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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


NeoGAF: my new HOME
ultim8p00 said:
Vega is the bane of me. Holly shit I cannot figure out what to do against Vega and his crossups and flips and all that. Damn

GGs though AZ. Fun match despite me getting owned. You and your goddamn Vega.

I try and stay in their face, I'm probably playing way lower skilled Vega's than you, but it kinda works :(


Finally cracked 3000 BP :D I haven't played ranked in a while (since I get the same experience with custom searches in player matches) so I'm happy.

Blanka players.....remember: always HOLD your Ultra. I was playing a Dhalsim that teleported right on top of my Ultra in both rounds. In Round 2, it killed him :lol It was fuckin hilarious. He did the two-sided Ultra+super combo (by teleporting) on me so he deserved it. :)

Oh yeah...I played the worst fucking Ryu to get my 3000. He had around 5K and all he did was use the Focus Attack. The only redeeming thing about him was that he knew how to FADC pretty well but I annihilated him. I thought he was gonna drop midway through Round 2.

I also played a Gouken that could do that insane juggle (that takes half of your life). Thank God for Blanka's Ultra and nervous opponents :)
This game really does surprise me about how playable it is with one red bar of latency. I know it's not really an option for you grizzled tourney vets, but for a casual like me, it does the job just fine; I'm able to have fun with it.
So here's a mind blown moment for me. I NEVER knew this until today. If you block relative to your opponent, then you'll block everything.

I was playing a dhalsim and he was abusing me with his lp yoga fire -> tiger knee teleport -> jumping back fierce punch, back s. mk, yoga flame. I'd fall for it everytime, then some onlooker was like, dude, block in his direction and the yoga fire won't hit you. It made the match 12039812x easier!!!

Is this a general street fighter rule?
MIMIC said:
Blanka players.....remember: always HOLD your Ultra. I was playing a Dhalsim that teleported right on top of my Ultra in both rounds. In Round 2, it killed him :lol It was fuckin hilarious. He did the two-sided Ultra+super combo (by teleporting) on me so he deserved it. :)

yep, I've been loving that move since cvs2. it's amazing what some people do when blanka is just sitting there spinning.
Pop On Arrival said:
This game really does surprise me about how playable it is with one red bar of latency. I know it's not really an option for you grizzled tourney vets, but for a casual like me, it does the job just fine; I'm able to have fun with it.

i usually play everything but red bars. works fine almost everytime. red bars are hit or miss for me.
Augemitbutter said:
i usually play everything but red bars. works fine almost everytime. red bars are hit or miss for me.

yeah, some people with red bars are totally fucked up, but I just played with a gaffer that had one red bar and it was really smooth.(for me anyway)
BTW I just came back from Buktooth's place (got 5th in their ranbat, yayuh) and he beasts with like anyone he wants. I couldn't touch his Fuerte (he got 10 hit rsf combo on me just cuz he could), Cammy, Viper, or Sagat. The man's ridiculous. I didn't know Cammy had a tiger knee cannon spike jump in also, really good pressure tool.
akachan ningen said:
I thought that was standard for all fighting games. In GGX, you need to do it a lot.

Well, I'm a little more acquainted with fighting games that DON'T have fireballs (ie tekken, virtua fighter) lol

I'd venture to say that SF4 is the first SF I've ever been decent at, if even that.


AZ Greg said:
GGs to everyone I played tonight.

Dammit Arde, those new tricks you've added since our last fight made your Fuerte extra irritating. Good shit though, I was completely mind fucked most of those matches. Your short slide and little overhead twirl kick have some insane recovery. I tried all sorts of things to punish them on block, but after getting thrown countless times I finally just settled on going for the tech. I need to play that match way more patiently. When I sit back and poke the match flows much better for me. I'm just all messed up from rushing down shotos all day. Then again, when I was playing smartly, I found a way, without fail, to get hit by your ultra at the worst times. It was almost like your Ultra was mashing me back down into the ground before connecting. :(

I'm gonna have to go hit up the Vega match-up advice thread at SRK. There's probably something simple I'm missing in the match-up. IIRC, Fuerte is actually one of Vega's better match-ups. Then again, that probably just means 5-5. :(
Just don't get knocked down. :lol

But seriously though, don't - if you notice when you win, it's usually because you poked me to death with a side of wall-jump cross-ups or izuna throws.
Obviously be careful if I have EX meter, since that means I can absorb 2 of your pokes and then knock you down with a splash or throw.

