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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


Is no one over 2500 BP playing best of 5? Only get 3-4 games back and most of them only with one red bar. And over Arcade I also get less players lately and then often the same guys over and over.


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haunts said:
Its in the super guide. :p

Only thing the superguide says is "use the kick version".

So is this the correct input?

,f,b,f+PPP,[k],release,[k] ?


or is it possible to just use KKK instead of PPP and hold&release that?


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
Osaka said:
Only thing the superguide says is "use the kick version".

So is this the correct input?

,f,b,f+PPP,[k],release,[k] ?


or is it possible to just use KKK instead of PPP and hold&release that?

yes. I have KKK and PPP on my shoulders and just use KKK to instigate the ultra and juggle it.


Kritz said:
Could anyone recommend me a fighter to play as while I come to grips with the game? I've initially been trying to use C. Viper, but I'm currently too inconsistent with the 1/4 stick rotations to do anything well.

It's going to take me a lot of time and patients to get anywhere in this game, but I do find it a lot of fun. While the feeling lasts, I'll keep trudging through it and try to learn from my mistakes.

Go with Sakura. The shokotan characters are obviously the easiest to learn but this way you don't get tired of playing people using the same character as you (Ruy/Ken/Akuma etc.)


Bacon of Hope
Osaka said:
Only thing the superguide says is "use the kick version".

So is this the correct input?

,f,b,f+PPP,[k],release,[k] ?


or is it possible to just use KKK instead of PPP and hold&release that?

Here it is:

Crouching Light Punch, Crouching Light Punch, Crouching Light Kick, Buffalo Headbutt, Ultra
This is Balrogs bread and butter combo in Street Fighter 4 so be sure to get this one down in that it is his safest way of landing his Ultra. To land the Ultra after the Buffalo Headbutt, charge down, then go to up-back to hold the charge, and when you land from the Buffalo Headbutt input the command for the Ultra. By holding up-back during the Buffalo Headbutt the game will see this as you never losing a charge that is required for the Ultra.

Note: To juggle with the Ultra, use the kick version, let the first hit connect, let the second punch pass through, and then HOLD all three kicks to finish it off. This is the only way to land all the hits after a juggle.


I am Korean.
Won said:
Is no one over 2500 BP playing best of 5? Only get 3-4 games back and most of them only with one red bar. And over Arcade I also get less players lately and then often the same guys over and over.
Wouldn't most of the really skilled people be going by tournament standard settings? You might have an increasingly difficult time getting best of five the higher you go if that's the case.


akachan ningen said:
are you blocking low when he pounds the ground, then high when he goes up in the air? When he's rolling you can block low or high.

Yeah but when he's right on top of you, it's kinda hard. As soon as I alter my blocking (from low to high), it doesn't work for me all the time.


Jazzem said:
I was just playing against an El Fuerte player, and he/she kept spamming a body slam move everytime my character was standing up after a fall, and he/she was hitting pretty much every time. Anyone else come across that? Is there a way to avoid it? (I was playing as Chun Li by the way)

Otherwise I'm loving this game :D
Back dashing can sometimes work as well or just jumping away (if you jump, you'll get hit by the splash, but you can do a quick land afterwards).

If you have EX meter, EX SBK will also work to avoid any wake-up attempts from Fuerte - just be careful that he doesn't block it or worse, you whiff it.

My updated stats.

<3ing El Fuerte.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
Freshmaker said:
Wouldn't most of the really skilled people be going by tournament standard settings? You might have an increasingly difficult time getting best of five the higher you go if that's the case.

A lot of better players prefer best of 5 for ranked since it reduces the effect of luck.


Relix said:
Damn the Xbox controller sucks for Balrog's trials =(.
I can't even DASH consistently with the thing. :/
I'm using the analogue stick, btw, because I get random jumps with the dpad and that's even worse.

On that note:
Did any of you guys who play with the 360 controller manage to do Ryu's second hard trial? I just need to hear that it is possible at all...


