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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

JEKKI said:
I stopped by Arcade Infinity for a quick second yesterday and got the chance to play two games against Ed Ma.

that guy is insane! The difference in skill level when I played him was staggering!! It's one of those situations where you're playing a fighting game that you know how to play but you just don't know what u're supposed to do.

I left after my 2nd attempt, which gave him his 16th win. Tho I dont feel that bad since everyone else was getting killed... including Mike Ross.

The only rounds he lost were to El Fuerte doing stupid shyt lol

regardless, having played the dood myself now I'm hella hyped to see his match with Combofiend today.

Man that's awesome, I'd love to play Ed Ma. Is it true that he doesn't finish sentences lol? You go to AI a lot? I'd be there all day lol if I lived out there. Whenever I'm in Houston I'll catch myself spending like $100 a week at planet zero (local arcade) If I stayed away from Blaz Blue though it would be a lot cheaper haha.


How do people get up to 7000 BP? I already can't find opponents all the time with the "more skilled" filter. Must be boring up there.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
MIMIC said:
Achievement Unlocked:

2 for 70G
Challenge Expert - Clear all Challenges in Challenge Mode.
The Gold Standard - Earn gold medals in all challenges.


Major props for all the challenges completed man - I did all Golds within the first week, and have the majority of the character Trials done, but I waiting SOOOOOOO damn long for the MadCatz TE stick to ship to finish the rest of them, and it's been how many damn months and the thing hasn't shipped yet...

I know I heard that the second shipment is finally done and about to ship or so, but I've lost the interest to get the stick and I'm gonna just give up on it and cancel my order - I really wanted that stick to finish those remaining Trials and take my game to the next level, but I guess I'll stay with the 360 pad & Hori EX2...

I might start again on finishing up those trials end of this week, but it's going to be a royal pain doing them on a joystick...
I played against the best Dhalsim i've ever seen. He completely destroyed my Zangief, beat my Ken in a good game, then i finally beat him with guile.

He then sent me this message: "You need more practice fag"

Reminds me why i don't like to play random people online. Anyways, looking to play some gaf peeps online.

I got it for the PS3, don't have a stick.

PSN ID: velvet_nitemare.


Any tips for EX High Tiger Shot > EX Tiger Uppercut? The uppercut never seems to hit. Watching the video of it isn't helping either.

edit: nevermind, finally pulled it off. :|


good credit (by proxy)
okay, here's my new problem with Akuma's. I jump straight up when they try to raging demon, but they come out of the raging demon too quick and are able to attack me as I land. What should I do?


Trucker Sexologist
Timedog said:
okay, here's my new problem with Akuma's. I jump straight up when they try to raging demon, but they come out of the raging demon too quick and are able to attack me as I land. What should I do?
Can you EX-Hurricane Kick them out of it or counter with your own super/ultra? I never tried it but that would really demoralize them. Akuma users have wet dreams about landing raging demon and you can turn them into nightmares.


good credit (by proxy)
SapientWolf said:
Can you EX-Hurricane Kick them out of it or counter with your own super/ultra? I never tried it but that would really demoralize them. Akuma users have wet dreams about landing raging demon and you can turn them into nightmares.

They're doing it before I land or right as I land before I recover in time to do a move or block, so I can't usually super or ultra. I should be able to EX hurricane though.


quick question: is there any way to access my game saves across multiple profiles? i have lots of chars unlocked but it seems i can only use them when i am signed in on the profile i used when i played to unlock them.
I finally started playing online versus. I started out by playing Moxmaniac...He whooped me good with various characters. Honestly, I haven't played online...my only experience was against the computer and N3ss + Micvlad...a few months ago. So I wasn't comfortable in many of the situations he presented.

After that, I started playing ranked...got up to 900 BP (currently). I wish I played the game several months ago...when everyone was playing...so I could get the 10 wins achievement.

Congrats Mimic...those challenges are crazy. And the survival mode is time consuming. I still have three trials left...but I've been playing Bionic Commando Rearmed... Maybe one day...

