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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

RevenantKioku said:
Well, you can take solace in the fact that you are not god-awful at the game, at least!

Right now...yes, I am. I have to learn...strategy and get familiar with the other characters. Moxy was waxing my arse.

I don't know why I just sat out online for soooo long. I had the game from day one.


Spiderjericho said:
Right now...yes, I am. I have to learn...strategy and get familiar with the other characters. Moxy was waxing my arse.

I don't know why I just sat out online for soooo long. I had the game from day one.
Shh. I feel bad enough about how terrible I am at the game as is. I'm not telling you you're number one, but stop the whole act. Some of us have been putting in the hours and can barely hold the controller properly. We'll throw down sometime if you want to see what god-awful really is.


RevenantKioku said:
Shh. I feel bad enough about how terrible I am at the game as is. I'm not telling you you're number one, but stop the whole act. Some of us have been putting in the hours and can barely hold the controller properly. We'll throw down sometime if you want to see what god-awful really is.

What system do you play on? I'll hit you up... We'll Dan it up...

And I try to be humble...right now...I was a lot more solid in HD Remix...but it's an old game...where as this one has new characters and new systems...


dfyb said:
Resolution on my iPhone doesn't help me, but it looks like Dhalsim and Rufus are turtling each other.


Spiderjericho said:
What system do you play on? I'll hit you up... We'll Dan it up...

And I try to be humble...right now...I was a lot more solid in HD Remix...but it's an old game...where as this one has new characters and new systems...
I got both. Bring the bad!
Don't take me too seriously, though. I'm just giving some perspective. There is humble, and then there is making the truly awful feel worse. :lol
Threi said:
I fought a ton of people today, too many to keep track of, but GGS to all of you :D

I got my butt whooped by two gens and a claw, but i had fun nonetheless.
Well I beat you with my Claw and my Gen.. (gg's btw)

Just a few comments.

You headstomp way too much and devils reverse.. It takes 1 round to figure out that you do that too much. You rely on that stuff way to much and its almost as bad as a SRK Ken over and over. I recommend fixing that up and learning to link combos with Scissors etc.

Also don't taunt.. My brother was playing and it was his like 3rd hour in SF4? And you were sending taunts with your Abel thinking you were the shit.. sorry but that pisses me off.. I hate people that taunt thinking they are epic awesome for fighting someone who obviously had no idea what he was doing and randomly doing moves over and over again w/o care..

Also if you lose and exit a game maybe 3 seconds before me.. Don't hit "Ready" "Not Ready" "Ready" "Not Ready" over and over again.. I got out of the games as fast as I could while handing the controller to someone else like my brother but seeing that just shows how freaking impatient you are and that also irks me.

Sorry just wanted to rant about some lame net manner that kinda pisses me off.. :X


I'm like a Hadouken, down-right Fierce!
TurtleSnatcher said:
Well I beat you with my Claw and my Gen..

Sorry I didn't post earlier, but good games on Saturday, I could tell that you have vastly improved since the last time we played, and I... haven't done much of anything since then.:lol
Oichi said:
Sorry I didn't post earlier, but good games on Saturday, I could tell that you have vastly improved since the last time we played, and I... haven't done much of anything since then.:lol
Thanks Oichi! Yea I posted a few pages back saying good games. Your honda is a beast!


TurtleSnatcher said:
Also don't taunt.. My brother was playing and it was his like 3rd hour in SF4? And you were sending taunts with your Abel thinking you were the shit.. sorry but that pisses me off.. I hate people that taunt thinking they are epic awesome for fighting someone who obviously had no idea what he was doing and randomly doing moves over and over again w/o care

Something I miss from 3rd strike, taunts that gave you bonuses, risk reward which I really like a purpose for doing them instead just to boast.


hyperbolically metafictive
boxer's fun -- just picked him up today, and i don't have any idea how to play him, but i'm already hitting jab jab headbutt, headbutt ultra, and jab jab headbutt ultra. after all that guile practice the execution feels pretty natural

edit: btw is there anything worth tacking on after a headbutt if you haven't got ultra?


drohne said:
boxer's fun -- just picked him up today, and i don't have any idea how to play him, but i'm already hitting jab jab headbutt, headbutt ultra, and jab jab headbutt ultra. after all that guile practice the execution feels pretty natural

Most people tend to jump to Balrog (boxer) from Guile, myself included. He's so easy to use and its so nice having an ultra and a super that are actually useful!
So I've learned El Fuerte, and Gen.. some odd ballers indeed.

