. Unless they are doing EX cannon strikes?
_dementia said:
Hahaha, I know a guy IRL just like that.

I really want to know what "the older game" is because this fellow never played ST or 3S much.

He also complains when I throw... A mutual friend and I have been teaching him to tech and throw more though.

Apparently Hyper Fighting.. is the game he was quoting.


HiResDes said:
don't be another face in a massive crowd, I never have encountered an Abel in ranked, my vote goes to him.

Exactly why I like playing as Abel. He's the only character I play in Ranked. It definitely seems like some people don't know what to expect when playing against him.


Street Fighter IV World Champion
RE: That shitty ken player, it's true about the LP dragon nerf, but overall that's a funny story. What a tool. So many of them online. I just rape them with Blanka. Then I get bored and try and get better with Dhalsim and get schooled. I really need to get better with 'sim.


Everyone was saying all the scrubs are in player match and I was wondering why I can barely even get a win there. I then realized I'm one of the scrubs.
I love the fireball spammers. With Chun Li, I just absorb them with Focus Cancel dashes to fill my revenge gauge, and then my Ultra goes right through them :lol

last night every player I played in player match used sagat. Fuckin aye. I beat most of them, but he does take a little more work to beat than other characters in relation to how much effort they put into it.


Can anyone give me pointers on doing charge moves(Chun-Li & Guile) without crouching? Also I can't pull off the super/ultra at all. I'm trying to break my Ken/Ryu habbit but not being able to do pull the powerful moves leave me at a big disadvantage.
On "Cheap"

A lot of people use the word, and most people say "cheapness" isn't real. At the same time, there's no clear cut definition on cheap either. I don't know if what I'm about to describe is cheap, or game imbalance, but here goes. I think cheap is anytime a technique and it's counter are completely unproportionate to each other in terms of difficulty of execution.

I was watching two of my friends play SF4 the other day. One was Zangief, the other was Guile. Keep in mind that both these players are pretty new to SF. The Zangief player would constantly use the lariat and just destroy the Guile player. Now this I thought, was CHEAP. The Zangief player simply had to mash three buttons while holding forward. Very simple to do, and very easy to use due to it's priority and range. If the Guile player hoped to counter this however, he'd have to know the length of Zangief's attack, the range, where it hit, and which move he could use to counter before he got hit with another lariat. That's a relatively large skillset (for a new sf player) to learn/incorporate to stop someone that would just press three buttons at the same time.

Keep in mind however, that I think this really just exists at the introductory level of Street Fighter. Once you get better, you have the ability and necessary skills to counter anything. The only thing really stopping you is just knowledge and recognition.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
TurtleSnatcher said:
His ultra is one thing you didn't touch on. Its probably one of the most damaging in the game and one of the easiest to connect with if timed right.

Also confused on what you mean by "He doesn't have a throw or grapple" but all characters do.. And Fajita Buster is a throw.
I mean that he doesnt have a throw like Zangief Piledriver ,who have killer priority... but no problem since today thanks to iplaywinner.com i discovered something amazing:

You can change how far (or near) his diving attacks will reach by holding back or towards on the stick. This also works on his Ultra as well.
I was like o_O , so i tried and :D it works like a charm.
This is gonna change the way i play El Fuerte.

Jim said:
Exactly why I like playing as Abel. He's the only character I play in Ranked. It definitely seems like some people don't know what to expect when playing against him.
Are you playing on PS3 ? Add me ,i would like to learn about Abel.
Fersis said:
I mean that he doesnt have a throw like Zangief Piledriver ,who have killer priority... but no problem since today thanks to iplaywinner.com i discovered something amazing:

You can change how far (or near) his diving attacks will reach by holding back or towards on the stick. This also works on his Ultra as well.
I was like o_O , so i tried and :D it works like a charm.
This is gonna change the way i play El Fuerte.

Wow you never knew.. Oh man.. that makes El Fuerte amazing..

Did you know you can go next to a wall.. jump on it.. hit the opposite direction your pad/stick + MP to do a Tostada Press off the wall? It can go full screen pretty much. Also if you do that + FP you can do Fajita Buster from Full screen (Make sure they are standing and not charging back (Great on fireball spammers)).

Its sometimes better to do that to get a quick knockdown then doing just a standard FP elbow off the wall or a High kick.


FindMyFarms said:
On "Cheap"

A lot of people use the word, and most people say "cheapness" isn't real. At the same time, there's no clear cut definition on cheap either. I don't know if what I'm about to describe is cheap, or game imbalance, but here goes. I think cheap is anytime a technique and it's counter are completely unproportionate to each other in terms of difficulty of execution.

