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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


Chittagong said:
ok that's pretty amazing. He plays really aggressive and manages to pull an unbelievable amount of throws for a character not great for throws.

Is there a logic on where I teleport, or any other way to break away from being cornered, that seems to be the single most dangerous situation for Dhalsim?

micvlad is really good, he put a whoopin on me yesterday. He likes to do ultra, teleport and then push you into the ultra. Took me awhile to get used to him teleporting alot and etc, but I had fun playing against him.
I just played against some Ryu that just got the game today, and as he started freaking out and jumping when he got down to low health, I EX Hooligan'd and threw him out of the air for a KO and he and his roommate started yelling HOLY FUUUUUUAAAAAAHHHH!!!!

It really is the scariest move in the game :lol

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
SuperAndroid17 said:

Fuck Ryu and Ken's. No skill required and PSN is full of fucking spammers.

yea they're annoying, but not affraid of them anymore. My Abel beat Akuma them 95% of the time now:D

Im close to that vs Guile also now.

Im 50/50 on the Blankas and Zangiefs

But still at Horrible HORRIBLE dissadventage vs Sagat.


Trucker Sexologist
SuperAndroid17 said:

Fuck Ryu and Ken's. No skill required and PSN is full of fucking spammers.
I eat scrub Kens and Ryus for lunch. It's free BP. Bless those noobs. Bless them right in the fucking face.
~Devil Trigger~ said:
yea they're annoying, but not affraid of them anymore. My Abel beat Akuma them 95% of the time now:D

Im close to that vs Guile also now.

Im 50/50 on the Blankas and Zangiefs

But still at Horrible HORRIBLE dissadventage vs Sagat.
All Sagat needs to destroy Abel is his HK. That's it.


God's Beard said:
I EX Hooligan'd and threw him out of the air for a KO and he and his roommate started yelling HOLY FUUUUUUAAAAAAHHHH!!!!

It really is the scariest move in the game :lol

Godly move against pita ryu/ken/akuma/sagat fireball spammers. Half the time I don't even connect with it due to lag but it gets me close enough for a normal throw usually. Mix it up with spiral arrow, cannon spike and throw or low attack version of hooligan and the opponent is often left wondering wtf you're gunna do.


God's Beard said:
I thought Fei Long was really good until I started using Cammy :-( It's like the same type of character but better, only I have to stare at her naked ass instead of Bruce Lee.
Fei Long is definitely better than Cammy, especially if you know how to use his command throw...


I am Korean.
Chittagong said:
ok that's pretty amazing. He plays really aggressive and manages to pull an unbelievable amount of throws for a character not great for throws.

Is there a logic on where I teleport, or any other way to break away from being cornered, that seems to be the single most dangerous situation for Dhalsim?
Teleporting'll get you out of a lot in the corner. Even if you teleport in place, it'll cause a lot to whiff vs an over aggressive type. If you can anticipate them committing to a move, you can simply pop behind them and slip away or punish. (This has saved me a lot vs Cammy players. They tend to try to come in with pressure in the corner, and Dhalsim's suddenly not there as they rocket in.)

If you're really desperate, a lk yoga dill carries you a decent distance too.
HiResDes said:
Fei Long is definitely better than Cammy, especially if you know how to use his command throw...

How exactly do you use his command throw? I always get beat when I try to use it, and whenever another Fei Long tries it on me, I see it coming from a mile away. Need help on that :(
akachan ningen said:
What do you mean "enhanced?" you mean like an easy mode where you can hold back and block everything?

I think it's more like, "If I sweep them they get hit, but if they sweep me I auto block it all the time."

I'm pretty sure he made that up.
Is it really fair for Ken to load up on you before you get up?

I'm sure I am making that up to.

Everyone wants SF 3 characters, well I want better blocking!


jordan0386 said:
Is it really fair for Ken to load up on you before you get up?

I'm sure I am making that up to.

Everyone wants SF 3 characters, well I want better blocking!
use your wake up on him... who is your character?
jordan0386 said:
Is it really fair for Ken to load up on you before you get up?

I'm sure I am making that up to.

Everyone wants SF 3 characters, well I want better blocking!

what are you babbling about? he's using a sweep on you as you're getting up? You can block that.


Phthisis said:
It's not an automatic hit. Just jump. Even if Akuma's character model is touching you, you still have a couple frames to jump out of the way.

