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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
argh still ahving a LOT of trouble with guiles double crouching roundhouse with Ryu

If you block the first and focus attack the second, he can hit you with another one, sometimes I can jump after the first and start a combo, but that thing is friggin strong if you screw up and eat 2 roundhouses, it's about a 3rd of my bar.

My flatmate is very good at spamming this, he also then just jumps over me to the other side and starts doing it again instead of flash kick (which he learned not to throw out all the time now)

damnit guile I hate you.

I also bought a costume pack the other day, god I'm a sucker.
I always thought I was average at least in this game, but I just got done with some player matches with someone who totally schooled me. Out of our 14 games I only managed to win once(against his guile), but his Ryu, Balrog an Sagat were all too much for me. I would get close somtimes, but I choked way to often with my ultra linking.

Totally demoralized right now, but I guess I'll pick the game up again later and see what happens.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Good matches with Ploid yesterday, tough i cant beat his Blanka...
(HE even did me a perfect ;_;)


FindMyFarms said:

That's the Cammy player from the RageQuit blog.

All you aspiring Cammy players should check it out, the guy is just sick with her.

Too bad SpectreRT4 isn't on PSN. I play him almost daily on XBL and his Cammy is VERY good - I was more impressed with the Ryu player in those matches (especially the FA -> Dash -> SRK -> FADC -> Ultra) than the Cammy.

Often times Spectre will land otg EX Cannon Strike -> otg Cannon Strike -> fp -> Cannon Spike or some other variant.
GGs to whoever accepted my invites these last two - three days.


Grifter said:
Keep up? I thought you meant you were tiring of playing your own style and pushing the pace.

Anyone up for some games on 360?
Well, sort of. I was trying to push the pace, but your Bison was even MORE aggressive and I simply wasn't fast enough most of the time, no matter how much I tried. Which is why I didn't last very long the first time around (hopefully I'll do better next time).

MIMIC said:
Doing Dhalsim's trials got me to thinking: Is the Ultra on one side and the Super on the other (by teleporting) blockable?

I go into Training, set the dummy to All Block. I do the Ultra, teleport to the other side and then do the super. The CPU blocks on both sides :lol Is this actually possible to pull off?

(and for the life of me, I still can't do the MK > yoga flame right)
That set-up can be blocked from both sides, yes. I've seen it happen when facing experienced players, so I only use it when I know I can hit someone like that with an aerial fierce punch after the instant air-teleport.

Won said:
Sorry again MicVlaD for leaving after one game, but without heavy kick and medium punch buttons it was kinda pointless. :lol
Is there really no menu to change the button config as soon you go online?


GG MicVlaD. I even won a match! Progress! But wow, I know my Ultra execution sucks and I still don't know how to land it on Dhalsim, but today I didn't even get EX leg throws out of it. :lol
Probably too much time wasted on the trials + bit too tired. :p

Note to myself: More EX-runs, idiot!
Yeah, I was tired too last time we played (just came back from a local tourney that day). You may have noticed something was up, since I practically stopped blocking at one point and wanted to do nothing else but attack.

ultim8p00 said:
Ugh, I had the shittiest day today. For some reason I sucked completely. Lost like 300 BP and got whooped by people I've beaten many times before.

Anyways, anybody up for a game? GT: D3vinchi
I'm on the low-end intermediate side
Studs Ramrod said:
My Xbox Live gamertag is: Studs Ramrod

I like to play Street Fighter IV. Would like to make some friends within the neogaf realm.

By the by. I do not play with mic. I never disconnect out of rage. If I lose, I lose. I follow the silent buddy-system.

Jam-it-on-the-one. Dancemania.
Zanboo said:
Absolutely new player to SF4, just got it today, so if anyone wants to hand my ass to me:

GT - GeeWhiz54 :D
Rentahamster said:
Is the GAF SF IV list not being updated anymore? I tried friending it, but there hasn't been any response yet.
The four of you should try contacting _dementia and firehawk (= firehawk1234 on XBL). They're the ones running the GAF FoF tags (GAF SFIV and GAF SFIV 2 respectively). Either that, or drop a line in the Online / Match-up thread.


MicVlaD said:
GGs to whoever accepted my invites these last two - three days.

