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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
TurtleSnatcher said:
Personally I think Fuerte has the strongest ultra.

Kens ultra is kinda ridiculous too, it links pretty much with anything and its "range" and priority are awesome.

Just today I was playing a friend. I am Dhalsim and hes Ken, I try to hit him from the other end of the screen with a jumping back elongated kick and he does his ultra. His initial hit connects with my stretched out foot (remember that were on polar opposites of the screen) and after the first hit connects Dhalsim SUDDENLY APPEARS in front of Ken so that he can do the rest of the Ultra on him

Kinda ridiculous
I vote for Gouken's ultra. Gouken's throw into ultra/super is the easiest way to confirm any ultra/super in the game. No need for FADC funny business. It only lacks significant chip damage.


Killa Sasa said:
For those who know: is there anyway to hit-confirm Guile's ultra outside of FADC or a Super? Ryu/Chun/Rufus are making me jealous.

I don't think so. It's one thing I really hate about playing as Guile. Ultra isn't so hot.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Xevren said:
I don't think so. It's one thing I really hate about playing as Guile. Ultra isn't so hot.

Oh Im so sorry, his fucking Flash Kick covers half the screen and has priority over Jesus so I dont think you guys should feel bad.

I goddamn hate fighting Guile >:|


Kandrick said:
Oh man, they playing on ranked :lol
And the guy playing Seth lost those 3 games. :lol

He was even trying to play real against that Chun before the Chun hugged all 3 rounds to nothing and gloat-quit! :lol


Does the Fierce Shoryuken for Ken have armor break properties? I can't block this shit, but that might be because I suck! I normally do a crouch block. Maining Sagat.


akakaze said:



NYR said:
Does the Fierce Shoryuken for Ken have armor break properties? I can't block this shit, but that might be because I suck! I normally do a crouch block. Maining Sagat.
You can block high or low for any type of Shoryuken.


Trucker Sexologist
Killa Sasa said:
For those who know: is there anyway to hit-confirm Guile's ultra outside of FADC or a Super? Ryu/Chun/Rufus are making me jealous.
I think it beats everything coming from a jump, which makes for some hilarious moments against crossup->sweep abusers. I have so many U victories with Guile it's not even funny.
NYR said:
Does the Fierce Shoryuken for Ken have armor break properties? I can't block this shit, but that might be because I suck! I normally do a crouch block. Maining Sagat.
It technically doesn't have armor break properties (like his tasumaki does), but since it hits 3 times, it will break the super armor. If you only focus the 1st hit somehow, you'll be ok (don't try it though).

flarkminator said:
Gen wins for the ease with which you can Super -> Ultra
lol damage scaling
Lyte Edge said:
I was excited to fight someone use Seth, and then this happens. :/


Intentional droppers need to DIAF. Had about 10 today. None of which were actual scrubs (they all were pretty good, worth the fight, they just rage quit. I guess I rocked their world a little too hard. These VIRTUAL POINTS are everything.

I really should just starting playing with friends/online forums exclusively.

Ploid 3.0

I kinda stopped playing SF4 because I found out my broadband wasn't fast enough for it (got 4 bars vs KorruptData(PSN) though. I never played many people online other than the strangers, and I only noticed lag vs a few of them, even the people that informed me that I have problems ($10 extra per month for SF4 only isn't worth it). So I started playing KZ2's single player in it's place to compliment it's MP which don't suffer from my internet speed.

I did get to play sf4 offline vs my brother when he dropped by. I was surprised he could pull off the motion for the super and ultra (KKK and PPP mapped to a button), but it was random on how successful he was at doing so on command. He picked ken but he always picked ken from SF2 - alpha 3. The fights were actually pretty tough. I should somehow make a public kiosk for sf4 somewhere in my small town. But I don't think wasting all that time and money is worth it.


FindMyFarms said:
GG's FamilyManUp

Thanks for letting me win a few then destroying me in that last match lol. Sickass Bison you got there!

Thanks, man! Yeah, that's it! I let you win a few... :lol

Your Balrog is one of the best I've played so far(out of 4!). You got those combos down really well.

That was pretty cool with the ultra vs ultra stuff. Poor Viper's got stuffed, but Bison manned up to the Buffalo.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
haunts said:
Even so, both Yun, Chun and arguably Makoto are far more overpowered than Sagat is in SFIV.

Sagat in SFIV reminds me of Krauser's "overpoweredness" in KOF98UM, maybe a bit better.

Both games are very similar balancewise though.


I just had a 20 win streak. I am now over 2500 BPs. I think I'm gonna retire from ranked matches. I'm not sure if I like the game anymore. Maybe the "championship" patch will help with player matches. I hope so.

Also BPs mean shit when you can cheat and copy your save to a memory card.

Ploid 3.0

Ronabo said:
I just had a 20 win streak. I am now over 2500 BPs. I think I'm gonna retire from ranked matches. I'm not sure if I like the game anymore. Maybe the "championship" patch will help with player matches. I hope so.

Also BPs mean shit when you can cheat and copy your save to a memory card.

Rage load save!


Oichi said:
yo Ccrook, good games tonight! Work on your Vega cuz you got some good pokes down.

Uh...I'm at work just about to get home. I was about to post about how my nephew called about losing to some guy on my account and crying all sorts of nonsense. :lol I guess that would be you. But I am working my Vega. Did you go up against a multiple Akuma/Vega spree?


This is the first SF I've owned (got it today) and I'm not very good. Still fun even though I'm losing matches! Any suggestions for how to get better? Jump into online, do the challenge mode, play the CPU, stick with one character... I've done a little bit of each. Defending seems to be my weakest link. Patience and practice makes perfect, I know...


