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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


Zapages said:
Alex, Makoto, Yun, Yang, Q, Remy, Ibuki, Sean, Dudley, Hugo, Elena are a few more are amazing characters

We all know that Gen has two fighting styles.... How about having Yun and Yang and being able to switch between them two in the game... That'll bring some variety to SF IV???

I am all for Sean and Elena. Don't care much for the others.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Zapages said:
Alex, Makoto, Yun, Yang, Q, Remy, Ibuki, Sean, Dudley, Hugo, Elena are a few more are amazing characters
The alpha series and EX series have more interesting characters.
Man, I would love if they brought Ibuki back.

My mains in SF3: Ibuki, Alex and Dudley.

I think all three would fit extremely well in the SF4 roster. Here's hoping!


I'm like a Hadouken, down-right Fierce!
arstal said:
Well I'll come back when I stop feeling like people are just whoring Sagat.Ryu. and Gief all day.

For a while I was wondering who in this thread is the whiniest little crybaby. I wonder no longer.
what is it with people that use zangief that can't fucking take a loss like a man? They're by far the hardest match up for me and every time they're about to goddamn lose they fucking quit.

Everyone that plays this game in Asia is a fucking asshole. I only ever run into quitters with doods that give me good latency.


Did not ask for this tag
Awntawn said:
only message i ever got was someone i beat sending me a message reminding me to set my clock ahead an hour for DST.

i still do not understand.


Pop On Arrival said:
what is it with people that use zangief that can't fucking take a loss like a man? They're by far the hardest match up for me and every time they're about to goddamn lose they fucking quit.

Everyone that plays this game in Asia is a fucking asshole. I only ever run into quitters with doods that give me good latency.
they are just BP whoring
I had a lots of them yesterday, I stopped using Honda's Ultra as a finisher because it gives them too much time to rage quit before the final blow.

One guy who did not have a chance to rage quit because things happened too fast, he was a 5000+BP LOL and all he did was spamm PPP and do Banishing Fists for moving around


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Fersis said:
Why would you want awful and boring characters? ·____·

Fuck you man! 3rd Strike has a fucking awesome roster.


Pop On Arrival said:
what is it with people that use zangief that can't fucking take a loss like a man? They're by far the hardest match up for me and every time they're about to goddamn lose they fucking quit.

Everyone that plays this game in Asia is a fucking asshole. I only ever run into quitters with doods that give me good latency.

I just kick Zangief players by now since at least half of them will quit anyway before the game ends. There are also barely any good Zangief players out there and most of them are probably out of my BP range.

I mean...they have 4000 BP, but are not smart enough to try something that is not called Lariat on wake up for two rounds?
Oichi said:
This is from my blog, Versus City, but I figured I would copy/paste it here for those interested. If you want to see my original blog post, check it out here: http://www.versuscity.net/2009/03/27/street-fighter-4-qa/

For everyone else, here's the article in its entirety.

Man, I hope that disconnect ratio thing isn't their answer to rage quitters. I don't see any mention of taking a BP hit when you disconnect. Every other game does that! Why can't capcom do the same ;_;


rager said:
I really wish they would eliminate BP all together. But I know they won't.
It's nuts that professional game developers can't think 15 minutes beyond the release of online games. Visible ranking systems promote everything wrong with public matchmaking.

There's always hope that enough complaning, whining and bitching will win out. Didn't Gears 2 ditch their stupid system with the latest patch? I haven't followed it much.


I used to love SF as a kid, now fucking Seth on FUCKING EASIEST makes me wanna dig my eyes out with a fork.......

Seriously some twat at Capcom is laughing his ass off over that one...... Fucking easiest my ass......:lol

Dave Long

I hadn't played in about a month and came back to it last night. Was getting schooled badly for the first five or ten matches, then slowly it all came back and I was using my PSYCHO POWER to pwn some Ken, Ryu, Akuma and Sagat n00bs.

Saw one guy playing E. Honda. One guy picked Dictator. One guy played Zangief. And one Gouken. I realize the roster is unbalanced, but wow... it really does get tiresome to fight the same characters all the time. Plus they often never have a clue what to do against my Dictator. I can practically spend the whole match head stomping them until I Ultra them to the door.


Cowie said:
yeah as Rufus i get very few rage quits, and am yet to receive a hate message for whatever reason. just 'gg nice rufus'. I guess you just can't hate the fatty.

I had a rage quit with Rufus last night (against a gief! lol)

I can sort of understand it though. Since lp Snake beats lariat, and the poor dude was either spamming lariats or jumping forward, he got a severe beating. It was funny seeing Lariat ~ Snake! Lariat ~ Snake! Jump ~ EX Snake!

