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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


MIMIC said:

I've been wondering something... in this chart where it keeps track of your number of fights and wins and losses... is it counting only ranked matches or player matches as well?


jibblypop said:
I've been wondering something... in this chart where it keeps track of your number of fights and wins and losses... is it counting only ranked matches or player matches as well?



Time Attack Normal
Level 11 - Player & CPU: No UC, no Focus, No EX Special, Move, No Dash, No Throw Escape, No Target Combo

Why not just cut off my fucking arm? :lol
MIMIC said:
Time Attack Normal
Level 11 - Player & CPU: No UC, no Focus, No EX Special, Move, No Dash, No Throw Escape, No Target Combo

Why not just cut off my fucking arm? :lol

I can't remember exactly...but you may need to use Gouki or Zangief.


Mrs. Harvey
MIMIC said:
Time Attack Normal
Level 11 - Player & CPU: No UC, no Focus, No EX Special, Move, No Dash, No Throw Escape, No Target Combo

Why not just cut off my fucking arm? :lol

That's tame compared to what you will see in hard time attack.


I'm like a Hadouken, down-right Fierce!
mYm|17| said:
was pretty but the damage sucks. Plus, what a waste of the ex bars. It could be better used for more damaging combos.

The damage isn't the most important thing all the time. That combo is GREAT for pushing opponents back into the corner, and it does a good amount of dizzy too, both of which work a lot to Balrog's advantage.
MIMIC said:
Time Attack Normal
Level 11 - Player & CPU: No UC, no Focus, No EX Special, Move, No Dash, No Throw Escape, No Target Combo

Why not just cut off my fucking arm? :lol

notice that the fighters you are facing are only the 8 World Warriors and 4 Bosses in this one hehe
this is basicly Street Fighter II edition with stripped away UC, Focus, EX, Dash, Throws Escape LOL


dankir said:
Is Zangief's 4th hard trial humanly possible??

I cannot link the standing QK to EX Banishing Flat fast enough.

I perform the Banishing Flat but Dan blocks it :(

use piano input.

forward kick + down, down forward 2 punches, in the mean time, put your fingers in ready positions and just slide from kick to punches.


MIMIC said:
Time Attack Normal
Level 11 - Player & CPU: No UC, no Focus, No EX Special, Move, No Dash, No Throw Escape, No Target Combo

Why not just cut off my fucking arm? :lol


You need only the Lariat.

unless you're against Cammy

AZ Greg

I have a quick question I'm sure some of my fellow XBL users could help with. Does anyone know or have a link explaining the optimum settings for playing on XBL while being behind a router (Ports, etc...)? For the most part I have no issues playing, but I might as well take care of it to ensure the best experience.


Shadow780 said:

You need only the Lariat.

unless you're against Cammy

Even with Cammy, lol. Just keep a decent distance between her and she will use the knuckle punch to get in, and you can just lariat. She will do it over and over, so just lariat, jump away, walk backwards, let her knuckle, then lariat again, lol
Yeah, and if she spiral arrows...then you can spd. Also, if you want to gamble...you can glove into ultra or super.

Zangief is the cure for the survival or time trial cold...
I received the 2 disk OST from Play-Asia, love it!
the Results theme is the full version that was heard from the JPN website.

This is why I did not buy the CE, heard it was meager

The official 2-disk OST is awesome

it even has the TGS 08 theme, the theme from the 2nd half of the main CG intro (that sounds closely to the Valcano theme)

good stuff
Brobzoid said:
Impressive combo, probably really scary having someone pull it on you, but the damage is the definition of waste.

The combo has it's uses.

After you do cr. lp xx cr. lp xx ex upper twice in a row, most peoples defenses are down, and you can sneak in a cr. lp xx cr. lp xx ex overhead xx cr. mp xx fp headbutt. the overhead resets damage and allows for you to get a big chunk of life out of them. It's important that the overhead is EXed so that it looks like you're continuing the ex upper chain, because if not, most good players know to look out for it and punish. I usually mix up using the overhead after either the 1st or 2nd ex upper. It's not worth it if you're going to use 4.


gutter_trash said:
notice that the fighters you are facing are only the 8 World Warriors and 4 Bosses in this one hehe
this is basicly Street Fighter II edition with stripped away UC, Focus, EX, Dash, Throws Escape LOL
Yeah, it didn't hit me I was only facing SF2 characters until Balrog (boxer) and Vega (claw) were in a row.
gutter_trash said:
I received the 2 disk OST from Play-Asia, love it!
the Results theme is the full version that was heard from the JPN website.

