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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


play time: 55:04
battle points: 1096
most battle points: 1320
number of fights: 256
wins: 93
win rate: 36.04%
longest win streak: 6

abel 35.71%
sakura 12.89%
ryu 10.11%
sagat 7.93%
rose 7.53%
(a lot of that is my girlfriend playing, or people at a party)

Why am I so bad at this game? :(


Played some player matches today against a good Gief and Honda.

As Fuerte, I gotta say Gief vs Fuerte is such a retarded match.
Here's the gist of it: Fuerte has all of the tools available offensively and defensively to shut down Gief - the thing is, Fuerte does such piddling damage and takes damage like he's addicted to it.

So here's how to win as Fuerte against Gief: get a life lead and then, here's the kicker: run away the whole match until time ends.
Gief literally has no way to catch Fuerte unless Fuerte makes a mistake.

Blocked/hit banishing fist -> throw.
Lariat -> any of his run special.
Jump-ins -> guacamole throw.

It's such a retarded match because if you want to win as Fuerte against Gief, you gotta run the clock with a life lead. That's it. And you'll win 80% of the time.

If you decide to try to KO Gief, then guess what? Suddenly you'll lose 60-70% of the time from every little mistake you have due to his SPD.

So yeah, such a boring match since to win, I gotta run away the entire game on a life lead.

Honda though, is another different story - running the clock against him is useless since all of his specials can punish you. I think Honda is the worst match-up in the game for Fuerte.

Running towards Honda is useless since his headbutt can catch you and if you try to land a tostada splash on him, it will most likely miss.
His sumo splash destroys any tortilla propeller or fajita buster attempts as well as avoiding your slides.
EX headbutt obviously destroys any slide, any f+mk, as well as avoids the tostada press/tortilla propeller attempts.
The only way to punish headbutt is ultra and other than that, good luck - this match is close to an 8-2 for Honda in my book.

In terms of bad match-ups for Fuerte, I rate them :
1) Honda (oh my god, this is so fucking hard)
2) Vega (a turtling and poking Vega is so damn annoying, especially if he's content sitting on a life lead and poking you every once in a while)
3) Blanka (all of his specials are punishable but he has better life than you and much better normals)
4) Balrog (you can punish him a lot, but he can get back easily by cornering you and his patented headbutt -> ultra combo)


TimeKillr said:
Fuerte's Ultra is awesome, but you need to know the exact range it has for it to be useful. I suck with Fuerte, mind you, but after a Tortilla Buster you're in perfect range, so if you time it well you pretty much always hit (unless the people I was playing are absolutely stupid and just can't evade at all). It's also pretty good as anti-air, if you can time it.
Fuerte's ultra is pretty good as long as your execution is up to snuff since it's very reaction based - mine isnt' yet. :(

It works for:
- laggy moves/specials: if someone decides to do a laggy move on you and you anticipated it, yup it will work (tiger knees, dash punches, etc.) - doesn't work against Blanka balls or Honda headbutts though. :(

- jumps : do it right when people are landing at half of the screen (might be a problem with Dhalsim since he floats down very slowly)

- fireballs : do it right when people are doing fireballs - you have to be at most 3/4 screen for this to work - further than that and it will miss.

- Gief's ultra: yes, apparently doing Fuerte's ultra as Gief launches his ultra avoids Gief's throw and sets you on top of his snugly head as he whiffs his ultra (so when you see Gief do his ultra, immediately mash Fuerte's ultra).
Before we get too excited about the ranbat, does anyone know if the tournament they mentioned was just online tournaments that would be occasionally held, or a full blown online tournament mode that we can use?
Won said:
That is kinda the point. Ryu's ultra works of pretty much anything. Do I see it happening online? Rarely. And even if someone does it, they still miss at least half of the time. Does it suck because of that? Quite the opposite.

Raging Demon, like all of the grab ultras, is more of a defenseive tool. You can't do flashy combos with it, but that doesn't mean that it is completely worthless.
Eh.. I got back from GDC.. started playing again and I got juggled by Ryu's ultra at least 10x more then I have in the 150+ hours I was playing before GDC.. It seems like its the new thing.


