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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


FindMyFarms said:
So what your saying is cr. lp -> link -> cr. lp -> link -> cr. lp -> cancel flashkick?

Now is this character specific? Because I've been doing cr. lp x3 into lp straight or headbutt w/ balrog forever. And everything is canceled, no links at all.

Also how do you know if you have to link the normals before cancelling into a special? Example Ken's cr. lk xx st. lp xx cr. mk xx ex tatsu. I cancel the lk into lp, but link the cr. mk, and cancel into the tatsu. So some of it's cancelled, and some linked, but the special comes out. Because with Guile I could cancel 2 cr. lp's into a flash kick, but now I know that if I do 3, I have to link them.

Is there a formula to determine when you have to link normals before cancelling into the special? I.E. any time you do 3 cr. lp/lk you have to link with said character? Also, is this a charge character thing?

I can answer that.

Every time you want to cancel a normal into a special, that normal must have either been alone or linked into.

For example, if you want to do c.lk -> c.lk -> c.lk -> hadouken with Ryu, you can cancel the first 2 c.lk into each other but the third c.lk must have been linked into for the Hadouken to cancel.

It only applies to the last hit in the chain. This is why some of the weak to medium links are easier for combos because there is no cancel involved whatsoever, while the weak attack starters must be linked into. It's a pain, really, but it's how Capcom decided to make the system harder (so that you wouldn't be able to start massive combos easily and hit confirm off a c.lk).

Rog's c.lp -> c.lp -> c.lk -> headbutt works because the sequence goes like this
c.lp -> Cancel into -> c.lp -> Link into -> c.lk -> Cancel into -> Headbutt.

Some of the harder trials involve slowling down your weak attacks so you'll link instead...


TimeKillr said:
I can answer that.

Every time you want to cancel a normal into a special, that normal must have either been alone or linked into.

For example, if you want to do c.lk -> c.lk -> c.lk -> hadouken with Ryu, you can cancel the first 2 c.lk into each other but the third c.lk must have been linked into for the Hadouken to cancel.

It only applies to the last hit in the chain. This is why some of the weak to medium links are easier for combos because there is no cancel involved whatsoever, while the weak attack starters must be linked into. It's a pain, really, but it's how Capcom decided to make the system harder (so that you wouldn't be able to start massive combos easily and hit confirm off a c.lk).

Rog's c.lp -> c.lp -> c.lk -> headbutt works because the sequence goes like this
c.lp -> Cancel into -> c.lp -> Link into -> c.lk -> Cancel into -> Headbutt.

Some of the harder trials involve slowling down your weak attacks so you'll link instead...

cr.LK into hadouken doesn't work at all.

edit: ah shit it does work! Though not with Ken...


needs to show more effort.
Why does there have to be so many good balrog players on gaf.
They make blanka sad :(

to block blanka's ultra, you first block low to stop the shockwave when he ponds the ground. Once he's airborn, block high all the way.
If you are guile, you flash kick him in the face on the way up :(


Hahaha just beat a Gief player!

This guy was using throws and lariats and omg the green hand of death over and over. I was rushing him like crazy, but that didn't work. So I decided to just out think him by zoning, faking focus attacks then backing off and playing mind games. Totally whooped his ass over and over and over until he just quit. Man that felt good :lol


slayn said:
to block blanka's ultra, you first block low to stop the shockwave when he ponds the ground. Once he's airborn, block high all the way.
If you are guile, you flash kick him in the face on the way up :(

Got it...thanks.


needs to show more effort.
GalacticAE said:
Blanka's ultra scares me everytime. Fuck that ultra. Real talk.
Give me some more practice time to get good at crossing-up with the ultra and then we'll talk scary :D

(I think I pulled it off against your dhalsim, unless you just didn't block it)

What I really want to get good at is the knockdown->hop(crossup)->ultra(crossup again) but I'm finding it pretty difficult to get consistent with.


Fuck yeah just beat Balrog Hard Trial 5/5 and am kinda proud :lol. Awesome.

On a sidenote: I beat all Balrog hard trials in one day.
slayn said:
Give me some more practice time to get good at crossing-up with the ultra and then we'll talk scary :D

(I think I pulled it off against your dhalsim, unless you just didn't block it)

What I really want to get good at is the knockdown->hop(crossup)->ultra(crossup again) but I'm finding it pretty difficult to get consistent with.

