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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

qcf x2

I need general and Viper help. How the hell do I face Sagat? It seems against fireball spam I lose. It also seems against Sagat I have no chance. With anyone, but especially with her.

Also, I had Cammy, was doing great til I faced Sagat. In close I own him for free. But at distance I swear a high tiger shot hits her out of her cannon drill kick. Wtf? His ultra can look like a clear whiff when I jump and yet it hits me for full damage. Also WTF at his EX fireball. I can't tell it's EX until it hits me twice. Lame. And of course that's all anyone picks.

Once again, if anyone wants to pummel me with Sagat, it's USVI STAR on xbl.


haunts said:
It does. Ive lost so many matches to my friend Chun Li cause I try to hit him with a meaty tiger shot on wake up ALL the way across the screen when he has no life. He will wake up Ultra and I LOSEEE.
really? I've had my ultra blocked and I have blocked Chun li's at full screen distance all the time.




qcf x2

Also how do you beat Blanka without a fireball? My biggest beef with this game is there are moves that are huge whiffs---a crime by SF standards---that are only punishable with weak or medium attacks. Like Blanka's roll. Or a shoto sweep.
qcf x2 said:
Also how do you beat Blanka without a fireball? My biggest beef with this game is there are moves that are huge whiffs---a crime by SF standards---that are only punishable with weak or medium attacks. Like Blanka's roll. Or a shoto sweep.
E.Honda medium range to far range keep away tactics with EX meter conservation for EX Headbutt on jump ins


UC1 said:
It depends on how late you do the ultra. You can connect it from full screen, but it has to be a fairly short time after they do a tiger shot.
Maybe not an issue with Sagat, but I've noticed that against Akuma, I caught him doing a flaming FB early with my Ultra. The first kick connected, but it was too early as I got tagged with the FB. I think it's because he has the pause before the FB releases.

Are you able to catch Guile's sonic boom from across screen? Since he has faster recovery, it seems like the Ultra needs to occur immediately after he throws the SB, or else he will have time to move back and make the Ultra whiff. Even at mid distance it can be challenging.

UC1 said:
I've found a decent way to get in close is kikkoken, walk forward and MP, then cr. HK. She can out-poke Sagat, and even punish LK tiger knees with close MP, kikkoken.
Close standing MP (two bitch slaps)? How is this setup? You can't walk in for this. I assume you mean if you are already crouching in close, to do this after blocking a low tiger shot, correct?

UC1 said:
Should be HCB+K. Totally safe on block too, great for getting past low tiger shots with little risk.
Right. Can also be used as mind games on wake up if they are anticipating a cr.HK sweep.


Bacon of Hope
I dont think you can do it outside of the corner but I also didnt try it that much so you may.

Beardz said:
Seems like the maximum damage you can inflict is half the life of your opponent (when full)

Yeah but he can take off a lot pretty quickly after jsut a couple mix ups.

qcf x2

gutter_trash said:
E.Honda medium range to far range keep away tactics with EX meter conservation for EX Headbutt on jump ins

Errr, I don't use any of the original cast. Too generic for me. Any tips for Viper, Rose and/or Cammy?

Tips vs Sagat would help. He can do move after move until I hit him with a measly little throw that does 7% damage. I've never seen such an overpowered character in a SF game, and I've owned them *all*.


haunts said:
Even so, both Yun, Chun and arguably Makoto are far more overpowered than Sagat is in SFIV.

Makoto gets a pass if you stay away from SAII. Which nobody ever does of course. Yun's a little bitch, yes. Chun's standing FP is like the hand of God. Priority from the heavens.

Sagat and 3S Chun are pretty even---mad simple to use and win with.

qcf x2

haunts said:
Even so, both Yun, Chun and arguably Makoto are far more overpowered than Sagat is in SFIV.

Uhh? I highly beg to differ. Yun is a top tier bitch, but not because of PRIORITY. He's a bitch because of his SA3. You put him with SA1 or 2 and he's not on the same planet.

Chun is similar though not to the same extent (for SA2). And you know what? If you know how to PARRY, you can nullify a lot of both of them. For example, if you know Yun does his target combo into genei jin, you can parry almost any hit leading up to it, then counter with whatever the hell you want. Chun is just pokes that have rather long recovery time. Parry any of her moves besides jabs and you have a free meal.

Sagat? He's overpowered in so many areas. There is no parry. He can whiff an Ultra and leap into the air, check his rolodex, come back down to sign an autograph and I cannot counter with an Ultra.

And indeed I don't play CvS2 or MvC2 specifically because I've seen too many examples of broken-ness from each.
Haunts, all the combo videos are great...but if I can add a small comment, can you set the SC and Utra meters to 'Refill' instead of 'Maximum' on future videos to show actual usage? If anything, it can help show how much of the SC gauge is being used when EXs and FADCs are executed, especially if they're all combo'd...they can flash very quickly on screen and can be hard to notice at times.

Keep up the great work! :D


qcf x2 said:
Sagat? He's overpowered in so many areas. There is no parry. He can whiff an Ultra and leap into the air, check his rolodex, come back down to sign an autograph and I cannot counter with an Ultra.
Are you serious? Sagat is overpowered, true - but fighting him is not as impossible as using Hugo against Chun in 3s.

And are you seriously talking about Sagat whiffing an ultra? That's one of the easiest punishes in the game since you have all the time in the world to leisurely walk up to Sagat as he slowly falls down from his whiffed uppercut at the end of his ultra.

