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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

Game desperately needs searching for players by region. I get OK latency with JP players, but why the hell am I getting connected to people in France?


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
akachan ningen said:
Yeah, even Sakura has better defense than him. :lol Hers is the same as ryu and ken.
I think that 3 piledrivers with Zangief and El Fuerte is out o_O

Pop On Arrival said:
Game desperately needs searching for players by region. I get OK latency with JP players, but why the hell I'm getting connected to people in France?
Why Capcom/Dimps chose language instead of regions to filter players beats me
Crazy stuff.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
ShinAmano said:
Any tips for a shoto vs Sagat...what to expect and what to do?
Expect: Tiger,tiger,tiger,tiger...


A little more info...I can handle myself with most of the characters...just looking for any specifics about a good Sagat that a Shoto should be aware of...Ryu particularly.


shooting blanks
I only use akuma and blanka though I think I'm better with Blanka. The tough part is getting his ultra sometimes. It will do the coward duck thingy, and I'm playing with the sfiv gamepad....kind of frustrating.

The good thing about picking blanka is that people will usually not pick a shoto since they are not facing one so they'll mix it up. Passed 1000bp, and got the 10 wins in a row achievement...man last night rocked.


needs to show more effort.
ChrisGoldstein said:
I only use akuma and blanka though I think I'm better with Blanka. The tough part is getting his ultra sometimes. It will do the coward duck thingy, and I'm playing with the sfiv gamepad....kind of frustrating.
I hate that so much... so much.


ChrisGoldstein said:
It will do the coward duck thingy, and I'm playing with the sfiv gamepad....kind of frustrating.

I also pick Blanka and the only reason I was thinking of buying the mad catz pad was because I was hoping it would make that EXACT thing stop happening to me when i try to do his ultra... are you saying that I shouldn't waste my money on that controller then?

It really pisses me off because I could do that move no problem on SF2HD remix even with the shitty 360 d-pad.


shooting blanks
jibblypop said:
I also pick Blanka and the only reason I was thinking of buying the mad catz pad was because I was hoping it would make that EXACT thing stop happening to me when i try to do his ultra... are you saying that I shouldn't waste my money on that controller then?

It really pisses me off because I could do that move no problem on SF2HD remix even with the shitty 360 d-pad.

Well I think the controller is worth it just for putting LP on turbo :lol

FADC into LP on turbo is brutal. The 6 face buttons are nice too, I think the controller is great but that move is like the hardest ultra in the game for me to pull off...on my favorite character no less. Akuma's is a cinch with the game pad although it's harder to land against decent players.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
jibblypop said:
I also pick Blanka and the only reason I was thinking of buying the mad catz pad was because I was hoping it would make that EXACT thing stop happening to me when i try to do his ultra... are you saying that I shouldn't waste my money on that controller then?

It really pisses me off because I could do that move no problem on SF2HD remix even with the shitty 360 d-pad.

waste money on a hori ex2 stick instead. it's not as great as the sticks of 2x the price, but it makes the game insanely fun. I would have snapped the disc by now if still playing on a pad.


Bacon of Hope
Future said:
Same here. I never have a problem finding matches at all. I just wish I could sit in training mode instead of arcade mode, and still get the interrupt.

I wish for this as well.. Would be nice to just practice combos or set ups on a dummy until you get a request.

ShinAmano said:
A little more info...I can handle myself with most of the characters...just looking for any specifics about a good Sagat that a Shoto should be aware of...Ryu particularly.

Dont jump if at all possible. Move in on the ground, FADC through tiger shots to get closer. Try to build as much ex meter as possible. Try to land a knockdown with a throw, AA DP or whatever. Once he is down and you're close its a little easier fight. Go for cross up/ambiguous cross up mk into c. jab into combo or mix up into throw.

Most Sagats online will end up jumping right at you eventually so it just comes down to being patient. You dont even have to move in, you can just throw FBs all day, just know that his high tiger is faster than your FB, so when you're about to get beat out, just duck the high tiger and resume fireballs. See if they will come to you.

Just dont jump. The chances of you taking a retarded amount of damage increases 10 fold when you jump.


ChrisGoldstein said:
Well I think the controller is worth it just for putting LP on turbo :lol

FADC into LP on turbo is brutal. The 6 face buttons are nice too, I think the controller is great but that move is like the hardest ultra in the game for me to pull off...on my favorite character no less. Akuma's is a cinch with the game pad although it's harder to land against decent players.