How about when he times it just when you're waking up. Is it possible to jump out of the way if he's just right next to you?
ElyrionX said:
How about when he times it just when you're waking up. Is it possible to jump out of the way if he's just right next to you?

Yeah, just hold up. It's impossible for him to land it if you hold up. Akuma only has two ways to land his ultra :

1 - Off a focus attack

2 - As a punisher, IE you jump in, or you whiff a shoryuken or something.

Akuma can never actually use his ultra as an offensive tool.


Yo I dont get it when I block most of the time it works but sometimes my opponent hits me below the belt and it still hits me even though im holding back. I understand this is street fighter and there's no rules but it just makes for an unpleasant gaming experience. Please fix it Capcom or I will refuse to buy any of your costume DLC and any future Street Fighting games.
FindMyFarms said:
How exactly do you use his command throw? I always get beat when I try to use it, and whenever another Fei Long tries it on me, I see it coming from a mile away. Need help on that :(

Quoting myself for being an idiot and asking a question before reading. I looked up the Fei thread on SRK, and his command grab DOES have a use, hallelujah!

If you crumple someone, or if you get someone in a dizzy, you can use his command grab to reset the combo damage scaler.

Anyone else got anything?
Spruchy said:
Yo I dont get it when I block most of the time it works but sometimes my opponent hits me below the belt and it still hits me even though im holding back. I understand this is street fighter and there's no rules but it just makes for an unpleasant gaming experience. Please fix it Capcom or I will refuse to buy any of your costume DLC and any future Street Fighting games.

you need to hold back-down to block low.


It was probably a terrible, terrible fucking idea to buy this game without ever playing a fighting game for more than a few hours, left alone never playing a Street Fighter game, and expecting some kind of "help I'm new" mode where everything wouldn't fucking DESTROY me.


xabre said:
The matchmaking is just pissing me off. After selecting 'same skill' in the search and encountering a never ending number of players hundreds of bp below me I decide to change the setting to 'more skilled'. What do I get? A never ending number of players hundreds of bp below me.

Just use quick match. Everything else doesn't work right. I do wish the game had real lobbies though. WTF..


Can some one explain me the workings of crossing up your oppononent? I keep reading these type of combo's:

cr.lp, cr.lp, xx scissor kick xx FA

On the shoryuken wiki they're saying that crossing up is jumping and kicking your opponent in the back of the head.

But what the fu does the crossing up mean within these combo's??


Could anyone recommend me a fighter to play as while I come to grips with the game? I've initially been trying to use C. Viper, but I'm currently too inconsistent with the 1/4 stick rotations to do anything well.

It's going to take me a lot of time and patients to get anywhere in this game, but I do find it a lot of fun. While the feeling lasts, I'll keep trudging through it and try to learn from my mistakes.
Mutombo said:
Can some one explain me the workings of crossing up your oppononent? I keep reading these type of combo's:

cr.lp, cr.lp, xx scissor kick xx FA

On the shoryuken wiki they're saying that crossing up is jumping and kicking your opponent in the back of the head.

But what the fu does the crossing up mean within these combo's??

cr. means crouching

Also, the xx just means into.

Example, cr. fp xx fp hadoken means crouching fierce punch into fierce fireball. It doesn't necessarily mean super cancel.


ElyrionX said:
How about when he times it just when you're waking up. Is it possible to jump out of the way if he's just right next to you?
Don't most other Ultras also beat him? I'm sure I did Rose's ultra on wake up and Rose is said to have no good wake-ups? (Granted, I'm not really down with the terminology.)
Anyone want some fights on PSN? Koji-chan

WTF? I fought Gouken but no unlock? What is this horseshit.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
RevenantKioku said:
Don't most other Ultras also beat him? I'm sure I did Rose's ultra on wake up and Rose is said to have no good wake-ups? (Granted, I'm not really down with the terminology.)
Anyone want some fights on PSN? Koji-chan

EX Soul Spiral is fairly good as a wakeup, pretty sure it's instant. That said, it's an EX on a character that can use supers easily so you don't want to use it too much.


much obliged.

The whole canceling game is something I've yet to get into.

Focus... forward, F Attack, forward. This will release the attack, absorb one hit, and dash forward, right?

ALso, are there any good Gouken players out there? I've tried playing him, first Shoto I actually tried playing and he's got some good defensive moves, but it seems kind of hard to really get on the offensive side of things with him. (So I decided to put him to rest for the while)
Mutombo said:
much obliged.

