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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


Bacon of Hope
prodystopian said:
Preaching to the choir. I've gotten better at zoning and pressure strings, but putting it together is tough. He does get away with mistakes because of his high damage and stamina, but against good players, I would get eaten up because I'm having trouble combining those two parts of my game. I'm definitely going to keep playing him and Chun.

Definitely looking forward to seeing these (I'm assuming you played Sagat for these, if not, still want to see his Chun).

I love watching Sagat v. Chun matchups (for obvious reasons). It is so fun to watch from one perspective, then the other. One of my favorites (I think I posted this before):


Yeah some are Sagat, there is a C. Viper match that is real goofy too. I miss a lot and over all lose but some interesting moments for sure.

With Sagat is he is so slow everything has to be really deliberate. He can take damage better than others yes, but against a good player who baits DPs and is good at crossing up, it can be a pain. All these whines who say he is so easy, id love to see them pull off his basic link combo even 4/10 times in training mode..
haunts said:
With Sagat is he is so slow everything has to be really deliberate. He can take damage better than others yes, but against a good player who baits DPs and is good at crossing up, it can be a pain. All these whines who say he is so easy, id love to see them pull off his basic link combo even 4/10 times in training mode..

The balance in this game blows my mind. His TU is his most powerful move, but it's also the riskiest. His TK is great, but if you abuse it on double hit, you can get reversed on block. Even though his Tiger Shots are incredibly fast, if you abuse them, someone can get a big jump in combo and beat you up. His links are much tighter than Chun's.

That is all just a small sample, but the way they balanced everything is unbelievable to me. Every character seems viable. Maybe not tourney viable, but usable and has some advantages which are unique.


Hey be proud I only have a measely 1600 (although i barely ever play ranked anymore)

The good thing is since my zone is recreation i don't have to deal with douchebags and ragequitters that often :)


Is it just me or is front back front easier performed with 2 quarter circles? I actually went into training mode and you CAN just perform it with 2 quarter circles, it didn't even need a back motion o_O

Edit: front back front back actually or whatevr


Bacon of Hope
I finally got over 6k bp last night.. Hadent messed with ranked in a while but yeah.. :p

prodystopian said:
The balance in this game blows my mind. His TU is his most powerful move, but it's also the riskiest. His TK is great, but if you abuse it on double hit, you can get reversed on block. Even though his Tiger Shots are incredibly fast, if you abuse them, someone can get a big jump in combo and beat you up. His links are much tighter than Chun's.

That is all just a small sample, but the way they balanced everything is unbelievable to me. Every character seems viable. Maybe not tourney viable, but usable and has some advantages which are unique.

Yeah against good players like my friend Chun Li, if I miss a Tiger Knee or anything he will take off like 25% of my health. The people who whine about Sagat just dont know the match up and are getting beat by dumb shit. The people I play with are great players and never complain about Sagat, instead they find ways to beat him.


Threi said:
Hey be proud I only have a measely 1600 (although i barely ever play ranked anymore)

The good thing is since my zone is recreation i don't have to deal with douchebags and ragequitters that often :)

The bad thing is I can't choose my zone ( playstation ) if I play custom match (same rank) I play against a lot ot ragequitters...

I'm waiting some kind of 'quarter match' to play player matches, right now I don't have much fun playing with the same guy over and over again.

Ploid 3.0

Holy crap, this arcade stick is $29 and it looks like it pretty good. Anyone got this, I can't see why I shouldn't get it. I was shopping for the saturn pad, but I might as well get this stick.

Mayflash Arcadestick


Ploid 3.0

Ferrio said:

Also I only get good latency to people on the west coast.

It seem to take longer for people to join you when you just make a room vs being in arcade mode with the option to allow people to drop in.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
Dizzy-4U said:
That's amazing.

I'm having a lot of trouble with my Chun though, specially against turtling Rog and Honda. Right now I'm testing some moves that can punish otoshi and dash strait =/.

vs those two just run away the whole time, make them chase you. Oichio is always avoidable as its 4f startup, you can jab it, throw it, or backdash, unless they tick in from a standing jab, then it's tougher (backdashing works still)


arstal said:
vs those two just run away the whole time, make them chase you. Oichio is always avoidable as its 4f startup, you can jab it, throw it, or backdash, unless they tick in from a standing jab, then it's tougher (backdashing works still)
Thanks for the tips. I'll try that.


Dizzy-4U said:
Thanks for the tips. I'll try that.

