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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


lawblob said:
Man, jumped into ranked last night after a few days break. Got beat by a scrubby Ryu and lost 100+ BP, got angry so tried to do more Challenges. Time Attack - Normal - #12 is impossible for me. Blanka eats up all my time in the 10th(?) round.... infuriating.

Blanka ruins everything!

I hope they kill him off in SF5 or something!


I'm utterly shit at this game. I watched some of those combo videos but I swear you need super human reaction skills for that. I'm getting to old for this shit. :lol
My thumb is sore as hell too. :lol
Danielsan said:
I'm utterly shit at this game. I watched some of those combo videos but I swear you need super human reaction skills for that. I'm getting to old for this shit. :lol
My thumb is sore as hell too. :lol
Yeah... a lot of the technical stuff isn't done using a standard controller.

You don't have to be a machine memorizing moves and combos to be proficient though.
Just start by learning the easiest ways to do big damage and punish opponents. A lot of the ridiculous showy stuff has so much damage reduction they're pointless in real matches.


lawblob said:
Man, jumped into ranked last night after a few days break. Got beat by a scrubby Ryu and lost 100+ BP, got angry so tried to do more Challenges. Time Attack - Normal - #12 is impossible for me. Blanka eats up all my time in the 10th(?) round.... infuriating.

you tried using zangief?


Shinjitsu said:
Anyone else got to the point where they just quit a if people don't pick a char within 10-15 seconds? I'm so fucking sick of people sitting there for 30 seconds just to pick Ken, I could really care less who you play, just don't be a douche and wait for the timer to run out.:D
It's a peeve yeah, but I think they're expecting you to do the same so if you pick quickly, when they see you doing that, they usually do the same.

I've been spending time in training mode recently trying to get my timings with combos better. I love pulling off Chun-Li's Ultra after her MK->MK->down up kick move (whatever that is called) when an opponent is in the corner the whole thing connects :D

I still have trouble getting Gen's Super -> Ultra, because I can't pull it off 100% of the time, I usually choose not to risk wasting the Ultra bar and go for something else after the Super. Damn 360 pad!
BitchTits said:
I've been spending time in training mode recently trying to get my timings with combos better. I love pulling off Chun-Li's Ultra after her MK->MK->down up kick move (whatever that is called) when an opponent is in the corner the whole thing connects :D

Nice. I haven't worked on that setup much. In fact, I haven't worked on setting up the ultra enough. I'm getting better with little things in my Chun game, though, like timing for her links.

Sagat is killing me, though. The timing for his links seems a bit more strict than Chun's and I can't connect the F+HK after FADC TU for the life of me. I've only spent ~15 minutes trying it a couple times, but I can't seem to get it. I'm starting to get the cancels down now, though.


Bacon of Hope
prodystopian said:
Nice. I haven't worked on that setup much. In fact, I haven't worked on setting up the ultra enough. I'm getting better with little things in my Chun game, though, like timing for her links.

Sagat is killing me, though. The timing for his links seems a bit more strict than Chun's and I can't connect the F+HK after FADC TU for the life of me. I've only spent ~15 minutes trying it a couple times, but I can't seem to get it. I'm starting to get the cancels down now, though.

Yeah people say Sagat is easy but once you get into it a lot of his links are pretty rough. I'm still maybe 60% on a good day on his c.lk x2 c.lp xx tiger uppercut. :\

Some days are better than others though were I land his links like all the time, but the timing is pretty strict so if im having an off day it just gets me in a lot of trouble.

As far as the F+RH, just wait a second till they drop about head level then do it.


_dementia said:
Yeah... a lot of the technical stuff isn't done using a standard controller.

You don't have to be a machine memorizing moves and combos to be proficient though.
Just start by learning the easiest ways to do big damage and punish opponents. A lot of the ridiculous showy stuff has so much damage reduction they're pointless in real matches.
Yeah I figured most decent players use arcade sticks. The problem is that I've never played a fighting game using an arcade stick and I don't particularly feel like blowing €80+ on a piece of hardware that I'm uncertain about. On the other hand, the d-pad is really fucking up my thumb and as it is now I can't get moves out 100% of the time.
haunts said:
Yeah people say Sagat is easy but once you get into it a lot of his links are pretty rough. I'm still maybe 60% on a good day on his c.lk x2 c.lp xx tiger uppercut. :\

Some days are better than others though were I land his links like all the time, but the timing is pretty strict so if im having an off day it just gets me in a lot of trouble.

As far as the F+RH, just wait a second till they drop about head level then do it.

With Chun, if you mash, you may not get the combo, but you'll usually keep pressure. With Sagat, you really can't mash for poke strings. That is an interesting way to 'balance' him. If your timing isn't TIGHT you will get a reversal or stuffed against a good player.

My problem with the F+RH is doing dash F+RH at all. I usually hit it too soon and the RH doesn't come out. I just need more time in practice mode, which I'll have now that I got all of the damn colors:D .