Yea I blocked wrong way. I even teleported into it once. That made me laugh.

Duke Togo


I am retiring from online. This shit is happening way too much now. If I'm not being ragequitted on, I'm being booted from lobbies.

...wait, that would mean I'm ragequitting from SF4 online. Hmmmm....maybe I just need a day off from it.

Ploid 3.0

Nah, it just mean you're not putting up with the system that allow people to quit without a penalty. Maybe stay in player matches?
Seriously, has Capcom commented on a patch to penalize droppers? I don't remember if Seth mentioned anything related to that in any of his recent interviews.

Duke Togo

Ploid 3.0 said:
Nah, it just mean you're not putting up with the system that allow people to quit without a penalty. Maybe stay in player matches?
Yeah, it really is a shitty system. I'm not having a lot of luck in player matches either. It seems like 50% of people don't set their icon or status, so you don't really know if you're playing a newbie or somebody who wants to "trap" you. Then if you win the match, they just boot you from the lobby or disconnect. It's maddening, because I really enjoy this game, but it's becoming increasingly difficult to find an honest match, outside of arranging them on here.


Valkyr Junkie said:
Seriously, has Capcom commented on a patch to penalize droppers? I don't remember if Seth mentioned anything related to that in any of his recent interviews.
There isn't an online Capcom fighter that penalizes dropping. At least it isn't like Street Fighter 3rd Strike online on Xbox, where if one player dropped, BOTH players got a loss. I would say 100+ of my losses on that game were actually wins.
Ploid 3.0 said:
Nah, it just mean you're not putting up with the system that allow people to quit without a penalty. Maybe stay in player matches?

It's not much better in Player Matches, really. I've run into far too many people who, ugh I hate using this term, "ragequit" in mid-Ultra finish. One person whiffed Seth's Ultra horribly, left himself wide open for Dan's Ultra, and dropped out in mid-pummeling. I guess they figure Ultras are too humiliating or something. I'd hate to see what kind of pissy fit some of these people would throw during a Project Justice match.

Mr Jared

To hold folks over until I get the matches up on YouTube, I recorded last night's finals direct to Ustream. This of course means crappy quality, but it works for now-


It begins with Thrust (Dictator) v YoungLegend (Ryu) in the Semis and goes straight to gh (Akuma) v YoungLegend (Ryu) for the finals. Crazy hype as people freak out over Legend running people over.

Plus you can see how far the broadcast has come :lol It's still rough, but way better than when we started. Also: talking to Keystone II boss about a possible 5 on 5 special event against Keystone Light. It would be craaaaaazy.
LakeEarth said:
There isn't an online Capcom fighter that penalizes dropping. At least it isn't like Street Fighter 3rd Strike online on Xbox, where if one player dropped, BOTH players got a loss. I would say 100+ of my losses on that game were actually wins.

That sucks. HD Remix and SFIV have illustrated that ALL fighters with online play from this point forth need some kind of rule in place regarding disconnects.


Seriously....I feel like I'm floating inside a disconnect bubble at the moment. Its crazy, like they don't want to understand the system, getting to a point through disconnecting, where they can't win....and keep disconnecting......
Ploid 3.0 said:
Nah, it just mean you're not putting up with the system that allow people to quit without a penalty. Maybe stay in player matches?

what are you talking about? i see ragequits in player matches all the time.
Mr Jared said:
To hold folks over until I get the matches up on YouTube, I recorded last night's finals direct to Ustream. This of course means crappy quality, but it works for now-


It begins with Thrust (Dictator) v YoungLegend (Ryu) in the Semis and goes straight to gh (Akuma) v YoungLegend (Ryu) for the finals. Crazy hype as people freak out over Legend running people over.

Plus you can see how far the broadcast has come :lol It's still rough, but way better than when we started. Also: talking to Keystone II boss about a possible 5 on 5 special event against Keystone Light. It would be craaaaaazy.
Good stuff I've never heard of younglegend but he looks like someone to keep an eye on. The new Justin Wong?


LakeEarth said:
There isn't an online Capcom fighter that penalizes dropping. At least it isn't like Street Fighter 3rd Strike online on Xbox, where if one player dropped, BOTH players got a loss. I would say 100+ of my losses on that game were actually wins.

Street Fighter II' Hyper Fighting on Live penalizes droppers after a patch IIRC.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
GalacticAE said:
Blanka's ultra scares me everytime. Fuck that ultra. Real talk.


