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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


TE stick is here

.. and I can only play with it on my pc until 360 comes back from magical mesquite, texas. grumble. Doing wonders for my tetris game i spose.


SiegfriedFM said:
Twelve was SO not a palette-swap of Necro...
They actually said that? Other than the fact that plot-wise they were both weapons made by Gill, and both are stretchy. Otherwise, they don't look, act, or play the same. WTF?
SiegfriedFM said:
Gouken was not officially named until SFA, so there was only the fake Sheng Long back then.

Gouken was actually first named in the manga "Street Fighter II -RYU-" which was first published in 1993. Udon translated it last year or the year before, it is in three volumes.


I'm like a Hadouken, down-right Fierce!
Zabka said:
Honda's jab torpedo isn't an effective anti-air move now. The Oicho throw has a painful startup time and range compared to other command throws. His straight-up jumping hard punch and kick are both awful.

It really feels like every move has been weakened compared to Super Turbo, and all of his potential is locked away in EX abilities.. The standing hard punch and kick attacks are still pretty good, but outside those he's very easy for a talented opponent to lock down.

Um, jump up fierce is probably the best move Honda has in the air in this game, it doesn't suck at all. That thing does huge damage against jumping opponents and has tons of priority behind it, not to mention it's still controllable in the air allowing you to move over projectiles. You will WIN games with this move alone, and it's the sole reason why Honda maintains an advantage over Viper

and standing hard punch and hard kick got fucked over. The former cannot be used for anti-air now (it's more of a poking tool or whiff punisher than anything else) and the latter does not knock down anymore like in ST.


Xenon said:
Can anyone give me pointers on doing charge moves(Chun-Li & Guile) without crouching? Also I can't pull off the super/ultra at all. I'm trying to break my Ken/Ryu habbit but not being able to do pull the powerful moves leave me at a big disadvantage.
You will be charging down/back a lot as it gives you access to all the charge moves instead of just one. Say you want to do a kikoken, but your opponent rushes in and jumps at you as you're crouching, well you've charged down/back, so you can go for the EX Spinning Bird Kick as anti-air - if you were just charging back, you couldn't do that.

But you can do other things whilst charging, so you don't always have to be defensive when playing a charge character. You can be in the air and charging down or back - for example: jump forward and immediately as the character leaves the ground, you pull down/back so when you land you are half way to using the charge.

This is the base for a ton of simple 3 or 4 hit combos where you don't really see the charge at all. j.HP (holding down/back), land -> c.MP -> Sonic Boom or Flash Kick. Or with Chunners, j.HPx2, land -> c.LPx2 -> kikoken. As soon as the kikoken is released, you should be onto your next move, don't sit there charging, pressure them, but charge as you are hitting/jumping.

Charging Supers/Ultras, not sure what to say, just practice. Only the first joystick movement is charged so <- -> <- -> + K = charge back, forward, back forward + K. The non-charged movements are all a smooth/fast movement.


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
Am I the only one who has a hard time throwing out a b/f charge while retaining a d/u charge (db/df)? Playing as Balrog it ain't no thing because I usually throw lows or over-heads and very rarely use a straight unless I want to pressure with some mind-game mixup. But when I play Vega I can't get a roll out going d/b d/f to save a puppy's life. :(


Spiderjericho said:
Awesome article. I'm still languishing in the challenge mode. I still have to complete Hard survival and the hard trials. They put in a lot of replayability...but it becomes kind of repetitive and wearisome (except for the trials and 1P arcade).
I had to do the survival trials in small chunks. It was dis-heartening to unlock the next challenge to see I had to beat ANOTHER 20 opponents. The invisible ones were crazy, Zangief SPD nothing was :lol
Guled said:
don't know if its old, but IGN has a good write up about the SF history

From a journalistic stand point, there were some spelling errors (like Dahlsim on the second page) and awkward transitions (the second page starts out by saying Okamato had to work on II without the other two designers from one but failed to mention what they were working on until later).

The first Guilty Gear didn't come out until 1998. So it wasn't competition for SF in the early 90s. Also, Super Turbo had a lukewarm reception thanks in part to Mortal Kombat II. Not to say it wasn't played, but mostly die-hard SF enthusiasts played it versus NBA Jam and MK (and the countless SNK fighters around the time).

And Akiman was the illustrator/designer for the SFII series (as well as other titles).

Sakura was introduced in SFA2 not EX.

Eagle didn't make his return until CVS2 (and was later thrown into SFA3Max).

Saitso No Hado' Ryu was introduced in the U.S. SFA2 (and wasn't in the arcade version of A3).