I was watching two of my friends play SF4 the other day. One was Zangief, the other was Guile. Keep in mind that both these players are pretty new to SF. The Zangief player would constantly use the lariat and just destroy the Guile player. Now this I thought, was CHEAP. The Zangief player simply had to mash three buttons while holding forward. Very simple to do, and very easy to use due to it's priority and range. If the Guile player hoped to counter this however, he'd have to know the length of Zangief's attack, the range, where it hit, and which move he could use to counter before he got hit with another lariat. That's a relatively large skillset (for a new sf player) to learn/incorporate to stop someone that would just press three buttons at the same time.

Keep in mind however, that I think this really just exists at the introductory level of Street Fighter. Once you get better, you have the ability and necessary skills to counter anything. The only thing really stopping you is just knowledge and recognition.

Ah yes, the dreaded lariat - it's funny how once the most fearsome move I've ever seen use by Gief now becomes a chance for me to get an easy punish.


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
holy shit. I can't do a srk character at all anymore. :\ I used to hate charge characters until I forced myself to pick up my rog game in ST last year. I tried out cammy for a little bit today and I couldn't do anything. Shit, Akuma was my main in 3s and I can barely win a round with him this game.



It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
TurtleSnatcher said:
Wow you never knew.. Oh man.. that makes El Fuerte amazing..

Did you know you can go next to a wall.. jump on it.. hit the opposite direction your pad/stick + MP to do a Tostada Press off the wall? It can go full screen pretty much. Also if you do that + FP you can do Fajita Buster from Full screen (Make sure they are standing and not charging back (Great on fireball spammers)).

Its sometimes better to do that to get a quick knockdown then doing just a standard FP elbow off the wall or a High kick.
It was the first thing i tried !!
Really this change a lot of my way of play.
Xenon said:
Can anyone give me pointers on doing charge moves(Chun-Li & Guile) without crouching? Also I can't pull off the super/ultra at all. I'm trying to break my Ken/Ryu habbit but not being able to do pull the powerful moves leave me at a big disadvantage.

Ditto for me. I've been playing as Chun-Li and Guile, also trying to break the Ken/Ryu habits but I suck at charging and timing the moves out in a properly manner in the heat of battle. I'm absolutely awful at the charge Ultra to the point I barely have them as an option!!


Fersis said:
It was the first thing i tried !!
Really this change a lot of my way of play.
Start really getting used to baiting people with your runs - they're the best things ever.

It's kinda hard since you're used to standing still and in place with most characters when doing moves.

But with Fuerte, doing his run should be as usual as regular movement.

Use his run+lp to stop and his run+lk to backdash. This creates huge amounts of mindgames to screw up your opponent.
Delay your splashes/propeller/fajita buster when they start to backdash out of the way.
You can also confuse people who backdash by doing tortilla propeller and landing as far as you can (try to land behind them). The recovery is really good where you can actually try to throw them.

Use his guacamole air throw or splashes when they start jumping around to avoid getting fajita buster'd/tortilla propeller'd.

Start using EX guacamole air throw when you're being cornered (especially by Sagat) - if he decides to shoryuken, you get a free punish, if he knees or fireballs, you escape and continue the mind games.

Once they start getting afraid of you, start using backdashes to screw them up:
1) back dash and let Fuerte reflect from the wall and then doing mind games with his regular forward runs,
or just backdash and do splash or tortilla propeller on them
2) back dash and wall-jump with a hit, a short jump or a long jump just to screw with them (eg. I like to use wall-jump, short jump bait on Sagats who like to do fireball trap to uppercut at full screen and then punish - this makes him afraid of doing uppercuts which lets you to go free on wall-jumps mix-ups)

I'm sure Turtlesnatcher or other Fuerte users might have more tips.


FindMyFarms said:
On "Cheap"

A lot of people use the word, and most people say "cheapness" isn't real. At the same time, there's no clear cut definition on cheap either. I don't know if what I'm about to describe is cheap, or game imbalance, but here goes. I think cheap is anytime a technique and it's counter are completely unproportionate to each other in terms of difficulty of execution.

I was watching two of my friends play SF4 the other day. One was Zangief, the other was Guile. Keep in mind that both these players are pretty new to SF. The Zangief player would constantly use the lariat and just destroy the Guile player. Now this I thought, was CHEAP. The Zangief player simply had to mash three buttons while holding forward. Very simple to do, and very easy to use due to it's priority and range. If the Guile player hoped to counter this however, he'd have to know the length of Zangief's attack, the range, where it hit, and which move he could use to counter before he got hit with another lariat. That's a relatively large skillset (for a new sf player) to learn/incorporate to stop someone that would just press three buttons at the same time.