This is why I did not buy the CE, heard it was meager

The official 2-disk OST is awesome

it even has the TGS 08 theme, the theme from the 2nd half of the main CG intro (that sounds closely to the Valcano theme)

good stuff

Glad you like it. I listened to it...and at first, I thought the soundtrack was coo. But now it just grates on my nerves. They definitely need a 2I or TS type remix for the themes...and no more "normal" stage music.

No one ever really gets it right on the first effort...

Street Fighter III didn't get good till Third Strike (though 2I was decent too).

SFII didn't get good until the turbo editions (Hyper and ST).


MIMIC said:
Time Attack Normal
Level 11 - Player & CPU: No UC, no Focus, No EX Special, Move, No Dash, No Throw Escape, No Target Combo

Why not just cut off my fucking arm? :lol

I beat that shit using Balrog. Use TAP for projectile opponents to build up your Ultra meter and save it for Blanka. Also j. HK xx cr. HK combo works great, no need for anything fancy.
Yeah...the biggest thing is...time trial and survival switch gears...and the computer actually becomes more difficult...they sort of stalk you...and just spam moves...

They will use ultras. Zangief because of his lariat...is a cakewalk. Everyone...else...not so much. You have to earn your victories. The biggest problem is the time trials...

Zangief kicks butt because of the lariats...and the computer doesn't seem to do anything when they're getting up...so you can spd them...or tick throw

The 1up stream is going to be posted tomorrow. I want to see Magus' sick viper combo again.


Just got SF4 today.. getting my ass kicked online :( But so far the games awesome. Just one question about the ps3 version. Some characters have this strange graphical glitch on them. (I've seen it on Fei Long) he has this sharp thing coming out of his elbo.. and sometimes it happens on other characters. Is that normal or is something wrong with my ps3?


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
FindMyFarms said:
The combo has it's uses.

After you do cr. lp xx cr. lp xx ex upper twice in a row, most peoples defenses are down, and you can sneak in a cr. lp xx cr. lp xx ex overhead xx cr. mp xx fp headbutt. the overhead resets damage and allows for you to get a big chunk of life out of them. It's important that the overhead is EXed so that it looks like you're continuing the ex upper chain, because if not, most good players know to look out for it and punish. I usually mix up using the overhead after either the 1st or 2nd ex upper. It's not worth it if you're going to use 4.
ah, that's true. Didn't think about the overhead... How I love the overhead. :)


Proudly debt free. If you need a couple bucks, just ask.
Finally broke 2000 BP, with pretty much only Gouken. The last guy I fought was a 5000 BP Zangief. Managed to just barely beat him.

I think I'm going to stick to Player matches for a bit. If anyone's down, my PSN is Armonix.


How the FUCK do I beat Blanka with Balrog? I fight so few online that I always get my ass handed because I'm at a loss to counter his shit. I fucking lost to a 0 BP Blanka tonight, took 101 BP from me and I went out like a bitch.

Any tips would be really appreciated.


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
Chorazin said:
How the FUCK do I beat Blanka with Balrog? I fight so few online that I always get my ass handed because I'm at a loss to counter his shit. I fucking lost to a 0 BP Blanka tonight, took 101 BP from me and I went out like a bitch.

Any tips would be really appreciated.
turtle like a turd. ch.hp against rainbow ball. rush upper or ch.lp against vertical ball. stand far enough away from lightning to just touch with the tip of your glove in a sweep. pressure into corner and rush down. or turtle the entire fight, which is safer.


Brobzoid said:
turtle like a turd. ch.hp against rainbow ball. rush upper or st.lp against vertical ball. stand far enough away from lightning to just touch with the tip of your glove in a sweep. pressure into corner and rush down. or turtle the entire fight, which is safer.

Thanks man. I'll keep that in mind next time I run into one.
Chorazin said:
How the FUCK do I beat Blanka with Balrog? I fight so few online that I always get my ass handed because I'm at a loss to counter his shit. I fucking lost to a 0 BP Blanka tonight, took 101 BP from me and I went out like a bitch.

Any tips would be really appreciated.


I used to be in your position lol, and I kind of still am. Here's a few things I learned :

Balrog Vs. Blanka
!!!!! (pro Balrog version)


- You can punish his blanka ball with lp. straight. You can punish any version also, even ex. You can also punish this with your ultra. If you get him while he's on the floor, then the whole thing lands. If the first punch juggles him, then you'll do PKPKK

- Lots of Blanka players like to use lp blanka ball to get right in front of you, land then throw you. Just be aware of this tactic. You can either tech throw, or cr. lp xx cr. lp xx head butt xx ultra (if you have it.) Do that twice and they won't think about it again :)

- Blanka can use his ball as a crossup. If you're knocked down, and they time it right, they can put the hitbox right behind you as you're getting up, just be prepared!