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Okay, I learned a lot today! Now I know how to not whiff Balrog's Ultra :D

Also, was super weird, I played against some annoying random Akuma player like 7 times. Was he hunting me or something? First I lost 2 games but then I learned how to use the turning punch and headbutt properly to avoid his infinite hadoken spam and beat him 5 times in a row :lol

Also played against the first Fei Long ever, and a relatively good Dhalsim (which is pretty rare). I love playing against shotos who do wakeup shoryukens. I just keep throwing em every time, I think my record is 7 throws on wakeup-dp's in a row :lol

Finally broke the barrier of 1k points as well! I'm climbing up! Thanks to haunts and Brobzoid and others for the tips.


jibblypop said:
ah good finally my first hate message on xbox live:


as pathetic as that message is.. the really funny thing is that he never quit on my end and my BP score actually did go up. however i dont even give a shit about BP cuz i just play for fun. I guess playing for fun is out of style nowadays.

it's hilarious. I got one last night after beating some kid saying that my bison sucked but he liked the alt costume :lol so I guess he was partially rude
Brobzoid said:
only need to press one kick, which ever one you favor, for it to work. although you can start charging a TAP by pressing all three.

MIND BLOWN. I've logged more than 150 hours into Boxer and I NEVER thought of that lol. Thank you so much!

On Balrog's Bread and Butter

If you're punishing someone and have ultra, and you know you can land the cr. mp xx headbutt, DO NOT use the cr. lp xx cr. lp xx cr.lk, the scaling that results is just RIDICULOUS and your ultra will end up doing no damage.

Also, when possible, if you can hit confirm and land his headbutt after cr. lp xx cr. lp, then do so, adding the last cr. lk will rape your ultra's damage, and you'll lose roughly 50 points of damage.

The only time you should be using cr. lp xx cr. lp xx cr. lk is if you REALLy need that last kick to complete your charge, or if you're not using the ultra afterwards.

I know a lot of this is contrary to popular belief, but trust me, it works!


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FindMyFarms said:
MIND BLOWN. I've logged more than 150 hours into Boxer and I NEVER thought of that lol. Thank you so much!

On Balrog's Bread and Butter

If you're punishing someone and have ultra, and you know you can land the cr. mp xx headbutt, DO NOT use the cr. lp xx cr. lp xx cr.lk, the scaling that results is just RIDICULOUS and your ultra will end up doing no damage.

Also, when possible, if you can hit confirm and land his headbutt after cr. lp xx cr. lp, then do so, adding the last cr. lk will rape your ultra's damage, and you'll lose roughly 50 points of damage.

The only time you should be using cr. lp xx cr. lp xx cr. lk is if you REALLy need that last kick to complete your charge, or if you're not using the ultra afterwards.

I know a lot of this is contrary to popular belief, but trust me, it works!

Thanks for the tip! I'll start training hit confirming the headbutt tomorrow :D
Just got done with Cammy, Dhalsim and Blanka's hard trials. Blanka's fifth was a giant link and exercise in charging.

I still can't land Abel's fifth of forward dash cancel hard punch FADC forward dash cancel hard punch.


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
FindMyFarms said:
MIND BLOWN. I've logged more than 150 hours into Boxer and I NEVER thought of that lol. Thank you so much!
:mad: you are already better than me, don't steal my TAP tactics. ;_;


NeoGAF: my new HOME
I played some fun games against a friend with Sakura and being ultra aggressive seems to pay off more. I think it's time to go back to her and try again.

Goodbye battle points, it was good while it lasted :lol


I'm jealous, I cant do any of Cammy's hard trials and im stuck on Blanka's last one. Guile's aren't that bad, you should be fine considering the harder shit you've already done.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Relix said:
Damn the Xbox controller sucks for Balrog's trials =(.

I used to think that and it was my Hori stick also in the beginning... but then I had the same on other people's controllers as well, even the green 360 controller with the new, proper 8-way d-pad, and Balrog's Dash Upper almost never comes out when you try to do it fast, yet his Dash Straight (with punch) always did...

So with that, I figured that Capcom purposely screwed with move input like how they screwed with the timing of linking & cancelling...

