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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

Played Oichi tonight again..

I have improved a bit at least since the last time we met..

His Honda is great. I could only beat him with my Fuerte and me randomly choosing Cammy and praying :p

My Gen is starting to improve at least.. I've been practicing with him. I think we broke even when everything was finished. If I didnt choose Fuerte or Gen then it was me just randomly choosing characters :lol

Good Games Oichi.

I ran into another guy who used Gen that I demolished. Im not even that good but he messaged me and said "Teach me" :lol

Jdub: Looking forward to your DSP video :D


Turbo is so stiff though. I like the looseness and flashiness of 4. Turtling is a problem though. Maybe because I main Blanka.


Freshmaker said:
Just a guess: "I'm blocking, but it hit me anyway! Ha ha ha!"

(He's the only person I've ever heard who actually laughs with literal Ha's)

I don't see it up there yet. He'll probably leave that one out of the uploads.

Edit: He just put another one up so maybe its still going to get uploaded.
ggs to everyone i played tonight, had a bad night though, lost 123 BP in 1 fight back to around 2655 BP and got my 11 fight win streak snapped..... BobWhite is a beast!!!! got a great viper, i thank god i didn't have to face his cammy :D
Hey MIMIC, I think I played against you just now. :D My Gamertag is Rokitty and I use Balrog. You were Blanka. You're the first GAFfer I've played, I think...

I am a turtle, I know. :/


Rocky_Balboa said:
Hey MIMIC, I think I played against you just now. :D My Gamertag is Rokitty and I use Balrog. You were Blanka. You're the first GAFfer I've played, I think...

I am a turtle, I know. :/

Was it in ranked? I've been jumping in and out (because of how freakin long it takes to find a game in ranked).

I'm trying out a the recommended strategy against Balrog (when playing as Blanka): rush the shit out of him! Since Balrog is the anti-Blanka. If you noticed, I kept the forward rolls to a minimum. I only beat 1 Balrog today so you're probably the one that beat me. :(

And to our resident Dhalsim (can't remember your tag, sorry): I definitely wanna play you more often. I've never played so many matches where most of them went to 5 rounds. My 1 win was just a moral victory. :lol Your Dhalsim is scary.
MIMIC said:
I'm trying out a the recommended strategy against Balrog (when playing as Blanka): rush the shit out of him! Since Balrog is the anti-Blanka. If you noticed, I kept the forward rolls to a minimum. I only beat 1 Balrog today so you're probably the one that beat me. :(

Yeah it was Ranked and about 10-15 minutes ago. It was weird fighting against rushing Blanka.


EraldoCoil said:
ggs to everyone i played tonight, had a bad night though, lost 123 BP in 1 fight back to around 2655 BP and got my 11 fight win streak snapped..... BobWhite is a beast!!!! got a great viper, i thank god i didn't have to face his cammy :D

What's funny is that he told me he sucked before we played. Proceeded to annihilate me. Then I told him his viper was ill, at which point he told me he actually mains cammy, who I generally destroy in ranked or whatever. Nuh-uh. Not this time. I think I won once.


Unconfirmed Member
I wouldn't usually do this, but I just have to share:


I was just jumping into quick ranked matches last night, without paying attention to time/rounds, when I came across this Sagat. He immediately does the classic back-off, shoot fireballs to keep me at bay, but I managed to get in there and do quite a bit of damage... suddenly time runs out (I guess it must have been set at 30secs). At this point I also realise the number of rounds was set to one.

Then the results screen pops up and I couldn't help but laugh. This guy may well have been chipping/time overing people all the way to 8000 BP! Is this the sort of online bullshit people are talking about? It seems pretty rare, but wow...

It was a good evening though, with very little lag to boot. I reached 100 ranked wins as well as 10 in a row.

Edit: Please add B-Genius to the PSN chat too! Would love some games with you peeps :)


B-Genius said:
I wouldn't usually do this, but I just have to share:


I was just jumping into quick ranked matches last night, without paying attention to time/rounds, when I came across this Sagat. He immediately does the classic back-off, shoot fireballs to keep me at bay, but I managed to get in there and do quite a bit of damage... suddenly time runs out (I guess it must have been set at 30secs). At this point I also realise the number of rounds was set to one.

Then the results screen pops up and I couldn't help but laugh. This guy may well have been chipping/time overing people all the way to 8000 BP! Is this the sort of online bullshit people are talking about? It seems pretty rare, but wow...

It was a good evening though, with very little lag to boot. I reached 100 ranked wins as well as 10 in a row.

If anyone wants to add me, I'm B-Genius on PSN. Let me know you're from GAF and we'll have ourselves some fun :)[/QUOTE]

Wow, that's just ridiculous. Not even enough time to have a proper match. It's almost like he's trying to [I]grind[/I] BP or somthing. [I]Why do people do this?[/I]

C Jones

-COOLIO- said:
without using superjump (since i suck at pulling it out)

how do i close in with viper?

im still too slow with hammers to pressure people into coming to me :[
Light Punch or Medium Punch Thunder Knuckles work well. They are also armor breaking so definitely do this when you see them focus.