Gonna move on to Rufus now.. and see how he works out. No idea how people perform those dive kicks so fast though.


TurtleSnatcher said:
So I've learned El Fuerte, and Gen.. some odd ballers indeed.

Gonna move on to Rufus now.. and see how he works out. No idea how people perform those dive kicks so fast though.
similar to hyper hops in KoF i guess -- you get used to it. i like rufus but i've never been much for combos, and he seems to rely on a lot of them.
TurtleSnatcher said:
So I've learned El Fuerte, and Gen.. some odd ballers indeed.

Gonna move on to Rufus now.. and see how he works out. No idea how people perform those dive kicks so fast though.

Have fun landing ultras. No seriously, have fun. He can land his ultra off of seemingly ANYTHING, even just a target combo! (st. lk -> st. hk) Land a dive kick? Land an ultra! Land a jump hk? Land an Ultra! :)


Anyone up for games on either service? XBL: Kojikun PSN: Koji-chan. Currently on the 360 so let me know here if you wanna do PSN.
God, been playing with a dude since yesterday who is super fucking aggressive with every character he chooses, and it's really hard to get the fuck out of the constant pressure unless I use my Chun li. I really need to learn to punish bad decisions by my opponents more instead of just going for the easy and safe grab every time someone makes a mistake.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Spiderjericho said:
Got up to 1700 BP in my first day of playing. Need to hit the training mode with Ryu...and also have to stop throwing that ridiculous ultra except for DP trades and FADC...(or a move with long recovery).

Can also land the ultra when people jump towards you. I kill a lot of jump in happy people with that.

Made my way to 1600BP last night. Playing in tandem with my house mate, he plays guile and nobody online can deal with the double sweep kick, it's hilarious (my flatmate shamelessly spams it I don't know how it doesn't bore him)
Wow, been awhile since I played SFIV. (Damn you RE5 and GTA IV). But I got a few matches in with some GAFFers.

AZ Greg improved drastically. From the last time we played where I won a strong majority of the matches to now where I lost badly to the two matches we played (I had to bail out, wish we could have played more).

Regardless, in those two matches I learned so much with Vega.

Oh and:




I swear to christ if I punch one more fireball... :lol :(


Shut up! I'm trying. That's what makes it even more annoying. :(

Almost back to 0 BP! :D
One thing I love about this game is the sense of accomplishment you get when you finally are able to pull off combos on command that you couldn't the day before.

After playing Galactic tonight and just sucking straight ass, I hit up training and just did C.Spike FADC -> bunch of different things, usually to no avail. I really began to worry about screwing my team over for the tourney. Then, when everyone on the GAF Chat was gone, I decided to play ranked for a while. In the no lag matches, I could actually do something with my FADC :D I can finally start making people pay with the FA. So far I've been pretty streaky with Cammy (more bad than good), but I'm starting to make a few strides.

Now to learn how to keep the pressure up once I get it going. Every match starts out footsies, though.

<3 this game. @ Galactic: the break actually helped a lot :lol . I don't know why, but I lose a match, get mad at myself for making mistakes, lose another, get madder and make more mistakes. I need to learn when to just stop for a while and gather myself.


Anyone have a good Ken they wouldn't mind me training against? This is really getting to the point of absurdity.
Then again it would help if I actually threw fireballs when I wanted to instead of jumping forward.

Nevermind, I'm just calling it a night now before I get seriously frustrated.


