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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


Man, I don't even know if I will ever get good at this game. I know how to do mixups and damaging combos, but online it's just a different deal. Playing against less experienced players doesn't feel fun because I'm not even thinking and I just tend to rush them down. Playing with more experienced players gets me destroyed. Most of the times, I know what to do, but it just doesn't translate on screen: my fingers are not fast enough or some completely different move comes out...and I get punished. The moves are just not coming out on time. There are times when I would low-block, but still get hit, only to discover that the thumbstick is tilted slightly upwards.

How exactly does getting a stick make things better? Are moves easier to pull off? Or is it just like using the 360 thumbstick? Am I doomed to teh suck?


LakeEarth said:
Weird, I had a nice variety today. Still saw a bunch of Ken's and Ryu's, but some Dictators, Fei Long, even a Sakura. Hate to say it, but I still haven't beaten a good Dictator yet, I'm trying to figure how to punish his mistakes.
Same for me :/


needs to show more effort.
BigAT said:
Is there an effective way to punish Blanka's rolling attack? It seems like there definitely ought to be a way but my paltry skill set hasn't been able to figure it out.
depends entirely on who you use. For some characters yes, for others no. If you know its coming, you can do plenty of stuff (like lp) to punch him on his way over instead of waiting to block it.


so how the hell do you beat vega? I have no idea how to fight against him because nobody around here picks him, but I get my BP stolen every time I run into one online. I'm not saying they're good or anything, but I have trouble punishing vega's moves and I'm pretty sure the only reason they have 3000+ BP is because others like me don't know how to deal with his specials.

qcf x2

ultim8p00 said:
How exactly does getting a stick make things better? Are moves easier to pull off? Or is it just like using the 360 thumbstick? Am I doomed to teh suck?

It's NOTHING like using the analog stick, don't ever ask that again! :D But it's not gonna turn you into a celebrity overnight, either. To be honest the biggest benefit to having an arcade stick is the button placement. No switching up how you hold the controller for this move or that cancel, etc.

Other than that, it's all up to the user. In actuality, if it wasn't for the button layout of a stick compared to a pad, I'd be better on a pad (compact inputs, especially for the horrible down-charge supers). But never analog sticks.

qcf x2

hwateber said:
so how the hell do you beat vega? I have no idea how to fight against him because nobody around here picks him, but I get my BP stolen every time I run into one online. I'm not saying they're good or anything, but I have trouble punishing vega's moves and I'm pretty sure the only reason they have 3000+ BP is because others like me don't know how to deal with his specials.

Yeah, I'd like to see what some of the others have to say about Vega, as he is a thorn in my side. The best advice I can give is to use focus attacks when he's in poke range as he has priority on any normal poke you can do. And if you have a cross up attack, utilize it. Also, if he does his wall dive, a jump back + HK works a little over half the time. The only time I win against Vegas is if I get them in a cross up loop.


qcf x2 said:
It's NOTHING like using the analog stick, don't ever ask that again! :D But it's not gonna turn you into a celebrity overnight, either. To be honest the biggest benefit to having an arcade stick is the button placement. No switching up how you hold the controller for this move or that cancel, etc.

Other than that, it's all up to the user. In actuality, if it wasn't for the button layout of a stick compared to a pad, I'd be better on a pad (compact inputs, especially for the horrible down-charge supers). But never analog sticks.

Then get a Saturn USB pad if you have a ps3, or the madcatz pad if you don't.:D
hwateber said:
so how the hell do you beat vega? I have no idea how to fight against him because nobody around here picks him, but I get my BP stolen every time I run into one online. I'm not saying they're good or anything, but I have trouble punishing vega's moves and I'm pretty sure the only reason they have 3000+ BP is because others like me don't know how to deal with his specials.

Vega's anti air sucks, so abuse him with jump ins after knockdown. If he gets smart an does his PPP/KKK flip, then just chase him down as he's vulnerable afterwards.

If he does wall dive, just use focus attack to absorb then punish, just make sure you do it AFTER he bounces off the wall so you dont get ulra'd.

Watch out for ex claw dive (the horizontal one) cross up.

Aside from that just be aggressive. After a few focus attacks, you'll shut down his wall dive mix up. He doesn't have a lot of defensive options either, so you can just abuse him there. Don't worry about him outpoking you either, Vega has bad footsies and his cr. mp and cr. fp have too much start up for anything outside of punishing.

AZ Greg

hwateber said:
so how the hell do you beat vega? I have no idea how to fight against him because nobody around here picks him, but I get my BP stolen every time I run into one online. I'm not saying they're good or anything, but I have trouble punishing vega's moves and I'm pretty sure the only reason they have 3000+ BP is because others like me don't know how to deal with his specials.

As a Vega player, the following is what usually locks me down,

- Pressure. Vega's AA game sucks. Knock him down and you can abuse him with jump-ins and crossups. Backflips then become his only source of avoiding you, which, if you anticipate, can be punished severely.
- Utilize your FA, a lot! It can really shut down his poking.
- To avoid the air attacks simply meet him in the air with an attack of your own, FA it, dash away, etc...
- If he slides into you from anything closer than the slides max range then you can punish him.

