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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


Rice-Eater said:
Damn, the top Live guys are pretty hardcore. Only 2 guys on PSN have over 20,000 points right now, and they're barely over it.
BP is generated at lower levels (loser only loses half of what winner wins). the larger the playerbase, the more BP inflation there is.


TurtleSnatcher said:
Its what I do!

Haha.. A lot of people have no clue how to stop it.. I was amazed he had 3300 bp :X
i recorded a match against a similar bison. i threw him (like normal throw..) like 12 times during the match :lol and he had over 3k BP.


UC1 said:
New DSP vs Saqs, weirdness at 1:27.
Hearing his complaints is the best part about watching DSP. Saqs, well done for making him complain so much.

This also means my match against him is up:
yeb vs. DSP
Be sure to follow the instructions on the side for the high quality version. He was confusing me with another Gen player though, that's the first time I've played DSP in SF4.

I wanted so badly to actually be hit by his horizontal ball at the end. Gen can actually punish horizontal balls even after taking a counter hit to the face. It would have earned the greatest "WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT" ever.
Good job guys against DSP!

Im uploading a few more now.. Stupid card on my old camera is so small I can only get like 4 matches at a time before I have to unload lol..


Neo Member
Damn, 5 different Gamespots and only found the PS3 arcade sticks at 2 of the stores. No 360 arcade sticks to be found.
I hate having to wait till April.
yeb said:
Hearing his complaints is the best part about watching DSP. Saqs, well done for making him complain so much.

This also means my match against him is up:
yeb vs. DSP
Be sure to follow the instructions on the side for the high quality version. He was confusing me with another Gen player though, that's the first time I've played DSP in SF4.

I wanted so badly to actually be hit by his horizontal ball at the end. Gen can actually punish horizontal balls even after taking a counter hit to the face. It would have earned the greatest "WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT" ever.

I don't get the DSP hate. He complains but he also gives props, even saying he was glad he actually lost to a good player.

Also, there's no way anyone would even be watching those videos if he didn't complain lol, that shits hilarious.


good credit (by proxy)
Also if he was really THAT concerned about it he simply wouldn't put up all the videos of him losing. He just gets mad when losing at fighting games but is vocal about it. EVERYONE gets made when losing at fighting games.

Anyways, does this guy play at evo or something? Why is he a big name, and what games before SFIV was he good at?


FindMyFarms said:
I don't get the DSP hate. He complains but he also gives props, even saying he was glad he actually lost to a good player.

Also, there's no way anyone would even be watching those videos if he didn't complain lol, that shits hilarious.

Exactly. He's entertaining, it's the reason why most watch.


Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
FindMyFarms said:
I don't get the DSP hate. He complains but he also gives props, even saying he was glad he actually lost to a good player.

Also, there's no way anyone would even be watching those videos if he didn't complain lol, that shits hilarious.
Yep, I've seen all of his SFIV videos. His commentary is hilarious and I learn quite a bit just watching. He's basically the reason I started using Balrog.


NameGenerated said:
Yep, I've seen all of his SFIV videos. His commentary is hilarious and I learn quite a bit just watching. He's basically the reason I started using Balrog.
Even tho he calls Balrog a shitty character? :lol


Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
Well he's usually pretty good with Balrog, I'm not sure what he was talking about there. Guess he was just mad that you rocked him, in his early videos he was winning and he looked fun to play.


Well, I finally got this game. I've been unlocking characters and I've played in a few ranked matches. I have such a long way to go before I get good at this game. I'd love to play against some gaffers to see where I stand.

PSN = oldyella

I currently main the shotos, but want to learn Gen and Viper. Abel's good too.

I wish Capcom had included a more fleshed-out tutorial on the systems in the game, tho; something like VF's.


yella said:
Well, I finally got this game. I've been unlocking characters and I've played in a few ranked matches. I have such a long way to go before I get good at this game. I'd love to play against some gaffers to see where I stand.

