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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


drohne said:
'annoying' is my guile's key word! i'd like to play more offensively, but in a lot of matchups he just doesn't have good offensive options.

I've been trying out Guile recently with limited success and have been having a lot of trouble even getting out basic pressure tactics consistently--the timing on his 2-in-1's are off compared to old-school Guile or even Remy in 3S. Seems much more strict now. As for offensive options, here's an incredible combo video--I especially like the stuff done after a FA crumple:



taunting = srs bsnss

seriously though its kind of unsettling that if there is someone on the other side of the net saying "damn that dude taunted...what an asshole" :lol
Threi said:
damn dude they are just habits :lol

I think you are reading way too much into what people do online.

A taunt doesn't mean that someone thinks they are the shit. If you read any of my posts here it is the opposite. A taunt usually means im having fun. Also, abel's second taunt is awesome, I will be using it much more often.

I tend to screw up link combos (not holding a charge for long enough i guess) so I tend to do more headstomp/devil's reverse tactics. Not the best, i know, but jesus man this is my first time playing Dictator in a SF game...ever. I am practically relearning the game.

Also for the tapping ready/not ready thing, that has pretty much become a habit of mine, due to the way i hold the controller i tend to tap the keys as if it were a keyboard. It isn't limited to if i lose.

You need to lighten up a little for real though. At least tell me you don't send angry messages to people who ragequit or something :lol

I have not once in this thread ever said I am good at this game, because I honestly do not believe I am. I have seen way too many SF vids/combo tactics/player discussion to think I am. I have actually commented in this thread that if there ever was a "flowchart bison" then i fit the mold to a tee. But i think your venting is a little misplaced here, direct it at a noob player who actually believes they are the shit.

Like I said in my posts.. I find those lame net manners and stick to my opinion. I dont think its a matter of lightening up.. its just a difference of opinion.

Threi said:
taunting = srs bsnss

seriously though its kind of unsettling that if there is someone on the other side of the net saying "damn that dude taunted...what an asshole" :lol

Once again difference of opinion.. Unless you suddenly think your opinion is "the all knowing" which is "kind of unsettling that if there is someone on the other side of the net saying "damn my opinion rules all... I'm an asshole""

Just to spin it the other way...


BitchTits said:
Just a tip if you're finding these difficult, I always find if you use a more circular motion, as opposed to trying to hit all the directions point it helps.

Almost as if you're drawing an upside loop-di-loop with your thumb.
Well thing was I could never decipher what the motion was, I think the fallen V and helps explain it :lol
_dementia said:
TurtleSnatcher, u mad

Threi taunts me all the time, but what am I gonna do?
stop whiffing

I just found it retarded against my brother who played who obviously had no idea what he was doing.. He was throwing Sakura SRK's out like they were free candy. :lol

Then when I got on I would crush him but I wouldn't go as far to taunt.. Instead Ill come on here and post constructive criticism to his Bison which was his main.. which he then reacts negatively too which a bit baffled me.

EDIT: I can see taunts on some retard I don't know that chooses a Ken over and over and attempts like Jump in HK sweep HK or something like that but even then I'd have to be in my 5 or 6th match to do it.

Once again.. Its just me.. I don't taunt and he does.. he explained why so its not like I disrespect his choice now. I just never do it and have issues on why people even bother.


needs to show more effort.
FindMyFarms said:
First off, don't remember who I was playing earlier on PSN, but they were using wireless on their ps3. After noticing the lag, he switched to wired and it was instantly better. Everyone should do that!
Really? I've been playing wireless DS3 since always.

I would think any sort of lag from a wireless controller would be completely insignificant compared to lag from just playing online at all.
Garcian said:
I use Bison, but have only come up against a couple of Claws online so am totally lost on the matchup - I FA the wall dive, but always seem to end up facing the wrong way, so can't follow it up with anything; I seem to spend the majority of the match teleporting :/
I think the thing with claws is that the wall dives can be pretty annoying.. Vega can also throw in a lot of pressure on a charging turtling Bison who sits on the ground and is waiting on Headstomp or Devils Reverse..

I recommend FA'ing the initial wall dive then dashing out and grabbing them.. or jump back fierce punch works well with bison if I recall.. Bison can lay a lot of pressure on with combos that include scissor too.. almost never ending..


