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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


FindMyFarms said:
Akuma has a decently quick FA. Once you get your ultra his FA becomes a pretty good pressure tool IMO. Not to mention FA get up shenanigans is a pretty easy way to land his ultra.

Might not be the best, but definitely not the worst. Amazing damage plus being an excellent punisher forces your opponents to start playing REALLY safe.

The problem remains.

Only VERY good players will do FA -> Raging Demon.

Again, 99% of the Akuma players online don't even have a clue what FAs are, much less FA get up shenanigans are (what are those? if I see someone doing FA as I get up, I jump back..)

It is excellent damage - it has to be, otherwise it'd be even more laughable. It is an excellent punisher for jump-ins, but that's about it, sadly.
Honda's Ultra connects if you so much as brush against the foot of your opponent in mid-jump. I know I've been snatched out of a jump by it a few times. A lot more reliable than Akuma's or Viper's Ultra, IMO.


Attack You said:
Honda's Ultra connects if you so much as brush against the foot of your opponent in mid-jump. I know I've been snatched out of a jump by it a few times. A lot more reliable than Akuma's or Viper's Ultra, IMO.
No. You obviously don't play Honda at all. :lol


TimeKillr said:
Fuerte's Ultra is awesome, but you need to know the exact range it has for it to be useful. I suck with Fuerte, mind you, but after a Tortilla Buster you're in perfect range, so if you time it well you pretty much always hit (unless the people I was playing are absolutely stupid and just can't evade at all). It's also pretty good as anti-air, if you can time it.
I've had some luck hitting with it at half screen in player matches , but that's probably because people just aren't familiar with fighting Fuerte yet.


hyperbolically metafictive
can't have a useless ultra conversation without mentioning my boy guile

can't tell you how many times i've been like 'haha, going to catch you jumping in,' only to watch my opponent land safely right next to me, block, and then rape away

or how many times i've seemed to time it perfectly, except i only get one hit on each of the first two flashkicks and consequently do shit for damage

i only really use it to punish huge whiffs or blocked ultras


Trucker Sexologist
I don't understand the reason behind putting link moves in the game. They are pretty much worthless if there's any lag and the risk usually outweighs the reward. Their main purpose seems to be to give people gray hair in the trial mode.
TimeKillr said:
The problem remains.

Only VERY good players will do FA -> Raging Demon.

Again, 99% of the Akuma players online don't even have a clue what FAs are, much less FA get up shenanigans are (what are those? if I see someone doing FA as I get up, I jump back..)

It is excellent damage - it has to be, otherwise it'd be even more laughable. It is an excellent punisher for jump-ins, but that's about it, sadly.

Well you have to keep in mind that when you're talking about the validity of an ultra, it's assumed that your talking about it being used by someone that knows how to use it properly.

I'm sure most ranked players can't do FA -> Raging Demon, but most of them suck also so that's not surprising lol. Also, it's not too hard to do. It LOOKS hard, but if you go into practice mode and give it a solid 15 min. or so it's pretty easy to get down. You can actually buffer everything relatively slowly.

FA shenanigans are just focus attack mixups you can use on someone (as you guessed) while getting up. It's mainly a corner pressure tool, but can be used out of it as well. If you get a knockdown and they don't do a quick get up, and time it right, you're FA will hit them right as they get up. If you get the crumple, you can use his ultra, if they jump then you get a standing fierce.

Once they get scared of that, you can bait them into performing a reversal to break the FA. Most of the time it'll be a shoryuken or something like that. That's when you start doing FADC backwards, block, ultra punish.

Are you on PSN? If I ever get my ps3 fixed ;_; I'll run some games with you using Akuma.


My favorite is when you catch someone with their back turned and they still have time to block before the ultra hits them. CLEARLY during the ultra animation startup their back is turned but NOPE! Happens a lot with Honda.


TimeKillr said:
The problem remains.

Only VERY good players will do FA -> Raging Demon.

Again, 99% of the Akuma players online don't even have a clue what FAs are, much less FA get up shenanigans are (what are those? if I see someone doing FA as I get up, I jump back..)

