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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


hyperbolically metafictive
was just listening to the most recent sf podcast, and apparently it's widely agreed that the 360 version plays faster than the ps3 version? am i the only person who's spent lots of time on both versions without noticing, or is it a subtle thing that would only be obvious to pros? :/


Haha, its one thing to rage disconnect on ranked matches. But why would you do it on a player match. Gotta admit, its pretty satisfying to make someone to go through that trouble for absolutely no gain at all :)
Kind of off topic, but I've been noticing people constantly talking about playing the old 2D fighters over GGPO. I've been thinking about buying some games at Gametap, will it work with GGPO? If not then where can I obtain games like 3rd Strike legally so I can play online?

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
OK, Dunno what happened last night, but I won the first game, got double KO on the second and heard 'blanka wins' then my xbox TURNED OFF.

wth. does a double KO add a point each? Or is it no points go another round? Anyway, total powerout on my xbox, I thought the guy quit at first, then I was staring at a black screen :(

I was better than the guy as well.

slowly improving, but it's HARD to get wins with Ryu, everyone in the world knows how to fight Ryu and ken these days! I get more wins with blanka, but I have less skill with him.
Stantron said:
Chun Li is teh awesome.
That is all. :D

I really really like playing as her, but I always get that "grass is greener" moment when I get hit and take ridiculous amount of damage. Oh well, it's fun as hell poking the shit out Sagats. Must be pretty frustrating for them too.
I'm nearing 200 hours playtime.. and 2500 matches.

I love Gen now.. I wish I could master him better but he is probably one of the most difficult characters to use thanks to dual stances..

That is all.
TurtleSnatcher said:
I'm nearing 200 hours playtime.. and 2500 matches.

I love Gen now.. I wish I could master him better but he is probably one of the most difficult characters to use thanks to dual stances..

That is all.

His ex fingers HURT


catfish said:
OK, Dunno what happened last night, but I won the first game, got double KO on the second and heard 'blanka wins' then my xbox TURNED OFF.

wth. does a double KO add a point each? Or is it no points go another round? Anyway, total powerout on my xbox, I thought the guy quit at first, then I was staring at a black screen :(

I was better than the guy as well.

slowly improving, but it's HARD to get wins with Ryu, everyone in the world knows how to fight Ryu and ken these days! I get more wins with blanka, but I have less skill with him.

Blanka is my nemesis :p. For some reason I always freeze up against him cuz I'm afraid of too much at once: slide, forward ball, ex launch ball cross up, etc. Plus, when he does his balls I want to punish on block but I rarely can.

Ryu is damn good too though. Easy links to Ultras and good damage basic combos. Think I'm gonna main him next
Arde5643 said:
Cammy mainers, any thoughts on her strong and weak match-ups? I'm thinking of Cammy as a secondary for my Fuerte since Dan has a lot of troubles against a lot of characters.
Cammy is fucking awful against anyone who turtles. Down-back is all you really need to shut her down. Right now I think a turtling Boxer is her worst match-up by far. Blanka and Guile used to give me fits but I've had much better luck against both lately. Just have to lure them out. But if they're fine with waiting...? No fucking clue what to do then. Turtle Hondas are also an issue supposedly but I don't run into too many.

I don't know if she has it any worse against Gief than any other character...for awhile I thought people were counterpicking Gief but maybe it was just some weird shame picking thing, like how some Ken players circle the entire grid before going back to Ken. It's a tricky, annoying, pretty boring fight because none of Cammy's good specials are safe on block so you're gonna get thrown like crazy unless you poke and run, but maybe that's how most Gief fights go.

I do pretty well against most Sagats, but like Gief I think a lot of Sagats aren't that hot.

I don't know her good match-ups. I know my highest win rates are against Viper, Rufus and Fuerte, but they're seldom seen. It seems like she can kick Rufus all over the place without much worry.

Cammy's a lot of fun, but she also drives me crazy. Not sure if she'd work as a good secondary for Fuerte since they both seem to have issues. :(

MicVlaD said:
No problem. I didn't think you were online anyway, because your status is always offline in the FoF list.
Ohhhh. The sad thing is I'm almost always online :( I think I have the FoF thing set to off.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
I really like fighting sagat with Ryu for some reason. I'm still losing a lot of them as the system thinks matching my 700 or so BP vs players with around 2000 is the best idea.... but even those games come close. If you can get round the fireballs a lot of sagats haven't got much else to go on once you near them.

Also, is honda a bad matchup for blanka? My house mate picks him and I play blanka and he's been ruining me. However, I figured in our last battle if I get close can win, but all of hondas specials seem to at best trade or at worst just out prioritise all blankas balls.