TurtleSnatcher said:
Once again difference of opinion.. Unless you suddenly think your opinion is "the all knowing" which is "kind of unsettling that if there is someone on the other side of the net saying "damn my opinion rules all... I'm an asshole""

Just to spin it the other way...
I don't really get what you are saying here. I didn't state my opinion on taunting. I stated what it means when I taunt. If you want my opinion, it is that you should probably reserve judgement on people on the other side of the net where you can't read the intentions of others. I would also say that the real issue with net etiquette is sending homophobic and racial slurs to the opposing person when you lose. But that is a whole other discussion.

However since net etiquette means that much to you, I will make a note to remember to not do that against you (which probably won't happen because i forgot what your gamertag is nvm its Mini PEZ :lol) -

*edit* Hell i would taunt MicVlad if i had the chance to (which never comes up because im blocking attacks from him all over the fucking screen >=( ) and he is clearly better than I am. It has nothing to do with confidence to me.

_dementia has some funny whiffs though.... :p
slayn said:
Really? I've been playing wireless DS3 since always.

I would think any sort of lag from a wireless controller would be completely insignificant compared to lag from just playing online at all.

I think he's talking about a wireless router.


RevenantKioku said:
I got both. Bring the bad!
Don't take me too seriously, though. I'm just giving some perspective. There is humble, and then there is making the truly awful feel worse. :lol

Well, playing Haunts, Grifter and McVlad has really given me perspective on the vast gulf in skill level between someone who thinks he knows what he's doing (me) and someone putting the lie in that statement (them). It's like a whole new world to be honest--like when I went to Chinatown here in NYC to play some 3S and quickly learned the meaning of HOLYSHITWHATTHEHELLWHATDOIDO??

It reminds me of a quote from Alan Moore's Swamp Thing run, where Abigail Cable gives us her thoughts on being frightened:

"I used to think I knew from fear. But all I knew was the suburbs. Now here I am in the big city."

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
TurtleSnatcher said:
Once again.. Its just me.. I don't taunt and he does.. he explained why so its not like I disrespect his choice now. I just never do it and have issues on why people even bother.

Eh, taunting is in the game. I could see why you might think it's a dick move against a beginner... but if it's a close game and the player makes a horrible mistake and you make them eat a taunt and then win....

actually this is a silly argument. The dictionary definition of taunt is probably enough...

Nobody likes being taunted, that's whats so great about taunts!

I'm sure as shit going to taunt a sagat next time I beat him with my ryu. Sagat always makes me nervous.
RevenantKioku said:
Anyone up for games on either service? XBL: Kojikun PSN: Koji-chan. Currently on the 360 so let me know here if you wanna do PSN.
Add me later.. MINI Pez.

I wouldn't mind helping if you need any standard tips. I'm not some god but wouldn't mind helping.


needs to show more effort.
akachan ningen said:
I think he's talking about a wireless router.
well... I do that too!
Switching that isn't really any option anyway.
And I still think it would be insignificant, unless you have a really terrible router.


If anything blame it on my Smash Bros. background, where you pretty much always taunt when you get a KO (and you have the time to do so)
Rummy Bunnz said:
Taunting is fun!

Man, how can you not message ragequitters? I send a mocking message to every single one. I cherish every angry reply I get!

I wanted to send a message. It's like so annoying... And I know some of them had high BPs, which is why they were doing it. And seriously...Capcom should make it mandatory...that ranked matches be at least three rounds, 99 seconds. I fought a rage quitter who had it set to one round, 30 seconds...then dropped when I was obviously going to win...

I play using a wireless router (for my PS3...the box is hard wired)... the game seems to perform the same as it does on the Xbox with an ethernet connection.

I can't wait till the patch...nerfed Sagat. And Blanka, wtf...can't cross him up because of electricity...his EX ball goes throw any fireball...and I'm not used to the b f kick ball...as it seems to cross up. And the game is balanced...yet not balanced. How can Rufus do ultra off anything...but poor Guile, Claw...have to really work hard to get it.


