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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
dfyb said:
i hope the patch brings blind picking. i find that if i pick el fuerte right off the bat, everyone suddenly plays blanka (my worst matchup after honda). if i wait to pick my character, i rarely ever see a blanka (but i still pick fuerte if they pick blanka). so fucking annoying.
you know they wont.


There are plenty of annoying match ups for my poor ol' Fuerte, but Sagats are damn kryptonite. It gone psychological on me now. I'm convinced I already lost the match before it begins, and then i prove myself right.
I'm sitting comfortably at 2300 BP until droppers are penalized or addressed in some way. Am I better or worse than my BP suggests? I don't think it's my place to say. ;)
DarkSloth said:
There are plenty of annoying match ups for my poor ol' Fuerte, but Sagats are damn kryptonite. It gone psychological on me now. I'm convinced I already lost the match before it begins, and then i prove myself right.
I agree to the whole notion of bad matchups but Sagat is most def not the worst for Fuerte I think
Attack You said:
I'm sitting comfortably at 2300 BP until droppers are penalized or addressed in some way. Am I better or worse than my BP suggests? I don't think it's my place to say. ;)

I'm sure you're better than your BP. The comment I made was regarding people that play mainly ranked. Most good players don't even play rank/play rank anymore.
Blanka is El Fuerte's worst match up,
E.Honda is El Fuerte's 2nd worst match up.

Blanka can bzzz bzzzz
Honda can fly around across the screen and jump up HP slap in the face and HK Splash to escape the Tostada Presses on wake-ups


he's Virgin Tight™
Omar Ismail said:
How do you deal with Zangief? Honda? and Abel?

Everytime an Abel kicks my ass, I die a little inside because I used to main him. But Gouken is just so much damn fun!

Well I main Chun, Boxer and Claw. Zangief's are usually an easy win for me. Chun Li has a great moveset against him and most Zangief players just play the same way so it's easy for me to read them. I will just Kikoken them, heavy kicks, keep them at bay with Pokes when they are harassing me, etc. Honda, well Honda is one of the guys I use when not playing ranked. The best way to beat an Honda is to keep your distance, use fireballs to keep space and when you see the spot go right in. Honda needs charging, and Chun's Foward Diagonal Kick is great to break the charges (same way I clear most Guiles). With Vega I just jump from screen to screen breaking the charge. Boxer... well the damn bastard is a freaking monster so =P. Abels... well to be honest I haven't faced a reaaally good Abel yet. I just do wake up attacks to keep them away, be wary of their quick Ultra and just punish them for bad Changes of Directions and stuff.

Sinatar said:
Yes because the sub 10k bracket is surely the place to measure the skillset of players.
Aren't most people over 10K just cheaters or farmers or... well, quitters. The max level I've fought was a 7000+ BP and he got beat, though it was definitely damn close XD

Timedog said:
all ranked people are scrubs and you have a 2300 bp rating. rolleyes.

I don't play Ranked. I play Player matches where the, usually, better players are at. Hence the reason the low rating.
FindMyFarms said:
I'm sure you're better than your BP. The comment I made was regarding people that play mainly ranked. Most good players don't even play rank/play rank anymore.
I understand. Part of me feels like I'm just making excuses for my low BP -- that is, until I run into a string of droppers that completely wreck my buzz. And, what all does it amount to? "I'm gonna put a frowny face next to your name! LIVE WITH THE PAIN." Bleh.

I didn't want to jump to any conclusions about the top-ranked in BP online, but I was wondering if anyone has seen vids of their matches. Any of them?
Balrog WTF
every time I do a cr.LP or cr.LK into EX Dash Upper... he always does the low Upper instead (the df+KK one )

it is infuriatign trying to do trail #5 and the mother fucker does the low upper instead


close HK chain i nto cr.LK is consistant but the stupid EX Dash Upper always comes out as an EX LOWWW Dash Upper.. I swear I am press Front on the thing

gutter_trash said:
Balrog WTF
every time I do a cr.LP or cr.LK into EX Dash Upper... he always does the low Upper instead (the df+KK one )

it is infuriatign trying to do trail #5 and the mother fucker does the low upper instead


close HK chain i nto cr.LK is consistant but the stupid EX Dash Upper always comes out as an EX LOWWW Dash Upper.. I swear I am press Front on the thing


When you're doing ex dash upper, do this input: back down, back, forward, kk. That way you make sure you don't hit the diagonal on the way up and give the game a chance to shortcut @%#$ you.


gutter_trash said:
Blanka is El Fuerte's worst match up,
E.Honda is El Fuerte's 2nd worst match up.