- Blanka Ball has armor break on it, so don't ever do a full screen ex move, the bright yellow light on you is like a huge green light for Blanka to rape you.

- You can counter his ball with cr. lp or cr. mp


Man do Blanka players LOVE this move. Stops cross ups, knocks you down and resets for zoning/crossup game, and confuses people in their poking game.

- First thing's first : Know what you can use to interrupt the move. From close range your best bet is cr. lk, medium range is cr. mp/mk, and far range is cr. fk, keep in mind if you're too far you'll trade. If you're near or mid range, you can follow up with either a headbutt or straight. SOMETIMES j. fk will stuff it, but it's not too reliable. Know that cr. mk xx cr. fk is a LINK. If you hit him w/ cr. mk while he's doing elec, make sure to follow up with cr. fk! The worst that could happen is he blocks it.

- Lots of blanka players like to incorporate the Electricity into their poke strings. They'll use one hit of it, then poke with a cr. fk or cr. fp. If you know that's coming, you can either block it, or Focus attack it and get a crumple! Just be careful with the focus attack though, because if they guess right you're looking at a blanka ball.

- Nine times out of ten if they use a cr. lp, electricty will follow. That's your cue to interrupt and punish.

Blanka Flip

I don't know if this is the real name of the move, but it's the one where he flips back, then blanka balls in an arc.

- This is relatively easy to guard. If you see this, simply FADC and punish. Boom, free damage.

- Sometimes it will be used in a crossup. Just go into training mode and train your eyes to recognize when it will and won't cross you up.

Vertical Blanka Ball

This is a pretty killer anti-air. For the most part, I recommend not jumping in on him due to this move.

- If Blanka has EX, do NOT do j. fk meaty. This move will rape you.

- If he doesn't, j. fk will trade most of the time, sometimes it won't though. You don't want to do this though because it gives Blanka a lot of time to set up his cross up.

Blanka jumping through people leap thing

This is where life gets difficult. Lots of Blanka work this into their cross up game. You get a lot of Blanka's that do cross up j. mk, leap, cr. lp, elec, or sometimes just cross up j. mk xx throw.

- If Blanka crosses you up, just get used to pushing cr. lp to prevent either a throw, or if he leaps through you, it will interrupt him when he lands, which lets you land your headbutt, which let's you then get your BIKE MONEY.

- Being able to counter this mainly comes through practice and awareness.

Creating Offense

- First off, the only time you're jumping is if you see him stand up, or if it's a neutral jump. If not, you're getting hit, then getting set up for a cross up. GL/HF

- Get close to Blanka by either walking or lp. straight. If he gets smart and tries to counter your lp straight, then bust out the armor break version (back 2 sec, d/f + k)

- Most of the time you'll be inching forward bit by bit. Make sure you counter jump ins with cr. fp, or s. mp. Headbutt if possible

- Make sure you KNOW when you're in range of his cr. d/f fp! (his slide on the ground that goes under fireballs.) If he tries this, you can easily punish him! Safe bet is to just use a cr. fk.

- Once you're right outside of his sweep range, you have two options. One is to play footsies, the other is to get in his face! If you need me to explain footsies, then say so in your reply. If you're using footsies, your goal will be to land a knockdown so you can restart the footsies.

- So now, you're in his face. Congrats! What do you do?

- You're bread and butter is going to be tick throwing, and mixing up your poke string to land an overhead. What I like to do is just walk up, cr. lp, walk up, cr. lp like 2 or 3 times to get him nervous. Then you can just wait for him to make a mistake.

- Once you've trained him, you can use your walk up cr.lp, to lead into a walk up throw. Once he gets cautious of that, he'll start using electricity, which you should just punish.

- Great string to use is cr. lp xx cr. lp xx cr. mp xx overhead OR sweep. Mix the two up so that he doesn't know which is coming. Also, you can bait a whiff by doing the poke string and then just crouching. If he's expecting the overhead/sweep, he'll bust out a blanka ball or something.

- Also know that overhead xx cr. lk/mp xx headbutt DOESN'T WORK. The headbutt just flies over him :(

For the most part, this is a really careful match about who makes the least mistakes. Just be VERY cautious, and don't throw anything out that you don't need too.