Taunting has it's uses. I will usually throw one out of someone is turtling the other side of the screen waiting for the clock to run out, it will often bait them into making a mistake.
BitchTits said:
Taunting has it's uses. I will usually throw one out of someone is turtling the other side of the screen waiting for the clock to run out, it will often bait them into making a mistake.
I agree to this. I do this if I have a Guile that is sitting in a corner like waiting for me to jump into a Flash Kick..

I mean really? Like that isn't obvious :p


bob_arctor said:
See, if taunts had a functional purpose like they did in 3S, we wouldn't even be having this conversation!
from what little i have played of 3S i completely abused random basketball/rose


hyperbolically metafictive
bob_arctor said:
I've been trying out Guile recently with limited success and have been having a lot of trouble even getting out basic pressure tactics consistently--the timing on his 2-in-1's are off compared to old-school Guile or even Remy in 3S. Seems much more strict now. As for offensive options, here's an incredible combo video--I especially like the stuff done after a FA crumple:


i haven't played much remy, but the timing on guile's basic combos is much easier than super turbo or hd remix once you get used to it. it is different though, yeah

those gilley combos are nuts -- way beyond my execution level. seems like most of guile's links are impractically difficult. i'd like to see those loosened up in any update they do. actually i think they should make his cr. mk cancellable

Just focus bait and it stops most kens in their track. Lots of em like to do to kara after 2 cr.lp to make it look like their out of range when their not. If they get wary of the focus baiting, some will f. fk (hold, the fake step) -> kara. Whenever I play a good Ken, and I have to gamble on the mixup, I always just let them throw me. Ken can't do too much damage, and especially not w/ his ultra (fadc after 2 hit fp srk is laughable.) But that's just me.

yeah, focus is nice against that f+mk. in any case these kens are much closer to the point than the flowcharters -- and much more fun to play against
drohne said:
it just means to hold the first direction for somewhere between 1 and 2 seconds before hitting the second direction + the relevant button
I'm still not getting it. When I start to hold down the first button (which is left) he walks backwards. Then I hit right and the other button, and nothing happens. Is there some sort of visual cue to see that I'm charging?
Woot...Bdizzle, Findmyfarms and I are a team in the PSN tournament. We're going to clean the streets with you heathens...Gratchoo...jk.

I never actually red on what the taunts did in TS. I know Dudley and Sean had offensive properties/mixups with their taunts. (Homer Face GIF) Third Strike...fast paced, footsies....

Man...Moxy...you had all of the costumes...you must be ballin'.

When they come out with the poor people's package, I'll have me some alternates too.
Threi said:
from what little i have played of 3S i completely abused random basketball/rose
They give you certain characters specific buffs. Q's taunt was integral because it increased his defense and could stack 3x.


Blu_LED said:
I'm still not getting it. When I start to hold down the first button (which is left) he walks backwards. Then I hit right and the other button, and nothing happens. Is there some sort of visual cue to see that I'm charging?
first of all try using down-back to hide the fact that you are charging. (it will tend to become turtling but don't worry about that for now)

secondly try at around 3 seconds worth of charging, and slowly decrease the time until you know the exact time it takes to charge.

the motion from back to forward then to the button is pretty quick as well. Forward + punch are pressed almost simultaneously.

Blu_LED said:
Also how do I get to that training mode that gives me different combos to do (it displays them in the top left corner) and then says "SUCESS" when you so them?
challenge mode > normal trials


hyperbolically metafictive
maybe you aren't holding left long enough, or maybe your timing's off? there's no visual cue. if you want to charge without walking backwards, you can hold diagonally down and back instead -- this also has the benefit of charging back/forward moves and down/up moves at the same time, so you should definitely get used to it
Also how do I get to that training mode that gives me different combos to do (it displays them in the top left corner) and then says "SUCESS" when you so them?
Blu_LED said:
I'm still not getting it. When I start to hold down the first button (which is left) he walks backwards. Then I hit right and the other button, and nothing happens. Is there some sort of visual cue to see that I'm charging?
No Visual Cue..

You just need to make sure you do it for 1.5 - 2 seconds..

Then when you hit the other direction to release the charge make sure to hit the corresponding button at the same time you hit the direction..

so... for Guile Sonic Boom (example)

for 2 seconds.. (It can be as long as you want but at least 1.5 - 2 secs)

Quickly move to

And hit any punch at the same time as the ->

Likewise for down up charge moves.