It's really all about pressure. If you can get him in a corner then it's pretty much over.


Every time I play this game online I become increasingly frustrated that people fucking play online through wireless even though a wired connection would yield better performance. It's like no matter what ranked match I play, everybody has a poor connection.

I just got done losing 300BP fighting players with shit ass connections. Honestly WTF.


TurtleSnatcher said:
Do you need to be in PPP stance to do the Super?? or the PPP Ultra?

I do the KKK Ultra when not in KKK stance.

You have to be in that particular stance to do the ultra/super. Each stance has an ultra version and a super version. The ppp stance is the ones where he goes across the screen. The KKK ones catches your opponent jumping in the air. I think if you just do the QCFx2 +three punches from the KKK stance it sometimes registers as a stance. If it does the ultra will come out. I usually just do QCF+PPP QCF+ PPP to make sure I get stance change and ultra/super to come out.
Another nice way of landing his ultra is to do his move in KKK stance where you charge down and do up + any kick then left/right off the wall. Change stance to PPP before he hits then when your opponent is in the air do the super or the ultra. If you have both super and ultra do the super first, then connect with the ultra while he's still in the air. I'm still trying to figure out his most damaging punishment combo after whiffed moves.


Trucker Sexologist
Kccitystar said:
Every time I play this game online I become increasingly frustrated that people fucking play online through wireless even though a wired connection would yield better performance. It's like no matter what ranked match I play, everybody has a poor connection.

I just got done losing 300BP fighting players with shit ass connections. Honestly WTF.
I will play at any connection quality because I still want to be able to perform well under laggy conditions. If I ever have to play a round Lag Fighter I want to be better at it than the other guy.
is it me lagging?i cant pull off any ultras on knocked back apponents in the air tonight with rose or ryu amazingly tonight almost all the time they have magically blocked in the air wtf is going on?

*this goes for abel as well


GGs Bob White. Probably the best Viper I've played so far. Almost every round was a GG too... I'll be back on in a bit when I'm more drunk.


Dammit, up on my stick is no longer working.=/

I've been having issues for days with my Buffalo Headbutts with Boxer, guess I know why now.=/

Oh well, gives me some time to play other shit while I wait for a replacement. I have a hori fight stick 3, but I can't stand the stock stick on it compared to my sanwa. =(


good credit (by proxy)
Nakazato said:
Hey Haunts are you ever going to put up a vid for fadcing for n00bs and a guile vid ??

haha, i should send them audio of some dude saying "Do you always sit there and run away like a little pussy or is this just a one time thing you fuckin faggot". His voice is awesome, it sounds like a pimply 16 year old going through puberty.
I played against this Akuma player who spent the whole first two rounds running away, throwing fireballs. In the third round, I got the first attack and let him run away, then I just kept jumping over his fireballs until time ran out and I won. then he sends me a pm complaining about me running away.
FindMyFarms said:

That's the Cammy player from the RageQuit blog.

All you aspiring Cammy players should check it out, the guy is just sick with her.

Yeah, I've been following Vas on the shoryuken Cammy forum. Just vicious, he's got full mastery of that tiger knee cannon strike and just abuses it to make awesome combos.

Cannon spike -> fadc -> cannon spike is sexy and does awesome damage.

edit: WOW. Now this is a fight:


jaw dropped at both players.
Killa Sasa said:
Yeah, I've been following Vas on the shoryuken Cammy forum. Just vicious, he's got full mastery of that tiger knee cannon strike and just abuses it to make awesome combos.

I was wondering, how come even if he has ultra, he'll do cannon spike xx fadc xx cannon spike instead of cannon spike xx fadcb xx ultra. He even does this at mid screen. What am I missing here? Or is it just a habit of his?


Any tips for beating Blanka as Ryu, Gief. Scrubs are easy but someone playing a smart mixup game and FA mischief makes him extremely difficult.

Ball comes out very fast and it's hard to counter/react, let alone punish. And he has many options to avoid/punish projectiles. I end up chasing him all match with Gief, taking tons of damage in the process and playing a very boring and dangerous defensive game with Ryu, and usually lose in the process.

You simply cannot pressure him, no crossups, his ultra is deadly, even just chip damage.

I can't seem to find a sklled blanka getting a beating on youtube either.


makes good threads.
Excellent matches as always Drohne. My favorite being the Gen (enk) vs Ryu (drohne) fight. I've been practicing with him on and off for the past month and just last week I've finally got the hang of him.

Ploid 3.0

DD-11 said:
Any tips for beating Blanka as Ryu, Gief. Scrubs are easy but someone playing a smart mixup game and FA mischief makes him extremely difficult.