Shinjitsu said:
THANK YOU!:D Glad to see some one else sees the appeal in the EX dragon punch> dash > hurricane kick=) your a bit better with your overall execution than I am though. =)

I absolutely love Gouken though, and plan on making him my main for a very long time.

Was able to win a tight match yesterday with this combo except I did his Ultra instead of the Hurricane Kick. I also like just basic combos with him--like jump in FP, standing FP into Shinshoryuken super. Or a variation where you substitute cr.MP for the standing FP, which looks more stylish to me. I think it's also possible off a close MK which also looks dope.

Finally got up past 2000 BP yesterday as well--my Abel was doing really well whereas my Gouken was struggling. Abel's cross-up MK off opponent wake-up is still a major problem for a lot of people apparently.
RevenantKioku said:
I love reading about cancelling x into y at frame z or whatever and I'm still wondering half the time if the thing I inputed will actually happen or not. I'm really reaching the breaking point because I don't even know what to do anymore. Sitting in training for hours has accomplished nothing because no matter how many times I pull off a move in there, it never happens when I'm doing an actual fight. I don't even know what I'm needing to work on. I just feel like I'm pushing buttons and getting nowhere.

I'm looking at 153 wins out of 621. I guess I haven't fought as much as I thought I have, huh.

I dunno, still having fun but it's just frustrating that I don't even really know what to do anymore.

I think I'm 3 and 75. Probably doesn't make you feel better, but it doesn't make me feel better either.

Edit: Anyway, I spent a lot of time in challenge mode with Chun Li last night. I'm stuck. But whatever.

When I left challenge mode, I managed to almost beat the game in easy--whereas before I was getting beaten at around the 3rd or 4th guy. So I must have gotten a little better. I can't beat Seth though. WTF. =/


SnakeswithLasers said:
I think I'm 3 and 75. Probably doesn't make you feel better, but it doesn't make me feel better either.
Hahah I think I won a total of 3 online games out of 100. It doesn't help that I'm playing Viper but whatever. :lol


Bacon of Hope
RevenantKioku said:
I love reading about cancelling x into y at frame z or whatever and I'm still wondering half the time if the thing I inputed will actually happen or not. I'm really reaching the breaking point because I don't even know what to do anymore. Sitting in training for hours has accomplished nothing because no matter how many times I pull off a move in there, it never happens when I'm doing an actual fight. I don't even know what I'm needing to work on. I just feel like I'm pushing buttons and getting nowhere.

I'm looking at 153 wins out of 621. I guess I haven't fought as much as I thought I have, huh.

I dunno, still having fun but it's just frustrating that I don't even really know what to do anymore.

Learn your best anti-airs for each character you use so people cannot jump at you with out getting punished. From there find the best normal moves you have to pressure with and interrupt their attacks. Dont feel like you have to use every last attack that you have, just find the fastest ones with the most priority.

Try to push the opponent into a corner if at all possible to limit their options. Once you have them there, keep them there. Dont try to engage them, just stand a character width or so away from them and keep them there with whatever solid moves you have.

Focus on that, focus on having a game plan before each match and you should do a lot better.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
ok, I almost had my first videogame related violent episode since childhood.

someone teach me what to do against throws. fucking any throws. I thought it was just push 2 buttons and that stops the throw, but I get thrown around like a rag doll. Didn't hurt that I kept doing dragon punches by accident in the last matches, but it got to the point that abel was just roll -> throw for free.

I tried to be patient and learn from it, but you know that feeling when you feel like a magnet for bullshit? FUUUUUUUUCK
catfish said:
ok, I almost had my first videogame related violent episode since childhood.

someone teach me what to do against throws. fucking any throws. I thought it was just push 2 buttons and that stops the throw, but I get thrown around like a rag doll. Didn't hurt that I kept doing dragon punches by accident in the last matches, but it got to the point that abel was just roll -> throw for free.

I tried to be patient and learn from it, but you know that feeling when you feel like a magnet for bullshit? FUUUUUUUUCK
LP+LK, it's not just any two buttons.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
_dementia said:
LP+LK, it's not just any two buttons.
no, i mean i know it's that but I swear to the baby jesus it just doesn't stop throws. for me and me alone!

seriously though, how quick do you have to be? I was yelling at the screen 'I know you're going to throw me dick' and this cheesy abel was just roll, throw. everytime. it got to the point where my game (what there is of it) broke down with ryu and I couldn't hit normal moves because it was so demoralising.

I take it that a whiffed dragon punch = free throw regardless for the opponent because of recovery time?
catfish said:
no, i mean i know it's that but I swear to the baby jesus it just doesn't stop throws. for me and me alone!

seriously though, how quick do you have to be? I was yelling at the screen 'I know you're going to throw me dick' and this cheesy abel was just roll, throw. everytime. it got to the point where my game (what there is of it) broke down with ryu and I couldn't hit normal moves because it was so demoralising.
was this Abel command throwing?