You still want to learn how to super jump though. Very important, especially to hit someone after Seismo with a follow up Burning Kick. If you're having trouble super jumping try this motion: d, df, f, uf. So instead of tapping down then up-forward, just quickly roll the stick from down to up-forward (or roll the stick backwards if you want to jump back). When you reach up-forward (or up-back) let the stick stay there for a split second and she should super jump.
Street Fighter Bar Fights...

Hosted by Dogface...featuring...

Ed Ma (Ke) vs. Combofiend (Ba)

Gootecks (Ba) vs. Kai (Fu)

SoMuchDamage (Sa) vs. Mike Ross (Hon)

And featuring other So Cal greats like Bustabust, Sanchez, Keno and Ken I...

It will be streamed live tomorrow...starting at 4 p.m. Pacific...

If you're interested in seeing how the pros play, tune in:



Banstick Emeritus
Anybody want to trade the PS3 version for my 360 version? My Gold membership just expired and I don't think I'll bother re-upping until later this year.

Only played once, cared for by a little old lady, etc etc.
Spiderjericho said:
Street Fighter Bar Fights...

Hosted by Dogface...featuring...

Ed Ma (Ke) vs. Combofiend (Ba)

Gootecks (Ba) vs. Kai (Fu)

SoMuchDamage (Sa) vs. Mike Ross (Hon)

And featuring other So Cal greats like Bustabust, Sanchez, Keno and Ken I...

It will be streamed live tomorrow...starting at 4 p.m. Pacific...

If you're interested in seeing how the pros play, tune in:


will watch, thanks!

qcf x2

Ciel said:
Is this anybody else favorite street fighter? A little bit ahead of super turbo then third srtoke for me. So awesome that I am in fact postng this smashed at a bar on my phone. One of the most rewarding, deep games. I just wish my irl jock frends would learn this shit.

I'm surprised any SF vet would say this is their favorite SF ever. Maybe of the moment, since it's new, different and popular. That's why I play it. Honestly there is so much shit that looks and feels sloppy, from aesthetics to magically repositioning supers/ultras (Rose for one), to the effectiveness of randoms (as compared to other SFs at least), the weird "simplified" input recognition and a weak (imo) character roster.

I play it and have fun, and some days I think it's one of my favorites. But if I think about it objectively there's no way it stands up to the others yet. It's almost as flawed as it is good. I'm sticking by what I said before, minus the cast this feels like SF3: New Generation. Lots of potential and fun on it's own but far, far from the top of the class.
Spiderjericho said:
Street Fighter Bar Fights...

Hosted by Dogface...featuring...

Ed Ma (Ke) vs. Combofiend (Ba)

Gootecks (Ba) vs. Kai (Fu)

SoMuchDamage (Sa) vs. Mike Ross (Hon)

And featuring other So Cal greats like Bustabust, Sanchez, Keno and Ken I...

It will be streamed live tomorrow...starting at 4 p.m. Pacific...

If you're interested in seeing how the pros play, tune in:



And I'm surprised by the declarations of this game being the greatest SF ever... It takes a bit of time before one can make such a claim...There are a few titles that can lay that claim...Hyper Fighting, Super Turbo, Alpha 3 or Third Strike. Personally, I'd say ST is probably the best SF...as it has managed to stay relevant in tournament play for 15 years...whereas Hyper, Alpha 3 have sort of disappeared...

There are definitely some design choices that a patch could alleviate with SF IV (the lobby system, blind select, tournaments, the character balance...mostly...Sagat, Claw, Guile, Seth).

I'm also not a fan of the nerfed wakeup game...the sluggish jumps or the ultra system (which are all being debated in the what to fix in SFIV...or the massive SFIV: Second Down thread in SRK: http://forums.shoryuken.com/showthread.php?t=184074)

I'm debating on whether to go to Evo. Las Vegas is like a three hour drive from where I'm at...but it would be a solo operation...as anyone I take...would not be interested in a SF tournament but drinking and gambling.
So there's been a lot of talk on PSN chat about doing a team tourney. Whether it's 2v2, or 3v3 hasn't been worked out yet, and neither has any of the "balancing." A lot of the details aren't exactly worked out yet, but there is definitely interest.

With that being said, how many of you guys would be down?


I use Zanfgief and FeiLong online, and do pretty well. Whenever I beat someone w/ Zangief however, I get messages such as "spammer" "yup, that's zangief!", etc. Zangief only has so many moves, and majority of them are grabs. One guy was mad that I was jumping/lariating past all of his hadokens. He quit. It's kind of pathetic.


GGs MicVlad. Your Dhalsim is a beast! First time i played sim online and it had to be yours :lol
Nice teleport/ultra game you got going there.
Hopefully i'll be better adjusted to my new TE stick ;) and get more wins next time!
That explains why i spazzed out every once in a while lol.

