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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


Rice-Eater said:
Good stuff, it's nice to see a great Gouken player in action. He's the guy I want to learn to play the most out of all the new characters, except I can't do any of that cool stuff that you're doing. It would have been cool if you landed some counters though, I love using that move even because it's kind of fun to try and time it right.

Was that saqs in the second match?


The current issue with a small number of people is that when on the easier game difficulties, Seth is using special counters, blocking a ridiculous amount and teleporting without abandon. It's so bad that he becomes unbeatable for inexperienced players and others are just telling them to practice. As it turns out, however, it's some kind of conflict with the Install and the current 1.01 patch.
Is this true? It would explain a lot. Seems like it happens at random though. :lol
I beat Seth without a hitch multiple times but I'm now stuck at him and he's teleporting like crazy, blocking nearly every move and using shoryuken every time I try to jump kick him. :lol


Ok I have a new main, from Honda I've switched to Blanka. Easy switch around, I know have 2 back forwards, one straight spin, one in the air. Electricity instead of 100hand slap.

Now I have an extra DF+HP, slides under the fireballs easy.

Oh and yesterday was amazing, I totally pissed of some Ken player :lol

Kept slide punching under his spamming of hadukens, then when he got up from falling slid punched him again. When he panicked he would randomly shryuken which I'd just back off and electricity, he'd fall right on...

He sent me a "Fuck you, cheap and boring" msg.

I replied backed "lol" :lol :lol

Quick questions though, any tips of pulling off my Ultra, with double haduken players, the focus before hand works a charm, with the charge ultras not so much...


catfish said:
no, i mean i know it's that but I swear to the baby jesus it just doesn't stop throws. for me and me alone!

seriously though, how quick do you have to be? I was yelling at the screen 'I know you're going to throw me dick' and this cheesy abel was just roll, throw. everytime. it got to the point where my game (what there is of it) broke down with ryu and I couldn't hit normal moves because it was so demoralising.

I take it that a whiffed dragon punch = free throw regardless for the opponent because of recovery time?

Yup on the dragon punch.

Honestly, the only way to beat a throw is to become a thrower yourself;) The timing is super insane, so the only thing I can say is that if your close enough to throw: don't think about it, throw them. Also remember that most throws don't do alot of damage in comparison to old original SF2, so you can take a bunch of them: don't let em take you out of your game. Also, don't be that guy who gets thrown, then spends the whole match trying to get the guy back by throwing him:p

Really, Street Fighter is all mental. Second they have ya screaming at the screen they won, just be patient!


Online Ho Champ
TheCardPlayer said:
He's not the Ken from Third Strike but he's pretty good. Unfortunately, since he's the most used character online everyone and their mothers know how to fuck his shit up in seconds by now.

damn the whiners have won...long as his supers are retarded he's still the king of cheese though, the master of all things i out played you and yet lost... i love you ken...cheap bastard.


I played against this guy (MR CCT) who was like playing against a doppelganger of myself. After I beat him he sent me a message saying "You're my hero! I watch you on utube.". He also asked that I not put our matches up.

Xcopying is serious business :lol
Was that saqs in the second match?
same thing I was wondering. I think that is me and I believe ive played this guy several times.


good credit (by proxy)
oh fucking hell. i really really wanted to be 25k but i was too busy watching 2001 for the first time. i still can't find my disc for SFIV and i'm going off my rocker.


I received once a I give up message.

To which I helped and gave him some tips on his wrong ways. Hopefully more scrubs get better...


I lost god damn 600BP yesterday, 6 hours using quick search. Woke up today and decided to do custom search with higher skilled players instead and within 2 and a half hours I got back my 600BP. At 3128bp now with Blanka :D

I just dunno, it has to be from watching all these high level videos and when you face some one lower skilled u expect more because all you have seen is high level players on youtube videos but nope, jumping high kick, shoryuken to the face.

This definitely has something to do with the mindset you go into a game, damn this game is so physiological.