It is excellent damage - it has to be, otherwise it'd be even more laughable. It is an excellent punisher for jump-ins, but that's about it, sadly.

Just because everyone out there sucks with it, doesn't mean that it's bad. :p
In that case Ryu's Ultra would be even worse since he stands around for an hour after firing it and is as easy to jump over as the Raging Demon.
Once patch comes out with tournament support, how would everyone here feel about a weekly GAF ranbat?

If the tournament support is good then hopefully it would be really easy to do such a thing.


I feel your pain guys. Abel's and Dictator's ultras are...

oh wait they don't suck :D

anyways the only way i think you can actually land Akuma's ultra is through focus attack, really properly timed as the opponent jumps in, or kara demon after a blocked fireball?

Or on a rolling Abel. >=(

Won said:
Just because everyone out there sucks with it, doesn't mean that it's bad. :p
In that case Ryu's Ultra would be even worse since he stands around for an hour after firing it and is as easy to jump over as the Raging Demon.
Err Ryu's ultra can land off damn near ANYTHING. Got hit in the air? Take an ultra. Got hit with a hurricane kick? Take an ultra. FA? Take an ultra. canceled shoryuken? Take an ultra. Hit trade? Take an ultra. Raging demon isn't exactly the same.


Trucker Sexologist
Won said:
Just because everyone out there sucks with it, doesn't mean that it's bad. :p
In that case Ryu's Ultra would be even worse since he stands around for an hour after firing it and is as easy to jump over as the Raging Demon.
There's real way to hit confirm the RD outside of FAs though, while Ryu has several.
I think it might have a few frames of invincibility on start up. can anyone verify that?

I've definitely done it on get up against people that tried to meaty fireball me a little past sweep range after a knockdown.


drohne said:
can't have a useless ultra conversation without mentioning my boy guile

can't tell you how many times i've been like 'haha, going to catch you jumping in,' only to watch my opponent land safely right next to me, block, and then rape away

or how many times i've seemed to time it perfectly, except i only get one hit on each of the first two flashkicks and consequently do shit for damage

i only really use it to punish huge whiffs or blocked ultras

I know all too well. :lol :lol It's almost like an illusion

Shit like that made dial back the usage of his Ultra. I save it for when my opponent is 1,000 feet in the air (resulting in minuscule damage) or when I wanna chip my opponent to death...an opponent that doesn't know that you can stop Guile in between his 1st and 2nd flash kick :lol


Threi said:
Err Ryu's ultra can land off damn near ANYTHING. Got hit in the air? Take an ultra. Got hit with a hurricane kick? Take an ultra. FA? Take an ultra. canceled shoryuken? Take an ultra. Hit trade? Take an ultra. Raging demon isn't exactly the same.

That is kinda the point. Ryu's ultra works of pretty much anything. Do I see it happening online? Rarely. And even if someone does it, they still miss at least half of the time. Does it suck because of that? Quite the opposite.

Raging Demon, like all of the grab ultras, is more of a defenseive tool. You can't do flashy combos with it, but that doesn't mean that it is completely worthless.

qcf x2

I'd switch Viper's ultra for the RD in a heartbeat. At least a demon whiff isn't 5 seconds of embarassment followed by massive damage (to you). All from something that looks guaranteed to hit. :lol I just use her ultra to counter other ultras last second or in the rare case I get a crumple or stun.


Won said:
Raging Demon, like all of the grab ultras, is more of a defenseive tool. You can't do flashy combos with it, but that doesn't mean that it is completely worthless.
Well the thing is though, how many situations are there where someone does RD and the opponent cannot just hold up when they see the animation and avoid it?
FindMyFarms said:
I think it might have a few frames of invincibility on start up. can anyone verify that?

I've definitely done it on get up against people that tried to meaty fireball me a little past sweep range after a knockdown.
I think all reversals have brief invincibility on startup.
As for ranbats: I'm numba 1, sucka.


Threi said:
Well the thing is though, how many situations are there where someone does RD and the opponent cannot just hold up when they see the animation and avoid it?