Whoever is my partner in the team tournament...remember, it's just a game...don't get mad at me...
Timedog said:
okay, here's my new problem with Akuma's. I jump straight up when they try to raging demon, but they come out of the raging demon too quick and are able to attack me as I land. What should I do?

Jumping forward(over him) would be the easiest.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Just had some matches against the first good Guile (maybe even the first Guile period) that I've faced online, and he game me my first draw game (we won a round each, double K.O.ed the final)...

I won our second encounter with Blanka, won the third with Honda against his Vega (all close matches mind you), then he won the fourth when I played as a sloppy Fei Long and him with a seemingly-last hope Ken choice (almost won, but I'm horribly under-practiced with Fei), he won the sixth, and then after I won the seventh and eighth match, he left at the lobby...

I normally send a message to people like that, saying "good games" and all, but I get the idea he was pretty bitter as he resorted to Ken in the end and totally changing his style to "flowcart-style" play, after such good play with Guile & Vega - I just let him be after that...


oh CPU Seth why must you screw with my head

I played like i usually do on hardest and got through all the characters without using any continues, and then got my ass beat by Seth. I spent about 3 continues trying my hardest to beat him...and then i realized you can spam headstomp (literally just spam the move over and over again) and win :lol

I guess the A.I. reading your inputs works to my advantage, Seth always throws a sonic boom when im holding a charge while doing headstomp.
Is the podcast incredibly choppy for everyone?

Edit: Guess so. Too bad these probably won't end up on youtube anytime soon since Gooteck's is selling the DVD.


FindMyFarms said:
Man that's awesome, I'd love to play Ed Ma. Is it true that he doesn't finish sentences lol? You go to AI a lot? I'd be there all day lol if I lived out there. Whenever I'm in Houston I'll catch myself spending like $100 a week at planet zero (local arcade) If I stayed away from Blaz Blue though it would be a lot cheaper haha.
lol, I have never spoken to him so I wouldnt know... u can check out his appearance on the podcast or watch him on Dogface show if u wanna see how he talks.

I do not go to AI a lot... yesterday was my first time since 2006, I jus happened to be in the area doing something else and decided to stop by.

AI is like 90 miles from me... Denjin is less than 70 so I go there instead once or twice a month.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire

WTF My Fightpad gave out on my on mid fight. Lost 55BP:|

I changed the battery, Disconnected and reconnected the USB thinggy, and the Pad is still flashing RED

Played a few more matches online...I'm up to about 1100 BP (today was my first day).

Also played against Guttertrash. He whooped me about 7 out of 10 matches. His Honda and Boxer are good.

And I can't believe Gootecks is going to charge for a DVD of the bar fights...

He must be hard up for money or do this full time...first the cheesy audio book, now this...


Timedog said:
okay, here's my new problem with Akuma's. I jump straight up when they try to raging demon, but they come out of the raging demon too quick and are able to attack me as I land. What should I do?
Start a combo in the air.
I feel very dumb asking this question on the most pristine gaming site on the Internet, but when a move tells you to "charge" what do you do? One of Blanka's move told me to hit left and right on the D-Pad and charge. I'm lost.


I played online tonight for the first time. 15 matches until my first win. 40 matches total and only 10 wins. Man I suck. :lol

Too much Ken, Ryu, and Sagat, though. I mean really... people need to try some other characters. The most fun I had was playing against characters other than these.
Well, and playing matches that I won.

I also felt bad when I beat some guy who clearly had no idea what he was doing and took away his last 12 BP. :(

Pretty fun though. Lag isn't nearly as bad as Smash Bros. Hardly noticeable for the most part. Though for some reason, I seemed to have some trouble doing E. Honda's special moves, which I can do perfectly normally. It especially seemed to not like me doing his Ultra too fast, which cost me several matches when I had a perfect opportunity to do one, entered the command, and it didn't come out.