Bacon of Hope
Cat fish, I get thrown a lot too.. The timing.. I dont even quite get it myself.. seems like you really have to anticipate the throw and do it super early.. but maybe I should be doing it later? I have no idea really..


hey if anybody wants to play some player matches tonight, let me know. I need to get more practice with my Balrog and Ryu.

gt: meierlynk


Digital Foundry
Is it me, or are Gen's aerial strikes (Oga, for example) absolutely useless? If the opponent knows the character's capable of that class of move, they can predict/block them easily - especially after the 2 second DB charge. I mean, if I'm crouching at the other side of the screen to avoid high attacks, what else could I be planning? :lol

I'm still keen to develop his short-range (mantis) combos, since throughout my 60 hours of play I've yet to contest anyone using him (let alone proficiently). No doubt that's because he's obscenely difficult to get to grips with, and definitely one to master with a decent arcade stick.

He's worth practising with for the surprise factor alone though; too few people online have seen enough of him to really know what's coming next. It doesn't make the road any less rocky, however...


Idk, if anyone mentioned this, but Capcom is releasing a new Street Fighter Art book next month. Looks pretty thick too!


Heres the store link: http://www.e-capcom.com/ec/srDispProductDetailCsLink/doColorSizeLink/1/1/A10001466/10/10/srDispProductDetail/1

I found this on Akiman's blog, who was one main artists on Street Fighter back in the day. The guy does excellent work! might be a bit NSFW http://blog.livedoor.jp/akiman7/
Cataferal said:
He's worth practising with for the surprise factor alone though; too few people online have seen enough of him to really know what's coming next. That said, it's a very rocky road with this'n'...

I've never been dominated by a character so much than by a good Gen. I've had two separate master-Gens absolutely crush me, whereas every other character I am at least competitive against.

So my advice: stick with him, and try to learn from the pros. Gen is just insane.

Too difficult for me to use right now though.


This might not be the best way, but maybe for those who really suck, why not try playing for a while just doing what you think might work and not going after combos or emulating the pro's. Try to make the learning experience more organic and naturally develop the basics, then move up to combos and what not.


All you have to do is FW HK/HP (almost all characters have good FW attacks) + mixing with CHK time to time (to make him fall - again, most characters have this) & SPAM this over & over.

Seth is in fact a pain when you try to be good (aka combos/throws/mix ups)


SnakeswithLasers said:
I spent 30 minutes trying to beat him on Easy last night and eventually gave up.
I beat him once on medium with Ken.
I'm now running through arcade on easiest with rounds set to 1. I want unlock all characters. However I'm shocked how unforgiving he game can be even on the easiest difficulty. :lol
Askia47 said:
Idk, if anyone mentioned this, but Capcom is releasing a new Street Fighter Art book next month. Looks pretty thick too!


Heres the store link: http://www.e-capcom.com/ec/srDispProductDetailCsLink/doColorSizeLink/1/1/A10001466/10/10/srDispProductDetail/1

I found this on Akiman's blog, who was one main artists on Street Fighter back in the day. The guy does excellent work! might be a bit NSFW http://blog.livedoor.jp/akiman7/
I've been thinking of getting Udon's Street Fighter Tribute book but after hearing about this one a few weeks back I think I'll be trying to find this instead.
RevenantKioku said:
I'm really reaching the breaking point because I don't even know what to do anymore.

I've been playing SF pretty hardcore since 1999, can do some mean combos in Third Strike, Alpha 3 etc. And I miss combos every match in this game. The timing window is just so small that it will wind up completely different if for instance you are doing a jump-in combo and land one frame earlier or later than you expected. Other games were much more lenient here.

This is one aspect of SFIV which frustrates me, especially since the unreliability of many combos makes fighting Zangief rather hellacious. Still, I'm still trying to get more consistent, and maybe one day I'll look back and be like 'that shit was easy'.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
SnakeswithLasers said:
I spent 30 minutes trying to beat him on Easy last night and eventually gave up.

You must be really horrible at the game then.
Fighting Seth in Arcade mode is completely different from actual playing. Don't try to play well, use basic attacks and patterns. He's really easy once you get the hang of it.


A good AI hole I've found when you play as Dhalsim is that when you transport, they automatically attack. Automatically. No instant air teleports will ever work, as your opponent WILL instantly attack you in your vulnerable state.

The solution? Yoga Catastrophe, and just before it hits your opponent, teleport. He will try to attack you and end up eating the Ultra. Works for Seth too.


I think I beat Seth in arcade mode with almost every character simply by jump kicking and then jumping backwards and then jump kicking again.. felt a bit tedious to unlock the characters but you only have to do it until they are unlocked so no biggie.
LakeEarth said:
A good AI hole I've found when you play as Dhalsim is that when you transport, they automatically attack. Automatically. No instant air teleports will ever work, as your opponent WILL instantly attack you in your vulnerable state.

The solution? Yoga Catastrophe, and just before it hits your opponent, teleport. He will try to attack you and end up eating the Ultra. Works for Seth too.

A good AI hole I noticed was "LAAARRRRRRRIAT!" (to be spoken in Russian accent)
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