I hated charging in old street fighters but you get use to it after a while.

Another trick for like a sonic boom (example)

Charge Down Back on your controller.. (What this does is you are charging back and you are charging down so you are blocking even against sweeps while charging)..

Then go forward + punch.. or you can even go up + kick to do a flash kick because you were technically also charging down when do the down/back charge.

Make sense? :p


shooting blanks
Threi said:
taunting = srs bsnss

seriously though its kind of unsettling that if there is someone on the other side of the net saying "damn that dude taunted...what an asshole" :lol



drohne said:
i haven't played much remy, but the timing on guile's basic combos is much easier than super turbo or hd remix once you get used to it. it is different though, yeah

those gilley combos are nuts -- way beyond my execution level. seems like most of guile's links are impractically difficult. i'd like to see those loosened up in any update they do. actually i think they should make his cr. mk cancellable

The timing seems stricter/slower--I've been still doing, say, cr. jab 2X into Flash Kick how I would in ST or with Remy and it just doesn't translate. Or even his jump in FP, close FP>Sonic Boom is way tougher for me. As if I do it too fast for it to register. I'm at a loss to explain it--I can go back to old-school Guile and whip 'em out no problem. And it's frustrating because Guile is weak enough as is. The worst is landing like 4 close cr. jabs and I just wanna Flash Kick to end it and instead I do a standing LK. :-( And yeah, they should make his cr.LP>cr.MP link easier as it's used so often.

Have you been able to Super>Ultra? Did it like once or twice--I think it has more to do with how high you hit your opponent on their initial jump to get all the hits of the Ultra.


hyperbolically metafictive
yeah, on jump-in combos, you definitely want to go slower. i don't put in the cr + mp or close fp until i see the jump-in connect. (edit: but then you should do the cancel into special very quickly.) crouching jabs or shorts into flashkick seems unreliable, but i couldn't really hit that in hd remix either -- i do crouching jabs into boom sometimes, which is obviously much safer if you screw it up

afaik the trick with super -> ultra is to do the super with lk


needs to show more effort.
Spiderjericho said:
I can't wait till the patch...nerfed Sagat. And Blanka, wtf...can't cross him up because of electricity...his EX ball goes throw any fireball...and I'm not used to the b f kick ball...as it seems to cross up. And the game is balanced...yet not balanced. How can Rufus do ultra off anything...but poor Guile, Claw...have to really work hard to get it.
Blanka has a ton of weaknesses. EX upball is his only true 'safe' wakeup. If your jumping attack is deep enough, electricity doesn't seem to activate in time (or I just suck). I tried repeatedly to get electricity on wakeup with boxer's jumping FK and it never worked.

His balls are insanely punishable on block, and can usually be ultra'd on block.

He has no easy, high damage combos that I am aware of.

non-ex rainbow roll is useless against people that are used to it.

If he has good poking block strings, I don't know them. I think only maybe c.mk and hp electricity has frame advantage on block?

Blanka doesn't need a nerf =\
If a balance patch were to happen, I'd like to see sagat brought down (but only a tiny bit, still being #1 is fine) and I'd like to see characters like claw, guile, honda, rose, and sakura brought up in power.


drohne said:
yeah, on jump-in combos, you definitely want to go slower. i don't put in the cr + mp or close fp until i see the jump-in connect. crouching jabs or shorts into flashkick seems unreliable, but i couldn't really hit that in hd remix either -- i do crouching jabs into boom sometimes, which is obviously much safer if you screw it up

afaik the trick with super -> ultra is to do the super with lk

Aha. Gonna try this in practice mode. Thx.
Ahh, getting annoyed. Still can't pick a main. :lol I want someone who is nice and fast without resorting to a shoto :D Cammy seemed perfect but gets rather boring fast. Might try Fei later.


needs to show more effort.
BloodElfHunter said:
Ahh, getting annoyed. Still can't pick a main. :lol I want someone who is nice and fast without resorting to a shoto :D Cammy seemed perfect but gets rather boring fast. Might try Fei later.
slayn said:
Blanka doesn't need a nerf =\
If a balance patch were to happen, I'd like to see sagat brought down (but only a tiny bit, still being #1 is fine) and I'd like to see characters like claw, guile, honda, rose, and sakura brought up in power.

