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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


Tell me I'm not completely strange.

I don't have the urge to buy a real pad nor the need to be pro etc so I'm playing with my PS3 controller. I walk/dash/jump with the D-pad and do my attacks with the L-stick. That's not weird, is it? :3
Lyte Edge said:
I was excited to fight someone use Seth, and then this happens. :/


muhuhahaha, is the Seth player even serious in the first place for picking him?


MNC said:
Tell me I'm not completely strange.

I don't have the urge to buy a real pad nor the need to be pro etc so I'm playing with my PS3 controller. I walk/dash/jump with the D-pad and do my attacks with the L-stick. That's not weird, is it? :3

If it works for you, why would it be weird?
I'd do that on a 360 controller as well, but with the shitty dpad I'll often end up jumping when I want to dash, so I keep my hands off the thing. It's my only option right now, since I'm waiting for my fightpad to arrive. Trying to make the best of using the analogue stick, but it still feels very awkward, especially full circle motions.


Ugh, maybe my RRoD was a blessing in disguise. My thumb was almost healed and now I can feel the pain creeping back.

Do those Madcatz pads cause the same thumb problems?


I haven't seen anything I would label "cheap" in SF4 yet.

There's a lot of cheap shit in SFII Turbo, but not so much has been found yet in SF4. Everything I've researched that I thought might be "cheap" in fact had some sort of counter or solution so far. The game is still young though.


MIMIC said:
Ugh, maybe my RRoD was a blessing in disguise. My thumb was almost healed and now I can feel the pain creeping back.

Do those Madcatz pads cause the same thumb problems?
Didn't have any problems with my thumb since I used it from day one.

The PS2 or PS3 D-pad definitely gives my thumb problems though if if it's not broken in enough.


If anyone still want to practice this late at night against a Fuerte, Honda, and Vega user - send me an invite.

XBL tag is mailarde


The Everyman
you know, i never got why your opponent is allowed to see who you pick online. wouldnt it be smarter if selection was hidden from the other dude to avoid counter picking that involves running down all 30 seconds?

and on that note is blanka a common counterpick for viper?


-COOLIO- said:
you know, i never got why your opponent is allowed to see who you pick online. wouldnt it be smarter if selection was hidden from the other dude to avoid counter picking that involves running down all 30 seconds?

and on that note is blanka a common counterpick for viper?

Yes and not really.
Jesus, people... If you don't see the little mic icon for me in the lobby, chances are, I'm not using a headset and therefore you DO NOT have to keep rambling incoherently for the next goddamned half hour! I've run into far too many people that are apparently in love with the sound of their own voices or have mastered the art of holding a conversation with themselves or something. I hear them all through the match, in the lobby, on the selection screen -- but I can't make out anything being said because the volume is too low. What kind of mental deficiency must you have to keep talking to someone that is blatantly ignoring you?


qcf x2 said:
I don't think I'll ever get over that aspect of the game. Things that should not happen...happen all the time. I hit a guy BS style with Rose's ultra just because I was pissed at the weird floaty hits and in a temporary rage I threw it out there. He had Honda. He did that butt smash move or w/e, nothing that would enable a scarf to grab your arm. Much to my surprise, despite the fact that he was high in the sky getting ready to Rakishi me, there he was in the next frame, standing up with his arm held out. I won, but I wasn't pleased. That doesn't feel satisfying.

Or...I had Chun Li and a buddy of mine had Dan. I did her spinning bird kick, he did the Ultra. I knew he had the ultra, but I figured the most he could do is get a few of the hits on me, since I'd be airborne at an awkward angle. Psssh....full damage as I'm suddenly standing up. Same with Sagat, every time. The system is extremely liberal for certain Ultras, and extremely limiting for others (Viper).

Also it sucks when a character starts an ultra on one side and ends up on the other. The game doesn't seem to be consistent with regards to which direction I should use for my inputs after a cross-up.

This bothers me to. Some characters like Rose and Dan sync together at the start of their ultras (so Dans fist can actually connect with a dudes cheek, Roses robe can wrap around an arm, etc), so they have priority if it ever connects with anyone. Sucks them right in, making it easy to land the super.

Other dudes like Rufus and Sagat dont have ultras like this, but they seem to always juggle dudes perfectly. I have never seen the first hit of either one of those guys's ultras hit, but then fail to juggle.

Chun Li on the other hand has to make sure the dude juggles properly in the Ultra, or they'll fall out of it easily even if it lands. And if the dude isnt in the corner, the ultra will never juggle if they are in the air. I wonder if this different ultra design was done purposefully or was just happenstance.