Ball comes out very fast and it's hard to counter/react, let alone punish. And he has many options to avoid/punish projectiles. I end up chasing him all match with Gief, taking tons of damage in the process and playing a very boring and dangerous defensive game with Ryu, and usually lose in the process.

You simply cannot pressure him, no crossups, his ultra is deadly, even just chip damage.

I can't seem to find a sklled blanka getting a beating on youtube either.

Did you just play me on PSN? Gief and ryu kinda have me thinking it's the person I played, and it's very possible he has a neogaf account. Just wondering, it's probably not as the person I played knew how to pressure me I think. Uploading video to youtube now if it is you.
DD-11 said:
Any tips for beating Blanka as Ryu, Gief. Scrubs are easy but someone playing a smart mixup game and FA mischief makes him extremely difficult.

Ball comes out very fast and it's hard to counter/react, let alone punish. And he has many options to avoid/punish projectiles. I end up chasing him all match with Gief, taking tons of damage in the process and playing a very boring and dangerous defensive game with Ryu, and usually lose in the process.

You simply cannot pressure him, no crossups, his ultra is deadly, even just chip damage.

I can't seem to find a sklled blanka getting a beating on youtube either.

it's pretty easy with gief. you can lariat all his balls and his jump ins. try to keep him floored and spd.

Ploid 3.0

akachan ningen said:
it's pretty easy with gief. you can lariat all his balls and his jump ins. try to keep him floored and spd.

For Lariat blanka can beat it when it's about to stop with a straight beast roll, and the rainbow roll is good against the lariat too. Gief is pretty fun as blanka. I'm now comfortable with gief, but the gief I played didn't do that glow palm much. I could have still done something about that though. Anyway when they lariat they are easy pickings for a hit to the feet. The only way Lariat might be dangerous is when you're waking up and the gief is very good at 360 grabbing you if you try to punch him close up. Those 360's are crazy in priority. Blanka don't have good combos so it's easy for gief to slip the 360 in.
DD-11 said:
Any tips for beating Blanka as Ryu, Gief. Scrubs are easy but someone playing a smart mixup game and FA mischief makes him extremely difficult.

When it comes to playing against Blanka as Ryu I've got nothing for you. Blanka's are a nightmare for shoto's. Even scrubs can beat me or push me to near death every round. When my opponent chooses Blanka, my thoughts are "Oh shit, I'm toast" :lol


No, wasn't me, I'm on XBL. Still be interested in the video.

Yeah, the lariet doesn't work because it's really hard (read: impossible) to react unless it's from full screen and if I psychic it I get a slide or a rainbow.

Ploid 3.0

Street Fighter 4 Hogashi's cousin (ryu) vs Me (bla) #1

Uploading ones I lost to, but it might not help much. This guy's Zangief was crazy, but when I got the camera set up he already moved on to ryu. I guess I figured his zangief out, but he did go back to him. He used a tactic where he'd stand over me when I'm down and use the lariat. The thing about the guy is he's very good at grabbing me if I try to hit him with sparse attacks. I don't know why I didn't blanka slide as he lariat, I think he timed it so he'd be able to grab me out of the slide if I attempt to. Those 360s are crazy (I already said this).
Ploid 3.0 said:
Street Fighter 4 Hogashi's cousin (ryu) vs Me (bla) #1

Uploading ones I lost to, but it might not help much. This guy's Zangief was crazy, but when I got the camera set up he already moved on to ryu. I guess I figured his zangief out, but he did go back to him. He used a tactic where he'd stand over me when I'm down and use the lariat. The thing about the guy is he's very good at grabbing me if I try to hit him with sparse attacks. I don't know why I didn't blanka slide as he lariat, I think he timed it so he'd be able to grab me out of the slide if I attempt to. Those 360s are crazy (I already said this).

Wow are you filming in a pitch black room or what? That's the best picture quality I've seen on a non direct feed video.

Ploid 3.0

FindMyFarms said:
Wow are you filming in a pitch black room or what? That's the best picture quality I've seen on a non direct feed video.

Really? hah, yea it's a dark room but the camera makes it look darker because it's focused on the tv.
Okay.. holy shit at Gen..

I went on a 36 game win streak tonight.. beat my record by 14 fricken games..


Gen + El Fuerte as my 2 characters.. I confuse the living crap out of people.

I then started to lose decently after that but man.. Gen is a beast. I need to work on crossing up a bit more after knockdowns.. especially after a forward throw.. back throws I have no issue.. but he knocks them so far that if I dash I'm there too early or if I don't dash I'm there eitehr on time or too late.

I need to work on the timing of his ultra. Thanks for the suggestions on the Wall Dive Kick -> Super -> Ultra.. That sounds freaking epic.. I hit that wall dive kick frequently so now I'm just wondering how insane it would be to get it all in.

Has anyone figured out if KKK Ultra is better after PPP Super? Or PPP Ultra is just as good?
Anyone up for some matches? (I main Chun li, but I'm probably gonna play other characters)

PSN: Vicious-chan

I haven't really played in a few days.
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