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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


MicVlaD said:
Just came in here to post that it's so much fun attempting to challenge El Fuerte's speed (in the hands of a competent player) as an offensive Dhalsim. That is all.
Someday, MicVlaD! Someday!! I'll beat your godly Dhalsim with my scrubby Fuerte. :lol


Ah perfected a Blanka, thats a good way to end the night. I think he was afk or something, but I won't see that ever again, so me is happy!

Eric WK

So I've been playing for a couple days and I'm still very bad, but I'm having fun and trying to get better. If anyone wants to do some Player Matches and kick my ass but provide some tips and constructive feedback after, I'd be appreciative.

Gamertag is IDK My BFF Eric. If I'm not on your list, feel free to send a request or find me through the NeoGAF VIP list. I also just added the GAF SFIV 2 tag, so once I get accepted that's an option.

blackadde said:
hey findmyfarms, good games. rog is a really strange mirror match. we both have a problem with random headbutts for sure, but that headbutt/ultra double KO was pretty funny.

c.strong to headbutt is a neat trick, i'm going to incorporate that asap.

GG's man, you definitely got the best of me. We'll have to play again soon!


Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
Man I hate how I win 6 or 7 matches only to have those points be offset by two losses to some scrotos, I made a net gain of like 20 points tonight...how can i fix it so I don't lose over 100 points when I lose and only gain like 30-50 when I win?


NameGenerated said:
Man I hate how I win 6 or 7 matches only to have those points be offset by two losses to some scrotos, I made a net gain of like 20 points tonight...how can i fix it so I don't lose over 100 points when I lose and only gain like 30-50 when I win?

My advice is to not lose!


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
PhatSaqs said:
The getting EX moves instead of Ultras thing has more to do with the new df,df DP shortcut than anything else. SF4s motion input is much more lenient. Just compare doing a hoolign or Feis chickwn wing in SF4 vs ST.

But Skils right in advising to concentrate on hitting the forward portion of the motion for QCF x 2 Ultras.

True, but the timing for some combos or cancels need to be dead-on perfect to be done right, like crouch LP to crouch HP with Ryu or Akuma, or standing HP to Flame Kick with Fei Long - things like these used to be easier to do before SFIV...

BitchTits said:
Yet, they added in df, df+P as a shortcut for all the Shoto spammers!

Already beaten, but yeah, that's a universal shortcut for any forward, down, down-forward move, like how Guile's super/Ultra can also be done with db, uf, db, uf + K/KKK...

MicVlaD said:
Just came in here to post that it's so much fun attempting to challenge El Fuerte's speed (in the hands of a competent player) as an offensive Dhalsim. That is all.

You know I'm itching to see how your Dhalsim is now - we definitely have to throw down again soon!


One thing that's starting to bother me here, people assume ANYONE playing a Shoto is a scrub now, seriously, I've seen some amazing Ken/Ryu/Akuma/Sagats. I'd say a flowchart Ken has more skill then the spam Blanka's ball and down-forward heavy over and over that I've been seeing on the rise lately.

Just my opinion, but some of you need to chill out with the OMG I GOT OWNED BY DRAGON PUNCHES. Shits not that hard to overcome. And if your falling for it WHY WOULDN"T they do it? Learn to block and counter?=P

Hell I'm just as guilty, I've had a couple matches today where i didn't do a damn thing but throw Gouken's charge fireball over and over and easily won:D
now im utterly fucked. the d-pad of my saturn controller just broke mid-game. i'll never forget the cracking sound following the inspection of the pads backside. this game screams bad luck. i cant believe all this shit. first, im not able to get a good stick for a whole freaking month and now my last hope lies in shatters before me.

now i need to wait forever for a replacement or shoot myself. since we dont have any guns here, i'll be forced to wait i guess.

anybody else had this shit happen to them? this is my first broken pad in almost 25 years!
Dear God... I just played against yeb's Gen and got utterly beasted.

I have no idea what to do against him as Gouken whatsoever. Make one mistake and the match is over. Reminds me of Yun's SA3...
Augemitbutter said:
now im utterly fucked. the d-pad of my saturn controller just broke mid-game. i'll never forget the cracking sound following the inspection of the pads backside. this game screams bad luck. i cant believe all this shit. first, im not able to get a good stick for a whole freaking month and now my last hope lies in shatters before me.

now i need to wait forever for a replacement or shoot myself. since we dont have any guns here, i'll be forced to wait i guess.

anybody else had this shit happen to them? this is my first broken pad in almost 25 years!

Maybe you're pressing it too hard. Just do it softly like you're petting a kitty.


I just ended a 22 game match a thon with a really good Ken player. It ended up in my favor by the margin of 12 to 10 games... It was a lot of fun.

Dragon punches are easy to block after a while... Blankas scare me still and same with Guiles. I mean I play Ryu and if I get close to them I got Flash kicked to death or rolled to death. So I end up using Zangief and see if the guy who is playing Blanka is a rookie or a pro and 60/40 ends up being a rookie who just knows how to do the many rolls of blanka and that is about it. So the lariot although being cheesy and lacking any ounce of skill does the job...