The whole canceling game is something I've yet to get into.

Focus... forward, F Attack, forward. This will release the attack, absorb one hit, and dash forward, right?

ALso, are there any good Gouken players out there? I've tried playing him, first Shoto I actually tried playing and he's got some good defensive moves, but it seems kind of hard to really get on the offensive side of things with him. (So I decided to put him to rest for the while)

It's easier to just do the dash motion as soon as you let you go of mp+mk. You don't have to time it, the dash just comes out after the FA hits.


shooting blanks
FindMyFarms said:
Yeah, just hold up. It's impossible for him to land it if you hold up. Akuma only has two ways to land his ultra :

1 - Off a focus attack

2 - As a punisher, IE you jump in, or you whiff a shoryuken or something.

Akuma can never actually use his ultra as an offensive tool.

If theyre standing still :lol
ChrisGoldstein said:
If theyre standing still :lol

I'm not sure if this is what you mean but even if you just standing there, if you see the flash, all you have to do is hold up and you'll jump out of the way. you don't need to be doing it before the flash.


hyperbolically metafictive
still not sure what to do with abel against players who constantly jump in -- stand mk, cr mk, and cr fp seem to be his best antiairs, but they trade or lose so often that i'm not confident in them. if i fadc i seem to eat a lot of combo followups, but maybe my timing is just off. rolling just gives them another opportunity to jump in :/

if i've got ultra or super it seems i can use those to punish, but i'm still not too confident on the timing. he's fun to play, but right now i'm just awful with him
drohne said:
still not sure what to do with abel against players who constantly jump in -- stand mk, cr mk, and cr fp seem to be his best antiairs, but they trade or lose so often that i'm not confident in them. if i fadc i seem to eat a lot of combo followups, but maybe my timing is just off. rolling just gives them another opportunity to jump in :/

if i've got ultra or super it seems i can use those to punish, but i'm still not too confident on the timing. he's fun to play, but right now i'm just awful with him

EX change of direction is his only reliable anti-air or wheel kick if you do it way early. but it seems like ex cod isn't worth the meter if doesn't hit them right. You're better off rolling away. if their jump-ins are predictable you can do a jump up hp or hk. but yeah. roll away. if they jump in again, you have time to back dash. I used to play abel a lot but I got bored of him quick, I'm not sure why, I usually did pretty well with him.


Is there a guide anywhere that explains how to get certain achievements? Like for Icon Master (Collect all Icons). Er....what do you have to do for each icon to unlock?


Are there any specific strategies for fighting Zangief? I play mainly play as Sakura, but even with other characters, I feel like I can't do anything other than try and keep my distance with fireballs and uppercuts. His command throws seem to out prioritize everything; I'll watch as the start up of my EX Shunpukyaku flashes, but then suddenly I'm being thrown. Basically it ends up being me desperately trying to keep him away, until I hit a corner, and then I'm pretty much screwed. As soon as he gets in; and I let up on a combo for one second, there goes half my health.

Any tips?


Dreavus said:
Are there any specific strategies for fighting Zangief? I play mainly play as Sakura, but even with other characters, I feel like I can't do anything other than try and keep my distance with fireballs and uppercuts. His command throws seem to out prioritize everything; I'll watch as the start up of my EX Shunpukyaku flashes, but then suddenly I'm being thrown. Basically it ends up being me desperately trying to keep him away, until I hit a corner, and then I'm pretty much screwed. As soon as he gets in; and I let up on a combo for one second, there goes half my health.

Any tips?

Works for me.

Also, if you're playing a Zangief that spams the lariat move, stay close enough to where you can sweep him. You could also try jumping in at him when he starts spinning. Keep him guessing. Also, try and bait him to jump in at you. Kick him in the air. And when you land, be sure to flip/dash away. The Zangiefs I play usually try and grab you after you both land.
The Character Win Rates in the Player Data: what in the world is this thing counting? At first I thought it was arcade mode usage, but that's not right. I don't play Local Vs. at all on this profile. And, these numbers don't jive at all with the Char. Usage data the next page over. Does anyone know?

Edit: Droppers have gotten so bad lately, that I have to actually watch the recent players tab while I'm in my lobby to see if I have to kick whomever joins my game. :p Had more people drop yesterday than the past two weeks combined.
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