I even got a nice little message saying I suck since I was spamming the same move all the time. :)


Did not ask for this tag
Dave Long said:
Saw one guy playing E. Honda. One guy picked Dictator. One guy played Zangief. And one Gouken. I realize the roster is unbalanced, but wow... it really does get tiresome to fight the same characters all the time. Plus they often never have a clue what to do against my Dictator. I can practically spend the whole match head stomping them until I Ultra them to the door.

Can you teach me how to gain revenge bar while head stomping the opponent for the whole match?
E.Honda will and will remain to be my main, but because he requires ALLOT of work to get your win with (which can be stressing often at times against tough match-ups): I will invest more time on the other chargers that I believe that I have neglected.

I have neglected Blanka and Balrog and my play time with Bison has diminished.
Now, I will return to using them more and improving them.

Yeah yeah I know, there are lots of Blankas out there, but the truth is: he is that damn good.

Dave Long

Osaka said:
Can you teach me how to gain revenge bar while head stomping the opponent for the whole match?
Obviously I do take some hits. I'm not getting Perfects. It doesn't take long to have the Ultra meter come up to where the Ultra is usable.



but enough of that.

I went a few rounds with my cousin yesterday, wound up in a 6-6 tie.

Some comments: I realize that Cammy is a real pain in the ass(lol). Her freaking cannon spike has such an angle that you can't bait it with DR without getting hit (like you can with SRK), Because of this my strategy pretty much consisted of throwing whenever i was close enough to, and now my cousin thinks im cheap :lol .

My Abel could beat most of his mains, with the exception of Chun-Li. Slow and methodical on the ground isn't good against jumpy and aggressive :(.

Also missed the cr. hp > falling sky move every time, which was odd.
gutter_trash said:
E.Honda will and will remain to be my main, but because he requires ALLOT of work to get your win with (which can be stressing often at times against tough match-ups): I will invest more time on the other chargers that I believe that I have neglected.

I have neglected Blanka and Balrog and my play time with Bison has diminished.
Now, I will return to using them more and improving them.

Yeah yeah I know, there are lots of Blankas out there, but the truth is: he is that damn good.

Yeah I hear ya man. I've always dabble with Honda but never got too into him. He's fun (for me) against anyone that doesn't throw fireballs lol.

People say he's not too good, and then you get 3 out of 8 finalists at Final Round using him. Speaking of which, has anyone got footage from that yet?


Whine Whine FADC Troll
rager said:
I really wish they would eliminate BP all together. But I know they won't.

I know Microsoft makes a ranked system mandatory on all fighting games to have leaderboards- so it's not going away.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
Sorry, accidental double post.

Augemitbutter said:

I haven't seen many Hondas, and not that many Blankas.

I don't mind a char being popular, but I can tell when a char is being whored.

For example- KOF- Goro get whored tons in 98, you didn't see him used much in the other games where he was balanced, and his use in UM went down drastically after they removed his glitches, despite him still being quite solid.


I am seeing a trend on this thread. Every 2 weeks, a new character becomes the official "piss and moan about" topic of the week.

Week 1 and Week 2: Flowchart Ken

Week 3 and Week 4: Sagat

Honestly, what would make you happy? All the chars are the EXACT same with the EXACT same moves? Because sometimes I get that feeling from some of the posts on this thread.

If it is so bad, match up with that scrub and show him/her (lulz, her) how to REALLY play with Ken...or Sagat...or whoever is the problem next week.


Broken water pistol loaded with piss
I just totally dominated a 3500BP Sagat, I'm so happy because I have run into this player a few times before and lost each time:D
man, those DNS errors (PS3) ive been getting the last days have gotten worse.

now it wont let me in for good. been trying for almost an hour and nothing happens. i didnt change anything....

I haven't seen many Hondas, and not that many Blankas.

I don't mind a char being popular, but I can tell when a char is being whored.

For example- KOF- Goro get whored tons in 98, you didn't see him used much in the other games where he was balanced, and his use in UM went down drastically after they removed his glitches, despite him still being quite solid.

i dont see any "whoring" online to tell you the truth. ken is the only mainstream char ive been facing since day one. the rest of the more popular and strong characters are well balanced.


Business & Marketing Manager @ GungHo
I haven't seen a Cammy online in the longest time. Just Ryu/Ken/Sagat and the Gief. I love using Gouken and going through their fire balls for his lunging kidney shot and follow it up with his spinning tornado kick or whatever you'd like to call the moves haha.

