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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


Whine Whine FADC Troll
UC1 said:
arstal: can't you play online with people locally? Nearly all the time I play this is with people from my friends list who live in nearby cities or the same city. Ranked and random player matches aren't worth bothering with, especially here since around 90% of ranked matches are 1 bar.

I live in a land of PS3 zealots. Only one person plays 360 locally that can beat me with any consistency- and he does nothing but play Ryu all game every game (even 3S), so really not that interesting to me.


Finished all of Blanka's trials (Normal and Hard) :D The linking combo at the end is pretty insane. Thankfully, Guile's challenges taught me how to time the links just right.

I always cut the hard challenges up: can I do the first part?; can I do the last part?; can I do the middle?; can I do the middle + last?; can I do the first + middle? Now put it all together!

I hope I'm not the only one that does this. :lol


I found a good deal on the 360 version but I can't find a stick! Amazon is saying restocks for the Hori stick for the 360 are in July? What in good fuck happened?
jdub03 said:
Yeah those were the last few ones I had to do also. I had to turn down the volume and create a rhythmic pattern to get the hard ones down. Once you get the rhythm down they become a lot easier.

I turned the volume down and was able to do C.Viper's after some time...(maybe an hour). The most difficult part it seemed was getting the ex seismic slam out...then jump cancel

I'm probably going to tackle them one at a time...and just devote myself to accomplishing each...instead of the round robin. Gen is next...the most difficult part seems to be the 100 hands/super cancel.
RevenantKioku said:
I found a good deal on the 360 version but I can't find a stick! Amazon is saying restocks for the Hori stick for the 360 are in July? What in good fuck happened?

800+K sales of SFIV and the mystic that the joystick was the necessary peripheral. So newbies ended up buying the sticks...while the modders bought up a massive amount of parts and overwhelmed Lizard Lick/Akihabara.

It sucks...as I was able to find a Fightstick SE for PS3...but the buttons and stick are lame...and I need to switch them out.


I visited home this week and got to play some friends and at the arcade. I thought I sucked at the timing of my links in SF4 since I do them fine online in SF2 but I was hitting them crisp against local people. Think I need to stop using visual cues and reflexes and play more robotically with timing.

At least the lag's usually just subtle, but that lulls me into a false sense of security.

Edit: Just played MicVlad's mean Dhalsim. He was all over the place! Really confusing stuff.


Wow. I'm doing Ryu's trials and his are SOOOO much easier than the charge characters (like Guile and Blanka). I never thought that the DP > FADC > Ultra would be so easy to do. I'm on the last hard trial and I'm just having trouble chaining the cr HP (with the moves before it) with the EX hurricane kick.

dropped 5 in a row.....lost 300 bp all because of stupid ass mistakes on my part. i'm so pissed right now :mad:


GGs GalacticAE.

when u messaged me, I was in training mode trying to teach myself new tricks and combos coz lately I feel like my Blanka is in dire need of leveling up.

I tried to do a lot of the stuff I'm trying to learn, especially vertical balls and ultras directly off a hop, but I still have a lot to practice on.

as well as basic cross up combos, I can never nail them.

that and A LOT of scrub mistakes lol.

Regardless we definitely gotta play again. Bison and Rog are brutal ass matchups for Blanka and I look forward to practicing against yours again, hopefully next time I can get a match off one of them lol
MIMIC said:
Wow. I'm doing Ryu's trials and his are SOOOO much easier than the charge characters (like Guile and Blanka). I never thought that the DP > FADC > Ultra would be so easy to do. I'm on the last hard trial and I'm just having trouble chaining the cr HP (with the moves before it) with the EX hurricane kick.

I know, right? Ryu is training wheels in this game. He's really easy to use, and can dish out the pain.

But it is fun tearing people up with him.
Aargh...I can't seem to hyakretsu/sc on Gen's last trial... by itself...I can strong...hyakretsu/sc...but in the combo...nah...add the tricky timing on his upward kick..


Spiderjericho said:
Aargh...I can't seem to hyakretsu/sc on Gen's last trial... by itself...I can strong...hyakretsu/sc...but in the combo...nah...add the tricky timing on his upward kick..

i cheated on this one a little bit. changed my light kick to kkk and medium kick to ppp

I did it this way. j.hk x2>stance switch(kkk or ppp cant remember)>c.lp x2>quarter circle forward>m.p, l.p, m.p(for hyakretsu)>QCF medium punch(for super).

The second c lp in there is to get the hyakretsu out. It takes five button presses so I do two light punches and drum medium p light p medium p really fast.

I broke the upward kick down into three parts. First kick-slight pause-two more kicks-very slight pause-the rest of the kicks semi fast. Not sure if thats even readable but I thought i'd try.
I felt like I just taught my opponent something during our match. We both play as Ryu, in the first round he hit me with a DP each time I tried to jump in on him but didn't follow it up with anything. Later I do the same to him, except I juggle him with a EX fireball. Then he does the same to me later in the round in which he won. In the 2nd, he catches me with a DP when I tried to jump in on him 3 times and I get hit with EX fireballs on the way down each time. Did this guy know this already, or did he practically learn it while playing against me?