So is there any benefit besides turbo? Specifically I just want the D-pad to be better.

catfish said:
waste money on a hori ex2 stick instead. it's not as great as the sticks of 2x the price, but it makes the game insanely fun. I would have snapped the disc by now if still playing on a pad.

Strangely enough, using a joystick makes playing fighting games much much harder for me since I never played more than a couple times in the arcades but I played 10 trillion hours of SF2 on snes, psx, gamecube, ps2 etc etc
You guys should be playing for satifaction, playing to get better, having an awesome fight and walking away with that adrenaline high. Working on execution, losing a fight because you got outplayed, learning, getting better. That's the heart of SF, you will maximize enjoyment that way.

Not bottom feeding for BP :(
Haha, ShinAmano's in here scouting for info before our upcoming tourney match! :lol

Haunts, any tips for a Sagat against a good Ryu who now knows better than to jump in? :D

Mostly kidding. But Shin's gonna kick my ass ...


FindMyFarms said:


I used to be in your position lol, and I kind of still am. Here's a few things I learned :

Balrog Vs. Blanka
!!!!! (pro Balrog version)


- You can punish his blanka ball with lp. straight. You can punish any version also, even ex. You can also punish this with your ultra. If you get him while he's on the floor, then the whole thing lands. If the first punch juggles him, then you'll do PKPKK

- Lots of Blanka players like to use lp blanka ball to get right in front of you, land then throw you. Just be aware of this tactic. You can either tech throw, or cr. lp xx cr. lp xx head butt xx ultra (if you have it.) Do that twice and they won't think about it again :)

- Blanka can use his ball as a crossup. If you're knocked down, and they time it right, they can put the hitbox right behind you as you're getting up, just be prepared!

- Blanka Ball has armor break on it, so don't ever do a full screen ex move, the bright yellow light on you is like a huge green light for Blanka to rape you.

- You can counter his ball with cr. lp or cr. mp


Man do Blanka players LOVE this move. Stops cross ups, knocks you down and resets for zoning/crossup game, and confuses people in their poking game.

- First thing's first : Know what you can use to interrupt the move. From close range your best bet is cr. lk, medium range is cr. mp/mk, and far range is cr. fk, keep in mind if you're too far you'll trade. If you're near or mid range, you can follow up with either a headbutt or straight. SOMETIMES j. fk will stuff it, but it's not too reliable. Know that cr. mk xx cr. fk is a LINK. If you hit him w/ cr. mk while he's doing elec, make sure to follow up with cr. fk! The worst that could happen is he blocks it.

- Lots of blanka players like to incorporate the Electricity into their poke strings. They'll use one hit of it, then poke with a cr. fk or cr. fp. If you know that's coming, you can either block it, or Focus attack it and get a crumple! Just be careful with the focus attack though, because if they guess right you're looking at a blanka ball.

- Nine times out of ten if they use a cr. lp, electricty will follow. That's your cue to interrupt and punish.

Blanka Flip

I don't know if this is the real name of the move, but it's the one where he flips back, then blanka balls in an arc.

- This is relatively easy to guard. If you see this, simply FADC and punish. Boom, free damage.

- Sometimes it will be used in a crossup. Just go into training mode and train your eyes to recognize when it will and won't cross you up.

Vertical Blanka Ball

This is a pretty killer anti-air. For the most part, I recommend not jumping in on him due to this move.

- If Blanka has EX, do NOT do j. fk meaty. This move will rape you.

- If he doesn't, j. fk will trade most of the time, sometimes it won't though. You don't want to do this though because it gives Blanka a lot of time to set up his cross up.

Blanka jumping through people leap thing

This is where life gets difficult. Lots of Blanka work this into their cross up game. You get a lot of Blanka's that do cross up j. mk, leap, cr. lp, elec, or sometimes just cross up j. mk xx throw.

- If Blanka crosses you up, just get used to pushing cr. lp to prevent either a throw, or if he leaps through you, it will interrupt him when he lands, which lets you land your headbutt, which let's you then get your BIKE MONEY.

- Being able to counter this mainly comes through practice and awareness.

Creating Offense

- First off, the only time you're jumping is if you see him stand up, or if it's a neutral jump. If not, you're getting hit, then getting set up for a cross up. GL/HF

- Get close to Blanka by either walking or lp. straight. If he gets smart and tries to counter your lp straight, then bust out the armor break version (back 2 sec, d/f + k)

- Most of the time you'll be inching forward bit by bit. Make sure you counter jump ins with cr. fp, or s. mp. Headbutt if possible

- Make sure you KNOW when you're in range of his cr. d/f fp! (his slide on the ground that goes under fireballs.) If he tries this, you can easily punish him! Safe bet is to just use a cr. fk.