Vard said:
This is the first SF I've owned (got it today) and I'm not very good. Still fun even though I'm losing matches! Any suggestions for how to get better? Jump into online, do the challenge mode, play the CPU, stick with one character... I've done a little bit of each. Defending seems to be my weakest link. Patience and practice makes perfect, I know...
If you're still looking for a main, I find trying the characters and watching some videos of high level players help a lot in securing a decision.

Regarding upping your skill - go play some random online ranked matches to remove nervous jitters as well as seeing how well you can see patterns of random players and how well you adapt to them - I suggest setting the ranked matches' rounds to best 3 of 5 to get the most you can.

As far as developing strats and trying to level up your skill, player matches between GAFfers are the best since most Gaffers will try to help and give you tips/hints on countering a move or a strat.
In GAF player matches, you'll also very likely play against different characters so it also helps to build your match-up strats.

In summary: go play random online ranked matches to remove nervous jitters and smoothen your executions, and then level up your skill by doing online player matches with Gaffers (or PAers or SRKers - they're usually a friendly bunch).

qcf x2

Raging Spaniard said:
Kens ultra is kinda ridiculous too, it links pretty much with anything and its "range" and priority are awesome.

Just today I was playing a friend. I am Dhalsim and hes Ken, I try to hit him from the other end of the screen with a jumping back elongated kick and he does his ultra. His initial hit connects with my stretched out foot (remember that were on polar opposites of the screen) and after the first hit connects Dhalsim SUDDENLY APPEARS in front of Ken so that he can do the rest of the Ultra on him

Kinda ridiculous

I don't think I'll ever get over that aspect of the game. Things that should not happen...happen all the time. I hit a guy BS style with Rose's ultra just because I was pissed at the weird floaty hits and in a temporary rage I threw it out there. He had Honda. He did that butt smash move or w/e, nothing that would enable a scarf to grab your arm. Much to my surprise, despite the fact that he was high in the sky getting ready to Rakishi me, there he was in the next frame, standing up with his arm held out. I won, but I wasn't pleased. That doesn't feel satisfying.

Or...I had Chun Li and a buddy of mine had Dan. I did her spinning bird kick, he did the Ultra. I knew he had the ultra, but I figured the most he could do is get a few of the hits on me, since I'd be airborne at an awkward angle. Psssh....full damage as I'm suddenly standing up. Same with Sagat, every time. The system is extremely liberal for certain Ultras, and extremely limiting for others (Viper).

Also it sucks when a character starts an ultra on one side and ends up on the other. The game doesn't seem to be consistent with regards to which direction I should use for my inputs after a cross-up.


qcf x2 said:
I don't think I'll ever get over that aspect of the game. Things that should not happen...happen all the time. I hit a guy BS style with Rose's ultra just because I was pissed at the weird floaty hits and in a temporary rage I threw it out there. He had Honda. He did that butt smash move or w/e, nothing that would enable a scarf to grab your arm. Much to my surprise, despite the fact that he was high in the sky getting ready to Rakishi me, there he was in the next frame, standing up with his arm held out. I won, but I wasn't pleased. That doesn't feel satisfying.

Or...I had Chun Li and a buddy of mine had Dan. I did her spinning bird kick, he did the Ultra. I knew he had the ultra, but I figured the most he could do is get a few of the hits on me, since I'd be airborne at an awkward angle. Psssh....full damage as I'm suddenly standing up. Same with Sagat, every time. The system is extremely liberal for certain Ultras, and extremely limiting for others (Viper).

Also it sucks when a character starts an ultra on one side and ends up on the other. The game doesn't seem to be consistent with regards to which direction I should use for my inputs after a cross-up.

Not that the other stuff you mention isn't retarded, but this one really pisses me off.
My Akuma is still not up to snuff yet. Need to practice more. And online people suck, so I can't get any better.

On a different note, I've seen a lot more Ryus recently than Kens.
Jazzy Network said:
My Akuma is still not up to snuff yet. Need to practice more. And online people suck, so I can't get any better.

On a different note, I've seen a lot more Ryus recently than Kens.
ground fire ball air fireball repeat, teleport when needed and repeat.
FootNinja said:
a fighting style.

Explain why someone said "I'd play a real match if everyone wasn't using shotocons"

After I sent a message saying "fireball spam is soooo cheap"

Thats all he did with sagat, endless fireballs and i got tired of trying to jump them all

And I suck


BigJonsson said:
Explain why someone said "I'd play a real match if everyone wasn't using shotocons"

After I sent a message saying "fireball spam is soooo cheap"

Thats all he did with sagat, endless fireballs and i got tired of trying to jump them all

And I suck

When I played as Sagat, if I realized I could beat someone throwing endless fireballs, I would throw endless fireballs. The name of the game is winning. Most good Sagats are going to zone a player with fireballs and look to set up standing HK into a juggle, or some other punishing move when other players jump in at him. He's definitely a tough guy to play against.
Xevren said:
This cheap nonsense is getting ridiculous. If someone is doing something nonstop learn to fucking avoid it.

Yea, because its so easy to avoid Gouken's double fireball technique. Or jumping right into a Ken uppercut.


Xevren said:
This cheap nonsense is getting ridiculous. If someone is doing something nonstop learn to fucking avoid it.


Because at what point is throwing fireballs considered cheap? after 3? 5? 10? Can the Sagat player ever throw a fireball and not be considered cheap? What if he jabs or something in between?

People need to just play the game.


jordan0386 said:
Yea, because its so easy to avoid Gouken's double fireball technique. Or jumping right into a Ken uppercut.

That's the thing, you don't jump in against Ken's, half the time they will jump+HK into you, then the punishment can begin, just block, punish and when you have him knocked down walk right up to him. Half the time he will try to wake-up shoryuken, so just rinse and repeat until he rage quits.
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