Today sucked.. I got up to 2800 BP.. Then dropped back down to 2100.. now I'm sitting around 2560.. I keep floundering around 2500.. I win one.. I lose one. Its driving me crazy.

I'm running into far too many Ryus.. and far too many characters with freaking Dragon Punches. Its pissing the crap out of me.

Though I had some really good games vs Blankas today.. I was actually winning almost all of them and I even got a few perfects or near perfects because they relied on electricty. I perfected a few Bisons too and a Gouken here and there. I was proud :)

I wish my game can get better.. but I think I'm hitting a cap on Fuerte.. I think I need to learn a new character. I'm considering Blanka for the cheese factor.. or maybe Abel.


Oh and I passed 172 hours play time.. and 2000 online matches today. Im actually near 2100 now.

In terms of bad match-ups for Fuerte, I rate them :
1) Honda (oh my god, this is so fucking hard)
2) Vega (a turtling and poking Vega is so damn annoying, especially if he's content sitting on a life lead and poking you every once in a while)
3) Blanka (all of his specials are punishable but he has better life than you and much better normals)
4) Balrog (you can punish him a lot, but he can get back easily by cornering you and his patented headbutt -> ultra combo)

I agree to this.. Throw in Cammy and all the Shotos towards that bottom fot he list.. fricken ridiculous how their wakeups do like 1/4 the health of Fuerte if they connect.


You can control Flying Gigabuster with the control stick slightly, just like any of his jumping attacks after Dashing.


Got my first hate mail! :D Dude was pissed just because I left after one game (my Blanka beat his Blanka). I hate mirror matches--and I had a hunch that he'd pick Blanka because of his icon--but I played anyway. After I won, he kept spamming me with messages about how I suck and everything. It was fun going back and forth with him. His ego was so bruised :(

And I played a Zangief that must have thought he was in Time Attack or something. I tore that nub a new one.
drohne said:
HOLY SHIT what is that combo he lands off the focus crumple in the second round of fight 4

someone tell him he's not playing guilty gear

Off the focus attack crumple it's (-> is a link, xx is a cancel)

forward fp -> cr. lp -> cr. fp xx fp hadoken xx FADC forward -> cr. mk xx mk tatsumaki

Just keep in mind that the damage after fadc is really crappy for 2 ex bars, but if it'll win you the game then by all means. Most Ryu players just use :

forward fp -> cr. lp -> cr.fp xx lk tatsumaki
i stuck to "player matches" for the last two days. was fun, but not that different from ranked. sure, you see more variety in characters, but people disconnect and write shitty mail when they get pissed as in ranked.

had some insane person telling me to stop giving him the 100-hands move with gen. i told him i was still in training and had much to learn. he answered: " no offense, but its clear you arent that good yet". i mixed some guile and ken in for the fun and beat him with ease, like i did with gen. his next mail was: "seriously, do something else, you're pissing me off"

wtf is this shit :lol i beat him 9:1 and left to look for sane people.


FindMyFarms said:
Well you have to keep in mind that when you're talking about the validity of an ultra, it's assumed that your talking about it being used by someone that knows how to use it properly.

I'm sure most ranked players can't do FA -> Raging Demon, but most of them suck also so that's not surprising lol. Also, it's not too hard to do. It LOOKS hard, but if you go into practice mode and give it a solid 15 min. or so it's pretty easy to get down. You can actually buffer everything relatively slowly.

FA shenanigans are just focus attack mixups you can use on someone (as you guessed) while getting up. It's mainly a corner pressure tool, but can be used out of it as well. If you get a knockdown and they don't do a quick get up, and time it right, you're FA will hit them right as they get up. If you get the crumple, you can use his ultra, if they jump then you get a standing fierce.

Once they get scared of that, you can bait them into performing a reversal to break the FA. Most of the time it'll be a shoryuken or something like that. That's when you start doing FADC backwards, block, ultra punish.

Are you on PSN? If I ever get my ps3 fixed ;_; I'll run some games with you using Akuma.

