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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


MIMIC said:
Blanka turns people into full blown TURTLES. I'm starting to fight more with Blanka and if you do enough short rolls/backstep rolls and those crazy jump forward/backward things he does, people will hide in the corner (except for the dumb Kens).

This is especially true with Abel. It was hilarious how the always aggressive Abel is scared to fight.

The one thing that I learned with Abel & Chun-Li: intentionally missed rolling attacks are punished SEVERELY by their Ultras. I had both of them on the ropes but didn't realize that their Ultra meters were completely full. I kept fucking with them and as soon as I missed, got destroyed by the Ultra.

ETA: And if you connect his Ultra, it's almost as retardedly damaging as Zangief :lol I just gotta hope that most people don't know how to correctly block it if he's right on top of you.
you too?
Abel was my most thrilling match in awhile.


MIMIC said:
Blanka turns people into full blown TURTLES. I'm starting to fight more with Blanka and if you do enough short rolls/backstep rolls and those crazy jump forward/backward things he does, people will hide in the corner (except for the dumb Kens).

This is especially true with Abel. It was hilarious how the always aggressive Abel is scared to fight.

The one thing that I learned with Abel & Chun-Li: intentionally missed rolling attacks are punished SEVERELY by their Ultras. I had both of them on the ropes but didn't realize that their Ultra meters were completely full. I kept fucking with them and as soon as I missed, got destroyed by the Ultra.

ETA: And if you connect his Ultra, it's almost as retardedly damaging as Zangief :lol I just gotta hope that most people don't know how to correctly block it if he's right on top of you.

In my opinion, Blanka is borderline broken in this game.


Blanka is pretty crazy, I don't find him broken though. He can have some crazy mix ups if you're good with his ball attacks. I still cant believe how damaging his super/ultra's are. That hop is so fun.

What's so cheap about Abel's change of direction? I havent really had any issues with it, I tend to just do a reversal after the 2nd hit since its kind of slow.


MIMIC said:
Really? How so?

They gave him a pseudo-teleport in close (the thing where he jumps to the other side of you).

They gave him a way to duck fireballs.

They gave him a way to go through fireballs (EX roll). This wouldn't bother me so much if the EX roll didn't go through EX fireballs. To use Rose's reflect, I have to EX reflect; it seems like an arbitrary ruleset. Same with certain characters' ultras. Why does Honda's ultra go through fireballs but Bison's doesn't? Why does Abel's ultra go through fireballs but Fei Long's doesn't?

Blanka's rainbow roll is an automatic cross-up inside of a certain distance. Conversely you can't cross up Blanka on wake-up if he uses electricity.

Blanka's Ultra does a shit ton of damage. I don't mind that, but it also makes you change block stances if used in close, a property no other character's ultra has. Add to that the ability for the player to control how long the move hangs in the air, meaning jumping it is a roll of the dice. This also wouldn't be so bad if the block damage from it wasn't INSANE.

In short, they buffed certain character in certain ways (like Bison's teleport, or Dhalsim's ability to duck fireballs), but they buffed Blanka in EVERY way to a point that makes him unbalanced, IMO.


Xevren said:
What's so cheap about Abel's change of direction? I havent really had any issues with it, I tend to just do a reversal after the 2nd hit since its kind of slow.

I just hate insta-combos that makes your opponent have to block more than one way

ETA: nevermind. Blanka's Ultra does the same shit :lol

Phthisis said:
They gave him a pseudo-teleport in close (the thing where he jumps to the other side of you).

They gave him a way to duck fireballs.

They gave him a way to go through fireballs (EX roll). This wouldn't bother me so much if the EX roll didn't go through EX fireballs. To use Rose's reflect, I have to EX reflect; it seems like an arbitrary ruleset. Same with certain characters' ultras. Why does Honda's ultra go through fireballs but Bison's doesn't? Why does Abel's ultra go through fireballs but Fei Long's doesn't?

Blanka's rainbow roll is an automatic cross-up inside of a certain distance. Conversely you can't cross up Blanka on wake-up if he uses electricity.

Blanka's Ultra does a shit ton of damage. I don't mind that, but it also makes you change block stances if used in close, a property no other character's ultra has. Add to that the ability for the player to control how long the move hangs in the air, meaning jumping it is a roll of the dice. This also wouldn't be so bad if the block damage from it wasn't INSANE.

In short, they buffed certain character in certain ways (like Bison's teleport, or Dhalsim's ability to duck fireballs), but they buffed Blanka in EVERY way to a point that makes him unbalanced, IMO.

No argument here. :lol

That duck thing also avoids a lot of other stuff, too

I just notice that the more aggressive my opponent is, the harder he is pwned. Only the turtles give me the problems. Cuz they know Blanka is crazy :lol


Blanka's nowhere near broken or unbalanced. It's not as if you totally run out of options once you stop throwing fireballs and jumping forwards.


GG dfyb. Nice anticipation. Killer Fuerte.

This game is so fuckin rad. Now if only I could learn somebody besides Zangief. And avoiding throws.

Are there some fucking drills or something people do to get better or do I lose until I get good?

