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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

slayn said:
well... I do that too!
Switching that isn't really any option anyway.
And I still think it would be insignificant, unless you have a really terrible router.

Actually it makes an instantly noticeable difference, no joke. Maybe that's why our matches are always so laggy :(
AZ Greg said:
Don't worry about it. I understand the frustration from lag. Just remember, it wasn't helping me either. ;) There were the missed supers which were virtually guaranteed of landing had the lag not interfered. It causes me to miss my cross-up flying barcelona attack because I try and hit deep with it but the lag prevents it from coming out and leaves me wide open for punishment. And most damaging is throw teching. I could swear that I tech about 70-80% of your throws. Especially as we played more and more and I saw when you liked to throw. But thanks to the lag I'm sure it's registering the tech late.

With regards to our last matches, I didn't mind how you were playing at all. It was simply more situations to learn how to counter. Though, as I said, the lag did hurt my tech game when you were doing stuff like slide, slide, slide, etc..., throw. I'm starting to do a lot better vs. other Dhalsim's now thanks to our matches. I can usually handle the teleport game and ultra setups now.
Yeah, of course, didn't mean to imply that I was the only one suffering from it. And you're right, I do like to throw.

About those slides btw: only reason why I kept "spamming" those, is because I didn't know any other moves that could beat or trade the claw at block.

prodystopian said:
I played about 20 games with a random yesterday who threw almost every opportunity he got. It was great experience for teching throws and a few times I got him when he didn't tech. He was killing me with Bison/Seth doing teleport > throw. I finally got it and threw him a few times right after the teleport.
Just a head's up: I think Bison is very vulnerable if his teleport is being used like that. Quite easy to punish him if he's suddenly right next to you, so maybe you can counter that with a decent combo instead of a throw if you can easily pull something off that does more damage than a simple grab. Not sure if Seth's has the same drawback however: still haven't played against a "human" Seth...

Ledsen said:
So, Dhalsim players, any tips for a Dhalsim newbie? I've read haunts guide, which is awesome, but would like to get some advice from other players. Currently I do a lot of j.hp, slide>throw, keep away with hp or mk, yoga flame>slide>hp, ultra>teleport etc. I'm trying to incorporate the instant air teleport in my game but it's a bit confusing adding another input do the dp motion. I'm also trying to learn to do the b.mk>yoga flame (>super I guess) but it's hard to pull of in an actual match. One of my biggest problems is that I have no idea what to do when I get rushed down. I can't get out of the corner or punish them at all. Balrog, for example, destroys me. Also I almost never use the Focus Attack since I haven't figured out in what situations it works. I welcome every advice you can spare :D
We could play one of these days if you're on Xbox Live, as I main Dhalsim.


needs to show more effort.
FindMyFarms said:
Actually it makes an instantly noticeable difference, no joke. Maybe that's why our matches are always so laggy :(
That doesn't make any sense though. As long as you have a good router (which mine is decent), the time from ps3->router should be insignificant. Despite that its wireless, the sheer difference in distance would make my house->your house cause 99% of any lag, and the router could be adding in another 1-2%.


MicVlaD said:
Not sure if Seth's has the same drawback however: still haven't played against a "human" Seth...
I find that strange. Seth has a bunch of great attacks, basically stealing some of the best attacks in the game from various other characters and sometimes making them better. Sonic Boom without needing to charge, multi-Shoryuken, teleport, spinning piledriver, some of Dhalsim's stretchy limb standard moves, plus some good unique moves like the sucking thing and that annoying kick thing. Yet it seems like nobody uses him.
KevinCow said:
I find that strange. Seth has a bunch of great attacks, basically stealing some of the best attacks in the game from various other characters and sometimes making them better. Sonic Boom without needing to charge, multi-Shoryuken, teleport, spinning piledriver, some of Dhalsim's stretchy limb standard moves, plus some good unique moves like the sucking thing and that annoying kick thing. Yet it seems like nobody uses him.

The sonic boom takes longer to recover than Guile's. He also has the lowest health in the game along with Akuma IIRC.
slayn said:
That doesn't make any sense though. As long as you have a good router (which mine is decent), the time from ps3->router should be insignificant. Despite that its wireless, the sheer difference in distance would make my house->your house cause 99% of any lag, and the router could be adding in another 1-2%.

I would chalk it up more as 90% - 10% or maybe a little bit less(like 95-5). Wired will always win out. Any time you have a fast paced game like a fighting or fps, that little bit of extra lag makes big impact. There's a world of difference between 16 ping and say 40.


MicVlaD said:
We could play one of these days if you're on Xbox Live, as I main Dhalsim.