Anyhows, I just spent about 20 minutes typing all of this, so I really hope you guys read it. If you follow this, then you shouldn't be losing to Blanka anytime soon :)

PS - Don't be scared of Slayn, he can't handle all the goodness Balrog brings to the table :p


akachan ningen said:
Just learn how to avoid his throws and you're golden. Every time you see an spd coming, jump straight up and start a combo from there. don't do ex anything on wakeup, either jump or block depending on the situation. Just learn the setups they use for spds and it should be easy. if he spams lariats, wait until the lariat is almost over and sweep, for some reason c.hp works at some ranges too. always antiair him with c.hp. Keep your combos simple.

MIMIC said:
Works for me.

Also, if you're playing a Zangief that spams the lariat move, stay close enough to where you can sweep him. You could also try jumping in at him when he starts spinning. Keep him guessing. Also, try and bait him to jump in at you. Kick him in the air. And when you land, be sure to flip/dash away. The Zangiefs I play usually try and grab you after you both land.

I'm a little late on this but thanks for the advice guys! Never really considered neutral jumping when he gets close.
fuck school and work!!!! been so busy, i haven't even had a chance to play the past 2 days :(
and i got RE5 to blame too, but after tomorrow i'm back at it. from now on i think i'm gonna cut back on using Rose and branch off to other characters. my next challenge C. Viper:D


LOL I lost to a Gief with Balrog and got a message "FUCK U cheap chicken shit loser"

Not sure if maybe his connection bailed after the game, I sure as hell didn't drop it on my end. And he perfected me the second round so I'm not sure how *I* was cheap.

Maybe he expected me to let him get perfect twice or wasn't happy I knocked him out of the lariet a couple times :lol
anyone know how long it takes for mad catz to fix your arcade stick? i'm sending mine off tomorrow and wanted to know how fast they are.

So to everyone on my 360 friends list who i have yet to play i apologize, i refuse to play the game without my stick, good thing i got it for both consoles so far i got 60 hours logged in on my ps3 version and about 24 on my 360 version.
So far I would have to agree... but I haven't played Madworld yet. However, I don't know if I could even get 100 hours out of madworld in my existence, let alone in a month :D.

Tourna-patch NOW please. Don't want to stop playing. This game is eating into my Killzone time. Started at about 50-50, then 60-40, creeping up on 67-33 X0.


I'd say it would be the game of the year if I was playing more online matches instead of searching for them. This unable to play shit is getting on my nerves.

Have Capcom even said anything at all in regards to that Tourney patch? Just wish they'd say something about it. Would love to know if we can expect some sort of lobby system in the future. I love this game but the online aspect is severely lacking.


Did not ask for this tag
Xevren said:
I'd say it would be the game of the year if I was playing more online matches instead of searching for them. This unable to play shit is getting on my nerves.

Just put fight request on and play Arcade, will take you quite a while to get past even the first opponent cos of all the online fights :lol I'm getting them almost instantly.
Osaka said:
Just put fight request on and play Arcade, will take you quite a while to get past even the first opponent cos of all the online fights :lol I'm getting them almost instantly.

that's a time consuming way of getting some online matches going. Just start your own room and wait for someone. It usually takes me 30 sec before someone joins, then just keep playing with that person until you get bored of them.
akachan ningen said:
that's a time consuming way of getting some online matches going. Just start your own room and wait for someone. It usually takes me 30 sec before someone joins, then just keep playing with that person until you get bored of them.
It really isn't. It pairs you up within seconds. If its a player match you go back to the lobby after your match and not back to Arcade each and every time so its just like a normal player match.

In Ranked Matches the Arcade interrupt option is GODLY. It actually gives people near your BP without having to make a match and just wait (specially since there is no sound indicatior so if I'm staring at my dog I wouldn't know) and without needing to hit Custom Search and then wait 20 secs for it to find games only for you to select something and it to say "Unable to Play" then have to search again for another 20 secs :(


I hit a huge milestone tonight! I got my BP past 2500!!

I couldn't even get past 1600 with Vega but I can get past 2500 with Fuerte.. WAT?

I'm so impressed with how he plays.. he has some insane mixup games which is great. I use to hate Guiles but they are my favorite to kill. I still hate Blankas. Ken's/Ryu's arent so bad. I hate Sagats because he does so much dmg to poor Fuerte. Akuma is pretty okay as of late now since I've learned how to perfectly time a run/sweep as he lands from Air Fireballs.

I did play another Fuerte tonight who did beat me BARELY. It was freaking crazy. I couldn't keep track. He timed his ultra so well that it got me on some of my tostada presses on him.. it was crazy. But I had better timing on my knockdowns while he had better timing on his propeller and a few throws. It was fun.