I still main with Dan and get a lot of angry messages that I shouldn't use Dan.
haunts said:
Not too sure about making character changes in the DLC.. -_-;
How is any different from them doing a new arcade revision ala Hyper Fighting or 2nd Impact or whatever?

If you don't like it, don't update your game and play offline?


Caspel said:
I haven't seen a Cammy online in the longest time. Just Ryu/Ken/Sagat and the Gief. I love using Gouken and going through their fire balls for his lunging kidney shot and follow it up with his spinning tornado kick or whatever you'd like to call the moves haha.

I still main with Dan and get a lot of angry messages that I shouldn't use Dan.
Why because they think you're being cocky by using Dan?

When I see someone pick Gouken I worry because the only time I seem to run into him is when a real good player picks him, I think his lack of a dragon punch keeps all the casual shoto players away from him.
_dementia said:
How is any different from them doing a new arcade revision ala Hyper Fighting or 2nd Impact or whatever?

If you don't like it, don't update your game and play offline?

There is no difference. I feel like it is too soon for a change, though. You could argue that the arcade game has been out for quite a while, but that doesn't include the console characters.

Why don't you go back to playing 3rd strike or ST? lawl.


Bacon of Hope
_dementia said:
How is any different from them doing a new arcade revision ala Hyper Fighting or 2nd Impact or whatever?

If you don't like it, don't update your game and play offline?

Like Prody said, I think it's just too soon.. Scaling back damage output with Sagat and stuff is one thing, but changing properties of moves and whatever I think can lead to more problems than anything else.

As much as people bitch the game is really balanced right now and just dont want to see CAPCOM fuck it up with too many tweaks.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
haunts said:
Like Prody said, I think it's just too soon.. Scaling back damage output with Sagat and stuff is one thing, but changing properties of moves and whatever I think can lead to more problems than anything else.

As much as people bitch the game is really balanced right now and just dont want to see CAPCOM fuck it up with too many tweaks.

Usually, when Capcom fucks things up, it's because they add new systems, not so much from tweaking moves. As long as customs, parries, or alpha counters aren't in , things should be fine.

Besides, I hate the top tier in SF4 so much I'd rather have a slightly worse game if it means the chars I want to play don't suck so hard.
haunts said:
Like Prody said, I think it's just too soon.. Scaling back damage output with Sagat and stuff is one thing, but changing properties of moves and whatever I think can lead to more problems than anything else.

As much as people bitch the game is really balanced right now and just dont want to see CAPCOM fuck it up with too many tweaks.
I understand where you're coming, but most people who play video games don't have the same attention span as you. I think Capcom wants to keep interest in the game high for us console kids.


NYR said:
Honestly, what would make you happy? All the chars are the EXACT same with the EXACT same moves? Because sometimes I get that feeling from some of the posts on this thread.

What? How did you come to that conclusion? We want variation. No one wants to fight the same thing over and over.
It is better now than around launch, but 2/3 of the cast is still ignored.

prodystopian said:
I feel like it is too soon for a change, though.

Well they talked about "obvious" things. Better small and frequent changes than a big update that flips the whole tier list upside down. Works for other genres at least.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
Rebalancing eh?

I hope some of the 'auto correction' is removed, nerf Sagat / Gief a touch and make Revenge meter build up slower.

I just wanted to pop in and say there is nothing more satisfying then EX Flash Kicking Akuma when he's in Raging Demon.


:lol Using Gouken, I countered my friends Ultra to win the match (he was Rufus). He just stood there for a few seconds the next round in disbelief/shock. Gouken=mad fun. I still really need to put together a reliable up-close attack string that will pressure peeps into mistakes though.
On one side...you have those who believe the character balance is fine. And honestly, fighting games are weird...as new tactics, exploits, glitches are discovered all the time. TS was out for a bit...before Japan came with the Urien and Yun shenanigans at Evo.

But back in them olden days...SF was updated every year (or six months), so this isn't anything different. I welcome updates...and hope they also update the terrible music and backgrounds.

Don't care for Shin Akuma or Evil Ryu.

Make new characters...I'll pay money...

unlike the whoring of the costume packs (still waiting for the all in one pack)


_dementia said:
Tornado throwing him out of Raging Demon with Abel is way more satisfying.
speaking of that i got so pissed at my cousin who has NO idea how Akuma's ultra works (he thinks it will always hit on opponent wakeup) but he got me with it because i was stupid enough to roll around like a fool and forgot he had a bar :(
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