Also so many guiles are popping up now, I hate playing guile :(


Danielsan said:
Is this true? It would explain a lot. Seems like it happens at random though. :lol
I beat Seth without a hitch multiple times but I'm now stuck at him and he's teleporting like crazy, blocking nearly every move and using shoryuken every time I try to jump kick him. :lol

I've noticed a pattern to this when we were trying to unlock characters. If you lose a few matches on your way to Seth, his difficulty goes up. So, the best way to beat him is to not lose along the way.

I could be wrong, but that's what I did.
Sanjay said:
I just dunno, it has to be from watching all these high level videos and when you face some one lower skilled u expect more because all you have seen is high level players on youtube videos but nope, jumping high kick, shoryuken to the face.

I eat wakeup ultra like half the time and it's pretty frustrating. I never expect it because I never see it, whether playing locally with friends or watching better player's videos. It fucks me over so much, I need to be conscious of being too aggressive when the opponent is knocked down and has Ultra.


haunts said:
Yeah people say Sagat is easy but once you get into it a lot of his links are pretty rough. I'm still maybe 60% on a good day on his c.lk x2 c.lp xx tiger uppercut. :\

My biggest complaint about SF4, the timing is just too hard, and they said SF4 is meant to be noob friendly.

haunts said:
I lost to Darksyde Phil last night on ranked. I wonder if ill show up on video. :lol

I hope he does, I watch all his Blanka videos, my Blanka is powered by Darksyde Phil.


Bacon of Hope
_dementia said:
It's okay because you can't jump over fireballs online.


Sanjay said:
My biggest complaint about SF4, the timing is just too hard, and they said SF4 is meant to be noob friendly.

I hope he does, I watch all his Blanka videos, my Blanka is powered by Darksyde Phil.

He was using Balrog. I kept on doing wake up uppercuts trying to clip a limb and wiffing. lol. It was dumb.


Bacon of Hope
PhatSaqs said:
With luck maybe he'll call you a scrub! :lol

I sent him a friend request, I want to get some player matches in with him and record my own matches and upload them. :p

I dont think he accepted tho. lol.


good credit (by proxy)
"Seth is so hard"

"You must suck, he doesn't block"

"On my copy item #9377281894 he blocks"

"Actually, no he doesn't. The copy with that item number is right next to mine, #9377281894, meaning they must have been manufactured at the same time. Seth doesn't block dude."

"Well perhaps you failed to take into account that my cousin works at the plant where the discs are pressed and he told me that your copy was at the cutoff where they stopped pressing discs for the day. Mine was made on a different day, meaning that in my copy seth blocks."

"I spoke to the plant manager and he said that if there were changes made to the discs, it would have to be done on a weekly basis on sunday when they break down the machines for cleaning and maintenence. My disc was made on a thursday, meaning your disc could not have had any changes implemented with respect to mine. Seth does not block in either of our copies, bro."

"Maybe you talked to the plant manager, but my dad talked to Ono before release because he was concerned about Seth blocking only in certain copies of the game, so he and Ono took 2 random copies after they were manufactured, and tested them personally. It just so happens that the 2 discs they chose to test were the same item numbers that we have. Ono concluded that on your disc seth doesn't block, while on my disc seth does block and is also impossible to beat. It also just so happens that my dad can beat up your dad."

'Uhh.....well GOD himself told me tha"

"No he didn't."

"Well shit...."


DaCocoBrova said:
But...I was right.

Actually no..your wrong, Seth sure as fuck blocks on easy in my game as well. Yes he's easy once you know what to do. But telling someone they suck because they can't beat a cheesy boss in a fighting game is kind of lowbrow my friend.=P


Seeing as I don't have the cash for a fight stick pro. Which if these would be the preferred option?




Danielsan said:
Seeing as I don't have the cash for a fight stick pro. Which if these would be the preferred option?

The fight stick 3 isn't a bad stick at all for the price. The PS3 version works on PC as well without any mods. :D


Nothing beats having all your BP earned the last hour or so vaporized by a single loss. Holy hell, this game needs a host-set filter, not just for searches.


Just had another "Blanka streak". One Blanka after another and I still don't see how to beat him with Fuerte. I know how to counter his moves, but it never adds up and on top of that Fuerte wake up game is pretty much worthless. :/
Am I the only one that prefers the DS3 pad over other pads? I just really like how each direction is separated per say as opposed to being one whole circle. I think it really helps when doing srk motions off crouches since I have an easier time not hitting the diagonal on the way up.