Your Dhalsim is damn awesome. I'll have to play it again with my new and improved Rufus, see how I'd be (and I think I could do better with my Abel now too).


MicVlaD said:
GGs to whoever accepted my invites these last two - three days.

Was that you that shot me one yesterday? My kids were having one of their epic battles at the time. I'm gonna be on later this afternoon though and I just sent you an friends invite. I'm a Gouken/Abel player almost exclusively but wanna work in a 3rd main. Just don't know who yet.


catfish said:
If you block the first and focus attack the second, he can hit you with another one

You have to let go a bit faster. Pretty much as soon as you hear the FA absorb the 2nd hit of the roundhouse. Best thing to do then is dash in and throw or use a close range move like cr.LK.


_dementia said:
Yeah, the original GAF SFIV hit it's 100 member limit, but I guess people defriended it over time. All pending requests have been accepted.

Are there still spots left? I'll prolly add myself to it tonight when I get home.

qcf x2

Hopefully it records the matches that disconnect, too. I'd like to make a music video compilation. Like, today there was a guy with a pretty good Cammy. Used FA's defensively and dashed out of them on offense. He was flustered in the first round but played it close in the 2nd before I baited a super out of him. Right as he's about to land...disconnect. If I would've done this shit I would be at 9000 BP right now. It happens so often that I wanna thank every person I beat who doesn't disconnect (but that would be disrespectful).

Am I on the GAF list? If not I'll add myself, I want in on some tournament action.


TimeKillr said:
Too bad SpectreRT4 isn't on PSN. I play him almost daily on XBL and his Cammy is VERY good - I was more impressed with the Ryu player in those matches (especially the FA -> Dash -> SRK -> FADC -> Ultra) than the Cammy.

Often times Spectre will land otg EX Cannon Strike -> otg Cannon Strike -> fp -> Cannon Spike or some other variant.

Hehe, thanks to you I am getting better at the Rufus match up. Snake Strike hurts so much. :(

I have been working on otg ex C.strike, fp, C.spike, FADC(backwards), Ultra.

I can get it in training, but I guess my execution in match has been bad. And I cant blame the Xbox controller. Its all my fault! ;)

I would love to test my Cammy against some others out there. I have played with Mcvlad as well... dudes 'Sim is something to see. Amazing execution.


FindMyFarms said:

That's the Cammy player from the RageQuit blog.

All you aspiring Cammy players should check it out, the guy is just sick with her.
Man good mixup is so sexy :Q____

I need to show my cousin this vid, he is trying to master Cammy.

But i want to still be able to destroy him with my Bison.

quite the dilemma...

akachan ningen said:
hopefully they fix the bad bits before they start making them again.
"bad bits"?


whats annoying is most people in the GAF SFIV list are always playing Resident Evil 5 or offline when im ready to play :(

That only leaves me with MicVlad and haunts, not fun times. (I haven't actually gathered the balls to challenge haunts yet :lol )


Bacon of Hope
Threi said:
whats annoying is most people in the GAF SFIV list are always playing Resident Evil 5 or offline when im ready to play :(

That only leaves me with MicVlad and haunts, not fun times. (I haven't actually gathered the balls to challenge haunts yet :lol )

Funny you mention that becuase I bought RE5 last night saying to myself "I need to play something else for a while".. got home...unwrapped it... and started playing SFIV. LOL. I cant pull myself away from SFIV.


Threi said:
whats annoying is most people in the GAF SFIV list are always playing Resident Evil 5 or offline when im ready to play :(

That only leaves me with MicVlad and haunts, not fun times. (I haven't actually gathered the balls to challenge haunts yet :lol )

When are you usually on?

I had to stop playing this weekend cause I was getting frustrated with losing, but to some pretty good players, so it was good just to get away from playing for a few days.


Threi said:
whats annoying is most people in the GAF SFIV list are always playing Resident Evil 5 or offline when im ready to play :(

That only leaves me with MicVlad and haunts, not fun times. (I haven't actually gathered the balls to challenge haunts yet :lol )

It's been Gears 2 for me lately. Especially with the new maps coming out tomorrow. Just taking a small break away from SFIV.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Oichi said:

I like this site... :lol

I've never took photos of the ragequitters, but I will starting whenever I get into playing again sometime this week after I take a tiny break from the new Gears 2 maps, and I'll take pics of the messages I get too...

