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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


MIMIC said:
I love that Blanka's EX ball can go through Ultra projectiles :lol

Yeah, I had a mate do Ryu's Ultra from full screen away thinking he could chip damage me, I could have simply jumped over it but no, I EX ball to win it in style.


Teknopathetic said:
"I just added you Teknopathic man...

My PSN is Zapages

PS: Anyone wants to go right please send me an invite you guys... :)"

I don't see an invite. My PSN is MoodyShuffle.

I added Oichi and you, but something happened... I accepted the invite for adding friend.. :)

I just had some great matches with Askia47... Sorry about the last character aka Ken... I was playing with one hand and my elbow as I was talking with father on the phone...

Askia47 man you have great Cammy! :) How were my Ryu, Abel, Rufus, and Rufus?


Zapages said:
I added Oichi and you, but something happened... I accepted the invite for adding friend.. :)

I just had some great matches with Askia47... Sorry about the last character aka Ken... I was playing with one hand and my elbow as I was talking with father on the phone...

Askia47 man you have great Cammy! :) How were my Ryu, Abel, Rufus, and Rufus?

Great matches Zapages! All of your characters are really good! One of your main strengths is crossing up on your opponent. When you were using ryu I didnt know from which side you were going to attack. It confused me sometimes. Overall good games indeed. :)
Cowie said:
yeah as Rufus i get very few rage quits, and am yet to receive a hate message for whatever reason. just 'gg nice rufus'. I guess you just can't hate the fatty.
I had a Rufus rage quit on me last night after I hit my ultra. I never thought I'd see that. I was disgusted. So disgusted I figured I'd join the 'posting pics of droppers' club.


He wasn't a bad player, either. Way to bring shame to the fatties. :(
Got to play tony at GDC in the sony booth. That was fun. He has a good ken. I was like one of the only fuerte users at gdc :( the criware booth had SF4 and was more popular then the Nintendo booth lol.


Bacon of Hope
TurtleSnatcher said:
Got to play tony at GDC in the sony booth. That was fun. He has a good ken. I was like one of the only fuerte users at gdc :( the criware booth had SF4 and was more popular then the Nintendo booth lol.

Did you go to the Ono confrence or w/e?
after I read on SRK about Blanka Ultra following a front hop.. I started messing with and it's fun... works on cross up too

charge back, down-front +K+K+K, back and then time f +P+P+P

= too awesome on unsuspecting people

the down-front corner input helps you avoid doing an Ex Rainbow Roll by mistake


Duke Togo said:

This sort of thing is getting tiresome. So many people don't set their icons or anything, how the hell am I supposed to know who's new and who's just being a rebel and not setting their stuff? I replied "you should take a break, you seem upset".

At least he got you're right.
I don't see what's wrong with Guile. I score more dizzies with him than with any other character in the roster simply because of his target combo. Flash Kick is far less dependable, but EX is solid. I can't turtle worth dick with him anymore, but I truly fear any rushdown Guile worth a damn.

Ploid 3.0

gutter_trash said:
after I read on SRK about Blanka Ultra following a front hop.. I started messing with and it's fun... works on cross up too

charge back, down-front +K+K+K, back and then time f +P+P+P

= too awesome on unsuspecting people

the down-front corner input helps you avoid doing an Ex Rainbow Roll by mistake

I have been practicing and using this for the past week but it's inconsistent for me (sixaxis). I do the presses exactly the same, but it just miss randomly. The coward duck kind of oops, the ultra didn't happen situation (don't actually do coward duck instead, it just don't ultra). However I came to love forward hop ex up ball, or normal up ball. What's the properties of ex up ball anyway? High priority startup frames?

Attack You said:
I don't see what's wrong with Guile. I score more dizzies with him than with any other character in the roster simply because of his target combo. Flash Kick is far less dependable, but EX is solid. I can't turtle worth dick with him anymore, but I truly fear any rushdown Guile worth a damn.

In the right hands, a Guile will give me nightmares. I play blanka.