The Everyman
Attack You said:
Jesus, people... If you don't see the little mic icon for me in the lobby, chances are, I'm not using a headset and therefore you DO NOT have to keep rambling incoherently for the next goddamned half hour! I've run into far too many people that are apparently in love with the sound of their own voices or have mastered the art of holding a conversation with themselves or something. I hear them all through the match, in the lobby, on the selection screen -- but I can't make out anything being said because the volume is too low. What kind of mental deficiency must you have to keep talking to someone that is blatantly ignoring you?
i never understand what people are saying in this game in particular, it always sounds fuzzy and quiet. i think its for the best.
BloodElfHunter said:
ground fire ball air fireball repeat, teleport when needed and repeat.

Actually, this is NOT what you want to do lol. Especially the air fireball part. Most characters can hurt you A LOT if you just spam air fireball. The only time you should be using it is jumping in, occasionally, or after a knockdown as a meaty so you can mix up your sweep or overhead.

Akuma's fireball is decent, but it's nowhere near Sagat's. You want to stay in your S.FK range and try to bait something so you can punish with that. He also has great cr. mk.

Fireball + Air Fireball spam is only going to work on scrubs.


Trucker Sexologist
-COOLIO- said:
you know, i never got why your opponent is allowed to see who you pick online. wouldnt it be smarter if selection was hidden from the other dude to avoid counter picking that involves running down all 30 seconds?

and on that note is blanka a common counterpick for viper?
Counter picking is apparently intended to be a part of the game.
jordan0386 said:
Yea, because its so easy to avoid Gouken's double fireball technique. Or jumping right into a Ken uppercut.

-Gouken can't do his double fireball technique all the time, it takes ex. Just block it and know that your opponent just wasted bar.

-Never jump in on Ken (or anyone for that matter.)


The Everyman
SapientWolf said:
Counter picking is apparently intended to be a part of the game.
but only 1 person can do it.

do they not see the flaw?!?!

its like when i was playing pokemon 64 with a friend and he'd call out charizard, then id call out blastoise, then he'd switch out for zapdos. and neither of us would attack, and i just remembered thinking how broken this game was.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
gutter_trash said:
muhuhahaha, is the Seth player even serious in the first place for picking him?

He fooled me...I thought he was going for Ken! :lol He did the same stupid "wait 10-15 seconds on other characters" PSYCHE OUT TRICK that only retards do.


good credit (by proxy)
MIMIC said:
Ugh, maybe my RRoD was a blessing in disguise. My thumb was almost healed and now I can feel the pain creeping back.

Do those Madcatz pads cause the same thumb problems?

I'm getting thumb pain too, in the joint where my thumbs meet my hand. I got pain when I first started using the 360 controller too though, so maybe I just need to get used to it.

Lyte Edge said:
He fooled me...I thought he was going for Ken! :lol He did the same stupid "wait 10-15 seconds on other characters" PSYCHE OUT TRICK that only retards do.

Sometimes I do this, but even if the other guy picks his character immediately, I STILL wait til there's one second and then pick ken or sagat.


Ronabo said:
I just had a 20 win streak. I am now over 2500 BPs. I think I'm gonna retire from ranked matches. I'm not sure if I like the game anymore. Maybe the "championship" patch will help with player matches. I hope so.

Also BPs mean shit when you can cheat and copy your save to a memory card.

Huh? Are BPs stored client side? Thats quite a security risk.
Timedog said:
I'm getting thumb pain too, in the joint where my thumbs meet my hand. I got pain when I first started using the 360 controller too though, so maybe I just need to get used to it.

Sometimes I do this, but even if the other guy picks his character immediately, I STILL wait til there's one second and then pick ken or sagat.
You dezsrve to be dced on.


HA! Being blanka for the first time almost beat my friend's main Zangief. Though I think I'll start using Blanka from now on.


Timedog said:
I'm getting thumb pain too, in the joint where my thumbs meet my hand. I got pain when I first started using the 360 controller too though, so maybe I just need to get used to it.

I wish I could get used to it but I was starting to get a bit concerned. The tip of my thumb is completely numb (starting to corrode with dead skin). Both my thumbs are double-jointed and I can snap them back and forth and if you listen closely you can hear the bone popping. Now when I do my left one, it hurts :(


Trucker Sexologist
-COOLIO- said:
but only 1 person can do it.

do they not see the flaw?!?!

its like when i was playing pokemon 64 with a friend and he'd call out charizard, then id call out blastoise, then he'd switch out for zapdos. and neither of us would attack, and i just remembered thinking how broken this game was.
I guess it depends on how fast you can choose in the last few seconds. The character selection process can be kind of a game in and of itself.