Blanka can bzzz bzzzz
Honda can fly around across the screen and jump up HP slap in the face and HK Splash to escape the Tostada Presses on wake-ups
bzz bzzz isn't a big deal -- can beat it clean with propeller throws.
So for the past 20 mins I hate a little kid scream out in ebonics slang and curse words at me .... it was fascinating. He was screaming so loud it was choking him over the mic :lol

dfyb said:
bzz bzzz isn't a big deal -- can beat it clean with propeller throws.
blanka is still worst due to multi directional balls and cross ups.. also electricity is so easily combo'd into and does insane dmg and insane sweep range


TurtleSnatcher said:
blanka is still worst due to multi directional balls and cross ups.. also electricity is so easily combo'd into and does insane dmg and insane sweep range
i equate blanka's electricity to honda's slaps (both do ridiculous damage and are used/countered similarly). crossups can be worrying, but all the blankas i play against keep their distance because i wreck their shit at close range. still fall for that slide too often though -- thing reaches too far too fast.

i'm sure if i played really good blanka/honda things would be a bit different. most seem to pick him as a counterpick so they are pretty mild.

edit: also, it's god damn annoying how, instead of negating their charge, crossing up with a splash can simply turn honda's ultra around to hit me.


Whoever gave me the idea to run out the clock on the stage select screen for people who take forever to pick is a genius. :lol I love doing that. No surprise the guy dropped when I kicked his ass round 1.

Ploid 3.0

Sometimes while playing as blanka, it feels like I'm cheating. I was playing against a Chun Li for around 40 matches, and near the end I just stopped using my ultra. Chun's ultra seems useless and the guy just gave up on it because it either knocked me all the way back after 2 hits, or it allowed me to counter him before the last kick. Blanka is very mobile, I'd almost say he's close to El Fuerte's mobility but hit harder.


Any tips on how to chain Blanka's electricity with combos? I jump in with a kick and then start mashing LP but it always comes out late.
gg's to MicVlad. I came close to taking you twice and lost them both in the damn 5th round.

Man I have 162 hrs into this game.. Got my BP to 2774 though ! :D Highest its ever been.

Now I have to part ways with the game for 1 week as I head to GDC in San Fran... I'm so tempted to bring my XB360 with me :lol
my hater of the night on ranked
I had Honda, he had Gen...
He did a wall Oga when I had Ultra, my Ulra catches him in round 1, then Butt Slplash, Butt Splash, Butt Splash spammed him to death.
Then in Round 2, everything is going normal, then he is doing random Waterwheel kicks over and over again... so i catch him with my Ultra, then Butt Splash spam him to death.

then here is my hate mail
nice way to play cheap f*gg*t, how bout playing my main so I can really fuck you up?

so then I send him a player invite. he accepts

He picks Guile (his main)
then haha I picked Bison (my fireballer killer)

then when I was about to win the Final Round... he Quits. lol (EX Headstomp would do it)

oh well, that is my happy story of the day, im going to bed satisfied


I am Korean.
RevenantKioku said:
Whoever gave me the idea to run out the clock on the stage select screen for people who take forever to pick is a genius. :lol I love doing that. No surprise the guy dropped when I kicked his ass round 1.
I've found that following them around the character select screen like you're obsessed with having a mirror match tends to break their spirit too.

Ploid 3.0

MIMIC said:
Any tips on how to chain Blanka's electricity with combos? I jump in with a kick and then start mashing LP but it always comes out late.

I jump in with low punch, then roll over to medium punch when he hit the ground, then back to low punch. That's a easy way to do it. You'll end up in thunder shock. Then you can stop it and do a sweep kick if they block it.
TurtleSnatcher said:
Now I have to part ways with the game for 1 week as I head to GDC in San Fran... I'm so tempted to bring my XB360 with me :lol

You do know Haunts, N3ss, Mr. Jared and the Keystone Light crew are that way...

I think Haunts told me there was a university around there where you could play too...
Whenever I get online messages from people calling me cheap I just return the favor lol.

Ken scrub - God throwing is so cheap u @(*#
Me - No shoryuken is cheap, I wouldn't have to be cheap if you weren't cheap first.
Ken scrub - You don't know what your talking about!
Me - God cheapers like you ruin this game, learn how to play without being cheap!
Ken scrub - @)#^)@!(*#&


TurtleSnatcher said:
Nah your balrog is really good. Nice job with him.

I wish I could use Gouken.. he is fail under my hands.. :lol

nah, im ok with him. I had no idea what to do against your fuerte and vega.

I just started using a joystick and man I can't do down up moves. Anyways, let me know if you wanna play again, I would like to get better somehow............:lol

Less than 100 to go for 2000 online matches!