Oh I also played some guy I ran into on "Quick Match" in Player Match mode. We played like 20 games and we both had mics but never talked until halfway through. I got the comment...

"Man I always though El Fuerte sucked but after seeing yours I'm now worried about him"

:D :D :D :D

I swapped around with a bunch of characters and now he also fears EX Hooligan.. :lol :lol

Grabs you out of the air.. its evil!
Up to about 35 hours now, which is kinda scary considering im not all that good.
Jut beat a larit spammer with 1900 bp which wa satisfying, then he came back with an akuma and i beat that too, both times from 1 fight behind :D
this game can be infuriating and sometimes really awsomes. Considering learning a new character soon.


I've been learning El Fuerte recently. Damn, he's so fun to play. The mind tricks you can play are great. Chun has been my only main, still got a ton more strategy to learn with her, but I decided to pick a character as secondary.

I've only won a couple Ranked matches with him, but my BP has taken a ~500 point hit, so I think I'll practice more in Player matches before I bring him back. Though my first ranked win was a pretty good Ryu player. That felt awesome, especially since both rounds I won were comebacks.

I know I'm not even utilizing his full arsenal of attacks, so once I learn more, I can really screw with people.

Oh, and Elf vs Elf is freak'n nuts. :lol


Did not ask for this tag
akachan ningen said:
that's a time consuming way of getting some online matches going. Just start your own room and wait for someone. It usually takes me 30 sec before someone joins, then just keep playing with that person until you get bored of them.

Gets me matches faster than the lobby room. Usually I can't even finish the first round of an arcade match.


Osaka said:
Gets me matches faster than the lobby room. Usually I can't even finish the first round of an arcade match.

Same here. I never have a problem finding matches at all. I just wish I could sit in training mode instead of arcade mode, and still get the interrupt.


NeoGAF: my new HOME
McBradders said:
I played some fun games against a friend with Sakura and being ultra aggressive seems to pay off more. I think it's time to go back to her and try again.

Goodbye battle points, it was good while it lasted :lol


My battle points are gone.

I am a fucking terrible player :lol


Ermac said:
Finally broke 2000 BP, with pretty much only Gouken. The last guy I fought was a 5000 BP Zangief. Managed to just barely beat him.

I think I'm going to stick to Player matches for a bit. If anyone's down, my PSN is Armonix.

Those matches we had last night were fun. We gotta do this again :)

Player Matches are a lot of fun, testing out characters and such.

On my end, I started doing ranked matches yesterday (there was really nobody on player matches with a good connection.. ugh).

Got up to 2.5k BP within a few hours. Now all I'm fighting are low BP players, so it's a lot of risk with very few rewards.

Oh and I had no drops until I climbed to 2000 BP. Now players are dropping all over the place (and mostly 2000+ players too). Every time I get a drop, I send them a note thanking them.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
yesterday i got the 'Play to win' (or something like that) trophy. :D
I fought against like 6 akumas in a row,luckily for me they didnt know how to use air fireballs (I cant do anything agaisnt a good Akuma with his air fireballs)


Fersis said:
yesterday i got the 'Play to win' (or something like that) trophy. :D
I fought against like 6 akumas in a row,luckily for me they didnt know how to use air fireballs (I cant do anything agaisnt a good Akuma with his air fireballs)
How's the lag when you play online? I can only play people from Argentina and Chile with my crappy connection, but it's great. Have you tried fighting someone in the US or Mexico?


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Dizzy-4U said:
How's the lag when you play online? I can only play people from Argentina and Chile with my crappy connection, but it's great. Have you tried fighting someone in the US or Mexico?
Best connections were with some guys from Chile and Brazil.
I play a lot with Andronicus (He is on US i think) and we got 2 connection bars.
With 2 connection bars you can play fine.

El Fuerte rocks, the only downside is that he has low defense, two or three hits and you have half life bar left.


TurtleSnatcher said:
I just played a GAFFER (SpectreRT4)

The dude is awesome. He has a great Abel and Cammy. I pulled out my Fuerte and Vega who are like my only 2 good characters :( Haha.. Good games dude.

I'm proud of myself.. I just hit 2450 or something in BP. My highest yet. All using Fuerte! WOO!

Nice games yourself man!

I am happy to find someone who plays Vega and Fuerte. I do not get a lot of experience in this matchup, so I really appreciate the matches. :D Your Fuerte is irritating! So much guessing I have to do.

Lets run it down again sometime. Was a lot of fun.
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