Trucker Sexologist
Attack You said:
I don't see what's wrong with Guile. I score more dizzies with him than with any other character in the roster simply because of his target combo. Flash Kick is far less dependable, but EX is solid. I can't turtle worth dick with him anymore, but I truly fear any rushdown Guile worth a damn.
Guile is pretty beastly in close range, but he lacks a strong move that can safely cover horizontal distance and close the gap. A smart player is just going to out-turtle Guile. Akuma matchups particularly suck.


gutter_trash said:
after I read on SRK about Blanka Ultra following a front hop.. I started messing with and it's fun... works on cross up too

charge back, down-front +K+K+K, back and then time f +P+P+P

= too awesome on unsuspecting people

the down-front corner input helps you avoid doing an Ex Rainbow Roll by mistake

His forward hop > vertical roll works quite well, too. I have a lot of success with it when I hop to the other side of my opponent.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
Decided to play after a few days of calm down- go into player match

ok guy
dude who called me gay for using rose
ok guy

Reminds me of SCIV. I think some of this is me, I tend to have a particularly annoying style in most fighters- though SFIV doesn't allow me to use it to my full potential like SNK games do.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Threi said:
speaking of that i got so pissed at my cousin who has NO idea how Akuma's ultra works (he thinks it will always hit on opponent wakeup) but he got me with it because i was stupid enough to roll around like a fool and forgot he had a bar :(

Akuma's ultra is painfully easy to avoid. I can't imagine being hit by it unless you're coming down and forget to attack.

EDIT: In regards to all the hatred online, I haven't faced any of it. Everyone I've played against has been really cool. People mostly send me friend requests after matches or simply send a message saying "Nice Dan, dude."

Also, I tend to only play with friends unless it's really really late night, because I assume most people are douches online.


Did not ask for this tag
arstal said:
Decided to play after a few days of calm down- go into player match

ok guy
dude who called me gay for using rose
ok guy

Reminds me of SCIV. I think some of this is me, I tend to have a particularly annoying style in most fighters- though SFIV doesn't allow me to use it to my full potential like SNK games do.

What separate universe do you guys play this game in? Either this is bullshit or I'm the luckiest man on Earth. Is that LIVE or PSN? Either way, all this whining bullshit is starting to really piss me off. First it was the alt costume looks and prices that everyone talked about, next it was the shoto whine, and now it's shoto & quitter whining.

Fucking crybabies, get real friends to play the game with if the only way to play for you guys is to play 6 games online and then run off to GAF to cry about it. There has to be some other noise about the game in the official thread than the constant whaambulance sirens.

Now, sorry for the offtopic, but I can't decide which voice setting to use with Balrog, neither really sound like a black guy but I can't make up my mind which one of his death screams is more hilarious. Leaning towards "MY FIGHTMONEYYYYYY" :lol


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Osaka said:
What separate universe do you guys play this game in? Either this is bullshit or I'm the luckiest man on Earth. Is that LIVE or PSN?

I'm with you man. I've had a really positive experience on PSN.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
man this game is like "THE MAN" and Abel is like "THE BLACK MAN", little shit holding him out of the top tier category

-lack of an anti air that people should fear.
-move coming out too slow
-recovers slow from almost Any move(command or not)
-weird hit detection in some moves, ie the tornado throw looks like it has reach but really does'nt, His Super sometime comes as close as you can get yet he wont grab em...

Next SF i think Capcom should give him another command grab, preferably on that can grab you crouching.


needs to show more effort.
I keep inviting people to play on psn but everyone is ignoring me :(

who wants to play right now:


ggs to everyone i played today, need to work on my bison crossup. I always fail to fully charge during the c.lp, c.lp, c.lk string.

and i still keep screwing up the abel c.hp > falling sky. I thought i had it down but i can never seem to do it whenever i want. Oh well on to practice mode for me :(


ive had 3 drops and only like 2 random douches since launch , I dont wear my headset though for the game so maybe that lowers the douche quotient.


Mrs. Harvey
I've been doing my own version of rage quitting. Beat them and quit somewhere during the deciding round. :lol They're like, "WTH?"


slayn said:
I keep inviting people to play on psn but everyone is ignoring me :(

who wants to play right now:

Sorry Slayn... I was playing a friend of mine in a rank game...

Let's try to play tomorrow or something man.

Thanks Askia. :)

I am trying to make Abel my back up right now...

My main is Ryu, then its Abel, followed by Rufus, and then Balrog. I would like to learn all these characters... :)

I am not good with charged characters though. lol


I'm like a Hadouken, down-right Fierce!
okay, added zapages, askia, and slayn to my list. gutter_trash, already got you on there.

