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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

I got this today. I'm freaking HOPELESS at it.

Can't get past the 3rd stage on Easy mode, have won a grand total of 2 online fights in an hour (1-round fights).

Are there any cheats to unlock the other characters or anything? I'm totally out of my depth here.

I'm on PS3, is there a recommended pad for pulling moves off? I can barely do a fireball with Ryu. The only move I can consistently do is Chun Li's leg attack thing.

It's not really for SF noobs, is it?


Business & Marketing Manager @ GungHo
I've been playing as Dan, and Dan only. I often get messages after I win such as "I love Dan, gg. Glad to see people using him to his best."
Android18a said:
I got this today. I'm freaking HOPELESS at it.

Can't get past the 3rd stage on Easy mode, have won a grand total of 2 online fights in an hour (1-round fights).

Are there any cheats to unlock the other characters or anything? I'm totally out of my depth here.

I'm on PS3, is there a recommended pad for pulling moves off? I can barely do a fireball with Ryu. The only move I can consistently do is Chun Li's leg attack thing.

It's not really for SF noobs, is it?
Are you on Easiest or Easy?

Easiest is what you should be on.. Just do a bunch of jumping HK's and sweeps..


he's Virgin Tight™
Android18a said:
I got this today. I'm freaking HOPELESS at it.

Can't get past the 3rd stage on Easy mode, have won a grand total of 2 online fights in an hour (1-round fights).

Are there any cheats to unlock the other characters or anything? I'm totally out of my depth here.

I'm on PS3, is there a recommended pad for pulling moves off? I can barely do a fireball with Ryu. The only move I can consistently do is Chun Li's leg attack thing.

It's not really for SF noobs, is it?

Practice will get you far. Just be patient. SF4 is very noob-proof, but when you jump online there will be definitely better players than you =P. Just practice, find someone you are comfortable with and practice with him/her.

Ploid 3.0

MIMIC said:
I had to lose a LOT of matches testing out my new button config for Blanka but I found my way back to 2400 BP.

Things I noticed in Blanka/Zangief match-ups: if you hop over to Zangief and try to grab him, it will work every time. It's kinda nerve-wracking trying to grab a Zangief given his high-priority for his piledriver move but you just gotta go for it! I dunno what it is about high-level Zangiefs but they stay in crouching position for long periods of time. So, I just use the hop move and grab them. But if you mix up the hop with the short ball roll and some other crap, it'll keep them pretty defensive.

Also, good Zangiefs know to use his Banishing Flat against Blanka's Ultra. I faced two Zangiefs back-to-back and they both slapped me out of it. It totally took me off guard. Whatevs...I pwned them both in the end :D

Oh yeah--that cross-up, bellyflop move that they do to opponents that they've knocked to the ground....say hello to electrocution :lol After losing all of those matches before, I had to keep reminding myself that Blanka has a move that punishes potential cross-ups on wake-up.

It was actually kind of refreshing to beat a 3300+ BP Zangief that didn't spam the lariat move. Now I know how the "good" ones play :)

ETA: The matches I lost....it was because Blanka kept doing the coward crouch move instead of his EX ball. Motherfucking 360 controller cost me like 6 matches (and I would have won them ALL with an EX ball to the face...but nooooo....Blanka wants to drop to the ground and cower)

Oh man I hate when that happens. PS3 controller here. It's not a lot but it happens a good number of crucial times.

Stat Flow

He gonna cry in the car
Any tips on Seth at Hardest diff.?

Using Gouken, only thing I'm hitting with is counters (usually EX counters too ._.) and my ultra.

Ploid 3.0

I'd play but I'm about to head out in 10 minutes.

Some of my fights last night. I was going to practice my Abel on Bob White but I kept missing his invites. Not the best of fight quality, or video quality. This game needs a save replay feature, then upload to youtube in the gallery mode. My Abel was horrible.

Hogashi (Dan) vs. Me (Abel)

Hogashi (Fei Long) vs. Mea (Abel)

Hogashi (Ryu) vs. Me (Blanka, my main fighter)

Kobunkun (Chun Li) vs. Me (Blanka)


Black_Ice said:
Any tips on Seth at Hardest diff.?

Using Gouken, only thing I'm hitting with is counters (usually EX counters too ._.) and my ultra.

I found a new technique to beat seth with almost anyone on hardest difficulty. Maybe i'll take a video of it and post later. If you wait in the far corner while he throws projectiles he'll eventually jump at you. Either use his best anti air or jump straight up and hit him in the air. Rinse repeat.


So I start playing ranked online, everyone I face has between 1000 and 2000 battle points...

.. the fuck?

And I changed to skill priority.