EX moves are not combos with that EX touch.

Twelve isn't a pallet swap of Necro...but an entirely new sprite with new moves.

Street Fighter Ryu...was actually translated here in the states in the early 90s...not by Udon. So the character of Gouken has been around for more than a decade (just unplayable). He was even in the cheesy American cartoon (where he was killed by Akuma).

And was Match of the Millenium for Neo Geo Pocket by Dimps?

AZ Greg

Brobzoid said:
Am I the only one who has a hard time throwing out a b/f charge while retaining a d/u charge (db/df)? Playing as Balrog it ain't no thing because I usually throw lows or over-heads and very rarely use a straight unless I want to pressure with some mind-game mixup. But when I play Vega I can't get a roll out going d/b d/f to save a puppy's life. :(

That doesn't work with Vega. It only works with Balrog because he has a charge b -> f move and a charge b -> df move. Both of Vega's charge b moves are b -> f. Same with Guile, otherwise you'd be able to throw a sonic boom while still having a flash kick ready.
BitchTits said:
I had to do the survival trials in small chunks. It was dis-heartening to unlock the next challenge to see I had to beat ANOTHER 20 opponents. The invisible ones were crazy, Zangief SPD nothing was :lol

Yeah...it's very time consuming. Not in a good way. In order to get gold medals, you have to clear 40 opponents (five trials = 200 opponents).

I only have the last two levels left then the hard trials.


LakeEarth said:
They actually said that? Other than the fact that plot-wise they were both weapons made by Gill, and both are stretchy. Otherwise, they don't look, act, or play the same. WTF?

Lake! Where the heck have you been? If you're rockin' IV on Live, here's my tag: illegalwiretap.

Been using mostly Abel but have now moved on to Gouken. He's pretty fun and different enough from the standard shoto that he keeps me interested.

And a reminder to all fighting game fanatics:

Samurai Shodown Anthology drops any day now--I didn't see it listed @ GS's website, but Amazon's got it for $14.99 (PS2). I would have paid double that just for SS6, which looks all kinds of awesome. Hopefully that hits Live one day soon. I've also just recently discovered Last Blade 2. Still can't understand how I slept on it so long. It's incredible. Hibiki=badass.


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
AZ Greg said:
That doesn't work with Vega. It only works with Balrog because he has a charge b -> f move and a charge b -> df move. Both of Vega's charge b moves are b -> f. Same with Guile, otherwise you'd be able to throw a sonic boom while still having a flash kick ready.
But that's the point of the d/b charge! D: Damn you capcom! I want to play Vega, but you keep trying to tie my ovaries in a knot >:I
bob_arctor said:
And a reminder to all fighting game fanatics:

Samurai Shodown Anthology drops any day now--I didn't see it listed @ GS's website, but Amazon's got it for $14.99 (PS2). I would have paid double that just for SS6, which looks all kinds of awesome. Hopefully that hits Live one day soon. I've also just recently discovered Last Blade 2. Still can't understand how I slept on it so long. It's incredible. Hibiki=badass.

Also, be sure to pick up KOF Orochi Collection, KOF 98 Ultimate Match...and be on the lookout for Blaz Blue and KOF XII in the summer. 2D can only multiply instead of die if we support companies like SNK Playmore, Aksys and Capcom.


needs to show more effort.
Played a bunch more with mox. It's pretty telling when the character he beats my blanka with is balrog :( Have I mentioned I hate that fight?
I hate that fight.

I got him back though. I won with my interpretation of a flowchart ken :D

I also find I like dan the more I use him.


Spiderjericho said:
Also, be sure to pick up KOF Orochi Collection, KOF 98 Ultimate Match...and be on the lookout for Blaz Blue and KOF XII in the summer. 2D can only multiply instead of die if we support companies like SNK Playmore, Aksys and Capcom.

They need to put 98UM, 02 UM, and KOFXII on PSN and Live.


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
Don't sway too far from Blanka Slayn. I can't have you blaming lack of training when I finally extract my vengeance! >:|


Whine Whine FADC Troll
Shadow780 said:
They need to put 98UM, 02 UM, and KOFXII on PSN and Live.

Amen to that. Well at least 98UM. I still think 98UM's balance was superior to SF4's. It's the only KOF game I like.

KOFXII is coming in July.

Learning a good flowchart Rose right now. Why is it I pick characters that get rushed down so easy though?


For clarification, is this the Saturn PS3 compatible pad people are using? I just want to make sure I'm not getting some random Hong Kong ripoff version that will break in a week or anything like that.