Below is March 7th!

Look how I've improved!



I had to lose a LOT of matches testing out my new button config for Blanka but I found my way back to 2400 BP.

Things I noticed in Blanka/Zangief match-ups: if you hop over to Zangief and try to grab him, it will work every time. It's kinda nerve-wracking trying to grab a Zangief given his high-priority for his piledriver move but you just gotta go for it! I dunno what it is about high-level Zangiefs but they stay in crouching position for long periods of time. So, I just use the hop move and grab them. But if you mix up the hop with the short ball roll and some other crap, it'll keep them pretty defensive.

Also, good Zangiefs know to use his Banishing Flat against Blanka's Ultra. I faced two Zangiefs back-to-back and they both slapped me out of it. It totally took me off guard. Whatevs...I pwned them both in the end :D

Oh yeah--that cross-up, bellyflop move that they do to opponents that they've knocked to the ground....say hello to electrocution :lol After losing all of those matches before, I had to keep reminding myself that Blanka has a move that punishes potential cross-ups on wake-up.

It was actually kind of refreshing to beat a 3300+ BP Zangief that didn't spam the lariat move. Now I know how the "good" ones play :)

ETA: The matches I lost....it was because Blanka kept doing the coward crouch move instead of his EX ball. Motherfucking 360 controller cost me like 6 matches (and I would have won them ALL with an EX ball to the face...but nooooo....Blanka wants to drop to the ground and cower)


Junior Member
RevenantKioku said:
Whoever gave me the idea to run out the clock on the stage select screen for people who take forever to pick is a genius. :lol I love doing that. No surprise the guy dropped when I kicked his ass round 1.

That would be me :D


Did I mention it's time to cancel my Ratchet and Clank preorder yet?
Is there going to be a "buy-all-costumes-for-a-reduced-price" download soon, or am I stuck buying each individual pack?


I loaned my copy out...Honestly this game should have been provided as a down loadable option. Would love to just hop on for a match or two without the hassle of swapping discs.


Broken water pistol loaded with piss
I switched from the 360 version to the PS3 version as I'm selling my 360 and I'm currently having to suffer with a pad. I'm hoping my PS3 stick shows up tomorrow, it's torture getting beaten by people I could beat if I had a stick. Despite this I'm doing better than I was with the 360 version, the quality of the competition is definitely lower on PS3. One thing that is a massive positive is that I never have to wait more than 30 seconds for someone to join me in a lobby, with the 360 version I was sometimes waiting for up to 10 minutes!


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
So yeah,Ploid kicked my ass with Blanka (Perfect)
And later i fought against another Blanka and again... perfect v_v
Blanka is a tough cookie to El Fuerte. (I also suck):lol

gutter_trash said:
Blanka is El Fuerte's worst match up,
E.Honda is El Fuerte's 2nd worst match up.

Blanka can bzzz bzzzz
Honda can fly around across the screen and jump up HP slap in the face and HK Splash to escape the Tostada Presses on wake-ups
This guy knows what is talking about.
Add a good Akuma and his fireballs at that list.
Fersis said:
So yeah,Ploid kicked my ass with Blanka (Perfect)
And later i fought against another Blanka and again... perfect v_v
Blanka is a tough cookie to El Fuerte. (I also suck):lol

If you block a blanka ball, you can hit him with EF's ultra.


Gonna be playing for a bit. GT: Xploited13 on XBL. Feel free to hit me up for some matches, could use some practice.

Edit: Connection sucks today. Done.


Ugh, insane. As soon as I jump online I'm having loads of troubles performing ultras. I guess it's the whole CMON CMON GOTTA WIN thing that makes me spaz out and jump instead of properly QC it. In other news, I'm really becoming fond of El Fuerte, Viper and a small bit of Chun Li.


I used Bison for the first time online last night and kicked ass. his kicks have such good range it's easy to trap people and punish them with EX-Scissor kick when they trow a projectile. I also used Dhalsim and did pretty well. I think I found my team..Viper, Bison, Dhalsim. Now I just need to get a damn arcade stick :[
akachan ningen said:
If you block a blanka ball, you can hit him with EF's ultra.
You can also punish with run sweep sometimes.

Fersis said:
So yeah,Ploid kicked my ass with Blanka (Perfect)
And later i fought against another Blanka and again... perfect v_v
Blanka is a tough cookie to El Fuerte. (I also suck):lol

This guy knows what is talking about.
Add a good Akuma and his fireballs at that list.

Eh I've come to realize that air fireballs are pretty easy to get by.
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