Blu_LED said:
I feel very dumb asking this question on the most pristine gaming site on the Internet, but when a move tells you to "charge" what do you do? One of Blanka's move told me to hit left and right on the D-Pad and charge. I'm lost.

hold left (or right, depends on your position) for about 2 seconds, and then right + a button.


hyperbolically metafictive
Blu_LED said:
I feel very dumb asking this question on the most pristine gaming site on the Internet, but when a move tells you to "charge" what do you do? One of Blanka's move told me to hit left and right on the D-Pad and charge. I'm lost.

it just means to hold the first direction for somewhere between 1 and 2 seconds before hitting the second direction + the relevant button


good credit (by proxy)
Blu_LED said:
I feel very dumb asking this question on the most pristine gaming site on the Internet, but when a move tells you to "charge" what do you do? One of Blanka's move told me to hit left and right on the D-Pad and charge. I'm lost.

hold down the first direction for a couple seconds, then quickly press the second direction and whatever button.


wow BP farming and ragequitters on PSN is out of control :lol

there are definitely a lot more better players on PSN than XBL thought I have to say.


Doing Ken's Hard Trial #4 and I thought this description of it (SRK Forums) was hilarious:

that 4th trial is filled with so much crap, the first three attacks are hard enough to land consistently, then you have to go into a heavy shoryuken, so I might pull that off once out of every ten times I do it, but then you run into another wall of horseshit because you can't immediately FADC or the guy won't fly into the air like you need him to do he will stay on the ground, so you have to "wait" the 20th of a second extra (I time it about exactly when he finishes the sho sound but it's slightly after that) which in turn screws up your dashing forward into a medium shoryuken and then good GD luck hitting the shinruken after that because out of all the perfect timing you need for this trial that's probably the pickiest one


I have all of the moves down for it. The only thing I can't do consistently, of course, is the cr. HP > heavy shoryuken.

How I'm doing it: "cr. HP > hadoken" works for me but the "LP > cr. HP" link and remembering to do the hadoken is driving me nuts.


Grifter! Good games--another beating endured on my part. Between you and McVlad, I think my SF pride is at an all-time low. :lol

Any other Gaf heads wanna shot at furthering my shame, shoot me a friend's invite: illegalwiretap
Congrats Kadey.

....what is up with the Bar Fights? I'm disappointed. I was looking forward to seeing some high-level play. I'm not paying to watch it on a DVD...I like Gootecks...but fack that...

Back to online play...


bob_arctor said:
Grifter! Good games--another beating endured on my part. Between you and McVlad, I think my SF pride is at an all-time low. :lol

Any other Gaf heads wanna shot at furthering my shame, shoot me a friend's invite: illegalwiretap
Anything for a mature Jets fan, there ain't many of us!
I'm humble guy. I'm not that great in this game (as Gutter and Mox will attest), but what could possess two people to disconnect on me...

I didn't believe the b.s. I was reading regarding this game...until I started playing and saw the weird rooms, 1-round ranked matches and disconnects...

And boo on the bar fights...someone is twittering the results:


edit...make that four...


I fought a ton of people today, too many to keep track of, but GGS to all of you :D

I got my butt whooped by two gens and a claw, but i had fun nonetheless.


I FINISHED KEN'S HARD TRIAL #4!!!!! :D :D That should be a fucking achievement in and of itself. I muted the TV (because I found the SFX really distracting after a while) so I couldn't hear the announcer say "SUCCESS". :(

Also, I used an extra LP to make the chain combo easier. God damn, that shit was hard.
Got up to 1700 BP in my first day of playing. Need to hit the training mode with Ryu...and also have to stop throwing that ridiculous ultra except for DP trades and FADC...(or a move with long recovery).

When I played Moxy earlier...I noticed Rufus could ultra off anything...crazy...

And Sagat...ridiculous damage...

And must have had at least 10 people boot me or disconnect...

The system is flawed...


Well, you can take solace in the fact that you are not god-awful at the game, at least!
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