The lamest excuse I got so far was "I had to go do something, is that so hard to understand?"

Yeah, you were in a regular lobby (not even Fight Request), readied up, lost the first round, and when you were a jump-in away from losing the second round, you "had to go do something" - yeah, you had to go quit like a little pussy is what you had to do...

The worst are the ones that ACTUALLY put up somewhat of a decent fight, manage to even win a round, and STILL quit - so embarassing...


needs to show more effort.
The first gaf psn tournament came to a close last night. Here is the top 8:

1 GalacticAE (Balrog)
2 Slayn (Blanka)
3 Teknopathetic (Sagat)
4 Findmyfarms (Balrog)
5 Lyte Edge (Chun/Cammy)
5 Co_Andy (Gen)
7 Jekki (Blanka)
7 Killa Sasa (Guile)

Thanks goes to turtlesnatcher for organizing the tournament!
The xbox live one is still ongoing.


haunts said:
Funny you mention that becuase I bought RE5 last night saying to myself "I need to play something else for a while".. got home...unwrapped it... and started playing SFIV. LOL. I cant pull myself away from SFIV.
I have RE5 still untouched from release day actually. I wound up doing the same thing with RE4:Wii and SSBB, where i got both within the same timeframe and got addicted to the other. It stays untouched, and chances are RE5 is going to stay untouched for a while as well.
slayn said:
The first gaf psn tournament came to a close last night. Here is the top 8:

1 GalacticAE (Balrog)
2 Slayn (Blanka)
3 Teknopathic (Sagat)
4 Findmyfarms (Balrog)
5 Lyte Edge (Chun/Cammy)
5 Co_Andy (Gen)
7 Jekki (Blanka)
7 Killa Sasa (Guile)

Thanks goes to turtlesnatcher for organizing the tournament!
The xbox live one is still ongoing.

Good result. I've played all the top 5 players and I'm glad they made it that far. Now I don't feel so bad about losing to them.
y2dvd would have gone far if he stayed in the PSN one.

He is in the GStop Finals Tournament in San Francisco next month.

I want to go home and practice more with Gen :(

I wish I knew how to use a stick decently.. maybe if I changed out the square gate on my TE stick I wouldn't hate it so much.

So far I've been using my SF4 Pad exclusively.. I just can't get hadoken motions down which makes my character flail when I need to pull off a quick ultra.


needs to show more effort.
_dementia said:
And here I am all this time thinking it's "Technopathetic", like the JSRF song.
I've had his name wrong since forever then. I think I usually just say tekno which is probably why I've never been corrected before D=

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
UC1 said:
You have to let go a bit faster. Pretty much as soon as you hear the FA absorb the 2nd hit of the roundhouse. Best thing to do then is dash in and throw or use a close range move like cr.LK.

Nope I do it at the right speed,

I'm in training and i record guiles leg sweeps over and over and over and over.

Then, I jump in close to him, he starts the string, I block the first one, then focus attack, I quick focus attack that hits guile, however, he then begins again the roundhouse kicks before my animation of the focus attack is finished, so he gets a free hit of his DEVASTATING roundhouse kicks :( If I instead jump after the first roundhouse, because I'm so close I can hit him with a jump attack, this lands me on the other side of him and the cycle begins again..

The guy I play regularly has realised that I'm shit at dealing with this and he knows he's basically safe. he just has to mix up the odd other move and I'm down to 1/3 bar, my combos don't mean shit against this kind of repeditive damage and it's driving me mad!

I know I'm missing something but what?!

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
haunts said:
So I recorded a bunch of matches with a_Rival last night. He was mainly playing Seth the whole time os I got some great footage. It was pretty late so I was only able to upload one but I'll upload more tonight. They are pretty entertaining to say the least...


well, anyone that can take a mauling like that the first round and not just start CRYING and then actually win has my respect haha.
catfish said:
Nope I do it at the right speed,

I'm in training and i record guiles leg sweeps over and over and over and over.

Then, I jump in close to him, he starts the string, I block the first one, then focus attack, I quick focus attack that hits guile, however, he then begins again the roundhouse kicks before my animation of the focus attack is finished, so he gets a free hit of his DEVASTATING roundhouse kicks :( If I instead jump after the first roundhouse, because I'm so close I can hit him with a jump attack, this lands me on the other side of him and the cycle begins again..