When you have life lead, just treat Fuerte like an impotent mini-Gief - keep your distance and poke him to death - avoid rushing in for the kill.


gutter_trash said:
after I read on SRK about Blanka Ultra following a front hop.. I started messing with and it's fun... works on cross up too

charge back, down-front +K+K+K, back and then time f +P+P+P

I did this only once in a rank game, crossed him up and he blocked it! :( I swear it had something to do with the auto blocking thing when you switch sides.


Business & Marketing Manager @ GungHo
Both players who I once thought were immortal, Yeb and Grifter, have lost in the SFIV tourney I'm holding. Gen lost by a hair (2-3; 13-10) to Ryu and Grifter kind of got close (1-3; 7-10) to beating a Chun Li player. They're both in the loser's bracket where they'll have to face off within two to three matches if they want to make it back to the winner's circle.

I'll be announcing another prized tournament tomorrow if anyone else from GAF is interested in playing as this one is coming to a close with only 10 or people left in it. If so, you'll have to PM me.


I'm like a Hadouken, down-right Fierce!
slayn said:
oichi are you in japan or something?
That input lag for our matches was... wow :lol

Yeah, I live in Osaka lol. The lag made our matches meh but ggs nonetheless!


Found out something nice for Balrog:

When your enemy tries to FA you on wakeup and the distance is right you can Fierce Headbutt him, hitting his Super Armor, going OVER him and landing behind him while he does is Focus attack. Doesn t work always, but when it does, its quite a nice thing since you get a free Combo.


Lost Fragment said:
Someone tell me there's an easy way to counter El Fuerte's Propeller Tortilla. That shit's too fast to be an unblockable.
The R1 moves (Propeller, Fajita Buster) can only hit when the enemy is on the ground, so jump! :D


Good see that I'm not the only one having issues with Dhalsim's fuckin trial that involve back+MK > yoga flame (turned up a lot of Goggle hits). Everything else is relatively easy but there's just somethin I ain't doin right.

After completing 5 character's Normal & Hard trials, this is the first time that I quit one. I'll try again, of course. This combo just seems unnecessarily difficult.

ETA: I found some advice:

"ok i found an unbelievably easy way to do this. b+MK, fd>b+LP. yep that's it. make sure you do not press down or down-back. after the back+MK, you go to down-forward input and then IMMEDIATELY to back+LP."

Hopefully it'll solve this problem of mine.


FindMyFarms said:
So here's a mind blown moment for me. I NEVER knew this until today. If you block relative to your opponent, then you'll block everything.

I was playing a dhalsim and he was abusing me with his lp yoga fire -> tiger knee teleport -> jumping back fierce punch, back s. mk, yoga flame. I'd fall for it everytime, then some onlooker was like, dude, block in his direction and the yoga fire won't hit you. It made the match 12039812x easier!!!

Is this a general street fighter rule?

What do you mean block in his direction?
My Xbox Live gamertag is: Studs Ramrod

I like to play Street Fighter IV. Would like to make some friends within the neogaf realm.

By the by. I do not play with mic. I never disconnect out of rage. If I lose, I lose. I follow the silent buddy-system.

Jam-it-on-the-one. Dancemania.


Finally finished Fuerte's normal trial 4. Never had the patience to do the third part after doing that horrible second combo, but today they both connected pretty fast. :D

Now only hard trial 4 and 5 left, but I always miss the timing on one of the cancels on trial 4. I hate that stuff. :(


haunts said:
Uploading some matches today between Young Legends and myself.. watch me make bad decisions and miss combos and get punished severely for it! :lol


Nice, now all you got to do now is, win the 2nd round!

Advice but from a scrub, you should totally back off once he has his ultra and block more to punish his shoryuken when he is trying to set up his ultra and if he uses FADC to get out that, it uses up his EX bar and once thats gone then go Tiger Knee him, and you most likely get a grab on you, so thats better then a Ultra hitting you. Also you seem to be the one always attacking even when you have the lead and getting punished a lot because of it, use the full time more and remember your fireballs are way cooler then his. Your Sagats looking WAY better then the last time I saw it and all that is missing is you setting up your ultra.


Digital Foundry
Archie said:
I have 3200 BP and beat some guy with 1100 and earned ONE BP. Haha.

