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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


Bacon of Hope
slayn said:
The weakness I see in sagat is his mobility and the general flow between offense/defense. I mean the first time I tried to use sagat and tried to move forward, my immediate conclusion was, "what the hell is this move speed, this is unplayable."

He has solid zoning and insane damage, but against someone that can out manuever his zoning or outzone him themselves, he suddenly doesn't start to look so great and becomes reliant on his ultra.

what I meant by flow is that he seems like he basically has to commit to either offensive or defense and can't flow between the two based on positioning as well as the rest of the cast.

I think thats why a lot of people give up on him is because of his mobility. Once they are close to you, not on your terms, things get a bit more difficult to deal with.

FindMyFarms said:
I wasn't saying he's just as easy to use in upper level play(but then again no one is, so it's a moot point). I was just saying he's easy to learn. And regarding difficulty of Sagat's links vs Viper feint combos is up to the person I guess, but I never had trouble doing his links after some practice and at my local casuals (Buktooth's crib) people land that shit all day.

Even then though, you can't deny that when you're facing someone equally skilled, you're still coming in with a health/damage advantage most of the time.

I feel its just as easy if not easier to learn Ryu, Rufus, Gief and a haldful of other characters in the game, it's just Sagat gets all the hate. I mean you want to talk about landing easy damage, Rufus can land his ultra off so many things yet people rarely bitch about him.
corkscrewblow said:
SF4 Sagat > 3s Yun

I haven't played much 3S, but I've gathered that Chun's Fierce, Super, and speed make her very good (among other things), but what made Yun so good? From a google search I find that he has virtually no disadvantage matchups, but why?
FindMyFarms said:
Wow... is that guy's name really... ATM??! LOL maybe I watch too much porn, but either that guy has balls or the Koreans are getting shafted on real porn. Well that and they don't speak english.
There is actually a development studio named A2M. No, I'm not talking about Sega's in-house AM2; I mean A2M.


prodystopian said:
I haven't played much 3S, but I've gathered that Chun's Fierce, Super, and speed make her very good (among other things), but what made Yun so good? From a google search I find that he has virtually no disadvantage matchups, but why?
People think Genei Jin is broken. They're just silly.

Sagat has the most stam and puts out more damage than every other character except Zangief. Also, blocked EX TS does as much damage as a jab Sonic Boom that actually hit. I don't complain though because most people who play Sagat online suck ass.
corkscrewblow said:
People think Genei Jin is broken. They're just silly.

Sagat has the most stam and puts out more damage than every other character except Zangief. Also, blocked EX TS does as much damage as a jab Sonic Boom that actually hit. I don't complain though because most people who play Sagat online suck ass.

I wasn't debating your point. I just want to know what made Yun good because I have no idea (I hardly played any 3S).


Wow. I just tried to Focus Attack Rufus in the back during his Ultra and what happens? I land inside the ultra.... :(

/Rufus bitching


prodystopian said:
I wasn't debating your point. I just want to know what made Yun good because I have no idea (I hardly played any 3S).
Oh I know, I wouldn't say Yun is any better than Chun or Ken in 3s but that's just me. Defensive Chun in 3s is the most annoying thing in the world to play against.


Bacon of Hope
prodystopian said:
I haven't played much 3S, but I've gathered that Chun's Fierce, Super, and speed make her very good (among other things), but what made Yun so good? From a google search I find that he has virtually no disadvantage matchups, but why?

Chun is worse than Yun imo. She is far more scary just becuase she has so many good normals while Yun is all Genei Jin. It sucks but if you learn how to defend against it you can at least minimize the damage that is being delt. He also pretty much sucks w/o Genei Jin..

Chun li on the other hand, she can stock two supers that do like half life, easily hit confirmable. Kara throw that makes you wonder if she will go for the c.mk or throw. C. Jab stuffs uhh everything.. yeah she sucks.. both of those guys are way worse than Sagat..

Err I didnt really answer your question.. Yun is broken becuase one Genei Jin combo can take off 40% or so and the ender sequence he can build back almost half a bar of supe rmeter. So essentilly a good Yun is always in Genei Jin mode.. and when Genei Jin is on, you will take damage, no question.

corkscrewblow said:
People think Genei Jin is broken. They're just silly.

