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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


Blu_LED said:
I just picked up this game this weekend, and I'm a little lost. I have never played a Street Fighter game in my life, as well as a real fighter
I played the shit out of SSBB, but does that even count?

Where should I start? I beat the arcade mode on the easiest difficulty with Ryu, could not be Seth on the 2nd to last difficulty mode but I'm kind of getting used to him and his move set. Is there a training mode that will teach me other then play against a motionless CPU? Where should I start if I want to get better?
You're the same as me. Basically me and my sister both went in clear minded, and we did some trials to get the combinations and special attacks learned by heart, as well as a bit of comboing.


Bacon of Hope
C Jones said:
Oh ok...I've read of some people hitting f + pp for the fake, then hitting down + fierce then df pp for the ex seismo so they buffer it in. Or some people just do df + fierce for the second cr. fierce then df + pp for the seismo, taking advantage of the df, df shortcut for dragon punch motions. I'm not that great execution wise (Viper is making me learn though ha) so I'm trying to look at all the possibilities to figure out which way works best for me.

Oh yeah I remeber what I did was practiced doing just the c.fp into ex seismo to get a feel for it. Then I just put it all together when I was comfortable with the whole combo..


he's Virgin Tight™
Man I love air grabbing. I've developed this skill a lot with Chun lately, its been doing wonders to break my opponent's stance and concentration.

Sinatar said:
I just launched SF4 and it installed a new title update, any idea what it's for?

Huh? Didn't ask me anything. Please don't lie... the update was supposed to be released on the 31st =(

C Jones

haunts said:
Oh yeah I remeber what I did was practiced doing just the c.fp into ex seismo to get a feel for it. Then I just put it all together when I was comfortable with the whole combo..
Ah ok...thanks a lot, I will definitely give this a shot.


Bacon of Hope
C Jones said:
Ah ok...thanks a lot, I will definitely give this a shot.

Yeah thats what I do with all combos -- break them into pieces and get every part down and it seems to make it easier rather than trying to do it all at once.
"Huh? Didn't ask me anything. Please don't lie... the update was supposed to be released on the 31st =("

No, it isn't. The only thing that's been said about the update is that it would launch along side the PC Port (June). Unless there's been an interview or something I've missed, the 31st date is just some people being suckered by IGN's shitty placeholder dates.

Would love to be wrong, though.


hyperbolically metafictive
doesn't 360 only keep updates for the last three games you've played (or something like that)? if you've been playing other games, you probably just redownloaded the old update


he's Virgin Tight™
drohne said:
doesn't 360 only keep updates for the last three games you've played (or something like that)? if you've been playing other games, you probably just redownloaded the old update

Hmm, didn't they fix this for NXE? I've played like 10 different games and has never asked me for a patch since then.

Teknopathetic said:
"Huh? Didn't ask me anything. Please don't lie... the update was supposed to be released on the 31st =("

No, it isn't. The only thing that's been said about the update is that it would launch along side the PC Port (June). Unless there's been an interview or something I've missed, the 31st date is just some people being suckered by IGN's shitty placeholder dates.

Would love to be wrong, though.

Oooh... ahh. Damn you IGN :lol


Teknopathetic said:
No, it isn't. The only thing that's been said about the update is that it would launch along side the PC Port (June). Unless there's been an interview or something I've missed, the 31st date is just some people being suckered by IGN's shitty placeholder dates.

Would love to be wrong, though.
the tournament/replay patch is coming in june...? god damnit


Wow, I borrowed a friends stick to play today since mine broke (posted about it the other day) I was having some issues with Blanka as Boxer.

I tried just turtleing and punishing (holding down back the for a lot of the the fight) omg what a joke, the Blanka player went bat shit crazy, was screaming at me in the lobby and then sent me 5 msgs calling me a cheep fucker. :D Made my day.


Second-rate Anihawk
Shinjitsu said:
Wow, I borrowed a friends stick to play today since mine broke (posted about it the other day) I was having some issues with Blanka as Boxer.

I tried just turtleing and punishing (holding down back the for a lot of the the fight) omg what a joke, the Blanka player went bat shit crazy, was screaming at me in the lobby and then sent me 5 msgs calling me a cheep fucker. :D Made my day.
If I'm playing a turtling Boxer as Blanka I am probably screaming as much as that guy. The only difference is I have the decency not to have my mic plugged in. D:


needs to show more effort.
Getting in on a turtling boxer with blanka is pretty much the most frustrating experience in SF4 that I've encountered. My most recent strat is to lp ball just out of jab range and then cross up, sweep, or whatever else.