Oh yeah, has anyone found a solution for pressure panic? I'm shocking at completely falling apart near the end of the fight :lol it's like the internet people get wise to my shit and go indestructable, at which point I start cursing and wobbling the stick like an idiot and trying repeditive easy shit which gets me beat down. :lol


Started playing with Viper more last night. She's a tricky player to get a handle on. Her moves look cool, but it feels like she is always vulnerable.


he's Virgin Tight™
Pop On Arrival said:
I really really like playing as her, but I always get that "grass is greener" moment when I get hit and take ridiculous amount of damage. Oh well, it's fun as hell poking the shit out Sagats. Must be pretty frustrating for them too.

It's like an absolute defense and constant use of Focus Attacks. Chun is awesome, really fantastic and my main. Her life is definitely low so if you takes a few hits you are done, but it just takes this awesome amount of concentration.


im still hungry for street fighter despite getting my ass kicked yesterday P:

what is it about this SF that is so freaking addicting? (well then again i put well over 100+ hours into SFA3 and 120+ hours into SSBB)

anyways if anyone is willing to give my flowchart bison another shot I will be on tonight (hopefully) at around 6PM EST
Threi said:
im still hungry for street fighter despite getting my ass kicked yesterday P:

what is it about this SF that is so freaking addicting? (well then again i put well over 100+ hours into SFA3 and 120+ hours into SSBB)

anyways if anyone is willing to give my flowchart bison another shot I will be on tonight (hopefully) at around 6PM EST
send me an invite if you see me on tonight

Oni Jazar

drohne said:
was just listening to the most recent sf podcast, and apparently it's widely agreed that the 360 version plays faster than the ps3 version? am i the only person who's spent lots of time on both versions without noticing, or is it a subtle thing that would only be obvious to pros? :/

huh? First time I heard of this. 360 has better AA and a couple other very subtle things but both are 60fps.


Oni Jazar said:
huh? First time I heard of this. 360 has better AA and a couple other very subtle things but both are 60fps.

It's not an FPS issue.

Running faster in this case means that the game just goes faster (not has better rendering).

I haven't noticed it, but I also haven't looked for it.
Yeah... I actually notice slowdown on some Ultras (like FeiLong's) on 360.
The PS3 version dynamically drops to sub-HD resolutions during Ultra cutscenes to maintain 60 fps.

Sounds like the dude is misinformed.


hyperbolically metafictive
yeah, they weren't talking about framerate -- apparently the 360 version plays faster, as if the ps3 version is on turbo 1 and the 360 version is on turbo 2 (to be totally arbitrary -- i don't notice any speed difference myself).


man that SFIV wall of shame is really pathetic.

I only got one disconnect since i got the game, which either means:

a) Im not good enough to get people to DC on me (bubu I get perfects with bison....sometimes...)

b) My zone being recreation actually makes a difference (meaning most of the douchebags change their zone to "pro" or "underground" because they are TEH HARDCOREZ)


catfish said:
Also, is honda a bad matchup for blanka? My house mate picks him and I play blanka and he's been ruining me. However, I figured in our last battle if I get close can win, but all of hondas specials seem to at best trade or at worst just out prioritise all blankas balls.
Yup, Honda is a bad matchup for Blanka for a couple of reasons:
1) More health
2) Better damage and combos

Although Honda has poor AA and poor cross-up defense, Blanka can't justify jumping in since the risk/reward is worse for Blanka - Honda's jumping fierces are too dangerous and headbutt can be a decent anti-air.
Honda also has no problem punishing all of Blanka's specials when blocked or whiffed - and when it trades, it's worse for you.
Sliding punch can be useful, but don't be predictable at all since if it's blocked deep, you'll get punished big time with combos.

I don't think it's as bad as you make it, but it's not a really good fight for Blanka. I suggest trying to knock Honda down as much as possible and then doing Blanka's special dash to jump over knocked down Honda so he doesn't have a charge and then keep harassing him on wake-up.

This way at least the only thing Honda can do is sumo splash, back dash, block, or throw. The less you have to worry about LP headbutt or EX headbutt, the better since Honda's other options are much more easily countered or avoided.

If you have life lead, don't be too aggressive and play the keep away game - soon, the other Honda will get restless and try to FP headbutt you which you can block and punish with a ball. If he tries to jump in, do vertical ball and harass him on wake-up again.


Rummy Bunnz said:
I do pretty well against most Sagats, but like Gief I think a lot of Sagats aren't that hot.

I don't know her good match-ups. I know my highest win rates are against Viper, Rufus and Fuerte, but they're seldom seen. It seems like she can kick Rufus all over the place without much worry.