We could but... you would absolutely destroy me without even trying ;_:
If you're okay with that, and maybe want to teach me a few tricks (Dhalsim powah! Right? :D), than I'll gladly accept :)

Are you in Europe btw? I seem to recall that you are, that would mean less lag. What's your GT?


KevinCow said:
I find that strange. Seth has a bunch of great attacks, basically stealing some of the best attacks in the game from various other characters and sometimes making them better. Sonic Boom without needing to charge, multi-Shoryuken, teleport, spinning piledriver, some of Dhalsim's stretchy limb standard moves, plus some good unique moves like the sucking thing and that annoying kick thing. Yet it seems like nobody uses him.

Super low stamina is reason enough to keep most players away. He can do some crazy stuff, but in the end you have to put effort into him....and why do that with Sagat around. :p

I actually played against a Seth last week on ranked. He tried to win it with jump backwards + long arms with a wall jump + that multi kick thing thrown in. (And of course the super range ultra thrown in with full meter) Man did I destroy that poor guy. :lol


I fought this chun the other day who had a mic, and was speaking into it, which is already kind of annoying

but whenever he got a knockdown, he would taunt repeatedly, and try to mimic the taunt into the mic. God damn, dude. Beat him, and was going to send him a message with text of the taunt, but i figured i should give him credit for not ragequitting after being a douche.
Ledsen said:
We could but... you would absolutely destroy me without even trying ;_:
If you're okay with that, and maybe want to teach me a few tricks (Dhalsim powah! Right? :D), than I'll gladly accept :)

Are you in Europe btw? I seem to recall that you are, that would mean less lag. What's your GT?
Yes I'm from Europe, and my GT is the same as my GAF account. Send me a text message instead of a Friends Request though; my friends list is full so I can't accept.


After seeing the sudden spike of boxer players online I've decided to try and get over my phobia of 360 moves and give Gief a go, I'm still missing some of the throws, but he's a BEAST when I'm not playing like a tard.:D


Shinjitsu said:
After seeing the sudden spike of boxer players online I've decided to try and get over my phobia of 360 moves and give Gief a go, I'm still missing some of the throws, but he's a BEAST when I'm not playing like a tard.:D
He's got some nasty cross-ups. One of my favorites is bodyslam into a spinning piledriver.


Man, I didn't think Ken's Hard Trial #5 would be this hard. :( Doing the EX Air Hurricane Kick after the FADC is pretty hard for me (on the left side of the screen). In 20 tries, I can probably get "Heavy SRK > FADC > Air EX Hurricane Kick" once :lol


Just played around with Seth a bit in player matches with my scrubby standard skills. He is pretty fun, but really with that stamina even my Fuerte feels like a high stamina character. :lol


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
decon said:
Super Turbo HD Remix is more newbie friendly.
I forgot about that one.
Yeah it has alternative inputs for the hard ones like Zangief Piledriver and Feilong Chicken Wing.
Lousy memory owner here! :lol


Bacon of Hope
Shinjitsu said:
After seeing the sudden spike of boxer players online I've decided to try and get over my phobia of 360 moves and give Gief a go, I'm still missing some of the throws, but he's a BEAST when I'm not playing like a tard.:D

Ive found the more you play like a tard the more beastly he becomes. :p


Shinjitsu said:
I wish I could just permanently mute everyone with a mic on PSN, that is all.

haha really? Ive never had someone talk to me on psn o_0 I mean ive only had players with a mic like 5-6 times but they never said a thing...Mic and Sakura - 2 things i barly ever see on psn


shooting blanks
Flek said:
haha really? Ive never had someone talk to me on psn o_0 I mean ive only had players with a mic like 5-6 times but they never said a thing...Mic and Sakura - 2 things i barly ever see on psn

Oddly enough I havnt had any people talk to me on xbl. I've played about 150 matches or so.

I like it. Soul Calibur IV was nothing but little kids yelling at me.
Random Q:

Are using pads (regular console pads, not fightpads) considered a fashion faux pas at tourneys? I went to that Pasadena bar fights dealie yesterday and I had half a mind to bring my 360 controller but I knew people would probably make fun or something.

The thing is I rely on the whole LK+MK+HK and Focus Attack assignments to triggers. It's had to make due at tourneys using sticks when I don't have those. So is it kosher to bring a pad to a tourney and assign FA and LMH attacks? Or is that considered cheating? The fact that I'm using a pad should be handicap enough no?
myDingling said:
Random Q:

Are using pads (regular console pads, not fightpads) considered a fashion faux pas at tourneys? I went to that Pasadena bar fights dealie yesterday and I had half a mind to bring my 360 controller but I knew people would probably make fun or something.