Guile argh, if the player is good I am dead... What should I against good Guile players as Ryu, Abel, Rufus, and Rose(sometimes)...


lol, found a fairly useless combo. I was in time attack mode fighting Rose with Sagat, and juggled into the ultra in the corner and the ultra stops before the last uppercut. Saw this before in the DSP video vs Saqs, so I went into training mode, and sure enough every time you juggle into ultra against Rose in the corner, the last uppercut doesn't work at all. Tried it against Vega and Fuerte, and it works on them, it might just be Rose that this works on. Anyways I tried following up with a few things and couldn't get anything to work except the super. So I'm not sure if this has any practical application at all, but if you want to make someone say "WTF?" you can combo Sagat's super after his ultra. Just need to back dash before the super.


Jesus christ, I have opponents on XBL before I even finish getting into the room I created. Last guy was showing the mad face, I guess because I hadn't readied already? So different from PSN.


Wow, Fuerte's ultra from run stop is fucking instantenous.

It can be done from any run, but the EX run lets you absorb 2 hits.
If I can just get my execution right, this thing just makes Fuerte's ultra very versatile.

Run stop is definitely very powerful - you can pretty much do any special/super/ultra from his run stop instantenously.
Someone keeps jumping back while you're running forward?
While running, do DP+P~K to do an instantenous guacamole throw from his run.

Someone's jumping forward while you're running and you have ultra stocked up? Do QCF QCF+P~KKK to do instantenous ultra from run.
A friend of mine actually kicked me out of her lobby for throwing her too much. :lol I'm taking this opportunity to incorporate more FAs and FADCs into my game in the place of throws. Feels like I'm re-learning the game from scratch, though, as I'm getting smacked around more so than usual in the meantime. All in good fun, though. Is it just me, or are Viper's and Gief's FAs awkward? Hm.


Back is block? Right? For fuck's sake...

I guess not if you're pressing buttons! I just noticed I was hitting buttons without realizing it! Guess it was a nervous habit to just jam on buttons when I'm being pressured. Huh. :lol Guess I need to record my hands or something to see what I'm doing wrong. :lol


So I've had some real issues getting ranked matches on PS3 today, you guys with the 360 versions of this: How long is it taking you to get into ranked matches?

I might just mod my stick to work for 360 as well if I can actually get into games in less than 3-5 min. (ok I'm over exaggerating just a bit, but I'm tired of putting my stick on turbo to get a damn match) :D


NameGenerated said:
Man I hate how I win 6 or 7 matches only to have those points be offset by two losses to some scrotos, I made a net gain of like 20 points tonight...how can i fix it so I don't lose over 100 points when I lose and only gain like 30-50 when I win?

Go into custom search and set the search to find players more skilled than you. If you lose, the damage won't be too bad. But if you win, the damage to THEM will be pretty significant :)

I beat a guy nearing 5k BP and gained 116. (He was Vega...all he did was poke the shit out of me and sky dive a million times. eff him up the a)
good games to findmyfarms earlier, i got my ass punished in the corner. need to work and pushing the action though, as he said i play too defensively which i agree. thanks for the advice.

to any other advanced players, i'm still looking to improve my game, so if any of you have free time and want to help me out it would be greatly appreciated, and i'll give you a virtual hug:D


I'm available on either PSN or XBL for a few games right now.
Koji-chan on PSN, Kojikun on XBL.
RevenantKioku said:
Telling me which one would help. :D

Yeah, that just occured to me. XD XBL. Invite sent whenever you're ready.

edit: ggs, man. :) You're one of the rare 1-bar fights I've had, but still a fun scrap.
MicVlaD said:
Just came in here to post that it's so much fun attempting to challenge El Fuerte's speed (in the hands of a competent player) as an offensive Dhalsim. That is all.
Guessing that was in reference to someone other then my Fuerte.. though I came close a few times.. Got to 5 rounds.

I started doing a Low Kick Guacamole the opposite direction since you like to air teleport behind and I'd grab you a few times :)


Please god let the Championship Edition patch have some kinda of match watching, I really feel like a pile of shit online atm, If I could watch some good Gouken players I would feel a lot better..Im not trying to cry or bitch bit man do i feel horible playing online trying to main Gouken atm, I do very well in a few matches....but most of the time i just get destroyed, I got up to 3122 BP, then I got dominated for the rest of the day(ok I won a few, but not many).... I just feel like a pile of shit online right now, and I refuse to give up on Gouken.. I know somewhere in here I can eather make myself good with hm, or by some chance he will come out with SOME good basic bread and butter combo.. Help someone plz :lol !


Shinjitsu said:
Please god let the Champion Ship Edition patch have some kinda of match watching, I really feel like a pile of shit online atm, If I could watch some good Gouken players I would feel a lot better..Im not trying to cry or bitch bit man do i feel horible playing online trying to main Gouken atm, I do very well in a few matches....but most of the time i just get destroyed, I got up to 3122 BP, then I got dominated for the rest of the day(ok I won a few, but not many).... I just feel like a pile of shit online right now, and I refuse to give up on Gouken.. I know somewhere in here I can eather make myself good with hi, or by some chance he will come out with SOME good basic bread and butter combo.. Help someone plz!