If you're kinda good but not really add me on PSN. Seer.


Ciel said:
GG dfyb. Nice anticipation. Killer Fuerte.

This game is so fuckin rad. Now if only I could learn somebody besides Zangief. And avoiding throws.

Are there some fucking drills or something people do to get better or do I lose until I get good?

If you're kinda good but not really add me on PSN. Seer.
I know one simple tip as Gief: never do normal throws as Gief unless you know it will kill the opponent - Gief's SPD destroys all ground based throws besides Abel's normal tornado throw.

Gief's SPD is faster than normal throws and hits harder than normal throws.


How in the hell am I supposed to fight Blanka using Sagat? I am having a hard time getting past him in the time attack challenge mode. He just blocks / punishes everything and runs down the damn clock!


Omar Ismail said:
Anybody have tips for Gouken? I already checked out Haunts SuperGuide, but just looking for some more practical advice from people that have been trying to main him.

He's super fun, but I'm getting my ass kicked right now.

Actually, all I can say is play play play, get your ass kicked a lot of times, because people are still finding out how to play him.

I am by NO means a Gouken expert (shit, I suck with him as well) but did some reading here and there and the conclusion seems to be that his strong points are his punishments, mind games and counters, NOT his offensive skills. Don't play him like Ken or Ryu or Akuma because he is not either of them. Practice your counter move (I love that move, plus, you can also counter supers and ultra's with it, pretty statisfactory) and demon flip

His back throw is invaluable; gives you free combo's, punches, juggles, and of course; ultra.

When you corner someone you can kick his ass with pretty easy fierce combo's and handpalm rushes and focus attacks with jab fireballs in between.

When you're cornered I have no idea however. Counter? His short pokes are pretty slow, devil's reverse can still be blocked or interrupted, etc.

Anyone else got any tips, feel free to elaborate.

Here is a nice gouken on the offense:



LuCkymoON said:
~edit~ I pulled it off, its just nearly impossible to do on the pad, probably a lot easier on a joystick.
for any Chun Li players that want to try, practice this a lot:
charge back, forward, forward, back, forward + kkk

Generally that's should be something all Chun players should learn how to do. I'm still working on it myself. Her Dash -> ultra sets it up so she can actually pull it off full screen.


Augemitbutter said:
yea, its rare to see a good gouken online. people stopped playing him a few weeks ago for some reason.
Probably the flowchart players started to notice that he didn't have a shoryuken (aside from the ultra)?


akachan ningen said:
my game clock is at 80 hours and I still haven't unlocked him. :lol
I fucking fought and beat him but he didn't unlock! What is this horseshit!

Anyone want to throw down? I've lost enough BP for tonight. :(
koji-chan on PSN
RevenantKioku said:
I fucking fought and beat him but he didn't unlock! What is this horseshit!

Anyone want to throw down? I've lost enough BP for tonight. :(
koji-chan on PSN

I'll be on in a little while, if you're still on invite me.
Augemitbutter said:
yea, its rare to see a good gouken online. people stopped playing him a few weeks ago for some reason.

He seems like a strong character when I play around with him in training mode. But he's not easy to control. If he had a regular dragon punch, I think he'd be a very popular character. The funny thing is that he practically has two anti-air moves with his upward fireball and his counter move. But it's not traditional shoto so it takes some getting use to for those transitioning from someone like Ryu.

I wonder where Gouken would fit on a tier list. He seems like he could be upper tier but I'm no pro, I'm practically a scrub so I have no idea how to properly control him or how a great Gouken player would match up against a great Sagat or Zangief.


MIMIC said:
I just notice that the more aggressive my opponent is, the harder he is pwned. Only the turtles give me the problems. Cuz they know Blanka is crazy :lol

I think that's the kind of irony with Blanka though. Those moves are in there to punish turtles and break zoning. But when Blanka has meter that's how you have to play him to keep from being EX balled to death. :lol

There are other characters out there who have moves that can punish Blanka's ball on block (Bison, Honda, Dhalsim come to mind...not to mention the characters that can hit him with Ultras afterwards!) In the end it kind of all balances out.


Rice-Eater said:
He seems like a strong character when I play around with him in training mode. But he's not easy to control. If he had a regular dragon punch, I think he'd be a very popular character. The funny thing is that he practically has two anti-air moves with his upward fireball and his counter move. But it's not traditional shoto so it takes some getting use to for those transitioning from someone like Ryu.

I wonder where Gouken would fit on a tier list. He seems like he could be upper tier but I'm no pro, I'm practically a scrub so I have no idea how to properly control him or how a great Gouken player would match up against a great Sagat or Zangief.

Saw this tier list the other day, can't read Japanese so I don't know how reliable it is...




I've realised I don't like the Volcano stage, I find it difficult to see sometimes. Yesterday I was against an alt.costume Akuma and had a hard time seeing what he was doing.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
McBradders said:
Am I reading right that Rose is fucking bottom tier? :lol
Im shocked to see El Fuerte down there ;_;
haunts said:
Thanks for posting those.. I dont have any control over the file size...