The thing is I rely on the whole LK+MK+HK and Focus Attack assignments to triggers. It's had to make due at tourneys using sticks when I don't have those. So is it kosher to bring a pad to a tourney and assign FA and LMH attacks? Or is that considered cheating? The fact that I'm using a pad should be handicap enough no?

If it's a byos/p (stick/pad) shindig...then bring whatever you feel comfortable with and will help you win. I'm not sure on the shortcuts though...online I'm sure it's acceptable (hell, I do it with the three button deal), but in a tournament...not sure if your opponent is going to feel like it's an advantage. Maybe you could pose the question on SRK


Won said:
Well....see....I don't think somethink like RSF should be called reliable. :p
Haha yeah... you're right. :(

Well, if they're not gonna buff up Fuerte's damage, I'll only ask for one thing that will make Fuerte viable for tourney play - Tostada splash breaks armor. :lol

Take out RSF and make tostada splash break armor - my god, that will work wonders.
gg's galacticAE, man i'm glad your on my team for the tourney, ima practice on more crossups mixups, my biggest problem is i always fall into a pattern but my game is steadily improving. :D


Dear MicVlad,

It may have looked like it, but I did in fact not jump into your ultra. Period.

That is all.

This message counts for both times it happened.

I mean not happened!

Fuck. :(
myDingling said:
Random Q:

Are using pads (regular console pads, not fightpads) considered a fashion faux pas at tourneys? I went to that Pasadena bar fights dealie yesterday and I had half a mind to bring my 360 controller but I knew people would probably make fun or something.

The thing is I rely on the whole LK+MK+HK and Focus Attack assignments to triggers. It's had to make due at tourneys using sticks when I don't have those. So is it kosher to bring a pad to a tourney and assign FA and LMH attacks? Or is that considered cheating? The fact that I'm using a pad should be handicap enough no?

I really doubt anyone would care if you put PPP to a button on the arcade stick. Myself personally I know if someone I went up against did it.
FindMyFarms said:
I really doubt anyone would care if you put PPP to a button on the arcade stick. Myself personally I know if someone I went up against did it.

Ive heard doing that is a no-no on a stick...

But anyways, if pads are allowed I can't see why it wouldnt be allowed since it's on the default setup...right?


TurtleSnatcher said:
Add me later.. MINI Pez.

I wouldn't mind helping if you need any standard tips. I'm not some god but wouldn't mind helping.
I'm assuming 360? Will add later. Thanks!


Relix said:
If you want to play let me know, but you live in Japan right? Lag could be a bitch.
I've found it to generally be good with people. Or at least, most of the time it is not noticeable to me. Kojikun on XBL Koji-chan on PSN. Work for a few more hours though. @_@


he's Virgin Tight™
RevenantKioku said:
I've found it to generally be good with people. Or at least, most of the time it is not noticeable to me. Kojikun on XBL Koji-chan on PSN. Work for a few more hours though. @_@
I'll add you on XBL =)

Ploid 3.0

I'm usually death scared of this gief player. He can pull 360 specials, and ultra's out of nowhere. He don't make much use of the green hand, so I get some space.

#18 #19 #20


Jumping in -> 360 is out of nowhere? I didn't once see him standing 360. I felt that you were just getting in too close to a Zangief.
Ploid 3.0 said:
I'm usually death scared of this gief player. He can pull 360 specials, and ultra's out of nowhere. He don't make much use of the green hand, so I get some space.

#18 #19 #20

You stand next to him when he's waking up a little too much, and a little too close. You do a good job getting the lead, and with gief you kinda just gotta play keep away when you get that lead.


needs to show more effort.
definitely way too agressive against gief. And I don't know why you used ex electricity, unless it was by accident. I have yet to find a use for that move... ever.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
I just helped my friend beat his final challenge today - it was Balrog, and now he has 1000 points in Street Fighter IV...

We basically helped each other out, although he put much more time and work into the game than me - I still even have just 300 matches played, and 245 or so wins, so I don't even have the 400 games played Achievement yet...

MIMIC said:
Man, I didn't think Ken's Hard Trial #5 would be this hard. :( Doing the EX Air Hurricane Kick after the FADC is pretty hard for me (on the left side of the screen). In 20 tries, I can probably get "Heavy SRK > FADC > Air EX Hurricane Kick" once :lol

I thought you said yesterday that you beat all of the challenges already?
Maybe, he's referring to actually executing this combo with some sense of regularity. I think the combos are more useful to showing the player the type of links that are out there...(even though they do teach you El Fuerte's infinite/RSF).
Any Cammy players suggest some good combos for whiffed DPs? I always just throw when they come down but I wish I could do something with more dmg.
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