hyperbolically metafictive
'annoying' is my guile's key word! i'd like to play more offensively, but in a lot of matchups he just doesn't have good offensive options

seems like the new xbl trend is pseudo ed ma kens who are all about f+mk, the subsequent frame advantage, and kara throw -- i fought three or four of them today. can't wait til my boxer's decent and i can stick jab jab headbutt inbetween their stepkicks and their whatever else -- actually i should work on jab, jab, cr.mk, hadouken with ryu. guile's got...uh...jab :(

or flashkick fadc, i guess -- there's another thing i need to work on


NeoGAF: my new HOME
drohne said:
'annoying' is my guile's key word! i'd like to play more offensively, but in a lot of matchups he just doesn't have good offensive options

seems like the new xbl trend is pseudo ed ma kens who are all about f+mk, the subsequent frame advantage, and kara throw -- i fought three or four of them today. can't wait til my boxer's decent and i can stick jab jab headbutt inbetween their stepkicks and their whatever else -- actually i should work on jab, jab, cr.mk, hadouken with ryu. guile's got...uh...jab :(

or flashkick fadc, i guess -- there's another thing i need to work on

Seeing a ton more Guile's online, a majority of which are super fucking aggressive and annoying. No idea how to shut them out on Rose :(


TurtleSnatcher said:
You headstomp way too much and devils reverse.. It takes 1 round to figure out that you do that too much. You rely on that stuff way to much and its almost as bad as a SRK Ken over and over. I recommend fixing that up and learning to link combos with Scissors etc.

I use Bison, but have only come up against a couple of Claws online so am totally lost on the matchup - I FA the wall dive, but always seem to end up facing the wrong way, so can't follow it up with anything; I seem to spend the majority of the match teleporting :/


So, Dhalsim players, any tips for a Dhalsim newbie? I've read haunts guide, which is awesome, but would like to get some advice from other players. Currently I do a lot of j.hp, slide>throw, keep away with hp or mk, yoga flame>slide>hp, ultra>teleport etc. I'm trying to incorporate the instant air teleport in my game but it's a bit confusing adding another input do the dp motion. I'm also trying to learn to do the b.mk>yoga flame (>super I guess) but it's hard to pull of in an actual match. One of my biggest problems is that I have no idea what to do when I get rushed down. I can't get out of the corner or punish them at all. Balrog, for example, destroys me. Also I almost never use the Focus Attack since I haven't figured out in what situations it works. I welcome every advice you can spare :D


drohne said:
it just means to hold the first direction for somewhere between 1 and 2 seconds before hitting the second direction + the relevant button
And with that, what the fuck do the icons mean in Vega's and Guile's ultra/super mean? I could never figure them out for the life of me. Is it charge crouch back > forward diagonal up?
drohne said:
'annoying' is my guile's key word! i'd like to play more offensively, but in a lot of matchups he just doesn't have good offensive options

seems like the new xbl trend is pseudo ed ma kens who are all about f+mk, the subsequent frame advantage, and kara throw -- i fought three or four of them today. can't wait til my boxer's decent and i can stick jab jab headbutt inbetween their stepkicks and their whatever else -- actually i should work on jab, jab, cr.mk, hadouken with ryu. guile's got...uh...jab :(

or flashkick fadc, i guess -- there's another thing i need to work on

First off, don't remember who I was playing earlier on PSN, but they were using wireless on their ps3. After noticing the lag, he switched to wired and it was instantly better. Everyone should do that!

Just focus bait and it stops most kens in their track. Lots of em like to do to kara after 2 cr.lp to make it look like their out of range when their not. If they get wary of the focus baiting, some will f. fk (hold, the fake step) -> kara. Whenever I play a good Ken, and I have to gamble on the mixup, I always just let them throw me. Ken can't do too much damage, and especially not w/ his ultra (fadc after 2 hit fp srk is laughable.) But that's just me.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
I really hate not being able to perform links. I'm find with combos if there is no links in, but I have never correctly performed a combo that links in the middle, is there ANY visual or sound cue so you know when to push the button? Feels like hitting brick wall everytime I try and do it.

completely annoying as the rest of my game is getting a lot better but still can't do this at all yet.

And with that, what the fuck do the icons mean in Vega's and Guile's ultra/super mean? I could never figure them out for the life of me.

the joystick movement you mean?

charge down/back then -> down/forward -> down/back -> up/forward. Like the letter V fell on it's side
catfish said:
I really hate not being able to perform links. I'm find with combos if there is no links in, but I have never correctly performed a combo that links in the middle, is there ANY visual or sound cue so you know when to push the button? Feels like hitting brick wall everytime I try and do it.