Yep, you should not be chasing them at all. Honda is very easy to zone with kikoken and his headbutt is punishable by super and ultra.

rog, you can use S.FP as AA and pokes, it beats his dash punches start up frame if you are close. you can also try to bait his headbutts to punish. something i like to do if they use turn punch is to bait them with kikoken. you can back off and punish his whiffed turn punch in whatever manner you prefer.


Gen's final combo trial on Hard is killing me.

Has anyone really done all the Hard trials with a standard 360 or PS3 pad? Where the hell are these Madcatz pads? >:-|
BitchTits said:
Gen's final combo trial on Hard is killing me.

Has anyone really done all the Hard trials with a standard 360 or PS3 pad? Where the hell are these Madcatz pads? >:-|

I have a madcatz pad :D

But yea.. I have yet to sucessfully finish any characters hard trials all the way through... They are so freaking impossible.

I came really close on Bisons.. I'm on his last hard trial but it is so freaking impossible...

I hear the first 3 hits have only 1 frame windows which is god awful retarded.. F U capcom.

I can't get anywhere on those.. I have no idea how people do some of these with ease..


Trucker Sexologist
prodystopian said:
Preaching to the choir. I've gotten better at zoning and pressure strings, but putting it together is tough. He does get away with mistakes because of his high damage and stamina, but against good players, I would get eaten up because I'm having trouble combining those two parts of my game. I'm definitely going to keep playing him and Chun.

Definitely looking forward to seeing these (I'm assuming you played Sagat for these, if not, still want to see his Chun).

I love watching Sagat v. Chun matchups (for obvious reasons). It is so fun to watch from one perspective, then the other. One of my favorites (I think I posted this before):

The ultra from EX thousand kicks is quite evil. I'll have to add that to my repertoire.
haunts said:
I finally got over 6k bp last night.. Hadent messed with ranked in a while but yeah.. :p

Yeah against good players like my friend Chun Li, if I miss a Tiger Knee or anything he will take off like 25% of my health. The people who whine about Sagat just dont know the match up and are getting beat by dumb shit. The people I play with are great players and never complain about Sagat, instead they find ways to beat him.

I dunno man, I think Sagat is one of the easier players to learn how to play competently. cr. lk xx cr. lk xx cr. lp xx tiger upper isn't too hard to land, his block strings aren't too hard either. Not to mention f. rh xx f. rh xx ultra does WMD damage. If you can zone properly and don't get predictable st. rh and tiger shots can carry you through a lot. I'm sure like any character he's hard to master, but he's definitely easy to learn.

And even if you face someone that knows the matchup pretty well and doesn't do anything stupid, it doesn't change the fact that 9/10 times Sagat still has a life and damage advantage.
SapientWolf said:
The ultra from EX thousand kicks is quite evil. I'll have to add that to my repertoire.

I believe it only works if they are going into the corner. Otherwise, they will bounce out the Ultra. I think.

FindMyFarms said:
I dunno man, I think Sagat is one of the easier players to learn how to play competently. cr. lk xx cr. lk xx cr. lp xx tiger upper isn't too hard to land, his block strings aren't too hard either. Not to mention f. rh xx f. rh xx ultra does WMD damage. If you can zone properly and don't get predictable st. rh and tiger shots can carry you through a lot. I'm sure like any character he's hard to master, but he's definitely easy to learn.

The timing on his links is much more strict than other characters, and hitting f. RH, f. RH, Ultra takes pretty slick timing (you have to hit them very near the top of the jump to hit f. RH twice). He has been at the top of the tier lists for a reason (and is one of the few at the top that would also be at the top for newbs), but he has his weaknesses.


ex sbk, ten sho kyaku and ex hyakuretsu kyaku all can connect to her ultra. the best thing is they don't have to be right in the corner. from my time in training mode you can be almost at mid and still connect.

prodystopian said:
I believe it only works if they are going into the corner. Otherwise, they will bounce out the Ultra. I think.

yes, they have to be going to into the corner or they will bounce way back.
FindMyFarms said:
I dunno man, I think Sagat is one of the easier players to learn how to play competently. cr. lk xx cr. lk xx cr. lp xx tiger upper isn't too hard to land, his block strings aren't too hard either. Not to mention f. rh xx f. rh xx ultra does WMD damage. If you can zone properly and don't get predictable st. rh and tiger shots can carry you through a lot. I'm sure like any character he's hard to master, but he's definitely easy to learn.