Sagat has the most stam and puts out more damage than every other character except Zangief. Also, blocked EX TS does as much damage as a jab Sonic Boom that actually hit. I don't complain though because most people who play Sagat online suck ass.

Uhh.. Genei Jin IS broken.. lol
Threi said:
this thread needs more crazy dictator love:


and some Abel love while im at it:

(stolen from srk forums)

regarding Sagat: In higher level play he may not be impossible...but im not a high level player.

so fuck him. :D

thanks for the Bison vs Sagat video, I got destroyed by a 7000BP+ Sagat the other day while using Bison, I must redeem myself
haunts said:
Chun is worse than Yun imo. She is far more scary just becuase she has so many good normals while Yun is all Genei Jin. It sucks but if you learn how to defend against it you can at least minimize the damage that is being delt. He also pretty much sucks w/o Genei Jin..

Chun li on the other hand, she can stock two supers that do like half life, easily hit confirmable. Kara throw that makes you wonder if she will go for the c.mk or throw. C. Jab stuffs uhh everything.. yeah she sucks.. both of those guys are way worse than Sagat..

Err I didnt really answer your question.. Yun is broken becuase one Genei Jin combo can take off 40% or so and the ender sequence he can build back almost half a bar of supe rmeter. So essentilly a good Yun is always in Genei Jin mode.. and when Genei Jin is on, you will take damage, no question.

This is all interesting and makes sense. Thanks. One last question: what exactly does Genei Jin do? Does it just leave the opponent in a constant juggle state while he has it and lands?


If Yun was broken he would have been soft banned like O.Sagat, Rugal, ST Akuma, etc. I'm not quite sure how one finds Yun any better than Chun or Ken but whatever I use Dudley anyway :D
corkscrewblow said:
If Yun was broken he would have been soft banned like O.Sagat, Rugal, ST Akuma, etc. I'm not quite sure how one finds Yun any better than Chun or Ken but whatever I use Dudley anyway :D
fuck Yun's SA3, fuck V-ism in Alpha 3 and fuck CCs in Alpha 2
i always dispesied that CC stuff.
it`s so un-ameri*** it is so un-Street Fighter like


prodystopian said:
This is all interesting and makes sense. Thanks. One last question: what exactly does Genei Jin do? Does it just leave the opponent in a constant juggle state while he has it and lands?

Ya it pretty much negates 3s juggle system, and allows you to cancel any move. It's just 3s's version of the custom combo... may they rot in hell.
today was a good day.....in the beginning. came home and lost about 1100 BP, so im sitting at a cool 0:lol. im expecting my GT-Y from lizardlick i ordered march first to arrive sometime mid may....:lol


good credit (by proxy)
Over 1/3 of the top Japanese players use Sagat. There's probably a reason for that.

What are his major weaknesses?
Timedog said:
Over 1/3 of the top Japanese players use Sagat. There's probably a reason for that.

What are his major weaknesses?

He has advantages over all of the cast with few even matches and is the best character in the game.


needs to show more effort.
Timedog said:
Over 1/3 of the top Japanese players use Sagat. There's probably a reason for that.

What are his major weaknesses?
1 Slow/Poor Mobility
2 I don't think he has a wakeup to prevent crossups?
3 I imagine quicker characters can outjab him at close range
4 Large target
5 Doesn't seem to have retaliation moves against things like sumo headbutts and blanka balls?
6 His focus attack looks kind of sucky to me

I don't use sagat nor play many of them, so thats just guesses based off my observasions of playing people online.


Did not ask for this tag
Man, played some stupid Akuma player with that demon title and some stupid name like xDJcumdumpsterxxxx, he actually had more than 4k points and I totally got owned. Then he sent me stupid gloating messages that made him look like this:


I feel violated.
slayn said:
1 Slow/Poor Mobility
2 I don't think he has a wakeup to prevent crossups?
3 I imagine quicker characters can outjab him at close range
4 Large target
5 Doesn't seem to have retaliation moves against things like sumo headbutts and blanka balls?
6 His focus attack looks kind of sucky to me

I don't use sagat nor play many of them, so thats just guesses based off my observasions of playing people online.
I think a reversal tiger shot will hit a blocked Blanka ball.
McVlad is my fav. to play against. Everytime he picks Dhalsim, even though I lose horribly, I learn a bit more about the character I use, lol. Like, not to jump in so much. Also, cry when he does his giant fireball.


prodystopian said:
This is all interesting and makes sense. Thanks. One last question: what exactly does Genei Jin do? Does it just leave the opponent in a constant juggle state while he has it and lands?
Here's a really good fight between Daigo and IMO the best Yun player, KO. Might not be the best example because Daigo doesn't act scared when Genei Jin gets activated (like most people), but you can see how KO just keeps the combo going no matter how Ken bounces.