Cammy's a lot of fun, but she also drives me crazy. Not sure if she'd work as a good secondary for Fuerte since they both seem to have issues. :(
Let's see, my biggest problem as Fuerte are these characters:
*Honda (really tough match for me right now - I have to get better with crossing him over to get rid of his charge - headbutt is the bane of Fuerte's life)
*Blanka (still a tough match, but getting better)
*Balrog (tough match - I need more training against boxers)
*Vega (if the Vega turtles like crazy and do pokes and runaway game, I'm mostly screwed)

Fuerte does pretty well against Sagat as long as I don't make too many mistakes since Sagat has crazy ass combos with ultra.
Gief is also not too much of an issue as long as I play the run-away game and win by time over.


Asked before but got ignored, I'm trying to improve my Blanka, I have no idea how to do ?Ultras without being super predictable, any tips?


besiktas1 said:
Asked before but got ignored, I'm trying to improve my Blanka, I have no idea how to do ?Ultras without being super predictable, any tips?

here some basic stuff that will help you.

1. Never roll attack when people have ultras, ones that can punish it, which is most of them all :mad:

2. Cross up mk with lp lp (nice and easy)

3. With jump ins, ultra them and they will get hit, same for when people try play try poke with you at close rage, also you can jump in, charge as soon as you leave the ground and when you land next to them, they will try to poke you most likely or block low, hit the ultra. if they block the chip dmg you will get off will be equal to the hit you will get punished for so its worth the risk.

4. Go to training, learn cross up ball, learn the distance range for lp, mp & hk and EX which you can control.

5. HP has great high pirorty.

6. Blanka is all about mind games and mixing his game up, watch this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BVwU8KX2yT8&feature=PlayList&p=7E42B48F79B939E6&index=0 Also check his other Blanka videos, its his main and he's good with him and commentary too.
drohne said:
yeah, they weren't talking about framerate -- apparently the 360 version plays faster, as if the ps3 version is on turbo 1 and the 360 version is on turbo 2 (to be totally arbitrary -- i don't notice any speed difference myself).

I'm calling bullshit on this right now. I've heard it on SRK too, but it's so hard to get any solid evidence for alot of reasons.

1st of all, this could easily be a misconception created out of a few things. PS3 does not upscale to 1080p for example. So if you had a 1080p TV and both consoles, the PS3 version would be upscaled by the TV, whereas the 360 can internally upscale the image to 1080p. That could be creating the difference in inputs right there.

And that is what we are talking about here, not framerate but a difference of millisecond inputs. Could be easily explained by that.

Furthermore, everyone has different TV's, setups, some are still on SD... it's really hard to find a consensus.

3rdly, not many outside the elite players have even touched the arcade version.

I highly doubt Capcom would make the Xbox version 'faster' than both Arcade and PS3.

The best test, probably, would be to run each version on an old 480p CRT. That way, no upscaling of any kind.


Man I really need to quit playing Fuerte. 9 out of 10 player switch in "retard mode" as soon I hit them once. They completely abandon all their moves and keep jumping backwards no matter what. -.-


good credit (by proxy)
i love how i have a couple of drinks and suddenly get better at this game. I got up to 2200 bp, then fucked around with other characters and got down to 1100, then worked my way back up to about 1800 but kept having trouble losing to people in the high 2000's and couldn't get past the 2000 barrier again. Then I just drank a couple drinks and beat multiple people ranked near 3000 against characters I'm not good with like Barlog and Bison.

added you arde.
Arde5643 said:
Let's see, my biggest problem as Fuerte are these characters:
*Honda (really tough match for me right now - I have to get better with crossing him over to get rid of his charge - headbutt is the bane of Fuerte's life)
*Blanka (still a tough match, but getting better)
*Balrog (tough match - I need more training against boxers)
*Vega (if the Vega turtles like crazy and do pokes and runaway game, I'm mostly screwed)

Fuerte does pretty well against Sagat as long as I don't make too many mistakes since Sagat has crazy ass combos with ultra.
Gief is also not too much of an issue as long as I play the run-away game and win by time over.

I find my Cammy has a pretty good success rate against Blanka, just takes a little practice. I suggest staying out of the air and good poke distance for crouch+HK whenever he does his electric attack.

Like the other guy said, anyone who turtles is a serious annoyance for Cammy. Balrogs will mess me up as well as Guiles. Also, for me personally I have a big problem against Sagat. Tiger Uppercut busts Spiral Arrows and the Ultra attack, high Tigers beat spiral arrow, and if you play a close up game then Tiger Knee will seriously mess you up.

Beyond those match ups it's pretty much fair game but I would suggest getting a different main...


needs to show more effort.
besiktas1 said:
Asked before but got ignored, I'm trying to improve my Blanka, I have no idea how to do ?Ultras without being super predictable, any tips?
If you knock them down and are pretty close. Do the ultra while they are still lying on the ground. You can cross them up with the ultra (so they have to block backwards)

You have to launch the ultra while they are laying flat on the ground, not while they are getting up. Note that if you do this off of a bite throw, you will have to walk forward a bit. The basic distance they are from you off the throw is too far.