Woffls said:
So I start playing ranked online, everyone I face has between 1000 and 2000 battle points...

.. the fuck?

And I changed to skill priority.

The majority of people playing at the time probably didnt have as much bp as you. It finds the closest match to your skill if no other is available.
Black_Ice said:
Any tips on Seth at Hardest diff.?

Using Gouken, only thing I'm hitting with is counters (usually EX counters too ._.) and my ultra.

Just crouch and block and whenever he gets close/teleports just use jabs to take away some damage.

Don't do any super moves, or stronger normals unless you're certain they will hit.

It actually becomes very easy then.
God sometimes I have such bad nights on this game I just want to give the fuck up. Like today, I think ok: let's raise my BP. Venturing forth into ranked matches, all Japanese players, most of whom are very solid. After 6 matches played I end up back at 2000.


Ok let's practice in a player match. Pick random J player with newbie icons, should be fine. Whips my ass 10 games in the row, 10 different characters, all played very solid.


Between the occasional missed move, my rushed game style and Rufus' difficulties at getting in, I'm having a hard time. Maybe once I mod my stick this will all get better, but at the moment, ugh.


facing a bright new dawn
Is anybody else having problems with the 'ranked fight request' mode? It didn't used to be like this, but recently it seems to be immediately auto-matching me with zero-connection people. My ports are forwarded properly and the auto-matching for my 'player fight request' is still working fine.


Wow, getting BP with Fuerte really must be harder than with anyone else. Just beat a Ryu with 4500BP completely unable to do anything worthwhile in 3 rounds. How did he get there? :lol


Started playing with Dan yesterday, and he's actually a very solid character. I've noticed that people don't like fighting against him all that much, I've experienced a lot more drops in player matches then I normally would. Maybe it's all the air taunts I'm doing?

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
Ploid 3.0 said:
I'd play but I'm about to head out in 10 minutes.

Some of my fights last night. I was going to practice my Abel on Bob White but I kept missing his invites. Not the best of fight quality, or video quality. This game needs a save replay feature, then upload to youtube in the gallery mode. My Abel was horrible.

Hogashi (Dan) vs. Me (Abel)


oooh, so many mistakes man, you should be punishing Dan's shoryuken's more severely
Ploid 3.0 said:
I'd play but I'm about to head out in 10 minutes.

Some of my fights last night. I was going to practice my Abel on Bob White but I kept missing his invites. Not the best of fight quality, or video quality. This game needs a save replay feature, then upload to youtube in the gallery mode. My Abel was horrible.

Hogashi (Dan) vs. Me (Abel)

Hogashi (Fei Long) vs. Mea (Abel)

Hogashi (Ryu) vs. Me (Blanka, my main fighter)

Kobunkun (Chun Li) vs. Me (Blanka)

You need to punish whiffed shoryukens and stuff better.. thats my biggest critique

EDIT: Damn echo.. haha i was watching them and didnt see your post above


I am Korean.
iam220 said:
Started playing with Dan yesterday, and he's actually a very solid character. I've noticed that people don't like fighting against him all that much, I've experienced a lot more drops in player matches then I normally would. Maybe it's all the air taunts I'm doing?
A lot of people are convinced that if you choose Dan, you're just trying to show that they're trash.
Freshmaker said:
A lot of people are convinced that if you choose Dan, you're just trying to show that they're trash.

It used to be like that though. Same as picking Sean (pink) in 3rd strike. Most times you are saying the other guy is trash.

Dan is viable now I think, so that shouldn't apply anymore. But it lingers!
Ploid 3.0 said:
I'd play but I'm about to head out in 10 minutes.

Some of my fights last night. I was going to practice my Abel on Bob White but I kept missing his invites. Not the best of fight quality, or video quality. This game needs a save replay feature, then upload to youtube in the gallery mode. My Abel was horrible.

Here's a couple Abel tips since I've made him my secondary :

Crossup mk! Use this a lot as a meaty after a knockdown. This move rocks, you can get a block, do tornado throw, or just wait for them to shoryuken and punish, or poke then roll afterwards.

You know you can land his ultra after a cr. fp right? You can get to it mostly by crossup mk xx cr. mp or cr. fp(let only the first hit connect) xx cod (1st part) xx fadc xx cr. fp xx ultra.

Also, Abel has a great standing lk. I saw you do his forward mk then the dash afterwards though, which is good. A lot of his mixups come from that.

An easy way to punish shoryukens is just cr. fp xx falling sky (immediately after the second hit of the cr. fp.) Eventually you'll want to sneak his roll in there after the cr. fp.

When your playing people that are shoryuken happy like him, sometimes you just gotta sit and wait. They'll throw one out eventually lol and boom punish him!