Also, as a completely off-topic side note, I've now played 385 consecutive online matches without facing an El Fuerte.
Raw64life said:
For clarification, is this the Saturn PS3 compatible pad people are using? I just want to make sure I'm not getting some random Hong Kong ripoff version that will break in a week or anything like that.

Si. Works great. I prefer it to the Madcatz Fightpad (though it's a pretty good pad too...though it's marred by the same quality control issues as the rest of their IV peripherals).

And yes, it would be nice if they digitized the recent SNK titles (you'd think they would), but regardless, go out and buy them. I'm all for Tekken 6...and BlazBlue...but it ain't a real fighting-game party unless SNK is involved...just saying.


bob_arctor said:
Lake! Where the heck have you been? If you're rockin' IV on Live, here's my tag: illegalwiretap.

Been using mostly Abel but have now moved on to Gouken. He's pretty fun and different enough from the standard shoto that he keeps me interested.
I'll add you. I'm not nearly as good in IV that I was in 3rd Strike, but I'm sure we'll have some fun. I main Honda and Gouken right now. I'm trying to get into Zangief, but I'm not really feeling him, despite the fact that he's upper tier and I used to main Hugo.

I'm not on much due to career, but I'll definitely look out for you when I find the time.


slayn said:
Played a bunch more with mox. It's pretty telling when the character he beats my blanka with is balrog :( Have I mentioned I hate that fight?
I hate that fight.

I got him back though. I won with my interpretation of a flowchart ken :D

I also find I like dan the more I use him.

Yeah after that match I was like "damn, I think i just got flowcharted" :lol

Good games though!


BitchTits said:
(useful info...)

Didn't think about air charging thanks. I have also put more time in and have gotten a little better with Chun Li's Ultra/Super's. But, I don't think I'll ever pull them off like I can with the Qtr circle based ones which is a major disadvantage for me since they do so much damage. Im using the fight pad and some one mentioned a stick would help. Since Im not willing to spend the $$$ for it Im just going to deal with it.

She is very fun char so far.


Mrs. Harvey
So I'm playing a Gouken and I was behind him yet his super hit me. Shocking revelation! Today is a bad day, I'm getting killed a lot.


LakeEarth said:
I'll add you. I'm not nearly as good in IV that I was in 3rd Strike, but I'm sure we'll have some fun. I main Honda and Gouken right now. I'm trying to get into Zangief, but I'm not really feeling him, despite the fact that he's upper tier and I used to main Hugo.

I'm not on much due to career, but I'll definitely look out for you when I find the time.

Word. I feel you on 'Gief. He's missing his underdog charm now. Didn't know Hugo was you main in 3S--he was mine as well. On Gouken: have you been having success incorporating his rushing punch? I've been able to surprise the crap outta some people since it's armor breaking but am still learning how to use it to keep people pinned. And am I crazy, or does it sometimes go through fireballs??



I finally got my "Playing to Win" trophy. After back and forth winning and losing, I finally went in the zone and got really lucky and beat 10 in a row. Fuck ranked. :lol
a 3700BP AKuma fought me and stunk, he did not spam Air-Fireballs, he barely shot any fireballs at al.. he barely did anything at all.

I did not know what happened to this player, maybe he wasn't expecting Dictarorship offense and he did not know how to defend

but he is a 3700BP player... I don't get it

hey, atleast he helped boost my BP sky high... thank you fearful Akuma!! I hope to take more of your BPs again in the future


bob_arctor said:
Word. I feel you on 'Gief. He's missing his underdog charm now. Didn't know Hugo was you main in 3S--he was mine as well. On Gouken: have you been having success incorporating his rushing punch? I've been able to surprise the crap outta some people since it's armor breaking but am still learning how to use it to keep people pinned. And am I crazy, or does it sometimes go through fireballs??
Well, Alex was my main, but in the end I played Hugo a lot more. He was just more fun. I want to get better with Zangief though, I have the ability to do standing 360s, I might as well use it.

His rushing punch does go through fireballs, but not the start up. I like using his EX version, as not only is there little start up (and therefore an easy punish for everyone but Guile cause of his quick recovery), and you can juggle another hit. Online I've successfully jump in FP -> FP -> EX Rushing Punch (2 hits), rising fireball -> ULTRA! Only works in the corner, but still fucking awesome.
kurahadol said:
98 UM is coming to Live (though we don't have a date :/)

They're saying it might be 2010. Buy the PS2 games folks (unless you don't have BC PS3 or don't want to play a PS2 on a high def set and have it look terrible).