The guy I play regularly has realised that I'm shit at dealing with this and he knows he's basically safe. he just has to mix up the odd other move and I'm down to 1/3 bar, my combos don't mean shit against this kind of repeditive damage and it's driving me mad!

I know I'm missing something but what?!


I can interrupt the second between the 1st and 2nd kick with a quick jab. Then I can jump away safely or something.

I agree though. Guiles Roundhouse sweep kicks are freaking annoying.

EDIT: Haunts I love your Viper :(


I'm like a Hadouken, down-right Fierce!
Tre deserves 3rd place in the PSN tourney. He did, after all, destroy my Honda. :( Dare I say, he may be TOO GOOD. Ban worthy, in fact!
catfish said:
Nope I do it at the right speed,

I'm in training and i record guiles leg sweeps over and over and over and over.

Then, I jump in close to him, he starts the string, I block the first one, then focus attack, I quick focus attack that hits guile, however, he then begins again the roundhouse kicks before my animation of the focus attack is finished, so he gets a free hit of his DEVASTATING roundhouse kicks :( If I instead jump after the first roundhouse, because I'm so close I can hit him with a jump attack, this lands me on the other side of him and the cycle begins again..

The guy I play regularly has realised that I'm shit at dealing with this and he knows he's basically safe. he just has to mix up the odd other move and I'm down to 1/3 bar, my combos don't mean shit against this kind of repeditive damage and it's driving me mad!

I know I'm missing something but what?!

I can't remember for sure, but can't you just block the first hit of the roundhouse and SRK in between?

I get owned whenever I throw out a c.RH with Guile that whiffs or is blocked. It's got too much time in between it.
haunts said:
hah thanks.. I feel obligated to play her since people hate Sagat SO much.. :p

Haha. I feel the same way. My Sagat pressure game has improved, but I hesitate to use him online and my Chun game has suffered as a result. For some reason I can't seem to get a very good connection with random players on PSN and I can only get games by going into arcade mode (I have my settings with UPnP enabled and NAT Type 2).


MoxManiac said:
Not suprised, galacticAE's balrog is a beast. He beat me pretty badly during our last session, using him.

Ya no shit, totally locked down by crouching jabs of doom. Didn't know how to retaliate with Abel. Tried to sneak out a tornado throw, but I was always locked down. Only thing I think I could of done was maybe roll during a wakeup.
Question I meant to ask earlier: I met a Gief who would attempt to cross me up on wakeup. If I blocked the cross up, I ate the powerbomb or super suplex (w/e it's called when it's close). If not, I eat a cross up. I assume an FA would be too slow, but maybe I assume wrong. WTF am I supposed to do there? His cross up body splash also snuffed my attempted flash kick escapes. The guy was good and fun to fight against, but damn if that didn't make me turn on Dead Cyclone. Any tips?


needs to show more effort.
catfish said:
Nope I do it at the right speed,

I'm in training and i record guiles leg sweeps over and over and over and over.

Then, I jump in close to him, he starts the string, I block the first one, then focus attack, I quick focus attack that hits guile, however, he then begins again the roundhouse kicks before my animation of the focus attack is finished, so he gets a free hit of his DEVASTATING roundhouse kicks :( If I instead jump after the first roundhouse, because I'm so close I can hit him with a jump attack, this lands me on the other side of him and the cycle begins again..

The guy I play regularly has realised that I'm shit at dealing with this and he knows he's basically safe. he just has to mix up the odd other move and I'm down to 1/3 bar, my combos don't mean shit against this kind of repeditive damage and it's driving me mad!

I know I'm missing something but what?!
You're dashing out of the focus as it hits right? Double tap backwords at the same time you hit him with the focus attack and I would think you would smack him and be out of sweep range.