- Once you're right outside of his sweep range, you have two options. One is to play footsies, the other is to get in his face! If you need me to explain footsies, then say so in your reply. If you're using footsies, your goal will be to land a knockdown so you can restart the footsies.

- So now, you're in his face. Congrats! What do you do?

- You're bread and butter is going to be tick throwing, and mixing up your poke string to land an overhead. What I like to do is just walk up, cr. lp, walk up, cr. lp like 2 or 3 times to get him nervous. Then you can just wait for him to make a mistake.

- Once you've trained him, you can use your walk up cr.lp, to lead into a walk up throw. Once he gets cautious of that, he'll start using electricity, which you should just punish.

- Great string to use is cr. lp xx cr. lp xx cr. mp xx overhead OR sweep. Mix the two up so that he doesn't know which is coming. Also, you can bait a whiff by doing the poke string and then just crouching. If he's expecting the overhead/sweep, he'll bust out a blanka ball or something.

- Also know that overhead xx cr. lk/mp xx headbutt DOESN'T WORK. The headbutt just flies over him :(

For the most part, this is a really careful match about who makes the least mistakes. Just be VERY cautious, and don't throw anything out that you don't need too.

Anyhows, I just spent about 20 minutes typing all of this, so I really hope you guys read it. If you follow this, then you shouldn't be losing to Blanka anytime soon :)

PS - Don't be scared of Slayn, he can't handle all the goodness Balrog brings to the table :p

Dude, I love you. I read it and bookmarked it to read over a bunch more times. Thanks for typing it all out. I think I'm getting better with Balrog, and then something like losing like a punk to Blanka makes me doubt my shit. I'm glad to see it's a matchup most Balrog players have a hard time with.


Finally over 3000 BP. 3065 BP and rank 3065 on the leaderboards. It can't get better than that!

But somehow I have the feeling the players get worse the higher I get. Beat a Dhalsim with over 4000 BP, who didn't really fight back.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
You pick up some really bad habits in SP. Ultras, for example, land far less frequently on human opponents than on the CPU. I only play SP on 'hardest' and I never run into any difficulty mainly due to Ultra connecting/opponent not blocking 90% of the time.

I hope they really update the AI, or introduce a VF-esque AI learning mode or something.


Bacon of Hope
plaidtopia said:
Haha, ShinAmano's in here scouting for info before our upcoming tourney match! :lol

Haunts, any tips for a Sagat against a good Ryu who now knows better than to jump in? :D

Mostly kidding. But Shin's gonna kick my ass ...

Dont get knocked down and put in a cross up situation becuase that sucks.. What you can do is rush down and get as much damage as possible before he gets 2 bars and starts throwing random DPs into FADC hoping for an Ultra. Once you've done the damage just run away and run down the clock, throw tiger shots and try to let him chase you and fuck up in the process.


plaidtopia said:
Haha, ShinAmano's in here scouting for info before our upcoming tourney match! :lol

Haunts, any tips for a Sagat against a good Ryu who now knows better than to jump in? :D

Mostly kidding. But Shin's gonna kick my ass ...
:lol Caught Red-Handed!

What you can do is rush down and get as much damage as possible before he gets 2 bars and starts throwing random DPs into FADC hoping for an Ultra.

Don't worry none of this will happen. :lol


Arpharmd B said:
You guys should be playing for satifaction, playing to get better, having an awesome fight and walking away with that adrenaline high. Working on execution, losing a fight because you got outplayed, learning, getting better. That's the heart of SF, you will maximize enjoyment that way.

Not bottom feeding for BP :(

Who is bottom feeding for BP? I don't really see it. Usually I don't have a choice but to play low BP players because that's what the POS matchmaking system sets me up with, regardless of the settings I use.

qcf x2

Well I beat a good Sagat with Viper today. That felt good. And then I lost 3 straight to three different shotos that threw out random moves. Man do I love that (intense, burning sarcasm).


Kal said:
Just met three Blankas in a row lol! Won one, lost two! I need help (using Chun Li BTW)

Thanks. :)
I'm still learning how to beat a good Blanka player with Chun. One useful tip is that if you block his crouching Fierce punch slide move, he's wide open for her Ultra. His EX ball goes through fireballs, so be careful with those.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Spiderjericho said:
Has anyone completed all of Balrog's trials? I can't seem to combo his low short into his ex dash upper. Instead I get that other dash he does with kick. FYI, I'm using a pad.