I surpassed 150 hours of game time!

I also am coming close to 2000 online matches!


I also started my own YouTube channel. I will post it when the videos are done uploading so you all can laugh at my horrible play even after 155 hours of game time.. :lol


I think I might be getting the hang of things now... I just blasted through all of Akuma's trails in about half an hour. Finishing Sakura's first may have helped though... some of her links are borderline impossible.

Still doesn't seem to help me online though =P


How you doing the video capturing, Turtle Snatcher?
And no goddamn sign of sticks for the 360.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
UC1 said:
Chunli has an exception to this, cr.LKx3 or whatever into (ex)legs. I thought it must be an easy link at first, but now I don't even think this does link (it's +2), it just cancels.

I've never tried that combo, so I don't know if it would link, but it seems like it should, as long as the lk's aren't mashed, and Lighting Legs starts immediately as the third lk connects...


Skilotonn said:
I've never tried that combo, so I don't know if it would link, but it seems like it should, as long as the lk's aren't mashed, and Lighting Legs starts immediately as the third lk connects...

cr.LK is +2 on hit and has startup of 3, so it isn't a link. You can also tell it's a cancel by how easy it is and checking the flash of light on the health bar. It's definitely a move that cancels into itself and a special move, seems to be the exception to the rule.


UC1 said:
New DSP vs Saqs, weirdness at 1:27.

Wow... I've never seen that. For those that haven't seen it, DSP did Sagat's Ultra, but the third part of the move, the Tiger Uppercut with multiple hits as it goes up never came out, so even though they showed the Ultra animation (close up on Sagat), he only did the Tiger Knee into Uppercut from Tiger Genocide instead of completing the move...

Nice match Saqs... Anyone have a link to the Blanka match with Saqs that DSP was talking about?


Jeez. I got a shit-talking message from someone who beat me. What the hell. He's Vega/Claw and decides to relish in his down-back fetish and turtle as much as possible so I decide I'm just gonna throw the shit out of him every time. Beat him that way for 2 rounds (this after losing 2) and lose the last round on chip-damage off his roll. And his message speaks of almost losing to my scrubby Gouken. *shakes head* I told him I'm glad I threw him into actual fighting (he finally decided to after the 50th or so throw). Just bizarre. Cannot figure out people sitting there or backing up over and over over the course of so many matches.
Rice-Eater said:
I felt like I just taught my opponent something during our match. We both play as Ryu, in the first round he hit me with a DP each time I tried to jump in on him but didn't follow it up with anything. Later I do the same to him, except I juggle him with a EX fireball. Then he does the same to me later in the round in which he won. In the 2nd, he catches me with a DP when I tried to jump in on him 3 times and I get hit with EX fireballs on the way down each time. Did this guy know this already, or did he practically learn it while playing against me?
It's like you were playing against another human being!
So I am starting to hate SFIV ranked mode. Or basically the online mode outside of playing against friends and some player matches. No lobbies, yeah everyone knows that. This is bad enough, searching and searching for someone you can actually connect to.

But then you make a room so that people will play you, and you get like five dudes come in who are literally ONE RED BAR. What the fuck. Do you honestly think either of us will have any fun if we're at a single red bar??

If Capcom knew what they were doing there would be an easy to forbid idiots like this from coming into your room and potentially interfering with real opponents choosing you. So I usually have to kick about 3 or 4 people out every time, wasting 2 or 3 minutes. THEN, when I finally get an opponent, since I'm in Japan, it's usually some really high level player. Who may even have low amounts of BP, just because the competition is so good in general. Mostly I'm happy that I can, after a dose of bullshit, connect to good comp. In fact recently I've made my settings so I'm getting people stronger than me. However this isn't always the case. Often I'll get people 800 BP below me or so, sometimes even lower. Which is extremely frustrating because even though a guy at 1200 BP may be of comparable strength to a guy with 4000 BP just because it's Japan, I'll pour a lot of energy into beating somebody and then find out that I get a measly 25 BP out of it or something. When I want to be playing good players with high BP so that I can move my own total above the miserable 2000 that I have now.

Blah. In conclusion - SFIV online play is an exercise in frustration and I think it's pretty shitty that Capcom has not even addressed it.
Not to defend capcom or anything, because maybe the search is borked, but I think the search works like this....

When your searching for opponents close to your BP, it not waiting for someone within 10%-20% of your BP (I made those numbers up, I'm just guessing), It's just pulling whatever is closest during the search window.

Maybe at the time you hit search and you have 2000 BP, the guy with the 900 or 3500 BP are the guys closest to your BP at that moment in time who is also looking for a game.