Considering what else is in Akuma's toolset I guess there are more than enough. :p
Hey guys could any experienced Chun players help me out with her matchup vs Claw?

I think I must really be misunderstanding his wall dive because I cannot block or punish that to save my life. Best I've come up with is jump back MK or standing jab sometimes, and the logic for blocking it seems completely arbitrary. I played against a really good vega and went 1-9 against him today and I appreciated the experience, but I think I'm just really not understanding the matchup. He's probably my 2nd worst matchup next to blanka and obviously Rufus for Chun.

Main problems are with long range ground pokes and the walldive/wall throw.

Everyone says Vega is the worst in the game so there must be something I'm missing with countering that walldive.


I am Korean.
Threi said:
Well the thing is though, how many situations are there where someone does RD and the opponent cannot just hold up when they see the animation and avoid it?
I was playing someone who was landing it on me consistently after a jump over and do nothing in the air crossup. Not sure why it worked (stuck in turning animation maybe?) but jumping it was impossible if I let him get over me like that.


hyperbolically metafictive
i just don't see enough vegas to learn that matchup -- with ryu i can just srk all his aerial stuff, but with guile or abel i get hit with it too often. his slide is easy to punish on block. i dunno...if i ever run into a good vega i'll probably get raped


Won said:
Considering what else is in Akuma's toolset I guess there are more than enough. :p

This! Akuma is a god damn BEAST with air fireballs and stun fireballs and amazing normals + the usual shoto shit. His super/ultra are a bitch to land at times, but I've been working on it when im not using my Boxer or Gouken. He's one of the few shotos I will even considering using, I like knowing that screwing up will cost me bad with him since hes got seriously low HP.


he's Virgin Tight™
SonOfABeep said:
Hey guys could any experienced Chun players help me out with her matchup vs Claw?

I think I must really be misunderstanding his wall dive because I cannot block or punish that to save my life. Best I've come up with is jump back MK or standing jab sometimes, and the logic for blocking it seems completely arbitrary. I played against a really good vega and went 1-9 against him today and I appreciated the experience, but I think I'm just really not understanding the matchup. He's probably my 2nd worst matchup next to blanka and obviously Rufus for Chun.

Main problems are with long range ground pokes and the walldive/wall throw.

Everyone says Vega is the worst in the game so there must be something I'm missing with countering that walldive.

Vega is actually easier for Chun. Just do not jump!! Remember, Focus Attacks STOP Vega's attacks unless they are EX. As soon a you are hit, try dashing forward TOWARDS Vega and start harassing him with pokes. Do not give him time to breathe.
Relix said:
Vega is actually easier for Chun. Just do not jump!! Remember, Focus Attacks STOP Vega's attacks unless they are EX. As soon a you are hit, try dashing forward TOWARDS Vega and start harassing him with pokes. Do not give him time to breathe.

Thanks! So focus attack dash cancels should help with the wall dive strike? I'm assuming he's pretty vulnerable on that little hop back before he lands, and that's when you'd punish?

He's also pretty vulnerable to her D-F Roundhouse crossup since he charges a lot of his moves and also hazanshu's because, like guile, Claw players tend to be charging down back a lot of the time.
Akuma has the best zoning game, period. Only Sagat comes close in spammability. And I will join the Guile has a terrible ultra team, but probably not the worst. I'm starting to catch some more fireball chuckers with it now. I love it when a Ryu thinks he can chip me to death with a Metsu, but ends up eating nine boots to the gut :D. Worst ultra is probably Vega.

Wonders what one night of sleep does for you. My Cammy is looking much better than yesterday, not great yet though. A question for anybody with some knowledge of Cammy: can you get her full Ultra of a crumple? The super hits all 7 times, but the Ultra only hits once and then they bounce. Yes, i've dashed out of the FA. Either I'm doing something wrong, or YOUR GUIDE IS LYING TO ME HAUNTS :(

I for one would be down for weekly Ranking Battles. I won't call em ranbats though, sounds like a Pokemon outside of the original 151, ha.


Lost Fragment said:

Gen + turbo controller = holy fuck.
Um, I don't use a turbo controller, and I do that stuff constantly.