I'm on his last one myself, and I posted this on the page before you asked as an answer to our Balrog troubles with Dash Upper which I found out myself, but this guy tested it out fully:


You're lucky at least to have some sort of alternative to pass it, but I'm stuck with the regular 360 pad and the Hori EX2 since I'm STILL waiting for the damn TE stick to ship in Europe...

I'm going to try again today for the first time in a few days to get his last Hard trial done...

jibblypop said:
I also pick Blanka and the only reason I was thinking of buying the mad catz pad was because I was hoping it would make that EXACT thing stop happening to me when i try to do his ultra... are you saying that I shouldn't waste my money on that controller then?

It really pisses me off because I could do that move no problem on SF2HD remix even with the shitty 360 d-pad.

It's the game - check the link I posted, and you'll see that with certain moves, anything that wasn't performed 100% right will get you something else completely different, even if you completed the move correctly but added an extra diagonal...
So is there any point to BP yet? When I first got the game, I was obsessed with getting as much as possible lol. I hit 4k and broke the top 100 on PSN for a day, but I just got tired of it and haven't played a ranked match in two weeks.

I really liked how Warcraft 3 handled there ladder system. Winners would get prizes, entry to tournaments, etc. so there was an actual incentive to play competetively. Also it was cool how they did it seasonally, resetting the rankings each season.

It would be awesome if Capcom showed the same level of support for online that Blizzard does.


MoxManiac said:
Who is bottom feeding for BP? I don't really see it. Usually I don't have a choice but to play low BP players because that's what the POS matchmaking system sets me up with, regardless of the settings I use.
lately the custom search has been working great for me.
I had 2 weeks of people over 2000bp
Now i'm getting people consistently 3500+bp!
Which is killing my bp # lol


I wish I could get interrupted with online matches while in Challenge Mode, I play that a lot more than Arcade Mode right now while trying to unlock colors and titles.


Bacon of Hope
FindMyFarms said:
So is there any point to BP yet? When I first got the game, I was obsessed with getting as much as possible lol. I hit 4k and broke the top 100 on PSN for a day, but I just got tired of it and haven't played a ranked match in two weeks.

I really liked how Warcraft 3 handled there ladder system. Winners would get prizes, entry to tournaments, etc. so there was an actual incentive to play competetively. Also it was cool how they did it seasonally, resetting the rankings each season.

It would be awesome if Capcom showed the same level of support for online that Blizzard does.

I dropped below 4k with playing viper over the past week, then logged on yesterday as Sagat and flew past 5k at one point. :lol

I play ranked becuase ppl are more serious than player matches, not for the BP tho.. Some ppl with 5k+ bp are really bad..mainly zangief players..
MoxManiac said:
Who is bottom feeding for BP? I don't really see it. Usually I don't have a choice but to play low BP players because that's what the POS matchmaking system sets me up with, regardless of the settings I use.

I'm saying the quest for BP is in itself bottom-feeding. If you really learn the game and play to get better you will have more enjoyment, rather than worry about BP.

I've played lots of horrible players with 4000+ BP (probably why I have 3800 and I hardly play ranked). Hollow victories. I do mostly player with friends, maybe like maybe 100 ranked matches I've played. I haven't even got the 500 overall achievement yet.
haunts said:
I dropped below 4k with playing viper over the past week, then logged on yesterday as Sagat and flew past 5k at one point. :lol

I play ranked becuase ppl are more serious than player matches, not for the BP tho.. Some ppl with 5k+ bp are really bad..mainly zangief players..

I understand that people play more seriously, I was just wondering if there's any point to having BP yet aside from matchmaking purposes.


Arpharmd B said:
I'm saying the quest for BP is in itself bottom-feeding. If you really learn the game and play to get better you will have more enjoyment, rather than worry about BP.

I've played lots of horrible players with 4000+ BP (probably why I have 3800 and I hardly play ranked). Hollow victories. I do mostly player with friends, maybe like maybe 100 ranked matches I've played. I haven't even got the 500 overall achievement yet.

I understand, and I wasn't implying that I was after BP; I'm after good opponents, and like haunts, I find that people tend to bring their A game to ranked matches more often (even if their A game is terrible)

Of course the best matches i've had are against other GAF members. Lyte Edge, Teknopathetic, slayn, gutter_trash, Ferrio etc etc etc


Skilotonn said:
It's the game - check the link I posted, and you'll see that with certain moves, anything that wasn't performed 100% right will get you something else completely different, even if you completed the move correctly but added an extra diagonal...