It was fun trying out some other characters though.
Player match is definitely where its at!
I wanna work on chun and some other characters a bit more.


B-Genius said:
I wouldn't usually do this, but I just have to share:


I was just jumping into quick ranked matches last night, without paying attention to time/rounds, when I came across this Sagat. He immediately does the classic back-off, shoot fireballs to keep me at bay, but I managed to get in there and do quite a bit of damage... suddenly time runs out (I guess it must have been set at 30secs). At this point I also realise the number of rounds was set to one.

Then the results screen pops up and I couldn't help but laugh. This guy may well have been chipping/time overing people all the way to 8000 BP! Is this the sort of online bullshit people are talking about? It seems pretty rare, but wow...

It was a good evening though, with very little lag to boot. I reached 100 ranked wins as well as 10 in a row.

Edit: Please add B-Genius to the PSN chat too! Would love some games with you peeps :)

Yeah I saw someone like that earlier this week and I'm still wondering...why? I can understand why people ragequit and disconnect, but this? That is a lot of effort and time spent for NOT playing the game.

Alivor said:
I use Zanfgief and FeiLong online, and do pretty well. Whenever I beat someone w/ Zangief however, I get messages such as "spammer" "yup, that's zangief!", etc. Zangief only has so many moves, and majority of them are grabs. One guy was mad that I was jumping/lariating past all of his hadokens. He quit. It's kind of pathetic.

If you play Zangief, don't expect any love. He is a silly character, who leads to stupid fights. Most people just don't have fun fighting against him.


Woot. Just played against Zabka in ranked. GG. I hate Honda so I was suprised that I actually won in the end. :D


Starting to slowly get a feel for the game, but how the hell do you stop Bison's head stomp? I mostly play Akuma and Cammy BTW if that helps.


Gauhst said:
Starting to slowly get a feel for the game, but how the hell do you stop Bison's head stomp? I mostly play Akuma and Cammy BTW if that helps.

You either block high or even better you take a step back (doesn't even need to be a backdash) and grab him (or something that hurts even more) on landing.


Won said:
You either block high or even better you take a step back (doesn't even need to be a backdash) and grab him (or something that hurts even more) on landing.

Nice. I feel like such a nub getting head stomped over and over hahaha.

On another note, I had a match where I accidentally picked Blanka instead of Cammy. Since I have no idea whatsoever concerning how to play Blanka, I just got the opposing player in the corner and electricity spammed, and it worked! :lol


Gauhst said:
Nice. I feel like such a nub getting head stomped over and over hahaha.

On another note, I had a match where I accidentally picked Blanka instead of Cammy. Since I have no idea whatsoever concerning how to play Blanka, I just got the opposing player in the corner and electricity spammed, and it worked! :lol
Blanka's a beast. (literally! :lol )
Gauhst said:
Starting to slowly get a feel for the game, but how the hell do you stop Bison's head stomp? I mostly play Akuma and Cammy BTW if that helps.

I main Bison and I've seen my stomps get beat cleanly by Cammy's dragon, not sure if that requires particular timing or positioning though.
Ooh...thanks for the heads up Haunts. I've got nothing to really do today...so I'll peep them after I wash my car. Iplaywinner.com has embeded all three streams on their site...so it can be a one stop shop instead of going to each individual one...Good luck, Haunts...Represent

and the I playwinner link:


And...watched this trailer:


And I had no idea Gouken could jumping strong then super after his back throw.

The trailers are okay. They show you a combo and some pressure/mixups. So far he's had Cammy, Fei Long, Gouken, Sakura...and...not sure who the second character was.


Dreavus said:
Wow, that's just ridiculous. Not even enough time to have a proper match. It's almost like he's trying to grind BP or somthing. Why do people do this?

Tiny penises.

Thanks Fersis for invite to SF4 chat.

Funny watching people talk about SFIV while I played Real Bout Special Dominated Mind. :lol :lol
kiryogi said:
Anyone wanna give me an invite to the chat too? XD

I think guttertrash (psn jerky) and moxmaniac (same psn) are in there right now if you're friends with either also bobwhite (psn itwasfunny) and dfyb(same psn)


Won said:
Woot. Just played against Zabka in ranked. GG. I hate Honda so I was suprised that I actually won in the end. :D
Who were you playing as? I was getting slapped around all morning.
Im going to go get some food, im dying

GGs to prodystopian and Mox, this chat thing is awesome for us when we wanna figure out available players for matchups

Ploid 3.0

kiryogi said:
Anyone wanna give me an invite to the chat too? XD

I thought I gave you a link, or friend invite. What is your psn?

Ok, you know what, can everyone just go to the PSN SF4 online forum thread and post if you need a link? These requests are pretty much the same as asking for online matches in the none online forum. I'll add you to the flist, give you the link, and remove you (getting very full, and you only need the link). Just don't delete that link.

Ask for GAF SF4 Chat links in PSN SF4 online forums thread!
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