What did you use to upload your videos?


is anyone else facing a bunch of one round kens in ranked? i'm not late to the nothing but ken party but this one round thing is annoying since games are so difficult to join already searching best of 3 rounds as well as same skill reduces the number by alot.

Ploid 3.0

~Devil Trigger~ said:
oooh, so many mistakes man, you should be punishing Dan's shoryuken's more severely

I can punish with blanka, but I'm clueless with Abel. I need a lot of practice with him online. Maybe even cpu, I'm just not comfortable with him yet. Getting that saturn usb pad soon, maybe that will help me with the mistake fallen star grabs. I always spit that out when I'm trying to do something else.

FindMyFarms said:
Here's a couple Abel tips since I've made him my secondary :

Crossup mk! Use this a lot as a meaty after a knockdown. This move rocks, you can get a block, do tornado throw, or just wait for them to shoryuken and punish, or poke then roll afterwards.

You know you can land his ultra after a cr. fp right? You can get to it mostly by crossup mk xx cr. mp or cr. fp(let only the first hit connect) xx cod (1st part) xx fadc xx cr. fp xx ultra.

Also, Abel has a great standing lk. I saw you do his forward mk then the dash afterwards though, which is good. A lot of his mixups come from that.

An easy way to punish shoryukens is just cr. fp xx falling sky (immediately after the second hit of the cr. fp.) Eventually you'll want to sneak his roll in there after the cr. fp.

When your playing people that are shoryuken happy like him, sometimes you just gotta sit and wait. They'll throw one out eventually lol and boom punish him!

What did you use to upload your videos?

Thanks I'll use this info. What does xx stand for? I tried to figure it out but I couldn't. Yea I knew about the ultra after the cr. fp, but Hogashi screws me up when I'm too close to him and I'm paranoid to fight him that close. He throw a bit too much and I'm usually not ready. I shall put a lot of practice in with Abel.
Ploid 3.0 said:
I can punish with blanka, but I'm clueless with Abel. I need a lot of practice with him online. Maybe even cpu, I'm just not comfortable with him yet. Getting that saturn usb pad soon, maybe that will help me with the mistake fallen star grabs. I always spit that out when I'm trying to do something else.

Thanks I'll use this info. What does xx stand for? I tried to figure it out but I couldn't. Yea I knew about the ultra after the cr. fp, but Hogashi screws me up when I'm too close to him and I'm paranoid to fight him that close. He throw a bit too much and I'm usually not ready. I shall put a lot of practice in with Abel.

Oh it doesn't mean anything lol. It's just something people use to space out the moves so they're easier to see.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
just began with ranked play, 450Bp yaay. It's more fun but I get bad ryu freeze up due to nervousness if it goes 3 rounds.

Liking blanka as well, I don't know what to do against fireballs with him though, get stuck across the screen a lot.

This game is the shit


Ploid 3.0 said:
I can punish with blanka, but I'm clueless with Abel. I need a lot of practice with him online. Maybe even cpu, I'm just not comfortable with him yet. Getting that saturn usb pad soon, maybe that will help me with the mistake fallen star grabs. I always spit that out when I'm trying to do something else.
On the way down, do his air command throw or his ground command throw, that does a decent amount of damage. I don't know which does more damage though.
I just played a kid that was pleading with me to let him win :(

I felt bad.. I was actually using Gen and trying to play around with him and do the super -> ultra combo :lol
Ploid 3.0 said:
I can punish with blanka, but I'm clueless with Abel. I need a lot of practice with him online. Maybe even cpu, I'm just not comfortable with him yet. Getting that saturn usb pad soon, maybe that will help me with the mistake fallen star grabs. I always spit that out when I'm trying to do something else.

Then just throw..?

All you were doing with Blanka to punish was a ball.. so if you just threw with Abel at least you'd get more then a MK would get u.


FindMyFarms said:
Oh it doesn't mean anything lol. It's just something people use to space out the moves so they're easier to see.

No, xx implicitly means to cancel (into special).

-> means link, I believe.


Goddammit. Seth is such a stupid character. Fuck you to whomever at Capcom thought it was a good idea of including such a stupid character.


Ploid 3.0 said:
Oh man I hate when that happens. PS3 controller here. It's not a lot but it happens a good number of crucial times.

I almost ragequit last night :lol I was playing a Zangief (that had almost 4k BP) in a best of 5 match. I won the first 2 and lost the last 3 cuz I kept doing the Blanka duck in the end (instead of the EX ball). I got Ultra'd in the end.

I was soooooooooooooo pissed at myself

I was *this* close to quitting but that would be so lame.