Just had an interesting session. Won all my matches although I only had about four. Most were great come from behind wins. One match was against a Ryu where he did absolutely nothing the first round (I mean nothing, like no movement at all) and then all of a sudden he comes alive to fireball spam me to death in the second round. Thank god for cammy's ex hooligan that's all I can say. Spun over his bullshit fireball spam attempts and threw him to the shithouse in the third round and won the match. In another match my right bumper button stopped working during the final round, that's my HK button and my most relied on button press full stop. Had to win that one with medium kick. Next game I played was a five rounder against a Zangief. After losing the first two rounds while fiddling around with my HK button (which still was fucked and not working) I resorted back to my MK button. It was messy, cumbersome and it was damn well lucky, but I managed to win in five. Ultimately I owe it all to hooligan, I love hooligan.


Holy Order Sol said:
Nothing wrong with the limits being commonly accepted tournament rules.

The basis of the article is that "scrubs" make their own "imaginary rules" rather than playing to win. A similar argument can be made regarding tournament rules (though I agree with you).
Balb said:
The basis of the article is that "scrubs" make their own "imaginary rules" rather than playing to win. A similar argument can be made regarding tournament rules (though I agree with you).

If you look at ANY activity, rules are always changed by experts on said activity. For example, basketball introduced the shot clock to make games better and prevent people from hogging the ball with 15 minutes left if they had a 2 point lead.

I didn't read the article, but the rules that scrubs try to implement usually have no bearing on the game as whole, just themselves.
I'd say there's a difference between saying throws or fireballs are cheap, and saying that hidden, purposefully overpowered boss characters you need a code to unlock shouldn't be used in competitive play, which is basically what Sirlin says.
I still don't understand why anyone finds Sirlin's article all that enlightening.

Artificially holding one's self back isn't a concept exclusive to fighting games or even games in general; people find odd reasoning or justification for limiting themselves in all parts of life.

Besides, it seems like the SF/fighting game communities picks and chooses too much of out of the "playing to win" manifesto, anyway.
Those of you fed up with counter-picks, Random welcomes you with open arms. It's guaranteed fun, and you get the satisfaction of psyching out your opponents in more ways than one. "lolz, they gave you Gen... Wait, why the hell am I still losing?!?!"


Whine Whine FADC Troll
FindMyFarms said:
If you look at ANY activity, rules are always changed by experts on said activity. For example, basketball introduced the shot clock to make games better and prevent people from hogging the ball with 15 minutes left if they had a 2 point lead.

I didn't read the article, but the rules that scrubs try to implement usually have no bearing on the game as whole, just themselves.

The way the modern fighting game community interprets "play to win", using the basketball analogy we'd have no shot clocks and a jump ball after each basket.


Balb said:
The basis of the article is that "scrubs" make their own "imaginary rules" rather than playing to win. A similar argument can be made regarding tournament rules (though I agree with you).

In a tournament setting everyone is agreeing to abide by those rules when they enter (i.e. not picking O. Sagat or Akuma in Super Turbo). Its not really the same as me randomly walking into an arcade and proclaiming to everyone that challenges me that throws are cheap and not allowed and that you have a 10 fireball limit per round. You can't expect people to change their play style to accommodate you...not if you want to ever be any good.


FindMyFarms said:
If you look at ANY activity, rules are always changed by experts on said activity. For example, basketball introduced the shot clock to make games better and prevent people from hogging the ball with 15 minutes left if they had a 2 point lead.
arstal said:
The way the modern fighting game community interprets "play to win", using the basketball analogy we'd have no shot clocks and a jump ball after each basket.
That sounds pretty boring. Imagine what would happen if teams had a strategy of abusing the foul rules and brought the pace of the game to a screeching halt right near the end. That would never fly on my local court, we played by gentlemen's rules.

Really, most team sports don't make for very good analogies. The rules are essentially fixed to create a balance of offense and defense for each team. That kind of thinking actually leads to the complaints in Street Fighter. Some people get annoyed when their opponents are playing too much offense/defense, and they don't realize it's their own responsibility to turn that around.

I last read Sirlin's article when it was just a long essay pretty much, before he turned it into an entire book. From what I remember though, he only criticizes bad game design. Anything goes in terms of actual strategy.


good credit (by proxy)
What i don't like is when i criticize game design and then people link the playing to win article on reaction like it settles any argument and is the answer to any problem anyone might have with a fighting game. People need to learn to read and think critically instead of deifying sirlin or seth killian or whomever.
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