Maybe there was a guy with 2200 BP about to connect your game, but another guy with 2100 BP hit search before you, so they got matched up instead of you.

I don't know, that's my take on it. Maybe it's broke, maybe it's not. I search by BP too. Sometimes I get people close to me, sometimes I get guys in 100's (I am in the 2500 range).
ThatCrazyGuy said:
Not to defend capcom or anything, because maybe the search is borked, but I think the search works like this....

When your searching for opponents close to your BP, it not waiting for someone within 10%-20% of your BP (I made those numbers up, I'm just guessing), It's just pulling whatever is closest during the search window.

Maybe at the time you hit search and you have 2000 BP, the guy with the 900 or 3500 BP are the guys closest to your BP at that moment in time who is also looking for a game.

Maybe there was a guy with 2200 BP about to connect your game, but another guy with 2100 BP hit search before you, so they got matched up instead of you.

I don't know, that's my take on it. Maybe it's broke, maybe it's not. I search by BP too. Sometimes I get people close to me, sometimes I get guys in 100's (I am in the 2500 range).

It's gotta be something like this. To be more specific, I have my RB settings set to finding opponents stronger than you, then I'm searching by connection quality. I suppose I could search for BP instead, maybe that would give me what I'm looking for.
I gave up on searching for SAME SKILL or MORE SKILLED since it doesn't really match me with them.

I just set it to BEST CONNECTION and settle for that


gutter_trash said:
I gave up on searching for SAME SKILL or MORE SKILLED since it doesn't really match me with them.

I just set it to BEST CONNECTION and settle for that

That's pretty much all you can do. If you do happen to find 3k+ players, the fun ensues!
slidewinder said:
It's like you were playing against another human being!

I found it interesting because usually people don't learn things on the fly. I picked it up when I saw another Ryu player doing it to me. But it took me a short while to get use to it so it becomes 2nd nature. I've played tons of other Ryu's and even after I hit them with it multiple times, they don't do the same to me when given the opportunity.

But really, I think he already knows about it and he did it just to spite me for doing it to him. Kind of like how people get angry when they're thrown and try extra hard to throw there opponents.


I'm having trouble completing El Fuerte's challenge where he goes from his focus attack to his ultra. Dan is always falling too fast before I can connect yet I'm not able to register the ultra any sooner after the focus attack hits.

It's the one on this youtube video 3:10 into it:

Anyone know what I'm missing? Do I have to be an exact distance away, is there a certain level you have to release your focus attack at, etc.


Jason said:
as soon as you let go of the mp+mk, dash backwards and do the ultra.

Thank you so much, got it on the second try after knowing that I needed to do the dash. Man, I probably spent 30-45 minutes trying to get the timing down.

Any website that breaks down the challenges, the youtube videos help but not with actually inputing the moves?

Thanks again for the help on that one.


I just looked at the leaderboard. The top 100 player BP range from 30,000 to 7000. That's an overly large gap for such a small sample of players. Are the top players cheaters?
Any J-gaffers and dudes from Singapore wanna play? I'll play with US folks too, but expect 1 filthy red bar. I need to get used to these sticks I just bought.

PSN: Vicious-chan


adversesolutions said:
It's gotta be something like this. To be more specific, I have my RB settings set to finding opponents stronger than you, then I'm searching by connection quality. I suppose I could search for BP instead, maybe that would give me what I'm looking for.

I thought the fight requirements were only for arcade interrupt mode.
Rice-Eater said:
I found it interesting because usually people don't learn things on the fly. I picked it up when I saw another Ryu player doing it to me. But it took me a short while to get use to it so it becomes 2nd nature. I've played tons of other Ryu's and even after I hit them with it multiple times, they don't do the same to me when given the opportunity.

But really, I think he already knows about it and he did it just to spite me for doing it to him. Kind of like how people get angry when they're thrown and try extra hard to throw there opponents.
I would assume he picked it up from seeing you do it. Kind of funny that something like that is at all remarkable, though.
jdub03 said:
I just looked at the leaderboard. The top 100 player BP range from 30,000 to 7000. That's an overly large gap for such a small sample of players. Are the top players cheaters?
Yeah, they trade BP between accounts.
jdub03 said:
I just looked at the leaderboard. The top 100 player BP range from 30,000 to 7000. That's an overly large gap for such a small sample of players. Are the top players cheaters?

Damn, the top Live guys are pretty hardcore. Only 2 guys on PSN have over 20,000 points right now, and they're barely over it.


That's probably because they game the system, see two posts above. Do they still sport the same title? I'm too lazy to check. Last time I looked it was "Elite", with no icon set. The top player actually specified that you have to sport the same style if you want to play them. (Guess why.)

Oni Jazar

fatty said:
Any website that breaks down the challenges, the youtube videos help but not with actually inputing the moves?

I need help with this too. I can't too the harder challenges. I don't know if it's my timing or what. :/
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