Honda doesn't need a strength boost, he just needs his anti-airs to be better for crosser-uppers like in ST and improve the hit-box of his Butt Bombs. + boost the speed of his Ultra`s start-up


I still can't believe that we're this far from launch and haven't heard anything solid about when we will see this patch and what it will contain for sure.


needs to show more effort.
gutter_trash said:
Honda doesn't need a strength boost, he just needs his anti-airs to be better for crosser-uppers like in ST and improve the hit-box of his Butt Bombs. + boost the speed of his Ultra`s start-up
By power I didn't mean damage boost, just general buffing that would improve them overall. So yes, I agree with your changes you want for honda.


So I had the urge to charge my FA when someone is down and usually got hit, but I learned by now to lure them into a dragon punch but DC out of my attack before it hits so they're there sitting ducks. But it feels like lost potential to just special/EX them when they land... Am I doing something wrong :(

Also what's a good wakeup attack for Viper? electric uppercut takes just a tad too long :(
World Warrior and New Generation were also pretty fucked up as first installements.
Honda didnt even have a normal cancel in WW, CE and HF... and Blanka took mondo damage in WW when he would get hit out of his roll (Shoryuken the Ball bammm )

I am confident that the Championship Edition/2nd Impact iterations of SF4 in the near future will fix lots of stuff... no I am just having fun with what we got.

yeah I am maining a low tier character but I did the same in SF2 and he turned out awesome in Super Turbo, it's all good
MNC said:
So I had the urge to charge my FA when someone is down and usually got hit, but I learned by now to lure them into a dragon punch but DC out of my attack before it hits so they're there sitting ducks. But it feels like lost potential to just special/EX them when they land... Am I doing something wrong :(

Go into training mode and figure out what you can do the most damage with consistently, whether that be a huge combo or just a link into an EX/special. For my Chun, it is either the RH xx EX Legs or cr. FP xx MK SBK.


gutter_trash said:
Honda doesn't need a strength boost, he just needs his anti-airs to be better for crosser-uppers like in ST and improve the hit-box of his Butt Bombs. + boost the speed of his Ultra`s start-up
Couldn't his headbutts absorb fireballs in Super Turbo? They should bring that back. Or at the very least, his EX headbutt should.
Question for haunts, findmyfarms, etc. (people that know how to get better). How bad is playing against the computer? I remember a FAQ for Tekken that basically said 'do not play against the computer as it will lead to bad habits. If you can't play against people, play training mode.' Do you guys feel that is true for SF4? I play mostly online, but sometimes I mess around in survival or arcade.
KevinCow said:
Couldn't his headbutts absorb fireballs in Super Turbo? They should bring that back. Or at the very least, his EX headbutt should.
that was just a Sirlin oddity in HDR,
the LP head butt had upper body invulnerability for the first frames.

Sirlin made it absorb single hit fireballs in HDR

and I disagreed with that Sirling buff because it is too ''magical'' IMO and I would rather see something else instead of that

for SF4... maybe make the EX Headbutt more like Blanka's EX beast roll...... go through projectiles


needs to show more effort.
prodystopian said:
Question for haunts, findmyfarms, etc. (people that know how to get better). How bad is playing against the computer? I remember a FAQ for Tekken that basically said 'do not play against the computer as it will lead to bad habits. If you can't play against people, play training mode.' Do you guys feel that is true for SF4? I play mostly online, but sometimes I mess around in survival or arcade.
that statement is true for all fighters ever.

Its very similar to, say, trying to get good a poker by playing against an AI instead of playing humans.


gutter_trash said:
that was just a Sirlin oddity in HDR,
the LP head butt had upper body invulnerability for the first frames.

Sirlin made it absorb single hit fireballs in HDR

and I disagreed with that Sirling buff because it is too ''magical'' IMO and I would rather see something else instead of that

for SF4... maybe make the EX Headbutt more like Blanka's EX beast roll...... go through projectiles

It was able to go through fireballs in Capcom Vs SNK 2 also. Honda was a beast in that game.
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