Also I've noticed a properly spaced jump in roundhouse sometimes trades with headbutt largely in blanka's favor. Couldn't figure out how to do that consistently unfortunately.
Shinjitsu said:
Wow, I borrowed a friends stick to play today since mine broke (posted about it the other day) I was having some issues with Blanka as Boxer.

I tried just turtleing and punishing (holding down back the for a lot of the the fight) omg what a joke, the Blanka player went bat shit crazy, was screaming at me in the lobby and then sent me 5 msgs calling me a cheep fucker. :D Made my day.
People like you deserve to be DCed on.


Ok, so for some reason my BP has gone DOWN immensely lately. I'm sure I must be playing a bit stupid (I usually do that when I'm not playing someone who I know is good, and it usually ends in me losing) but even when I DO concentrate I find myself losing. Hrm. Anyone good wanna play a couple matches on XBL and give me some pointers? I'm sure there's some wall that I've hit, and I just need to break through it or something...


Now that it's been a good month and more since release, whose fightstick is still fully functional? My jab button is more or less dead. Lizardlick can't service orders for the next two weeks. What I do?!


Takuan said:
Now that it's been a good month and more since release, whose fightstick is still fully functional? My jab button is more or less dead. Lizardlick can't service orders for the next two weeks. What I do?!

Mine died, but its a USB one I've been using for a few years so I'm quite happy. I just need to replace the sick so it's not a big deal.:D

You could always order a new button and replace it yourself, it's not to hard. And you might actually have fun doing it.:D


Shinjitsu said:
Right, because I play to win? And don't act like a douche if I lose? Instead I find a way to win.

People like you need to stop crying.
Exactly. Play to win. If that involves a turtle style that makes me want to horribly murder your opponent, so be it.


Shinjitsu said:
Right, because I play to win? And don't act like a douche if I lose? Instead I find a way to win.

People like you need to stop crying.
I don't mind if you do it in ranked matches or tournament style match-ups, but please don't do it all the time in player matches since that will make people want to murder you.

I don't think you do, but I understand for ranked matches or tournament style matches, you gotta do what you gotta do to win.

I mean, I play Fuerte and whenever I face Gief in ranked matches, I just do this one tactic: hit him once, run away, try to hit him again a bit, run away again, until the 99sec is up or until the other player DCes in frustration - this makes me win almost all of the time agaisnt Gief or at least makes them DC out.

In player matches though, I try to kill Gief with Fuerte, which results in me losing 70% of the time. :lol


I'm like a Hadouken, down-right Fierce!
LakeEarth said:
Exactly. Play to win. If that involves a turtle style that makes me want to horribly murder your opponent, so be it.

I agree with this. I wouldn't want anyone to change their playing style against me because I believe it's cheap.
Shinjitsu said:
Right, because I play to win? And don't act like a douche if I lose? Instead I find a way to win.

People like you need to stop crying.
Then quit acting like douche making the games long and boring then crying about it when you wonder why someone got bored to death and dced on ya.


Arde5643 said:
I don't mind if you do it in ranked matches or tournament style match-ups, but please don't do it all the time in player matches since that will make people want to murder you.

I don't think you do, but I understand for ranked matches or tournament style matches, you gotta do what you gotta do to win.

I mean, I play Fuerte and whenever I face Gief in ranked matches, I just do this one tactic: hit him once, run away, try to hit him again a bit, run away again, until the 99sec is up or until the other player DCes in frustration - this makes me win almost all of the time agaisnt Gief or at least makes them DC out.

In player matches though, I try to kill Gief with Fuerte, which results in me losing 70% of the time. :lol
...just learn to play. fuerte has all the tools to fuck with gief. he can't rely on his lariat for much. one of the only things he can do while he wakes up is jump away and throw out a kick (and if you're smart and anticipate this, just punish with EX leg throw or do a body splash soon enough).

whether it be player match or ranked match, use it as an opportunity to LEARN the matchup instead of COMPLAINING about the matchup. learn to bait/punish turtling players. get a health advantage and force them to come after you. if you get mad and quit, you're doing nothing but wasting his time and your time.


Beat the game on Hardest for the first time last night with my main, Sagat.

Wow. Practice really makes a difference. 50 hours of gameplay ago, I hadn't played SF in 10 years. I get SF4 and the first time I play it, I actually LOSE on Easiest - I was terrible! Practice really helps, along with this board and my SF-crazy friends. SO THANK YOU GAFFERS! Some of your posts really help, and figuring out combos and when to unleash ultras is really important, along with good timing and patience.