If you are so close that jumping would jump over him too far to cross up, jump straight up and kick him in the face on the way down instead of jumping forward.
Killa Sasa said:
Question I meant to ask earlier: I met a Gief who would attempt to cross me up on wakeup. If I blocked the cross up, I ate the powerbomb or super suplex (w/e it's called when it's close). If not, I eat a cross up. I assume an FA would be too slow, but maybe I assume wrong. WTF am I supposed to do there? His cross up body splash also snuffed my attempted flash kick escapes. The guy was good and fun to fight against, but damn if that didn't make me turn on Dead Cyclone. Any tips?
block the crossup and then immediately jump straight up and kick him in the face? If that didn't work for whatever reason the next thing I would try is block the cross up followed by immediately backdashing.
Killa Sasa said:
Question I meant to ask earlier: I met a Gief who would attempt to cross me up on wakeup. If I blocked the cross up, I ate the powerbomb or super suplex (w/e it's called when it's close). If not, I eat a cross up. I assume an FA would be too slow, but maybe I assume wrong. WTF am I supposed to do there? His cross up body splash also snuffed my attempted flash kick escapes. The guy was good and fun to fight against, but damn if that didn't make me turn on Dead Cyclone. Any tips?
Jump straight up after you block the cross-up. He shouldn't be able to grab you then (or at least that's what I've been told).


Killa Sasa said:
Question I meant to ask earlier: I met a Gief who would attempt to cross me up on wakeup. If I blocked the cross up, I ate the powerbomb or super suplex (w/e it's called when it's close). If not, I eat a cross up. I assume an FA would be too slow, but maybe I assume wrong. WTF am I supposed to do there? His cross up body splash also snuffed my attempted flash kick escapes. The guy was good and fun to fight against, but damn if that didn't make me turn on Dead Cyclone. Any tips?
Try jumping after the block?


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
haunts said:
So I recorded a bunch of matches with a_Rival last night. He was mainly playing Seth the whole time os I got some great footage. It was pretty late so I was only able to upload one but I'll upload more tonight. They are pretty entertaining to say the least...


I love Seth, especially his combo ability, but he's such a huge risk - but he's great using him I see - nice...

And major props for working Seismo Cancels into your combos - I was messing around with those a few weeks ago, and man, it's not easy...

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
slayn said:
You're dashing out of the focus as it hits right? Double tap backwords at the same time you hit him with the focus attack and I would think you would smack him and be out of sweep range.

If you are so close that jumping would jump over him too far to cross up, jump straight up and kick him in the face on the way down instead of jumping forward.

thanks, and no, I thought the dash out of focus only worked before the strike lol I have a lot to learn about that move.

I'll try the jump. Also just figured out that there is enough time to jab him in between the kicks although I'm crap with followups from the jab and sometimes I eat the second kick anyway (timing I guess)

however, I can dragon punch out of that second kick everytime :lol can't believe I didn't try that, it just doesn't look like a move that would work!


Bacon of Hope
prodystopian said:
Haha. I feel the same way. My Sagat pressure game has improved, but I hesitate to use him online and my Chun game has suffered as a result. For some reason I can't seem to get a very good connection with random players on PSN and I can only get games by going into arcade mode (I have my settings with UPnP enabled and NAT Type 2).

Man, keep playing him.. He is a lot of fun and imo takes a lot of skill to play after a certain point.

Skilotonn said:
I love Seth, especially his combo ability, but he's such a huge risk - but he's great using him I see - nice...

And major props for working Seismo Cancels into your combos - I was messing around with those a few weeks ago, and man, it's not easy...

Yeah I have a bunch more of his Seth doing some more ridiculous combos. I also have some of his Chun Li footage where he annihilates me on more than one occasion. Ill upload when I get home.

Im going to record more local player matches since they are virtually lagless from what I can tell.
haunts said:
Man, keep playing him.. He is a lot of fun and imo takes a lot of skill to play after a certain point.

Preaching to the choir. I've gotten better at zoning and pressure strings, but putting it together is tough. He does get away with mistakes because of his high damage and stamina, but against good players, I would get eaten up because I'm having trouble combining those two parts of my game. I'm definitely going to keep playing him and Chun.

haunts said:
Yeah I have a bunch more of his Seth doing some more ridiculous combos. I also have some of his Chun Li footage where he annihilates me on more than one occasion. Ill upload when I get home.

Definitely looking forward to seeing these (I'm assuming you played Sagat for these, if not, still want to see his Chun).

I love watching Sagat v. Chun matchups (for obvious reasons). It is so fun to watch from one perspective, then the other. One of my favorites (I think I posted this before):

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