OuterWorldVoice said:

Ugh. Craigslist assholes asking $300 for a Hori stick.

macats has a shipment coming early april [what I was told by a GS district manager]. check your GS than


I understand doing the duck by accident when you try to ultra, but how are you getting that with EX ball? Are you using a 3p shortcut to do EX moves?

Ploid 3.0

TurtleSnatcher said:
Then just throw..?

All you were doing with Blanka to punish was a ball.. so if you just threw with Abel at least you'd get more then a MK would get u.

Yea I'll practice that, I don't throw much in this game. In sf2 I did but it was automatic almost. Before people played this and found out throw was lp+lk people figured throws would be used less. I just stopped using it, especially blanka's jump in hit then throw. However I never thought of throwing Hogashi after he missed a short dp. From my experience with those dp spammers if you don't hit them quickly you'll end up catching the next one. Which is pretty much what he was doing to me. I was choking.

It seems like hogashi can throw a dp out of any situation. I have no idea what properties the ex dp is but that thing screwed up a lot of my plans (ryu vs blanka marathons). I'd be in the middle of a combo with blanka and a dp interrupts it. I learned to bait it with blanka, but not yet with Abel, and I didn't expect him to be able to do the same with dan for some reason. I'm in the group that thought of dan as the insult opponent.
MoxManiac said:
No, xx implicitly means to cancel (into special).

-> means link, I believe.

Well I stand corrected! I always just used it as a place holder. Sorry about the wrong info Ploid.

GalacticAE : I get back in town Monday, and will be using the tag BananaFriends (please don't pick on me.) After our tourney match we'll have to get a lot of casuals in for sure. I've never been to EVO, and won't be going this year either :/ Do want to go eventually though, that would be sweet.

I MIGHT be going to the UFO tourny in Austin on April 17th though. You going? Or is that too far out from NM?

Ploid 3.0

Ah, I hate ex canceling. I always dash too much and screw it up (foward 3 times). Ex canceling seems useless for blanka though.


Man, I can't get in a game for anything today. I tried creating a game and nobody joined for 8 minutes. So I spent 10 minutes trying to join other people's games, and the connection always drops during the intro scene where the characters flex before the match.

Ploid 3.0

catfish said:
just began with ranked play, 450Bp yaay. It's more fun but I get bad ryu freeze up due to nervousness if it goes 3 rounds.

Liking blanka as well, I don't know what to do against fireballs with him though, get stuck across the screen a lot.

This game is the shit

Blanka has a lot of ways around fireballs now. You can easily jump over them, slide under them, ex beast roll past them, or go into the coward duck (down + 3punches).

FindMyFarms said:
Ploid : Check out Bustabust on youtube. He wrote the guide pretty much on how to play Abel, and that's where I drew all my info from.

Also make sure to check out the Abel forum on www.shoryuken.com if you haven't already.

Ok thanks for all the help. I gotta get away from blanka hah.

Dude holy crap
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C96PIu6BWYI&fmt=18 sick
This part in particular http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C96PIu6BWYI&fmt=18#t=2m17s

FindMyFarms said:
What did you use to upload your videos?

Forgot this part. I used a normal digital camera.


Zabka said:
I understand doing the duck by accident when you try to ultra, but how are you getting that with EX ball? Are you using a 3p shortcut to do EX moves?

Yeah. I have PPP set to Y on the 360 controller

ETA: I just figured out my problem....I'm doing "down (charge) > up+PPP" . THIS IS NOT A MOVE :lol For some stupid reason, I thought you could do the vertical roll like that.
FindMyFarms said:
Well I stand corrected! I always just used it as a place holder. Sorry about the wrong info Ploid.

GalacticAE : I get back in town Monday, and will be using the tag BananaFriends (please don't pick on me.) After our tourney match we'll have to get a lot of casuals in for sure. I've never been to EVO, and won't be going this year either :/ Do want to go eventually though, that would be sweet.

I MIGHT be going to the UFO tourny in Austin on April 17th though. You going? Or is that too far out from NM?
lol BananaFriends. Austin is far but I might see if a friend wants to take a roadtrip with me there because we'll be in Dallas that week. I've never been to UFO either.
GalacticAE said:
lol BananaFriends. Austin is far but I might see if a friend wants to take a roadtrip with me there because we'll be in Dallas that week. I've never been to UFO either.

Dude are you serious? Dallas is where I stay! Lemme know when you're in and I'll show you around town(you drink?) if you got the time and of course get a shit load of street fighter in.


dralla said:
macats has a shipment coming early april [what I was told by a GS district manager]. check your GS than

The most important question:

Will this new shipment of SE sticks have the joystick problem that the first batch of SE's had?
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