That's why I love it so much - I have yet to have anyone that I've faced online block it up close - it's like no one there knows how to, so it's a free ton of damage/win, especially when you got the juggle timing down perfect - I spent 30 minutes in training mode perfecting it and it feels great watching that health drop big time (55% or so) in an instant...


Augemitbutter said:
what are you talking about? i see ragequits in player matches all the time.

Doesn't happen to me, on PSN.

Ranked only a few times, maybe since I don't filter anything when I search for opponents.
Mr Jared said:
To hold folks over until I get the matches up on YouTube, I recorded last night's finals direct to Ustream. This of course means crappy quality, but it works for now-


It begins with Thrust (Dictator) v YoungLegend (Ryu) in the Semis and goes straight to gh (Akuma) v YoungLegend (Ryu) for the finals. Crazy hype as people freak out over Legend running people over.

Plus you can see how far the broadcast has come :lol It's still rough, but way better than when we started. Also: talking to Keystone II boss about a possible 5 on 5 special event against Keystone Light. It would be craaaaaazy.

Great matches. Young Legend was cool under the pressure and showed a lot of great execution. If he's only 16...that's scary.

I look forward to 5 on 5. You guys need to do a Norcal vs. Socal...
Mr Jared said:
To hold folks over until I get the matches up on YouTube, I recorded last night's finals direct to Ustream. This of course means crappy quality, but it works for now-


It begins with Thrust (Dictator) v YoungLegend (Ryu) in the Semis and goes straight to gh (Akuma) v YoungLegend (Ryu) for the finals. Crazy hype as people freak out over Legend running people over.

Plus you can see how far the broadcast has come :lol It's still rough, but way better than when we started. Also: talking to Keystone II boss about a possible 5 on 5 special event against Keystone Light. It would be craaaaaazy.

First, are you going to put up the videos you said you forgot to put up from last week? I just got caught up on the ones that you already have up.

Second, younglegend is awesome to watch. Great execution.
Shadow780 said:
Doesn't happen to me, on PSN.

Ranked only a few times, maybe since I don't filter anything when I search for opponents.

im also on PSN. its not as frequently as in ranked, but i sadly get ragequits on player matches too.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
Honestly, the online play made me decide to start playing STHD instead, 30 games, went 24-6, no drops. STHD does penalize drops with a loss now, though I don't think the other guy gets the win. Only bad thing was about 5 Akumas, but went 5-0 on them. On SFIV- the ranked matches are horrible dropfests/spamfests/turtlefests- completely unenjoyable. Player matches I ran into clueless newbies 90% of the time, or ranked match crap.

No one believes me when I say this, but bad online ruins fighting games. I just can't accept it anymore. SCIV even did it better then SFIV. The sad thing is that other game companies will see the 800K sales from this game, and might draw the wrong conclusion.

I really think once I'm done with the GAF tourney, I'll be putting the game aside for a long while, unless it's to specifically play with someone. It's just not fun to play online, and playing offline locally is no fun due to the people locally.


between midterms and re5 I stopped playing this for awhile.

got back into the swing of things and got up to 1400 bp the other day. my highest so far. still feel pretty noobish a lot of the time though.

I've discovered I can really only play this for a half hour.. an hour max.. at a time or else it just gets too stressful


arstal: can't you play online with people locally? Nearly all the time I play this is with people from my friends list who live in nearby cities or the same city. Ranked and random player matches aren't worth bothering with, especially here since around 90% of ranked matches are 1 bar.
TimeKillr said:
I can answer that.

Every time you want to cancel a normal into a special, that normal must have either been alone or linked into.

For example, if you want to do c.lk -> c.lk -> c.lk -> hadouken with Ryu, you can cancel the first 2 c.lk into each other but the third c.lk must have been linked into for the Hadouken to cancel.

It only applies to the last hit in the chain. This is why some of the weak to medium links are easier for combos because there is no cancel involved whatsoever, while the weak attack starters must be linked into. It's a pain, really, but it's how Capcom decided to make the system harder (so that you wouldn't be able to start massive combos easily and hit confirm off a c.lk).

Rog's c.lp -> c.lp -> c.lk -> headbutt works because the sequence goes like this
c.lp -> Cancel into -> c.lp -> Link into -> c.lk -> Cancel into -> Headbutt.