PSN = oldyella

I currently main the shotos, but want to learn Gen and Viper. Abel's good too.

I wish Capcom had included a more fleshed-out tutorial on the systems in the game, tho; something like VF's.

Add me man... I am going to be on in about 10 or 15 minutes man...

My PSN is Zapages


Rufus said:
That's probably because they game the system, see two posts above. Do they still sport the same title? I'm too lazy to check. Last time I looked it was "Elite", with no icon set. The top player actually specified that you have to sport the same style if you want to play them. (Guess why.)

Yeah like five or six of them have the same icon and title.

Side note: I have around 155 hours put into SFIV. Most of it used to finish off all the various challenge modes. I probably only have like 460 online wins. My rufus is coming alone. BP is at 3600 or so. I'm starting to run across some really good players.
FindMyFarms said:
I don't get the DSP hate. He complains but he also gives props, even saying he was glad he actually lost to a good player.

Also, there's no way anyone would even be watching those videos if he didn't complain lol, that shits hilarious.
He complimented yeb after that particular match, but did you watch the first SFIV match of DSP vs Saqs? Saqs utterly destroyed him, and afterward, DSP said something to the effect, "I can't believe he has that many points, and he's that bad!" I also watched the very next match, #18 DSP vs fubarduck3S. Apparently, DSP already knew who Fubarduck3S was, because before the match, DSP said, "It's fubarduck from fuckin' Texas... He's actually good. I know he is." Then, after DSP loses, he says, "I wanna play him again, cuz... Yeah. He's not that good." Started off by saying fubarduck was good, then says he's not that good, right after losing to him.

At least, DSP actually posts the videos of his defeats. So I give him that. Doesn't change the fact that he comes across as a jerk, though.

Saqs and yeb have a really nice Rose and Gen!


yeb said:
Hearing his complaints is the best part about watching DSP. Saqs, well done for making him complain so much.

This also means my match against him is up:
yeb vs. DSP
Be sure to follow the instructions on the side for the high quality version. He was confusing me with another Gen player though, that's the first time I've played DSP in SF4.

I wanted so badly to actually be hit by his horizontal ball at the end. Gen can actually punish horizontal balls even after taking a counter hit to the face. It would have earned the greatest "WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT" ever.

Nicely done! :D


Trucker Sexologist
Eric WK said:
Think I'll pick this up today. But is it really even worth it if I don't have a stick? (360)
Shave your dpad. I can do the hard challenges with a modded dpad just fine and I consider myself a SF noob.


this bp farming business is what my initial concern with the 'only the players with top bp can upload videos' idea. Figured the system wasn't lame-proof,lo and behold, it's not. Presumably it won't be too much of an issue, but it's still bothersome.


I am playing terrible today. I went from 1300 to 1000something, was down to 800... Jeez, I faced about 5 Blankas, 3 Kens with the same strategy, 1 Vega, and 3 Akumas so far...

Just played 2000 point Blanka, which played really bad... I know I play terrible with Zangief, but this Blanka was terrible... Defending against a Focus Attack does nothing... :lol

EDIT: Guys don't play against lakerland, because he is a dropper. I was playing against him. He was Ken and I was Ryu. I allowed him to get my health down to just a bit before dieing and I came back and won the first round. Before the 2nd match could begin he dropped. So don't play against him in ranked games.


i'm so sick of losing matches because of the fucking 360 dpad.

I mean, I would say a good 1/3 of the matches I lose I would say the dpad is significantly responsible for.

I really just don't want to drop money on a controller just for this game though. Grr.


damn im getting frustrated losing to this damn gief player.............ahhhhhhh

spd's and lariats on me all day.......i need helpz

edit: guy beats me 5 times in a row with gief and then i play ken and then he quits right after he dies.........weak
Just wanted to give mad props to people that said they completed the challenge trials using a 360 controller.