Doesn't that just make you wish each player's BP was listed beforehand? I'm at a healthy 1,300, and fighting newcomers still yields around 20BP.
In those cases, it rarely feels like I've earned it though; I usually prefer playing people around my level of experience, or better.


someone please explain fadc in laymans terms to me...

so if it says do move A, then move B, then FADC and move C... does the FADC let me do move C because it cancels move B ???

edit: tell me what its purpose is T_T


Bacon of Hope
Sanjay said:
Nice, now all you got to do now is, win the 2nd round!

Advice but from a scrub, you should totally back off once he has his ultra and block more to punish his shoryuken when he is trying to set up his ultra and if he uses FADC to get out that, it uses up his EX bar and once thats gone then go Tiger Knee him, and you most likely get a grab on you, so thats better then a Ultra hitting you. Also you seem to be the one always attacking even when you have the lead and getting punished a lot because of it, use the full time more and remember your fireballs are way cooler then his. Your Sagats looking WAY better then the last time I saw it and all that is missing is you setting up your ultra.

Oh yeah you're 100% correct. I was rewatching the videos and that is the main thing I saw. I think thats just a bad habit of mine is being overly aggressive. I love Tiger Knee set ups and all the fun stuff Sagat has so it takes a lot of restraint for me to back away from that sort of stuff.

Also I need more throws in my Tiger Knee pressure strings. Ill do strings all day w/o dashing in for a throw when I could be getting some free damage since they are scared of the tiger knee.


Cataferal said:
Doesn't that just make you wish each player's BP was listed beforehand? I'm at a healthy 1,300, and fighting newcomers still yields around 20BP.
In those cases, it rarely feels like I've earned it though; I usually prefer playing people around my level of experience, or better.

Looking for "more skilled" players always gives me players in the +-500 bp (sometimes even higher, but never lower) range. Use it!


YakiSOBA said:
someone please explain fadc in laymans terms to me...

so if it says do move A, then move B, then FADC and move C... does the FADC let me do move C because it cancels move B ???

edit: tell me what its purpose is T_T

Yeah thats what it's for.

Example: Ryu - Shoryuken -> FADC -> Ultra
Here's a video

It allows you to cancel into other moves that usually would be blockable
In this case Shoryuken was canceled into an Ultra


Man i practiced SRK > FADC > Ultra with Ryu for a LONG time in training mode yesterday...I couldn't pull it off successfully once. I can do the first two parts, but my fingers just get completely tied when it gets to inputting the ultra and the opponent just falls to the ground.

Its supposed to be easier on a stick right?


Bacon of Hope
Threi said:
Man i practiced SRK > FADC > Ultra with Ryu for a LONG time in training mode yesterday...I couldn't pull it off successfully once. I can do the first two parts, but my fingers just get completely tied when it gets to inputting the ultra and the opponent just falls to the ground.

Its supposed to be easier on a stick right?

man.. I cant imagine trying to do it on a pad dude..


Threi said:
Man i practiced SRK > FADC > Ultra with Ryu for a LONG time in training mode yesterday...I couldn't pull it off successfully once. I can do the first two parts, but my fingers just get completely tied when it gets to inputting the ultra and the opponent just falls to the ground.

Its supposed to be easier on a stick right?

If you're any good. I've been using a stick for a few weeks and I can only successfully do it about once every 20 tries. My excuse is i'm using Balrog now so it doesn't really matter to me anymore :lol


Second-rate Anihawk
That is why Blanka is my main. I don't have to worry about any combos outside of a few crossups. He's probably the easiest character in the game to play competently. :p


needs to show more effort.
Archie said:
That is why Blanka is my main. I don't have to worry about any combos outside of a few crossups. He's probably the easiest character in the game to play competently. :p
shhhh don't give away my secret


Bacon of Hope
Archie said:
That is why Blanka is my main. I don't have to worry about any combos outside of a few crossups. He's probably the easiest character in the game to play competently. :p

Hell naw, zangief is WAAAY easier. :p


haunts said:
man.. I cant imagine trying to do it on a pad dude..

I play on a pad, and it's not easy. I can do it, but only when facing right, and it still sucks. I definitely can't pull it off 100% of the time, and I've only pulled it off twice in actual matches. Damn did it feel good to do though. I need a stick, and I need to practice with a stick. I know that if I get on one, I'll just get my ass kicked until I actually get competent with it. Hrm.
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