And the worst Akuma is an offensive one like Momoichi's...

spamming air fireballs...eh...actively using his double round house...with offensive air fireballs...ugh...


Trucker Sexologist
FindMyFarms said:
On "Cheap"

A lot of people use the word, and most people say "cheapness" isn't real. At the same time, there's no clear cut definition on cheap either. I don't know if what I'm about to describe is cheap, or game imbalance, but here goes. I think cheap is anytime a technique and it's counter are completely unproportionate to each other in terms of difficulty of execution.

I was watching two of my friends play SF4 the other day. One was Zangief, the other was Guile. Keep in mind that both these players are pretty new to SF. The Zangief player would constantly use the lariat and just destroy the Guile player. Now this I thought, was CHEAP. The Zangief player simply had to mash three buttons while holding forward. Very simple to do, and very easy to use due to it's priority and range. If the Guile player hoped to counter this however, he'd have to know the length of Zangief's attack, the range, where it hit, and which move he could use to counter before he got hit with another lariat. That's a relatively large skillset (for a new sf player) to learn/incorporate to stop someone that would just press three buttons at the same time.

Keep in mind however, that I think this really just exists at the introductory level of Street Fighter. Once you get better, you have the ability and necessary skills to counter anything. The only thing really stopping you is just knowledge and recognition.
The lariat can be beaten by a sweep, and Guile can zone out Zangief in his sleep. It is actually one of the few good matchups for Guile unless Gief can stay at close range.


Mrs. Harvey
gutter_trash said:
a 3700BP AKuma fought me and stunk, he did not spam Air-Fireballs, he barely shot any fireballs at al.. he barely did anything at all.

I did not know what happened to this player, maybe he wasn't expecting Dictarorship offense and he did not know how to defend

but he is a 3700BP player... I don't get it

hey, atleast he helped boost my BP sky high... thank you fearful Akuma!! I hope to take more of your BPs again in the future

Bison gives Shotos a lot of trouble I noticed.
SapientWolf said:
The lariat can be beaten by a sweep, and Guile can zone out Zangief in his sleep. It is actually one of the few good matchups for Guile unless Gief can stay at close range.

Love fighting Giefs with Guile. SB's and jumping heavy kicks all day. That's where most of my hatemail has come from :lol Like I should let them get close to me and throw me around like a rag doll.
kurahadol said:
I'm honestly just hoping they smarten up with the 2010 date, UM released before XII would build up hype. But this is SNK, can't see that happening.
I'm not sure publishers have full control over when they can release something over XBL


Strider2K99 said:

I finally got my "Playing to Win" trophy. After back and forth winning and losing, I finally went in the zone and got really lucky and beat 10 in a row. Fuck ranked. :lol
lol, I posted almost the identical thing last night. Got my 10 wins in a row as well, done with Ranked as well, just playing for fun with people who won't disconnect!!


Wow I've been playing with Rose and Fei Long so long that I forgot how easy it is to pick and play with the Shoto characters...I just beat two Akumas with Dan, increasing my streak against Akumas with Dan to 4. All I did both rounds was bait the akuma into trying to uppercut or hurricane kick after I landed from my own air hurricane kick (I forgot what Dan's is called) and then as soon as I land I recovered into my ultra to win each match pretty much the same. I feel so awesome, both players disconnected but I'm still counting it as two wins.


gutter_trash said:
a 3700BP AKuma fought me and stunk, he did not spam Air-Fireballs, he barely shot any fireballs at al.. he barely did anything at all.

I did not know what happened to this player, maybe he wasn't expecting Dictarorship offense and he did not know how to defend

but he is a 3700BP player... I don't get it

hey, atleast he helped boost my BP sky high... thank you fearful Akuma!! I hope to take more of your BPs again in the future
Or maybe it wasnt his main?


Trucker Sexologist
HiResDes said:
Wow I've been playing with Rose and Fei Long so long that I forgot how easy it is to pick and play with the Shoto characters...I just beat two Akumas with Dan, increasing my streak against Akumas with Dan to 4. All I did both rounds was bait the akuma into trying to uppercut or hurricane kick after I landed from my own air hurricane kick (I forgot what Dan's is called) and then as soon as I land I recovered into my ultra to win each match pretty much the same. I feel so awesome, both players disconnected but I'm still counting it as two wins.
If you beat someone so hard that they leave the internet in shame then it should count as two wins.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Spiderjericho said:
They're saying it might be 2010. Buy the PS2 games folks (unless you don't have BC PS3 or don't want to play a PS2 on a high def set and have it look terrible).

This is awful, and yet it being SNK, I can believe it! Oh well, KOF XII this summer.
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