I didn't know if you knew who to talk to about that. I'm not concerned about it. I watched some of the video last night. I can't wait to watch the rest tonight. Is there a plan to do more of these? I really enjoy them.
UC1 said:
Saw this tier list the other day, can't read Japanese so I don't know how reliable it is...



The only thing I took from the tier list is...the game is pretty balanced...only certain characters like Sagat really have an advantage.

And Seth?????????? His damage/stamina make him so difficult to play with. If there was a spazz button like the computer where he just teleports and confuses the player and SRK/SPD. Sure...


Man playing this late in the morning wasn't a good idea. I know I suck, but add the lateness, facing nothing but jp players too! Maybe normally fun, but I was super self conscious for my session argh! XD Definitely wasn't too good of a night. Lost like 200 BP i think. :lol



But.... I love her. Sure her fireball takes time to come out, and sure her only good wakeup move is the cloth rushing move, and sure her soul throw can be whiffed by a good-placed jump kick, but... She da bomb.


Spiderjericho said:
The only thing I took from the tier list is...the game is pretty balanced...only certain characters like Sagat really have an advantage.

Yeah there's so many 5s in there. Only a few 7s and 3s.


Holy shit, Akachan, I almost feel bad for spending that much of your time letting you kick my ass. I do feel like I learned a few things though, just having trouble pulling them off.
Any comments you have please lemme know. I feel like I'm relearning the game after I switched from Rose to Sakura.


prodystopian said:
Downloaded this last night and I saw a few matches today before going to work. It seems a pretty funny fightcast so far. Also Haunts, no complains about the choice of fashion this time, you were all great :D.

Brannon said:

But.... I love her. Sure her fireball takes time to come out, and sure her only good wakeup move is the cloth rushing move, and sure her soul throw can be whiffed by a good-placed jump kick, but... She da bomb.
I feel ya bro =(


NeoGAF: my new HOME
RevenantKioku said:
Holy shit, Akachan, I almost feel bad for spending that much of your time letting you kick my ass. I do feel like I learned a few things though, just having trouble pulling them off.
Any comments you have please lemme know. I feel like I'm relearning the game after I switched from Rose to Sakura.

How are you coping? I tried maining Sakura but just couldn't get her to work against anyone at all. I find Rose much easier to play with, which sucks because I fucking love playing Sakura buy my pride aches after the 12th defeat in a row.
RevenantKioku said:
Holy shit, Akachan, I almost feel bad for spending that much of your time letting you kick my ass. I do feel like I learned a few things though, just having trouble pulling them off.
Any comments you have please lemme know. I feel like I'm relearning the game after I switched from Rose to Sakura.

Nah, I have fun playing as all the characters. You jump around too much, it's not safe. wakeup ex shouokens are pretty unsafe too but you were like 50/50 on those, still it's not worth the risk I don't think. You should make it automatic to use the right moves at the right range, like sometimes you were using c.hk when too close or c.hp when you were too far. Use some of sakura's short combos like c.hp into ex tornado kick instead of just sweep when you get a chance. Think about what gives you the most trouble and how you can turn it to your advantage.


Noted. About the jumps, I probably do hop too much but a lot of those are accidentals. How should I hold the stick? That sounds silly I think but I always find myself jumping when I mean to go back or move from down to forward.
RevenantKioku said:
Noted. About the jumps, I probably do hop too much but a lot of those are accidentals. How should I hold the stick? That sounds silly I think but I always find myself jumping when I mean to go back or move from down to forward.

I hold it like I'm holding a wine glass, between my middle and ring finger, but tilted to the right. Just do it the way it feels right. Maybe it's the stick that's imprecise. What kind is it?
RevenantKioku said:
Hori Fighting Stick 3.

lol that's the same stick as me. I modded it, but I never had any trouble accidentally jumping before I modded it. Getting a sanwa GTY 8-way gate may help. It screws right in after drilling some holes. I can see the stock gate making you jump, because when you reach the left or right side, there's no notch there so it either goes up or down if you press too hard. Being soft on it may help.

btw, you are using the left 6 buttons and not the right 6, right?
RevenantKioku said:

Doesn't that screw up your hand? It was really uncomfortable when I tried it. oh by the way, if the stick feels too light and moves around too much, you can open it up and there are two convenient places where you can stick bags of sand or rocks inside.


I figured it was just my hands hurting from this being the first fighting game I have seriously played since ever in my life.
Just swapped them over, will see how that works out.


Timedog said:
154 losses in a row. I'm about to start a fighting game losers blog.

Holy Shit. I would have probably broken my stick. When I first picked up Gouken after being all Abel, losses were mounting for me something awful. But damn. Who are you using? And what's your biggest obstacle in getting a win?? Are you playing only "More Skilled" online?


I'm about to hit 0 BP. I'm losing to textbook Kens and Ryus. I'm just feeling like I'm pressing buttons but nothing is happening.


Digital Foundry
I was losing games left, right, and centre until I realised the value of a good defensive game. Most newcomers tend to jump in with all guns-a-blazin', when in fact, the art of blocking should be the main priority.

I used to be at around 25% games won. Now I'm around 36%, and I'm moving up and up.
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