Sanjay said:
Also so many guiles are popping up now, I hate playing guile :(

This, a million times. Hands down the most boring "fights" ever. Makes me miss Remy all the more seeing all these Guiles moon-walking every chance they get or crouching in a shell. Or jumping in and landing next to me with jab, jab, jab, jab ad-infinitum.

What is this games infatuation with the tippy-tap nonsense, anyway?? I can see Balrog--his LP's were a huge part of his combo game in ST--but I can't recall another SF with such a reliance on close-up crouching LP's/LK's. Ugh. Looks all mechanical and slow on top of that. Bah. Seeing videos of high level players jumping in with LK's, using Ken of all people. Just dunno what to make of that.

*rant off*
gutter_trash said:
I Sumo Butt Slpashed a Guile to death,
he said

What a scrub. He isn't man enough to fight with you.

bob_arctor said:
This, a million times. Hands down the most boring "fights" ever. Makes me miss Remy all the more seeing all these Guiles moon-walking every chance they get or crouching in a shell. Or jumping in and landing next to me with jab, jab, jab, jab ad-infinitum.

I hate Remy's design, but he was fun to play with. However, these turtle Guile's are giving him a bad name. Dude's should be mixing it up a lot and DB charging for booms more often. I'm facing better Guile's more often now, but they still moon walk alot. It's like they refuse to take advantage of his good recovery on booms and awesome pokes. I love when others think I'll be all about defense and then rush the shit outta them, the only time I'll be a full screen away is when Chun's got an ultra (ate way too many of those already) or I'm prepping an EX Boom. Otherwise, it's usually more (intelligent) offense than defense.

As if I'm at school for another 3 hours... le sigh.


bob_arctor said:
What is this games infatuation with the tippy-tap nonsense, anyway?? I can see Balrog--his LP's were a huge part of his combo game in ST--but I can't recall another SF with such a reliance on close-up crouching LP's/LK's. Ugh. Looks all mechanical and slow on top of that. Bah. Seeing videos of high level players jumping in with LK's, using Ken of all people. Just dunno what to make of that.
Mainly due to hit confirming but also largely because these are pretty much the only safe block strings most characters have. Blockstun is really short in SF4.
FindMyFarms said:
Am I the only one that prefers the DS3 pad over other pads? I just really like how each direction is separated per say as opposed to being one whole circle. I think it really helps when doing srk motions off crouches since I have an easier time not hitting the diagonal on the way up.

Well I can give you my answer by next Friday or Monday depending on when my Saturn pad gets here. I never owned a Saturn or held the controller so I don't know what it feels like, but apparently it's considered the best pad for 2D fighters so that's why I ordered one. But to date, the Dual Shock series has always been my favorite controller for 2D fighters over any other pad or fight stick(I'm terrible with fight sticks).

My two problems with the DS3 is that it grinds down my thumb and I have a lot of trouble pulling off Ultras. I just don't get it, whenever I try to pull one off I do a EX Shoryuken about 80% of the time. So I'm hoping the Saturn pad will help solve these two issues that I'm having with the DS3. If not then the DS3 is still #1 in my book.


PhatSaqs said:
Mainly due to hit confirming but also largely because these are pretty much the only safe block strings most characters have. Blockstun is really short in SF4.

:-( Things like that feed the love/hate relationship I have with this game. 5-hit jab combos need to die a quick death. Unless you're Balrog/Boxer.


going to my first sf tournament this saturday! I'm fully expecting to choke and go 0-2 to flowchart kens, but i'd like to do well enough at least be taken seriously on a small local level. Any badasses on live wanna humble me for a bit tonight so I can get some practice?
DaCocoBrova said:
You must be really horrible at the game then.

You know what? I am really horrible at the game--I'm learning, jackass. I suppose I should pour one out for all my homies that have fallen to Seth. Oh wait, then not only would I suck, but you'd call me racist too.