Then I coincidentally saw this post on SRK when I totally got fed up to the point doing Balrog's last Trial on Hard to see if me and my friends were the only one having problems with this move and other moves, and this guy hit the nail right on the head with what I concluded myself, but he went all out and tested everything:


Read up, and you'll see that if you got a loose d-pad or joystick, you're screwed in SFIV...

Love the game, but this type of shit is what has me doing the wrong moves sometimes when I need them to come out, and makes the trials waaaaaay harder than they actually are...


Brobzoid said:
:mad: you are already better than me, don't steal my TAP tactics. ;_;

It's easy to get cocky with the TAP though, if a Shoto catches on or you hit the TAP too far away you can eat a follow-up fireball.


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
Chorazin said:
It's easy to get cocky with the TAP though, if a Shoto catches on or you hit the TAP too far away you can eat a follow-up fireball.
true true... mid range is usually best, because it's easy to trick someone into throwing a fireball and catching them.
Xevren said:
I'm jealous, I cant do any of Cammy's hard trials and im stuck on Blanka's last one. Guile's aren't that bad, you should be fine considering the harder shit you've already done.

Not when my hand is hamburger. Blanka's...hold down back immediately after the standing strong...

I finished the first row. Only have Rose and Gen in the last row. I'm leaving Gen, El Fuerte and C. Viper for last... I have a feeling theirs are the worst.


Had to claw my way to 1600 BP but I'm there.

Last few seconds of my time was my Chun Li vs Ken.


*slap slap*


*slap slap*


*slap slap*




*Chun Li cross-up WOOT!*


*slap, win*

Because time ran out. Also had this really good match when we were both Cammy and we were flipping out all over the place like ninjas. EX Hooligan goes real high when both are throwing them out.


Zeouterlimits said:
As proof of how terrible I am at SF (depressingly so), I only just realised what FADC stands for.


Don't feel bad. I can't do combo linking, canceling or Focus attacking and I've played these games for over 15 years. I could never catch on to any of it, and the game doesn't have tutorials on it. It isn't easy to practice either. I play for fun and have around 800 BP - I've never be tournament ready, but I don't care.


Is Zangief's 4th hard trial humanly possible??

I cannot link the standing QK to EX Banishing Flat fast enough.

I perform the Banishing Flat but Dan blocks it :(


Just in case it didn't already happen today, here a "Fuck Zangief" post:

Fuck Zangief!

Just watched the clock tonight....took me 29 seconds to perfect that guy......thats just stupid. -.-
Has anyone completed all of Balrog's trials? I can't seem to combo his low short into his ex dash upper. Instead I get that other dash he does with kick. FYI, I'm using a pad.


Spiderjericho said:
Has anyone completed all of Balrog's trials? I can't seem to combo his low short into his ex dash upper. Instead I get that other dash he does with kick. FYI, I'm using a pad.

I had issues with that as well. I had to let it go to neutral really quickly before hitting forward. If i went from db straight to forward it would count as that df+kick move thats a knockdown. It's a lot easier on a stick, but with a pad I have issues with it.


I tried messing around with Boxer the last few days, but he's just not my style. Think im' gonna try Viper next. I realized today she has a rocket boot double-jump. Thats just cool...


needs to show more effort.
if someone pulled off that combo on me in an online match I think I'd just lay down the controller and let them have the round.


dankir said:
Is Zangief's 4th hard trial humanly possible??

I cannot link the standing QK to EX Banishing Flat fast enough.

I perform the Banishing Flat but Dan blocks it :(
I couldn't do it, but I've seen a video of a professional Zangief player using that combo all the time.
Switched to the Fightstick SE...and was able to complete the fifth Boxer trial. Pain in the butt. Claw's trials weren't difficult...just a bunch of links (no FADC or Ultra shenanigans).

But I'm going to put it down now...since my thumb is killing me.

I haven't really played with the Fightstick SE...but they're not all that good compared to HRAP3, TE (haven't touched a Hori bo bo stick for PS3). The buttons are terrible and the stick feels cheap.


I just played a bunch of good games against MTHanded.

I know he's banned for a few months but maybe he still reads this thread so good games man!
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