And even if you face someone that knows the matchup pretty well and doesn't do anything stupid, it doesn't change the fact that 9/10 times Sagat still has a life and damage advantage.

Bingo. Sorry to sound like the Guile Bitch Parade here, but Sagat has 110% the life Guile does, plus he does (on average) 120% the damage Guile does. That's not to mention his much more viable Ultra/Super. I wouldn't call him broken or anything near that, but it's pretty clear that facing Sagat is an uphill battle for the person not using him when players are of near/equal skill.

But what can I say, I can't use him well for sh!t all. I probably shouldn't be talking.


Bacon of Hope
FindMyFarms said:
I dunno man, I think Sagat is one of the easier players to learn how to play competently. cr. lk xx cr. lk xx cr. lp xx tiger upper isn't too hard to land, his block strings aren't too hard either. Not to mention f. rh xx f. rh xx ultra does WMD damage. If you can zone properly and don't get predictable st. rh and tiger shots can carry you through a lot. I'm sure like any character he's hard to master, but he's definitely easy to learn.

And even if you face someone that knows the matchup pretty well and doesn't do anything stupid, it doesn't change the fact that 9/10 times Sagat still has a life and damage advantage.

That shit will only get you so far, thats what im trying to say. Im playing with dudes who have been on this game for 8+ months now and it takes more than some tiger shots and standing round house to beat them. I rarely get a f+rh on any of these guys outside of a combo.

C.LK to C.LK is a 1-2 frame link, and canceling into the uppercut from that takes a lot of practice. I dont care what anyone says, I find a lot of Vipers combo's easier to hit than that link in a lot of instances.

corkscrewblow said:
SF4 Sagat > 3s Yun



I really want to fall in love with this game... but I feel I'm cut at the knees due to the X360 pad. I feel that what I want to do... and my understanding of the game... is vastly superior to what my pad is allowing me to do.

I want to work on my characters more... but right now... I'm afraid if I play anymore I'm going to begin to hate and resent the game. I *need* a stick... it's that simple. I'm told shipments will start coming in mid-April. There is so much to learn with this game! It's so wonderfully deep and complex... but I'm not getting the most out of it with my shit, unresponsive, xbox controller ---- and it's gotten worse since I've started playing with it!!

I would love to roll with some of the more experienced guys here for tips and pointers. For all purposes... I'm new to the game and my skills in fighters are very basic. So... once I get my stick... I'd love to refine (or begin!) my Akuma, Balrog... and maybe even Blanka.
haunts said:
That shit will only get you so far, thats what im trying to say. Im playing with dudes who have been on this game for 8+ months now and it takes more than some tiger shots and standing round house to beat them. I rarely get a f+rh on any of these guys outside of a combo.

C.LK to C.LK is a 1-2 frame link, and canceling into the uppercut from that takes a lot of practice. I dont care what anyone says, I find a lot of Vipers combo's easier to hit than that link in a lot of instances.

I wasn't saying he's just as easy to use in upper level play(but then again no one is, so it's a moot point). I was just saying he's easy to learn. And regarding difficulty of Sagat's links vs Viper feint combos is up to the person I guess, but I never had trouble doing his links after some practice and at my local casuals (Buktooth's crib) people land that shit all day.

Even then though, you can't deny that when you're facing someone equally skilled, you're still coming in with a health/damage advantage most of the time.


needs to show more effort.
The weakness I see in sagat is his mobility and the general flow between offense/defense. I mean the first time I tried to use sagat and tried to move forward, my immediate conclusion was, "what the hell is this move speed, this is unplayable."

He has solid zoning and insane damage, but against someone that can out manuever his zoning or outzone him themselves, he suddenly doesn't start to look so great and becomes reliant on his ultra.

what I meant by flow is that he seems like he basically has to commit to either offensive or defense and can't flow between the two based on positioning as well as the rest of the cast.
Threi said:
this thread needs more crazy dictator love:


and some Abel love while im at it:

(stolen from srk forums)

regarding Sagat: In higher level play he may not be impossible...but im not a high level player.

so fuck him. :D

Wow... is that guy's name really... ATM??! LOL maybe I watch too much porn, but either that guy has balls or the Koreans are getting shafted on real porn. Well that and they don't speak english.


So I gave in and started playing Ken. :lol Gen on the other hand is hella fun to play. Just not so good with him at the moment. Been running into a lot of Claw players lately. Gee...I wonder...
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