I must mention that the other reason why Genei Jin is so deadly is how small the meter that you have to fill. The combo can keep going after the super finishes, which doesn't just mean 2-3 extra hits, but meter to put you halfway to another super.

C Jones

Haunts I saw your Viper vs. Seth video and I'm curious: what inputs are you using for the cr. fierce --> fp tk cancel --> cr. fierce --> ex seismo? I have the timing down pretty well for the fp tk cancel but I can never get the 2nd fierce to cancel into the ex seismo consistently. You seem to get the combo off on a pretty consistent basis so I'm curious as to what method you're using.


slayn said:
1 Slow/Poor Mobility

slayn said:
2 I don't think he has a wakeup to prevent crossups?

slayn said:
3 I imagine quicker characters can outjab him at close range

slayn said:
4 Large target

slayn said:
5 Doesn't seem to have retaliation moves against things like sumo headbutts and blanka balls?

slayn said:
6 His focus attack looks kind of sucky to me


Bacon of Hope
C Jones said:
Haunts I saw your Viper vs. Seth video and I'm curious: what inputs are you using for the cr. fierce --> fp tk cancel --> cr. fierce --> ex seismo? I have the timing down pretty well for the fp tk cancel but I can never get the 2nd fierce to cancel into the ex seismo consistently. You seem to get the combo off on a pretty consistent basis so I'm curious as to what method you're using.

Hmm.. I dunno.. After I cancel the first one I just do a c.fp cancel into ex siesmo.. I dont really have a method..
I just picked up this game this weekend, and I'm a little lost. I have never played a Street Fighter game in my life, as well as a real fighter
I played the shit out of SSBB, but does that even count?

Where should I start? I beat the arcade mode on the easiest difficulty with Ryu, could not be Seth on the 2nd to last difficulty mode but I'm kind of getting used to him and his move set. Is there a training mode that will teach me other then play against a motionless CPU? Where should I start if I want to get better?


sonicspear64 said:
Fuck you Grifter! You invite me, then play 2 matches, then boot me? You think I'm not worthy or some shit?! :lol
:lol I thought I just left the game, unless I chose the wrong thing. A local friend was bugging me to play.


First of all SSB is every bit as much of a real fighter as SF.

Secondly go through all the characters and basically choose one you like best.

Go online, get your ass kicked, repeat until you get slowly more proficient. While you do you will cycle through characters out of frustration/developing playstyle. Slowly but surely you will get better.

For proper foundations watch the haunts tutorial vids i guess? Or go in challenge mode.

C Jones

haunts said:
Hmm.. I dunno.. After I cancel the first one I just do a c.fp cancel into ex siesmo.. I dont really have a method..
Oh ok...I've read of some people hitting f + pp for the fake, then hitting down + fierce then df pp for the ex seismo so they buffer it in. Or some people just do df + fierce for the second cr. fierce then df + pp for the seismo, taking advantage of the df, df shortcut for dragon punch motions. I'm not that great execution wise (Viper is making me learn though ha) so I'm trying to look at all the possibilities to figure out which way works best for me.


Blu_LED said:
I just picked up this game this weekend, and I'm a little lost. I have never played a Street Fighter game in my life, as well as a real fighter
I played the shit out of SSBB, but does that even count?

Where should I start? I beat the arcade mode on the easiest difficulty with Ryu, could not be Seth on the 2nd to last difficulty mode but I'm kind of getting used to him and his move set. Is there a training mode that will teach me other then play against a motionless CPU? Where should I start if I want to get better?
If you play SSB pretty seriously(basically at least casual competitive) then it counts.
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