Keep in mind however, that I think this really just exists at the introductory level of Street Fighter. Once you get better, you have the ability and necessary skills to counter anything. The only thing really stopping you is just knowledge and recognition.

standing back with sagat throwing nothing but fireballs through out the entire round is cheap.
Arde5643 said:
Start really getting used to baiting people with your runs - they're the best things ever.

It's kinda hard since you're used to standing still and in place with most characters when doing moves.

But with Fuerte, doing his run should be as usual as regular movement.

Use his run+lp to stop and his run+lk to backdash. This creates huge amounts of mindgames to screw up your opponent.
Delay your splashes/propeller/fajita buster when they start to backdash out of the way.
You can also confuse people who backdash by doing tortilla propeller and landing as far as you can (try to land behind them). The recovery is really good where you can actually try to throw them.

Use his guacamole air throw or splashes when they start jumping around to avoid getting fajita buster'd/tortilla propeller'd.

Start using EX guacamole air throw when you're being cornered (especially by Sagat) - if he decides to shoryuken, you get a free punish, if he knees or fireballs, you escape and continue the mind games.

Once they start getting afraid of you, start using backdashes to screw them up:
1) back dash and let Fuerte reflect from the wall and then doing mind games with his regular forward runs,
or just backdash and do splash or tortilla propeller on them
2) back dash and wall-jump with a hit, a short jump or a long jump just to screw with them (eg. I like to use wall-jump, short jump bait on Sagats who like to do fireball trap to uppercut at full screen and then punish - this makes him afraid of doing uppercuts which lets you to go free on wall-jumps mix-ups)

I'm sure Turtlesnatcher or other Fuerte users might have more tips.

I don't know if anyone other Fuerte user does this.. but soon as I get a knockdown on a Shoto Character I instantly run and actually keep running ontop of their body and soon as they are about to get up is when I get into the Tostada motion and usually cross up.

They seem to get confused thinking that me running into their down body (even while ontop of them) they can get a clean shoryuken off on me.

Works really well.. Its almost like amateurish but they get so confused.
I started playing ranked again last night, but I just can't get any opponents with even close to the same amount to BP. I have ~ 400 right now and EVERY single game last night put me with someone ~1500-2000, even a 3000. I can't deal with that.


TurtleSnatcher said:
I don't know if anyone other Fuerte user does this.. but soon as I get a knockdown on a Shoto Character I instantly run and actually keep running ontop of their body and soon as they are about to get up is when I get into the Tostada motion and usually cross up.

They seem to get confused thinking that me running into their down body (even while ontop of them) they can get a clean shoryuken off on me.

Works really well.. Its almost like amateurish but they get so confused.
Just don't do it when they have EX bar though - I think the EX shoryuken has invincibility to hit, so you might get hit instead of trading or beating it cleanly.

Knew this the hard way. :(

Other than that, for any scrub/newbie who doesn't know how to handle it, I usually just keep doing cross-up splashes or regular splashes.

Oh, another note for those new to Fuerte: keep mind games only to people who knows about Fuerte's mix-ups. For scrubs/newbies who don't know how to handle a certain strat, keep doing the same thing over and over again.
Cheap/spam/boring, I know, but doing mind games against scrubs will only net you an uppercut to the face.
And if you decide to change your strat to face a scrub, by the time a good opponent comes in, you'll be eaten alive thanks to changing your strat.

In short: mind games don't work on scrub - don't try it, just keep spamming the same tactic over and over again. Saves your sanity and rage meter that way.


I love Player Matches.

I ran into someone, randomly, from SRK today.

Freaky intense stuff. I won most of our matches, but damn if he was good.


Add me to the list of Guile Ultra people who can't pull them off. I can do charging just fine horizontal/vertical (Chun Li's attacks for example) But diagonal is really fucking me up to the point I just think I read the combo list wrong.
Guled said:
don't know if its old, but IGN has a good write up about the SF history

Noting errors as I go...

Mike is not the same character as M.Bison, although obviously based on the same person. No more the same than Fei-Long and Forest Law.

Gouken was not officially named until SFA, so there was only the fake Sheng Long back then.

Eagle didn't return to SF until much later, in 2002.

Akuma was in SFA too, not just SFA2. They mistook SFA2 and SF3:2I I guess.

SFA2 didn't in fact have team matches.

I really hope they didn't consider SFEX Sakura's first game...

Cycloid-B is silly example when listing SFEX characters and he's not even in the first game, only in SFEX+A.

64 frames per second? o_O

SFA3 didn't initially have 35 characters, only 28. Evil Ryu wasn't even in the starting cast.

Twelve was SO not a palette-swap of Necro...

Capcom Fighting Evolution salvaged NOTHING from All-Stars except Ingrid's design, and they missed the fact that it did have eight Darkstalkers and Warzard chars.

Fairly well researched but an article like this really should be written by someone who doesn't have to research that much to begin with...
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