@Haunts: hurry up with the Fuerte and Honda combos, slacker!!

I kid, we love you, Haunts. :D


Stantron said:
Are you able to catch Guile's sonic boom from across screen? Since he has faster recovery, it seems like the Ultra needs to occur immediately after he throws the SB, or else he will have time to move back and make the Ultra whiff. Even at mid distance it can be challenging.

Guile is very hard to counter with an ultra. You pretty much have to watch his hands and react a lot faster than against other characters (especially Akuma). I wouldn't worry about being too early and getting caught by a sonic boom somehow.

Close standing MP (two bitch slaps)? How is this setup? You can't walk in for this. I assume you mean if you are already crouching in close, to do this after blocking a low tiger shot, correct?

Tiger Knee ;] His light one is basically his lock-down move, but it's -7 on block so a close MP which comes out in 4 frames is good enough to punish it. If you screw up the timing a bit, it's good enough to push him back (follow up with kikkoken) and then you can mixup with HCB+K or cr.HK. That's just what I do anyway, a lot of other stuff works in 7 frames but this is kinda easy and prevents them from doing tiger knee spam.

One thing I found was that Chun doesn't really have a good way to counter his cr.LK>cr.MK>low tiger shot. If he wants to keep you away with this, there's really nothing Chun can do to stop it. I think she's at her best range at the furthest distance of cr.HK, Sagat can't do anything from there really.

qcf x2 said:
Sagat? He's overpowered in so many areas. There is no parry. He can whiff an Ultra and leap into the air, check his rolodex, come back down to sign an autograph and I cannot counter with an Ultra.

That just isn't right at all. If he doesn't hit confirm his ultra he's absolutely fucked, it's the same for almost everyone.

qcf x2

Then I'm doing something very wrong, as online I have yet to counter his Ultra with an Ultra (Rose or Viper). It looks easy, but so does jumping over said Ultra.
I ordered Sawna JLF series and some sawna pushbuttons from lizard lick like two and half weeks ago, but it seems the sawna parts from japan are even back ordered.

So the seller suggested the Seimitsu LS-32-01 in it's stead. Does anyone have any feedback/knowledge or experience with it? Also, how mod friendly are they with the SE madcatz fighstick?

EraldoCoil said:
Lmfao, maybe ; ) your rushdown game is sick, your probably one of the first persons to ever rush me like that. your abel is so sick man, keep it up. Now i gotta come up with a strategy to beat that now though :D

Whenever I had trouble against a certain character, this would always help me out. I'd just pick the char I'm having trouble against and learn how to play them. I'm not talking about mastering them or anything, just learning their basic set ups and their rythm. That way, when you go up against hem again with your main, you'll be alot more familiar with how they operate.
C- Warrior said:
Would you say the LS32 is still better off than whatever is in the SE MAdcatz stock?
Hell fucking yes.

I actually have one sitting on my desk that I'm going to put in my TE stick (whenever it comes in) in place of the JLF it comes with.
viewtiful_dru said:
Hell fucking yes.

I actually have one sitting on my desk that I'm going to put in my TE stick (whenever it comes in) in place of the JLF it comes with.

The Sawna JLF TP 8YT was extremely mod easy with the SE fightsticks, do I need to order anything extra now that the order has been changed from that to the Seimitsu LS-32-01? Like a mount plate -- or could I just use the mount plate thats built in with the stock stick?
Beardz said:
About ultras, what do you think is the best one?

My vote goes to Balrog -boxer-

Boxer's is good, but I think Rufus has a really stupid one because of the suction properties.
Also, can't beat UAB startup.

C- Warrior said:
The Sawna JLF TP 8YT was extremely mod easy with the SE fightsticks, do I need to order anything extra now that the order has been changed from that to the Seimitsu LS-32-01? Like a mount plate -- or could I just use the mount plate thats built in with the stock stick?

IIRC. you need to use the "s" mounting plate that comes standard on the LS32 01 (the normal LS32 has a fllay plate)


sooooooo yea MicVlad whooped my ass pretty bad. At least I won a few rounds and was really close on a few occasions but man, he was all over the place so I had no idea what to do.
viewtiful_dru said:
Boxer's is good, but I think Rufus has a really stupid one because of the suction properties.
Also, can't beat UAB startup.

IIRC. you need to use the "s" mounting plate that comes standard on the LS32 01 (the normal LS32 has a fllay plate)

Cool. So I should be go to go then since Im getting the LS32 01?
MIMIC said:
There is like ZERO competition in the Player matches. Great place to practice the FA :D

Makes sense. Why would anyone even decently good would play public play matches? Otehr than like to stomp nubs I guess, but that novelty ends quick.


I offically hate Cammy from today on. A Cammy player stopped my winnig strike at 8 wins (still no achievement :( ) and 2125 BP. Was not even a good one, I just fell apart. :/


qcf x2 said:
Then I'm doing something very wrong, as online I have yet to counter his Ultra with an Ultra (Rose or Viper). It looks easy, but so does jumping over said Ultra.

I've done it. The only characters I've never been able to counter their Ultra with Rose's Ultra is Vega and Abel. Too damn fast.

About ultras, what do you think is the best one?

IMO, Rose. It's anti-air; as long as you activate it when someone is at the apex of their jump in (or a tiny bit afterwards) they fall right into it. I hit Rose's Ultra probably 75-80% of the time I use it. And with a full bar, it does like 45% damage.
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