I was trying to help my cousin unlock icons, and could NOT for the life of me get past any trials that involved going from a crouching normal to a shoryuken motion. I'd get a fireball out everytime.

Those are motions that I can do perfectly on a ps3 pad and never mess up, so I know it's the pad and not the fact that I'm not using a joystick.


Trucker Sexologist
FindMyFarms said:
Just wanted to give mad props to people that said they completed the challenge trials using a 360 controller.

I was trying to help my cousin unlock icons, and could NOT for the life of me get past any trials that involved going from a crouching normal to a shoryuken motion. I'd get a fireball out everytime.

Those are motions that I can do perfectly on a ps3 pad and never mess up, so I know it's the pad and not the fact that I'm not using a joystick.
You have to use the new motion. DF+[normal]->DF+P = Shoryuken.

Also, since I'm leveling people up, the only way to combo Guile's Super -> Ultra is to use LK for the super.
SapientWolf said:
You have to use the new motion. DF+[normal]->DF+P = Shoryuken.

Yeah, I guess on the 360 pad I'd have to do that, but since I was only on it for a day, I'll stick to the traditional style. Plus, I don't want to get used to doing that since I still play other street fighters and don't wanna be like, "wtf! I'm doin df df p, where' my aryoogets?!!"

Thanks for the heads up though!


he's Virgin Tight™
So I went ranked for the first time in weeks after I decided to unlock Gouken.

I was in 1800. Shot to 2300 in no time. Ranked people are really scrubs :lol


good credit (by proxy)
Relix said:
So I went ranked for the first time in weeks after I decided to unlock Gouken.

I was in 1800. Shot to 2300 in no time. Ranked people are really scrubs :lol

all ranked people are scrubs and you have a 2300 bp rating. rolleyes.


Anyone have any advice for the Time Attack Level 11? I can get to Stage 7 vs. Zangief, but get my ass handed to me every time!! Time is not an issue, just can't beat Zangief with my main, Sagat. He is always blocking and grabbing me. Can't use any Ex moves on this level.

Stage 6 vs. Blanka is also pretty tough for me as well, since he turtles so much...


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Relix said:
So I went ranked for the first time in weeks after I decided to unlock Gouken.

I was in 1800. Shot to 2300 in no time. Ranked people are really scrubs :lol

Yes because the sub 10k bracket is surely the place to measure the skillset of players.
I think the best competition you'll find on ranked are people between the 30 - 500 range (not bp, but ranking.) The top people are just bp abusers, and most people below 500 just suck. Most, not all.


good credit (by proxy)
FindMyFarms said:
I think the best competition you'll find on ranked are people between the 30 - 500 range (not bp, but ranking.) The top people are just bp abusers, and most people below 500 just suck. Most, not all.
What are you ranked?
Timedog said:
What are you ranked?

I peaked at like 98 w/ 4k bp (psn). But really I think most people between 50 and 500 are about the same. Obviously 4k's nothing now : / But not being able to really play SF4 for 2 weeks I'm not sure if I can still hang.

While here in Houston though, I went even against Kensou (placed 7th at final round 12) at Planet Zero. Granted, those were casuals, but I still feel good about myself :)
TurtleSnatcher said:

Blame it on El Fuerte! A friend of mine was maining ELF and just couldn't consistently win. He got tired of it and switched to godtier (Sagat) and immediately started getting like 15 game win streaks online LOL.


i hope the patch brings blind picking. i find that if i pick el fuerte right off the bat, everyone suddenly plays blanka (my worst matchup after honda). if i wait to pick my character, i rarely ever see a blanka (but i still pick fuerte if they pick blanka). so fucking annoying.
Relix said:
So I went ranked for the first time in weeks after I decided to unlock Gouken.

I was in 1800. Shot to 2300 in no time. Ranked people are really scrubs :lol

How do you deal with Zangief? Honda? and Abel?

Everytime an Abel kicks my ass, I die a little inside because I used to main him. But Gouken is just so much damn fun!
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