I live in Japan so the lag might be shit, but i played tre last night and it wasn't terribly laggy.
Question. This might have been mentioned already or what not, but: in the character art gallery in SFIV on the second to last and last page there's some character that seems like a cross between Balrog and Ken. Who is this? Scrapped? Or possible future content?


Did not ask for this tag
singularity said:
Question. This might have been mentioned already or what not, but: in the character art gallery in SFIV on the second to last and last page there's some character that seems like a cross between Balrog and Ken. Who is this? Scrapped? Or possible future content?

If you mean the bald black guy in a shoto outfit, it does say there that it's a "New Character Idea", which prolly means it's somebody that got replaced by abel/viper/rufus/fuerte/gouken. Could also be that it's just a concept art thing for Ken's alt costume, as there's the black dude wearing the exact costume in a colored pic on page 17 I believe.

The spiky haired fat dude is prolly a scrapped Rufus design or something.


GGS to GalacticAE! He gave me quite a beating, esp. with Balrog. Nice to see Ken used really well too.

EDIT: sorry i missed your invites, slayn and tekno.
MoxManiac said:
GGS to GalacticAE! He gave me quite a beating, esp. with Balrog. Nice to see Ken used really well too.

EDIT: sorry i missed your invites, slayn and tekno.
GGs and fun matches. Those ex messiah kicks are a pain. I actually never knew they could be punished on block until I decided to try it. :D.


needs to show more effort.
Thanks for the matches tekno, that last one was intense. You were getting pretty good against my blanka shenanegans. Very nice bison.

I think you need to learn to be more offensive with sagat though. A turtle sagat is good, but I've become pretty comfortable with approaching a turtling sagat now. And you would be a lot stronger with him if you could switch back and forth between turtle and offense.
Omar Ismail said:
Dear God... I just played against yeb's Gen and got utterly beasted.

I have no idea what to do against him as Gouken whatsoever. Make one mistake and the match is over. Reminds me of Yun's SA3...
Don't worry, I'm clueless against him (as Dhalsim though) too. Gen's so confusing.

TurtleSnatcher said:
Guessing that was in reference to someone other then my Fuerte.. though I came close a few times.. Got to 5 rounds.

I started doing a Low Kick Guacamole the opposite direction since you like to air teleport behind and I'd grab you a few times :)
I just meant good El Fuerte's in general, though I did play against three - four GAFers who use him.

And yeah, I noticed that. Which is why I started mixing it up with regular teleports so that Guacamole simply whifs. ;p

dfyb said:
posted earlier: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjCXlQV-Gmc

edit: it's not me playing


MoxManiac said:
Blanka ruins everything!

I hope they kill him off in SF5 or something!
play as Dhalsim lawl

Every time he does a ball (any of 'em), whether you block it or not, you can hit him with his standing fierce punch and there's nothing Blanka can do about it (unless you didn't react fast enough).

_dementia said:
I suck massive dick at this game :(

losing left and right with Viper

oh well, gotta practice

anyone want to mentor me?
Just keep going, dude. You'll get confident with Viper at one point or another.

TimeKillr said:
Holy crap MicVlad.

As I said over the mic.. I've never seen a Dhalsim move like that. At some point I was learning your pattern and figuring out options to counter it, and then you bust out more stuff. :)

Really good games. I learned a lot! At least I did manage to win a single game :)
Yeah, I had to switch to SUPER ANNOYING MODE in order to stop you from getting close. Abel's like a god damn magnet when he finally gets face-to-face with Dhalsim.

PhatSaqs said:
Good games MicVlad!
I think I only played like 4 decent games out of 15. :[

You consistently steamrolled me with ease and I made a ton of stupid mistakes. Plenty of missed opportunities + good ol' stubbornness screwing me over...

Brannon said:
Then I woke up and realized that the exact opposite had happened and that his Dhalsim is a goddamned bastard of Satan's Army. 0-12. Man, I've been stuck in the 1700's for too long. It's time to skill up! (good games Vlad, that really made me learn the person behind the character.)

Still on for that secret vengeance later on in the future?
Sure. I'll send an invite if I'm not challenging someone else in the mean time.

Archie said:
I actually beat Grifter (once). My life is complete.
I think that's my current record as well. Couldn't even keep up anymore after 10 matches... :lol
Lobbies are taking longer and longer to fill up. :( PSN or XBL if anyone wants to go a round. (Tag in profile. Please don't post it here.) I stick to random.
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