Some of the harder trials involve slowling down your weak attacks so you'll link instead...

THANK YOU! All I really needed to know.

But I still could have sworn that I cancelled cr. lp x 3 into fp headbutt. Once I get back to my ps3 I'll have to see if it's really cancelling or if I got the link ingrained into my muscle memory.

Ploid 3.0

Attack You said:
It's not much better in Player Matches, really. I've run into far too many people who, ugh I hate using this term, "ragequit" in mid-Ultra finish. One person whiffed Seth's Ultra horribly, left himself wide open for Dan's Ultra, and dropped out in mid-pummeling. I guess they figure Ultras are too humiliating or something. I'd hate to see what kind of pissy fit some of these people would throw during a Project Justice match.

Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD remix had such a better setup, even with the glitches. I wish I could get back into it. Paid $60 for this, I don't want to go back. I hope they fix this game up for free, and not have it as a beta for Super Street Fighter 4's online.


Trucker Sexologist
Ploid 3.0 said:
Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD remix had such a better setup, even with the glitches. I wish I could get back into it. Paid $60 for this, I don't want to go back. I hope they fix this game up for free, and not have it as a beta for Super Street Fighter 4's online.
I've only ever played Arcade mode (with interruptions on) and most of my games had no noticeable lag. That is the meat of the online experience for me. Everything else is just a bonus. I wish more games had that feature (especially XBLA games).


FindMyFarms said:
THANK YOU! All I really needed to know.

But I still could have sworn that I cancelled cr. lp x 3 into fp headbutt. Once I get back to my ps3 I'll have to see if it's really cancelling or if I got the link ingrained into my muscle memory.

I figure Haunts of all people would have corrected me if I was wrong. :)

Sometimes the line between link and cancel is very hard to distinguish, especially if the attacks are very quick.
TimeKillr said:
I figure Haunts of all people would have corrected me if I was wrong. :)

Sometimes the line between link and cancel is very hard to distinguish, especially if the attacks are very quick.

Cool, well I got one more question for ya! Is it possible to cancel a standing poke via crouching? If you do a st. lp for example and hold down, will it wait until the animation is done or do it immediately after the hit?


I'm done for good. Sick of a broken online ranking system. Sick of a broken online matchmaking system (if I'm unable to play, why are you giving me that person as a possible result you fucking retarded game?). I'm sick if pressing a button and nothing happening. I'm sick of clearly pressing grab to throw-cancel and still getting thrown anyway. I'm sick of the wrong moves coming out when I'm clearly doing something else.

Into the box you go and you're never coming out again. It's been real.
Phthisis said:
I'm done for good. Sick of a broken online ranking system. Sick of a broken online matchmaking system (if I'm unable to play, why are you giving me that person as a possible result you fucking retarded game?). I'm sick if pressing a button and nothing happening. I'm sick of clearly pressing grab to throw-cancel and still getting thrown anyway. I'm sick of the wrong moves coming out when I'm clearly doing something else.

Into the box you go and you're never coming out again. It's been real.



good credit (by proxy)
Mr Jared said:
To hold folks over until I get the matches up on YouTube, I recorded last night's finals direct to Ustream. This of course means crappy quality, but it works for now-


It begins with Thrust (Dictator) v YoungLegend (Ryu) in the Semis and goes straight to gh (Akuma) v YoungLegend (Ryu) for the finals. Crazy hype as people freak out over Legend running people over.

Plus you can see how far the broadcast has come :lol It's still rough, but way better than when we started. Also: talking to Keystone II boss about a possible 5 on 5 special event against Keystone Light. It would be craaaaaazy.

who's that guy who keeps saying something about "nigga", is that a_rival?


Phthisis said:
I'm done for good. Sick of a broken online ranking system. Sick of a broken online matchmaking system (if I'm unable to play, why are you giving me that person as a possible result you fucking retarded game?). I'm sick if pressing a button and nothing happening. I'm sick of clearly pressing grab to throw-cancel and still getting thrown anyway. I'm sick of the wrong moves coming out when I'm clearly doing something else.

Into the box you go and you're never coming out again. It's been real.

friends lists, player matches


Just had my first disconnect while playing, I was doing an ultra *zap* Xbox not connected to internet anymore. Said sorry to the guy I was playing against and that it would have been his round. I always thought there are no such things as legit disconnects :lol .
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