Hey at least you can break 1000! :lol Went from 700 to almost 900 and now 500 D:

I know my Chun Li sucks, and it really shows when I end up mirror matching a good one. Holy crap it's like some relentless beatdown! But man I'd love to face them more and see what I can learn from it. Maybe I should look into sparring with someone here. Not right now tho, stress is definitely getting to me right now.


Shinjitsu said:
Please god let the Championship Edition patch have some kinda of match watching, I really feel like a pile of shit online atm, If I could watch some good Gouken players I would feel a lot better..Im not trying to cry or bitch bit man do i feel horible playing online trying to main Gouken atm, I do very well in a few matches....but most of the time i just get destroyed, I got up to 3122 BP, then I got dominated for the rest of the day(ok I won a few, but not many).... I just feel like a pile of shit online right now, and I refuse to give up on Gouken.. I know somewhere in here I can eather make myself good with hm, or by some chance he will come out with SOME good basic bread and butter combo.. Help someone plz :lol !
posted earlier: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjCXlQV-Gmc

edit: it's not me playing

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
had a baaad run last night 7 losses on the trot :/

not bad though, 5 of them were to 1 guy who played gouken, never faced him before online and only know of him what I used, guy was good.

I've taken to not giving a shit about stats and just go looking for the beatdowns to improve my game, however, last night I couldn't even get a fireball out sometimes wtf.

definitely a case of burnout, but I'll be back.


Holy crap, how do I stop air attacks? I've had success upper-cutting El Fuerte (he is total cheese lol) but I can't stop Vega if a good player is doing his flying attacks :lol
Holy crap

After going 0-18 against my friends boxer, I've just been kicking dudes that use him online ass so much. He was by far my weakest matchup (I use Chun li) and now I feel I can do OK against him. Agh, going through the shit talk was worth it, I guess

edit: My glorious 40 game winning streak turned into a hideous 17. What.

editing the edit:and by 40 i mean 29. Stupid keyboard.


Finally started on ranked matches tonight. Got my Bp to 738. Feels pretty good.

Also, it's so amazing how every single Akuma player had the same strategy: fireball fireball fireball, RAGING DEMON. It was pretty awesome when they'd knock me down and try to catch me as I get up, and I'd just jump over it and super them in the ass. Worked every single time, plus Akuma takes a shit load of damage too.

Also, does anybody know any videos of a good Ken I can learn from? Any good Ken players on here? I know he's frowned upon but I think Ken is awesome and I'm sticking with him as my main.


NeoGAF: my new HOME
Zapages said:
Guile argh, if the player is good I am dead... What should I against good Guile players as Ryu, Abel, Rufus, and Rose(sometimes)...

With guys with balls you should be waiting for them to tire of turtling and come to you. Reflect SB's with Rose to shake them out and just hold your ground until you know they've lost their charge. With Abel and Rufus I got nothing, but Abel's roll can probably be used to bait them in to flash kicking which you can then punish with Abel's anti-air if you dash in under it.


Anyone else got to the point where they just quit a if people don't pick a char within 10-15 seconds? I'm so fucking sick of people sitting there for 30 seconds just to pick Ken, I could really care less who you play, just don't be a douche and wait for the timer to run out.:D


Hrm question. When you get grabbed while ducking/blocking. Can that be throw-canceled? I notice that's a giant defense flaw for me. But I've never been good at canceling throws either. But it'd be good to know if it's even possible to do that it from that stance or something.


I love reading about cancelling x into y at frame z or whatever and I'm still wondering half the time if the thing I inputed will actually happen or not. I'm really reaching the breaking point because I don't even know what to do anymore. Sitting in training for hours has accomplished nothing because no matter how many times I pull off a move in there, it never happens when I'm doing an actual fight. I don't even know what I'm needing to work on. I just feel like I'm pushing buttons and getting nowhere.

I'm looking at 153 wins out of 621. I guess I haven't fought as much as I thought I have, huh.

I dunno, still having fun but it's just frustrating that I don't even really know what to do anymore.
Just keep at it RK!

I'm assuming you haven't put any serious amount of time into fighting games until SFIV came along. The same basically applies for me, but I've had the benefit of having someone who is good at fighting games hold my hand through the journey; watching my hand movements, teaching me the intricacies of fighting games.

I'm still absolutely horrible at the game despite having played 150 hours, 800 online matches and hundreds of local matches with friends. Those really good people you see right now have been playing since the early days - we're probably not gonna get anywhere near close to their level of skill in a hundred hours.


Haha, yeah. I'm not trying to say I think I should be dominating, but when jump instead of hadouken, or shouoken instead of hadouken and lord knows how many times I Sakura Otoshi without even meaning to (and have never gotten a hit out of it!) it just starts to get frustrating. I'm "keeping at it" but I just feel like I am going backwards at times. :lol


Man, jumped into ranked last night after a few days break. Got beat by a scrubby Ryu and lost 100+ BP, got angry so tried to do more Challenges. Time Attack - Normal - #12 is impossible for me. Blanka eats up all my time in the 10th(?) round.... infuriating.
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