Edit: And he sure as hell does block. Maybe you were playing with 1 round matches--the first round he hardly blocks at all. You can fireball spam him and he just walks into them. After that round he goes apeshit insane.


Cowie said:
going to my first sf tournament this saturday! I'm fully expecting to choke and go 0-2 to flowchart kens, but i'd like to do well enough at least be taken seriously on a small local level. Any badasses on live wanna humble me for a bit tonight so I can get some practice?

If you are on PSN add me: Zapages....

I am ok at the game 1500 BP so far...


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
SnakeswithLasers said:
Edit: And he sure as hell does block. Maybe you were playing with 1 round matches--the first round he hardly blocks at all. You can fireball spam him and he just walks into them. After that round he goes apeshit insane.

If you play 1 round matches, he starts off in apeshit mode. But seriously, his AI doesn't know how to handle sweeps.


Digital Foundry
Who here agrees Capcom should've implemented a BP-per-character system? By that I mean, whenever you begin playing with a different character in Ranked Matches, you start afresh from 0 BP. This would imply the following:

1. You'd never lose the BP earned with your "main", which therefore nulifies any consequence to trying someone new.

2. Seeing as there are 20 different characters, there'd also be an according 20 ways to add to a "Total BP" value. This would provide a heightened incentive for people to commit themselves evenly, across the roster as a whole, in order to maximise that ultimate score.

3. You'd always play people of similar skill (around 0 BP) at a time when you're getting used to a new character.

4. The time spent playing with alternative styles could inspire people to take up a new "main" (ie. less Kens and more Dhalsims and Gens). It's a long shot, but every little helps.

You could argue that the Practise and Player Match modes serve as suitable intermediaries before the highly competitive realm of Ranked matches, and that'd be a reasonable point. However, besides offering that old school competitive element, you'd expect the game design to be conducive to variety and experimentation. Surely the best of both worlds is only a patch away?


needs to show more effort.
SnakeswithLasers said:
lol, so I have to resort to cheese. =P Oh well.
against AI in any fighting game, good offensive tactics/mixups don't really work. Just use cheese to unlock the characters and then play online to actually learn to be good. You will save yourself all kinds of irritation.

Also I'm sure someone already pointed this out but in case they didn't, there are difficulty settings easier than 'easy'

easist, very easy, easy, medium, medium hard, hard, very hard, hardest
personally I think they should have stuck with the 1star->8star difficulty system from the old games. It was much more obvious.


Digital Foundry
Dartastic said:
I like that idea lots. I was actually thinking about the same thing a couple weeks ago.
It's a pretty logical conclusion, I suppose. The fact we arrived at the same one independently infers many others have done the same, and that a general consensus on the matter is probably forming. With any luck, one of those enlightened people are working on SFIV: Turbo right now :p
Oh well. TOO LATE NOW.
Capcom will sort the world out one step at a time; first a patch for SFIV's lobby/BP system, then a cure for AIDS, and then Jesus' ressurection. It's all in the planning.
slayn said:
against AI in any fighting game, good offensive tactics/mixups don't really work. Just use cheese to unlock the characters and then play online to actually learn to be good. You will save yourself all kinds of irritation.

Also I'm sure someone already pointed this out but in case they didn't, there are difficulty settings easier than 'easy'

easist, very easy, easy, medium, medium hard, hard, very hard, hardest
personally I think they should have stuck with the 1star->8star difficulty system from the old games. It was much more obvious.

I'm sorry, I'm not really whining here--I just took offense to the dude being an ass about how horrible I am.

I just got the game, haven't really played SF in 10 years, and even then I just dabbled on Genesis. So I'm learning to play the game by playing through arcade with Chun Li and leaving my modes open to people joining to beat my ass.

So to reiterate: I'm just playing to have fun and I agree with the other posters who are confused as to why 'easy' which was fun up until Seth, turns into a total frustrating ass-rapery. Sure, that's the "fighting game thing" but I don't like getting stoked on things just because "that's how they always were."

I know I can turn it to easiest and 1 round fights if I want to unlock dudes, but I don't want to do that: I want to play through and feel like I'm slowly getting better. Hitting a wall is frustrating, and I was just empathizing with others in the same situation as me.
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