It's easier if you try to get a feel for the rhythm in the button presses instead of looking at the screen. Think of them as little songs :p
akachan ningen said:
It's easier if you try to get a feel for the rhythm in the button presses instead of looking at the screen. Think of them as little songs :p

This is true. Looking for onscreen ques is also especially hard when lag is put into the equation.


And with that, what the fuck do the icons mean in Vega's and Guile's ultra/super mean? I could never figure them out for the life of me.
Just a tip if you're finding these difficult, I always find if you use a more circular motion, as opposed to trying to hit all the directions point it helps.

Almost as if you're drawing an upside loop-di-loop with your thumb.


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
Can someone invite me to the gaf sf4 PSN chat? Brobsaurus is my PSN.

PS: Ploid has updated the tourny thread with team lists. (dunno if this is old news :\)


BitchTits said:
Just a tip if you're finding these difficult, I always find if you use a more circular motion, as opposed to trying to hit all the directions point it helps.

Almost as if you're drawing an upside loop-di-loop with your thumb.
You can also do DB, DF, DB -> UB, which I find to be much safer.


TurtleSnatcher said:
Well I beat you with my Claw and my Gen.. (gg's btw)

Just a few comments.

You headstomp way too much and devils reverse.. It takes 1 round to figure out that you do that too much. You rely on that stuff way to much and its almost as bad as a SRK Ken over and over. I recommend fixing that up and learning to link combos with Scissors etc.

Also don't taunt.. My brother was playing and it was his like 3rd hour in SF4? And you were sending taunts with your Abel thinking you were the shit.. sorry but that pisses me off.. I hate people that taunt thinking they are epic awesome for fighting someone who obviously had no idea what he was doing and randomly doing moves over and over again w/o care..

Also if you lose and exit a game maybe 3 seconds before me.. Don't hit "Ready" "Not Ready" "Ready" "Not Ready" over and over again.. I got out of the games as fast as I could while handing the controller to someone else like my brother but seeing that just shows how freaking impatient you are and that also irks me.

Sorry just wanted to rant about some lame net manner that kinda pisses me off.. :X
damn dude they are just habits :lol

I think you are reading way too much into what people do online.

A taunt doesn't mean that someone thinks they are the shit. If you read any of my posts here it is the opposite. A taunt usually means im having fun. Also, abel's second taunt is awesome, I will be using it much more often.

I tend to screw up link combos (not holding a charge for long enough i guess) so I tend to do more headstomp/devil's reverse tactics. Not the best, i know, but jesus man this is my first time playing Dictator in a SF game...ever. I am practically relearning the game.

Also for the tapping ready/not ready thing, that has pretty much become a habit of mine, due to the way i hold the controller i tend to tap the keys as if it were a keyboard. It isn't limited to if i lose.

You need to lighten up a little for real though. At least tell me you don't send angry messages to people who ragequit or something :lol

I have not once in this thread ever said I am good at this game, because I honestly do not believe I am. I have seen way too many SF vids/combo tactics/player discussion to think I am. I have actually commented in this thread that if there ever was a "flowchart bison" then i fit the mold to a tee. But i think your venting is a little misplaced here, direct it at a noob player who actually believes they are the shit.
Taunting is fun!

Threi said:
At least tell me you don't send angry messages to people who ragequit or something :lol
Man, how can you not message ragequitters? I send a mocking message to every single one. I cherish every angry reply I get!


Threi said:
damn dude they are just habits :lol

I think you are reading way too much into what people do online.

A taunt doesn't mean that someone thinks they are the shit. If you read any of my posts here it is the opposite. A taunt usually means im having fun. Also, abel's second taunt is awesome, I will be using it much more often..

*checks the dictionary*

Hmm, no you are wrong!

I also don't like it, if people taunt without reason. Taunts are something special for special situations!
For example I taunt with Fuerte only to dodge fireballs, to show Ryu #452 that I'm indeed the shit!

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Rummy Bunnz said:
Taunting is fun!

Man, how can you not message ragequitters? I send a mocking message to every single one. I cherish every angry reply I get!
oh for sure. I always make sure to let them know they are a cheat and then to put the question to them that i wonder how many points they 'really have'


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
I usually only taunt if I get a dizzy on someone. If I get a dizzy on you I don't need the free opening it offers. ;) If I'm playing Claw I throw my mask, but I'm not sure if random dude online understands what I'm saying with that...
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