Yeah, I'm on PSN. my id is TimeKillr

I'd love to get more practice against Akuma - he's one of my hardest matchups with Rufus.


drohne said:
just went 2-4 against the best abel i've seen online -- can't BELIEVE how many times i forgot he had ultra and threw a fireball at him from halfway across the screen, but i think i learned some stuff for my abel. i think i'm going for his command throw way too often and need to do a better job of mixing up pokes and his wheel kick

Yeah the command throw is best used when people made a mistake next to you. I don't usually make a conscious effort to go "okay, next move I land is it" - I use it to punish whenever I need to, or use it in traps.


Won said:
Just because everyone out there sucks with it, doesn't mean that it's bad. :p
In that case Ryu's Ultra would be even worse since he stands around for an hour after firing it and is as easy to jump over as the Raging Demon.

Alright, well it's a horrible ultra in the hands of most players.

My problem with it is that it's incredibly situational, more so than most of the other Ultras in the game. There are very few setups where you can go into the Ultra and do some actual damage (compared to a lot of the rest of the cast).

Ryu's Ultra, for example, can be tagged on a jab shoryuken or a fadc shoryken, which at least makes it comboable. Akuma's can only be comboed into from a crumple (which applies to every Ultra in the game anyway!). It's recovery is awful, it's startup time is awful, it's incredibly easy to avoid. It's not like you can do a wakeup Ultra and tag someone (like you can do with pretty much everyone else).

Vega's isn't much better, though. I guess it can be used to punish fireballs but that's about it...


needs to show more effort.
Akuma's ultra in most games I've played with him as, and it is the case here as well, is about threat. Even a good akuma player against a good opponent would rarely actually hit with it, but the fact that he has it makes him a much scarier threat that cripples some of your opponent's strategies. Its about control, not damage.

Against someone who can pull off the demon on command, suddenly you can't really jump in on him and you can't focus attack. Coupled with the fact that akuma is just a control freak in general, this severely limits your opponent's options.


Bacon of Hope
I lost to an El Fuerte last night ina smallish tournament and had to settle for second. I wont the first set ( I was in losers bracket) but couldn't hold on and take the next one. Once he has an Ultra I felt i couldn't do anything (He was Ultraing my Tiger Knees... lol)
haunts said:
I lost to an El Fuerte last night ina smallish tournament and had to settle for second. I wont the first set ( I was in losers bracket) but couldn't hold on and take the next one. Once he has an Ultra I felt i couldn't do anything (He was Ultraing my Tiger Knees... lol)

Nice matches with Young Legend. I like your pressure game. I think I saw you going for a kara-knee and getting stuffed on the LK in one of them.
Yeah...reading the comments...

Even though most say the game is balanced...

I think the way in you get ultras (or how easily the revenge meter fills...like from abusing FADC) should be altered somewhat...and tweak some character ultras like Guile, Akuma, Claw, etc. Maybe ditch charge motions and go the double fireball route...and reduce the damage on some of them (even though the game does have damage scaling).

I think Haunts is good...but you can see his execution falter now and then. I'm betting on him for Evo. He will wave the Neogaf flag...


LakeEarth said:
At least in 3rd Strike if you sucked at landing the RD, you had other options. Now all he has is the RD.
Fireballs, teleport.

I love playing Akumas though as Boxer... Akuma is so shitty and 99% of the people that pick him are really bad.
I think Akuma is a beast. Just play to his strengths. He has a solid runaway game with air fireballs and teleport. And if you're offensive minded...he has a solid pressure game...which if you get an opening can lead to huge damage. His new roundhouse is insane. And now he has EX moves...

The only time I've played online...N3ss kept punishing me with the roundhouse.

It sucks that he takes so much damage...but that's the tradeoff. From all of the tiers (which...we know...mean nothing), he's ranked pretty decent.

Ed Ma has a savage Ken...and he's ranked pretty much low/middle tier...and he manages to beat with him.

And after watching the Dogface show...it seems like Japan doesn't have high regard for El Fuerte...but here in the U.S. of A...we're discovering all manner of tricks...


corkscrewblow said:
Fireballs, teleport.