Even if they do block it, its at least a lot safer because the end of the ultra rolls away from them to the other side of the screen.

I love how even blanka's ultra is a wakeup pressure tool rather than simply being a combo finisher or punishing move. It just re-enforces the idea that blanka is all about getting all up in your face.


Timedog said:
i love how i have a couple of drinks and suddenly get better at this game. I got up to 2200 bp, then fucked around with other characters and got down to 1100, then worked my way back up to about 1800 but kept having trouble losing to people in the high 2000's and couldn't get past the 2000 barrier again. Then I just drank a couple drinks and beat multiple people ranked near 3000 against characters I'm not good with like Barlog and Bison.

added you arde.


I'm better at ___ when I'm drunk


For Blanka's Ultra, I played the Alpha 3 CPU so much that sometimes I'll treat my opponent like the CPU and it'll work 99% of the time.

I did this with Chun-Li in Alpha 3, too. I'd jump in for a cross-up (and start charging), throw a few kicks, a HP and then do the Ultra. By the time I start the Ultra, my opponent is usually trying to jump in. I dunno what it is about these moves but it baits my opponent in a lot (after the HP).


needs to show more effort.
MIMIC said:
For Blanka's Ultra, I played the Alpha 3 CPU so much that sometimes I'll treat my opponent like the CPU and it'll work 99% of the time.

I did this with Chun-Li in Alpha 3, too. I'd jump in for a cross-up (and start charging), throw a few kicks, a HP and then do the Ultra. By the time I start the Ultra, my opponent is usually trying to jump in. I dunno what it is about these moves but it baits my opponent in a lot (after the HP).
eh... you can only get away with that so much though. Once people are looking for it and are good at blocking it, they can beat the shit out of you after blocking. And while yeah, it does good chip damage, its not going to compare to either the ultra or high damage combo a good player will pull on you.

That brings up another point though. Learn how much chip damage it is. Against most characters, throwing out random ultra when you are 100% certain the chip damage will finish them can be nice. It can be extremely difficult to dodge unless the character can teleport. And even then, dhalsim's teleport lands him right on top of it.


slayn said:
eh... you can only get away with that so much though. Once people are looking for it and are good at blocking it, they can beat the shit out of you after blocking. And while yeah, it does good chip damage, its not going to compare to either the ultra or high damage combo a good player will pull on you.

That brings up another point though. Learn how much chip damage it is. Against most characters, throwing out random ultra when you are 100% certain the chip damage will finish them can be nice. It can be extremely difficult to dodge unless the character can teleport. And even then, dhalsim's teleport lands him right on top of it.

I don't use that tactic for people who I know are pretty good. I only start it when they are in the air.

The chip damage scare tactic is hilarious. When I start the Ultra, I won't immediately go rolling off. I'll just hold it and wait for my opponent to make their move. Usually, the my opponent will try to jump over me but UH OH. I haven't moved yet. They jump right on top of me.


Won said:
Man I really need to quit playing Fuerte. 9 out of 10 player switch in "retard mode" as soon I hit them once. They completely abandon all their moves and keep jumping backwards no matter what. -.-

I'll try to play you tonight. I don't run away from Fuerte, I fight him head on, like any man should! :)


Anyone happen to have a spare 48 hour XBL code they could part with? I'd like to try my hand at this game online, see if it's worth getting a subscription for.


Won said:
Man I really need to quit playing Fuerte. 9 out of 10 player switch in "retard mode" as soon I hit them once. They completely abandon all their moves and keep jumping backwards no matter what. -.-
not true...you just have a great mixup.

I kept guessing wrong :(

I will take a rematch though :)


TimeKillr said:
I'll try to play you tonight. I don't run away from Fuerte, I fight him head on, like any man should! :)

Well you say that now, but we will see what actually happens during the fight!

...but I probably won't be on tonight. Need to cool down a bit.

Threi said:
not true...you just have a great mixup.

I kept guessing wrong :(

I will take a rematch though :)

You haven't done and probably also not seen what I see in most of my fights. :lol
It is ridiculous.....


good credit (by proxy)
does backwards get out of his wakeup game? I get killed with fuerte because I don't know what the fuck to do when getting up.


I went from 1083 bp to 265 bp when I came back from spring break. I Have to put in a hell of alot of work to get that shit back up. I need more execution practice.


good credit (by proxy)
Askia47 said:
I went from 10832 bp to 265 bp when I came back from spring break. I Have to put in a hell of alot of work to get that shit back up. I need more execution practice.
I hope that's a typo :lol
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