Seemed to figure out what works for me and what doesn't (need to stay calm, plan, and don't jump in or get all mad!!), and seem to be getting it now. Got a online win percentage of 69% with 300 matches under my belt, which I think it pretty good for a n00b.

Still need to work on challenges. Time Attack Lvl 11 is making me its bitch and I am stuck on lvl 20 on Survival.


BloodElfHunter said:
Then quit acting like douche making the games long and boring then crying about it when you wonder why someone got bored to death and dced on ya.

Umm he didn't DC. Did I say he did? I'm sure there's a way to overcome a turtle Balrog as Blanka, you my friend need to chill a bit. It's a COMPETITIVE game. Play to win, learn from your losses.

I'm starting to think this Blanka was you :lol

And more to the point when was I crying about it? I was actualy laughing. Reading comprehension 4tw.


BloodElfHunter said:
Then quit acting like douche making the games long and boring then crying about it when you wonder why someone got bored to death and dced on ya.



Shinjitsu said:
Mine died, but its a USB one I've been using for a few years so I'm quite happy. I just need to replace the sick so it's not a big deal.:D

You could always order a new button and replace it yourself, it's not to hard. And you might actually have fun doing it.:D
I meant the Madcatz Fightsick SE, specifically.

Yeah, I can swap buttons out easily, but the only (as far as I know) North American parts supplier is out of stock 'til mid-April. If the parts worked properly, I really wouldn't have any reason to swap; everything feels good as is, I just wish it didn't fuck up on me.


good credit (by proxy)
BloodElfHunter said:
Then quit acting like douche making the games long and boring then crying about it when you wonder why someone got bored to death and dced on ya.
You'll get exactly zero sympathy in this thread. If you can't beat a "boring" player than how much do you suck?


hyperbolically metafictive
can sagat combo his ultra off an ex tiger knee? i think someone just did that to me, and he was a pretty bad player too, but i wasn't paying particularly close attention and i may have been standing when he hit me and i just didn't block


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
I have a feeling that I'm missing something in this game. I haven't been able to beat anything higher then stage 3 on anyones challenge. I enter the moves as listed, but it never works out. I try it super fast. slower and nothing. I don't know what it is, but I wish I could understand what game mechanic I'm not getting here.

If Capcom really wants fighting games back in the mainstream, they need a method of actually teaching people how their game works.


drohne said:
can sagat combo his ultra off an ex tiger knee? i think someone just did that to me, and he was a pretty bad player too, but i wasn't paying particularly close attention and i may have been standing when he hit me and i just didn't block

Not unless it dizzies you.


drohne said:
can sagat combo his ultra off an ex tiger knee? i think someone just did that to me, and he was a pretty bad player too, but i wasn't paying particularly close attention and i may have been standing when he hit me and i just didn't block
maybe you tried to grab him?


Okay so i visited my cousin and we were having a blast playing ps3 sf4 because we're evenly matched with Fei Long vs Cammy. Now that I've figured out how to almost pull of the ultra when I actually want it, what is a good combo to lead into ultra?


hyperbolically metafictive
huh -- i dunno what happened then. he hit me with the ex knee and then immediately did the ultra, and i thought i'd just fall while his ultra whiffed, but he hit me with the whole thing. maybe i did a quick rise into it


needs to show more effort.
oh, the first time I watched that video I was like whats the big deal, he was dead anyway but now I get it.

Viper does the ultra, it gets blocked. Sagat does his ultra to punish and starts celebrating, when in fact it whiffs. Viper kills off the sagat player while he's celebrating. I got that right?

Need a better camera angle.


i met someone online today that really wanted to counterpick all my characters ... i would start on abel and he'd follow my cursor around until i picked and then rush to whatever he thought was going to work out for him (eg. geif vs my sim). last set i just let the timer run out on abel and he panicked, grabbed fei long at 00 seconds, and i threw him around like a ragdoll. i gave the thumbs up and quit. select screen fighter is lame.


dankir said:
Okay, i'm confused.

I saw Viper miss the Ultra and I saw Sagat do his ultra. Then everybody starts licking shots and covers up the screen.

Viper won. The sagat player thought he nailed the ultra after viper missed her ultra. He whiffed it though, likely jumped above her. While the sagat player got up to celebrate, viper crouches down and punches him a couple of times to win.
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