I love playing Akumas though as Boxer... Akuma is so shitty and 99% of the people that pick him are really bad.
I meant other super options. Akuma is still really good in SFIV, go on youtube and you can see people rock without even considering their ultra.
haunts said:
I lost to an El Fuerte last night ina smallish tournament and had to settle for second. I wont the first set ( I was in losers bracket) but couldn't hold on and take the next one. Once he has an Ultra I felt i couldn't do anything (He was Ultraing my Tiger Knees... lol)

I was watching that tourney streaming. Have to say I was rooting for the fuerte.


Bacon of Hope
Spiderjericho said:
Yeah...reading the comments...

Even though most say the game is balanced...

I think the way in you get ultras (or how easily the revenge meter fills...like from abusing FADC) should be altered somewhat...and tweak some character ultras like Guile, Akuma, Claw, etc. Maybe ditch charge motions and go the double fireball route...and reduce the damage on some of them (even though the game does have damage scaling).

I think Haunts is good...but you can see his execution falter now and then. I'm betting on him for Evo. He will wave the Neogaf flag...

A friend of mine said it would be a good idea if it was on a timer, and I have to agree. I think it would change the gameplay dramatically and make the person with an Ultra have to be much more aggressive.
I want Ultra's damage and Revenge Meter fill-up to be toned down big time,
in ballance, make the EX/Super Meter fill up quicker

I hate Honda's Ultra but I love his Super.

If I could trade his Ultra for one more Super.. I would


gutter_trash said:
I want Ultra's damage and Revenge Meter fill-up to be toned down big time,
in ballance, make the EX/Super Meter fill up quicker

I hate Honda's Ultra but I love his Super.

If I could trade his Ultra for one more Super.. I would

It's a change that I believe would help balance the game quite a bit. Not everyone can guarantee an ultra hit, almost everyone can guarantee a super hit (Akuma the only one I'm guessing?).


ive finally stopped using ken and have turned to Gouken, his anti air tactics are amazing agaisnt those dumb kangaroo kens and ryus i see online. he is also really good agaisnt zangiefs who spam lariats to get clsoe to you,it seems gouken can hurricane kick zangief out of his lariat animations when he gets close.

i also jsut discovered how awesome rose can potentially be,s he helped me beat a really annoying (but good) fuerte player with t2 ultra combo finishes in a row. i think i win with her becuase no one ever uses her online so they dont know her moves.

im just glad that ive finally seen the light and now i realize there are other characters out there besides ken:lol


Ferrio said:
It's a change that I believe would help balance the game quite a bit. Not everyone can guarantee an ultra hit, almost everyone can guarantee a super hit (Akuma the only one I'm guessing?).

Even Akuma's super is easier though; if you activate the super version of the raging demon right next to someone, they can't jump out of it after they see the super flash like they can with the ultra.


Isn't the thing about making the superbar filling not as quick so that the EX options are a bit more balanced? I know supers aren't really used because of how long it takes, but EX moves are used all the time and so that needs to be in moderation.


needs to show more effort.
I like the idea of ultras being on a timer. Get rid of the extra ultra damage (so it stops at what is now the halfway point where it activates) and have it burn down.

The super guage seems perfect to me as is. I don't think I would want it to fill up any faster.


kiryogi said:
Isn't the thing about making the superbar filling not as quick so that the EX options are a bit more balanced? I know supers aren't really used because of how long it takes, but EX moves are used all the time and so that needs to be in moderation.

What if instead of 4 ex bars, there were 3 ex bars but they were longer, and the bar filled up faster? 3 would still enough to ex move into FADC.


Damn, trying to get that stupid RSF done in Fuerte's last trial completely fucks with my normal playstyle. My Fuerte feels horrible at the moment.
I hate you Capcom. I only want the damn icons! :/


Recently started playing again, as I had put it down after a business trip and other silliness.

Went up against the highest BP person yet... a 11k Sagat. I did surprisingly well with my shitty ass abel. Curious how much I would of gained if I had won (i was ~2k bp)


Bah, need more practice. Kept losing to turtling Guile's and Balrogs. Have to figure how to get in to those guys. Surprisinly only had 2 drops, not that I was winning that much.