I've trained myself to do that on every MK, pretty much. Discussion of different ways to do that little combo has dominated the Gen forums at SRK for a while.

Edit: I honestly wouldn't be surprised at that particular player using turbo though, because he does some useless things like canceling his first jab into LP hands.
Wait, I could have FADC Vega's Wall Dive cross up strike as Chun-li?!

Damn, that could have saved my ass some tedious headache inducing matches against Vega online if I knew that. :(


With Guile its fun air throwing Vega out of his wall dive. Just have to watch out if he does that claw attack where he goes across the screen.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
yeb said:
Um, I don't use a turbo controller, and I do that stuff constantly.


I've trained myself to do that on every MK, pretty much. Discussion of different ways to do that little combo has dominated the Gen forums at SRK for a while.

Edit: I honestly wouldn't be surprised at that particular player using turbo though, because he does some useless things like canceling his first jab into LP hands.

Ah. Well I guess there's no reliable way to do it with a standard 360 controller unless you have inhuman Superman fingers, is there?


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
:lol I can destroy the CPU on Hardest except for CPU Gief. He 360'd me when I was starting Balrog's ultra. The only way I could beat him is if I bait him into using the green hand then headbutt him into a combo. I'm still trying to figure out strategies for every situation vs. every character.
Holy fucking shit I have played like 20 matches just now and they've all been against Ryus except 2 Blankas and a Rufus who lagged like crazy. I had a great variety earlier today! Do all the Ryus come out after midnight?


So I just faced my first Zangief as Balrog (3-1)
What can I do against the Lariat? The best I could come up with is sweep and standing Fierce,
crouching Fierce when he tried to jump at me. Every once in a while Dash low would hit but I didn't know the timing so I didn't risk it. I spent the last two games just poking the guy :/


hyperbolically metafictive
just went 2-4 against the best abel i've seen online -- can't BELIEVE how many times i forgot he had ultra and threw a fireball at him from halfway across the screen, but i think i learned some stuff for my abel. i think i'm going for his command throw way too often and need to do a better job of mixing up pokes and his wheel kick


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
Jeo said:
So I just faced my first Zangief as Balrog (3-1)
What can I do against the Lariat? The best I could come up with is sweep and standing Fierce,
crouching Fierce when he tried to jump at me. Every once in a while Dash low would hit but I didn't know the timing so I didn't risk it. I spent the last two games just poking the guy :/

keep poking into a dash!


I jus got back from the first round of Denjin Arcade ranbat season 1.

I got peaced outta that shyt so hard lol. :lol and I really wanted to make it past 1st round.

My first match was against Amir, who if you follow 3rd Strike is one of the best recent players in SoCal. In the most recent 3S ranbat at Family Fun Arcade he consistently placed first, beating PyroLee every time. Anyways, his Ryu is pretty crazy, he placed 9th last week at AI.

I almost had him in one round, got him with the corner knockdown and with low enough life to kill him off the Blanka's Ultra chip damage. I initiate my ultra, and in the middle of it he freakin UPPERCUTS -> FADC -> ULTRA... in the middle of my ultra! The part when Blanka jumps up, he jus freakin uppercuts me out of it!!! my head freakin exploded when I saw that o_O

second round... lost to E.Honda... no surprises it's a bad matchup... especially when my opponent knows exactly how to keep me off of him.

anyway, gotta keep practicing for next time.
That's my big problem with Abel too. I'm always going for the stupid throw. I notice whenever I win with him it's when I poke a lot but I still don't do it nearly as often as I should.

I ran into an Abel right after I made my bitch post. And a few Gens. And 50 more Ryus. I played so badly I'm ashamed of myself! I need to learn not to play when I'm tired and not having fun. I have a problem.

Sorry I missed your invite, Timedog.
akachan ningen said:
galacticAE, what happened with your stick? did something come loose or is it really busted?
The connection to the PCB came loose. I reconnected it then it happened again later. So I guess I just need to glue it. All is good.

FindMyFarms: Not yet... I think I'm still waiting on one more match.
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