That is so lousy. I hate being able to pull it off in HD remix and not in 4. I wish they would just patch the game.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
haunts said:
I dropped below 4k with playing viper over the past week, then logged on yesterday as Sagat and flew past 5k at one point. :lol

I play ranked becuase ppl are more serious than player matches, not for the BP tho.. Some ppl with 5k+ bp are really bad..mainly zangief players..

I have to say the same thing as well. I run into mostly flowcharters in player, but ranked annoys me cause I see NOTHING but Giefs, Ryus, Dictators, and Sagats now.


Gold Member
ggp759 said:
Maybe this has been answered before but wasn't a champion mode or something going to come out after the game's release?

Yea. It's not out yet (obv), and Capcom stopped talking about it. My guess is, it will come out in June for 800 points.


Bacon of Hope
arstal said:
I have to say the same thing as well. I run into mostly flowcharters in player, but ranked annoys me cause I see NOTHING but Giefs, Ryus, Dictators, and Sagats now.

Yeah I run into a Guile player (!?) every now and again but its mainly Gief, Ryu, Dictator... I never see any Sagats..?? Maybe ppl dont like mirror matches..


haunts said:
Yeah I run into a Guile player (!?) every now and again but its mainly Gief, Ryu, Dictator... I never see any Sagats..?? Maybe ppl dont like mirror matches..
for some reason i hate mirror matches with sagat..have a blast with shoto mirrors tho


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
diffusionx said:
Yea. It's not out yet (obv), and Capcom stopped talking about it. My guess is, it will come out in June for 800 points.
Best idea ever for a patch:
An option to disable the ultras.

I think that im gonna get the Nobel Peace Prize for that one. :lol


Bacon of Hope
toneroni said:
for some reason i hate mirror matches with sagat..have a blast with shoto mirrors tho

i loooove sagat mirror matches.. most of the sagat players online dont know the true ultimate power of tiger knee rushdowns.. LOL
haunts said:
Yeah I run into a Guile player (!?) every now and again but its mainly Gief, Ryu, Dictator... I never see any Sagats..?? Maybe ppl dont like mirror matches..
I run into more Blankas than Dictators. And sometimes I get a bunch of Boxers in a row. Almost every Sagat I play is really fucking bad. Same with Gief.

The other night I had the same guy join my ranked game 7 times in a row. And he played Guile and Gief. And after that I had the same Blanka join me 4 times. It was parade of my most hated matchups. I wanted to die.

I lost a ton today. I'm starting to think Cammy really kinda sucks. I mean, I always kinda thought that, but the more I play the more I wish I had all the cool tricks all the other guys have. So jealous of everyone who can juggle into their ultra! Anyone who has good special moves that are safe on block! Anyone that has an overhead! So jealous! Grass is always greener I guess.


FindMyFarms said:
I understand that people play more seriously, I was just wondering if there's any point to having BP yet aside from matchmaking purposes.

Thank god there isn't any point to it outside of matchmaking purposes. Players already abuse the system enough as it is, they don't need more reason to do it.

I also got a lot of variety the last view days. The lower part of the character selection screen is still mostly ignored, but overall I can't really complain that much anymore.


Bacon of Hope
Rummy Bunnz said:
I lost a ton today. I'm starting to think Cammy really kinda sucks. I mean, I always kinda thought that, but the more I play the more I wish I had all the cool tricks all the other guys have. So jealous of everyone who can juggle into their ultra! Anyone who has good special moves that are safe on block! Anyone that has an overhead! So jealous! Grass is always greener I guess.

EX Cannon Strike into Ultra?
Won said:
Thank god there isn't any point to it outside of matchmaking purposes. Players already abuse the system enough as it is, they don't need more reason to do it.

I also got a lot of variety the last view days. The lower part of the character selection screen is still mostly ignored, but overall I can't really complain that much anymore.

If you read my previous post, I mentioned that I wish it was ran like Warcraft 3's ladder system. Run seasonally, with top leaders getting bids into tourneys, prizes, etc. Scores reset after every season. Of course, there should be a penalty for quitting online matches, and improved netcode via patches.

FPS's and RTS's get such phenomenal online support along with continued development. I really wish fighting games could catch up and stop having such a crappy online environment.

Street Fighter 4 gets props for online matchmaking, but at the end of the day, the overall experience is absolutely pitiful.
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