Keep hovering in the 1200BP range, which is way lower than I would've thought. Gotta learn my matchups better.


jobber said:
:lol I can destroy the CPU on Hardest except for CPU Gief. He 360'd me when I was starting Balrog's ultra. The only way I could beat him is if I bait him into using the green hand then headbutt him into a combo. I'm still trying to figure out strategies for every situation vs. every character.
Dang jobber. Looks like you've gotten really good. Please, teach me how to destroy the cpu on hardest!
So I'm starting to like Gen and he is becoming my secondary after Fuerte.

I love crossing people up then doing the 100 fingers thing.. it does a shit ton of dmg and leads to like a 12 hit combo. I need to work on crossing up though.. I rarely do on Fuerte with a normal move (only with like Tostada Presses etc).. so its pretty new but man it guarantees a hit almost..

Also you can cancel his hands into super is god awful awesome in this situation.. Not to mention his Ultra combos into his super.. Or if you prefer the Kick Ultra (Tornado) that thing is imbal on anyone jumping in on you.. its awesome.


TurtleSnatcher said:
So I'm starting to like Gen and he is becoming my secondary after Fuerte.

I love crossing people up then doing the 100 fingers thing.. it does a shit ton of dmg and leads to like a 12 hit combo. I need to work on crossing up though.. I rarely do on Fuerte with a normal move (only with like Tostada Presses etc).. so its pretty new but man it guarantees a hit almost..

Also you can cancel his hands into super is god awful awesome in this situation.. Not to mention his Ultra combos into his super.. Or if you prefer the Kick Ultra (Tornado) that thing is imbal on anyone jumping in on you.. its awesome.

Yeah he has become my secondary character as well. Him and rufus have some crazy play styles. you should try out his kkk style crossup. Jumping mk cross up into c. lk(pops them up). If your quick enough you can switch to ppp stance and ultra or super them.
jdub03 said:
Yeah he has become my secondary character as well. Him and rufus have some crazy play styles. you should try out his kkk style crossup. Jumping mk cross up into c. lk(pops them up). If your quick enough you can switch to ppp stance and ultra or super them.

Do you need to be in PPP stance to do the Super?? or the PPP Ultra?

I do the KKK Ultra when not in KKK stance.


TurtleSnatcher said:
Do you need to be in PPP stance to do the Super?? or the PPP Ultra?

I do the KKK Ultra when not in KKK stance.
I've done that too, but I thought it was probably registering the KKK as changing stance and the Ultra because it doesn't always work (may be down to 360 pad though) - I always change stance to make sure.

Like you say his cross up is really useful, into hands super-> Ultra, I got a message today from someone saying I was "cheap" because I finished them with that. :lol Gen is my main guy, he's a shoto killing machine :D


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Gen can do an Ultra from another stance by just mashing the PPP or KKK (whichever is the opposite stance) twice - it's what makes comboing from his super to his Ultra so easy, and I had to do it for one of his Challenges as well - much easier than I though actually...
BitchTits said:
I've done that too, but I thought it was probably registering the KKK as changing stance and the Ultra because it doesn't always work (may be down to 360 pad though) - I always change stance to make sure.

Like you say his cross up is really useful, into hands super-> Ultra, I got a message today from someone saying I was "cheap" because I finished them with that. :lol Gen is my main guy, he's a shoto killing machine :D
Yes he has become my shoto machine.. Fuerte has issues with their wakeups but can still beat them but with Gen it feels so much easier.


Is there an effective way to punish Blanka's rolling attack? It seems like there definitely ought to be a way but my paltry skill set hasn't been able to figure it out.


Cowie said:
what in the world
i've fought like 10 abels today, and no kens
and the last one rage quit on me =(

what's going on.
Change of Direction is the new SHORYUKEN

come to think of it if there was ever such a thing as a "flowchart abel", mine would probably fit it to a tee :lol


BigAT said:
Is there an effective way to punish Blanka's rolling attack? It seems like there definitely ought to be a way but my paltry skill set hasn't been able to figure it out.


Pisses me off :lol


Weird, I had a nice variety today. Still saw a bunch of Ken's and Ryu's, but some Dictators, Fei Long, even a Sakura. Hate to say it, but I still haven't beaten a good Dictator yet, I'm trying to figure how to punish his mistakes.
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