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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

MIMIC said:
Man, I didn't think Ken's Hard Trial #5 would be this hard. :( Doing the EX Air Hurricane Kick after the FADC is pretty hard for me (on the left side of the screen). In 20 tries, I can probably get "Heavy SRK > FADC > Air EX Hurricane Kick" once

It might help to buffer the air ex hurricane before you jump. It definitely made my life a lot easier.

After you do the FADC forward, HOLD the 2nd forward and just do a hcb to back so that by the time you're done dashing the input is finished, the second you recover from the dash simply press uf and KK.


myDingling said:
Random Q:

Are using pads (regular console pads, not fightpads) considered a fashion faux pas at tourneys? I went to that Pasadena bar fights dealie yesterday and I had half a mind to bring my 360 controller but I knew people would probably make fun or something.

The thing is I rely on the whole LK+MK+HK and Focus Attack assignments to triggers. It's had to make due at tourneys using sticks when I don't have those. So is it kosher to bring a pad to a tourney and assign FA and LMH attacks? Or is that considered cheating? The fact that I'm using a pad should be handicap enough no?

Usually, anything that is in the controller set up options in considered A-OK. People will call you on it to try and throw you off your game, but it if's in game it's generally legal. The only time something like that is bad is if you had a pad/controller with Macro functions not supported in game. If you do that, you might get your ass beat IRL depending on how serious the players are.

Ploid 3.0

LakeEarth said:
Jumping in -> 360 is out of nowhere? I didn't once see him standing 360. I felt that you were just getting in too close to a Zangief.

The out of no wheres I mean is when I'm not expecting him to be able to pull it off during the fight. Looking at a vid I can see exactly how he might have done it. During the fights I just wasn't focusing on his jumps, or other tricks. He's pretty good at timing them, during his blocks, on wake, after an attack type stuff. We played a lot now, many marathons, and by these three vids I'm pretty comfortable with getting close to him (I can escape some, and I don't want to be a jerk by staying back. It's less fun, and probably frustrating). That Ex Bear Run throw move still scares me. Looking at vids I'm thinking, "I should just jump to the other side". I think looking over my vids will help me over time, it's easier to analyze mistakes. He still grabs me, but I know where I made my mistake while I'm watching the spinning in game hah. When I first started playing him, I haven't played many gief's, and I wasn't familiar with gief's new priority grabbing. I was in disbelief on the stuff he was able to get over on me.

slayn said:
definitely way too agressive against gief. And I don't know why you used ex electricity, unless it was by accident. I have yet to find a use for that move... ever.

I'm on sixaxis, the best/quickest way for me to thunder shock is the shoulder buttons. One of them is PPP. I sometimes do R1 (FP) and a face button, or try it with the face buttons in a combo, but it's just easier with shoulders for me. I don't really use the ex's tactically. When FindMyFarms told me I was wasting Ex's I wondered what I would use them on anyway. I'm no where near pro.

It looks pretty anyway lol.
Ploid 3.0 said:
I'm on sixaxis, the best/quickest way for me to thunder shock is the shoulder buttons. One of them is PPP. I sometimes do R1 (FP) and a face button, or try it with the face buttons in a combo, but it's just easier with shoulders for me. I don't really use the ex's tactically. When FindMyFarms told me I was wasting Ex's I wondered what I would use them on anyway. I'm no where near pro.

It looks pretty anyway lol.

Ya, i don't really play Blanka so I wouldn't know what to do with his ex's either. It never hurts though to just build bar and have your super available. And don't worry, aside from Haunts (who actually is pro, right?) NONE of us are anywhere near pro lol.
Hmm, I'm starting to get better and better with Sagat, Blanka and Boxer. Chun li is still my go to character, but my Blanka is getting there. I think I've mainly been beating people with Blanka because the average joe doesn't really know what to do against a Blanka that's aggressive and doesn't just turtle and try to chip you to death with random Blanka balls.

My Blanka is also way better than my Chun when playing against Gief, but I try not to be a counterpicking asshole whenever I play ranked, so I still get destroyed really hard whenever I run into a gief as Chun.

By the way, I've never played a good Zangief offline in SFIV; is true that Gief can only command grab you through combos online? I was watching some random DarkSydePhil matches the other day and he mentioned that grabbing through a combo doesn't work offline, and I always really thought it was kinda annoying that gief could grab me out of a simple clp combo(that hits) and do massive damage. :/


I've started to main Cammy now and for the most part have been doing quite well. Before getting bored I managed to push up to the 1300 BP mark (started on around 800-ish) while using her in ranked/player matches and didn't really run into any problems..

..Except for Blankas and Sagats.


Pop On Arrival said:
By the way, I've never played a good Zangief offline in SFIV; is true that Gief can only command grab you through combos online? I was watching some random DarkSydePhil matches the other day and he mentioned that grabbing through a combo doesn't work offline, and I always really thought it was kinda annoying that gief could grab me out of a simple clp combo(that hits) and do massive damage. :/
He means that the tiny bit of lag can allow 1-2 frame openings, which is enough for Zangief to grab. The same thing can happen offline, it's just less likely if you know what you're doing. It's all about holes in your strings.
myDingling said:
Any Cammy players suggest some good combos for whiffed DPs? I always just throw when they come down but I wish I could do something with more dmg.

close fierce punch to cannon spike is 250 dmg, and is quick dirty and easy. Another easier one is cr MK to heavy spiral arrow.
FA (crumple) forward dash to Ultra or to Cspike dash cancel CSpike is good too.


Ploid 3.0 said:
I'm usually death scared of this gief player. He can pull 360 specials, and ultra's out of nowhere. He don't make much use of the green hand, so I get some space.

#18 #19 #20

Really nice Blanka but Blanka should not be finding gief players hard at all. HK will beat all his jump ins, HP all his Lariats, and never attack him when he has his Ultra.

:lol at the 2nd video 35 seconds, hop into failed ultra, god I hate when he does the duck instead.


Unlocking Cammy was so frustrating with C. Viper. Seth can go die in a fire.

Sigh. Just got use to doing Frankensteiner -> Hooligan Throw and Spinning Backfist consistently in SSFIITHD Remix, now the changes in SF4 are enough to throw me off. Lost a handful of matches online because of it D=.

Time to hunker down and practice again.
Traced-Velocity said:
Unlocking Cammy was so frustrating with C. Viper. Seth can go die in a fire.

Yeah...I wish he would die in a lake of fire. To be replaced with a cool boss...like Goenitz, Rugal, Orochi, Geese Howard, Amakusa, Zankuro, yadda, yadda...

I mean...Abyss...Gill, Seth, Garuda...what pit are they pulling these ridiculous bosses from.


Skilotonn said:
I thought you said yesterday that you beat all of the challenges already?

Time Attack and Survival

FindMyFarms said:
It might help to buffer the air ex hurricane before you jump. It definitely made my life a lot easier.

After you do the FADC forward, HOLD the 2nd forward and just do a hcb to back so that by the time you're done dashing the input is finished, the second you recover from the dash simply press uf and KK.

Ugh. I tried this over a million times and pulled it off ONCE (and that was when I was just pressing buttons and barely paying attention because I was so frustrated :lol).

I even went into training mode, turned on the input display and saw that I was doing the moves correctly...but it still wasn't working :(

Here's what's happening for me most often:

Instead of doing HCB, I do QCB (easier, IMO) then UF+KK and he does the air EX Hurricane backwards :lol At least I know it's KINDA working for me.

ETA: Input display (after Dash Cancel): QCB, UF, UF+KK. NOTHING (or he does a regular EX Hurricane kick)

Ploid 3.0

Sanjay said:
Really nice Blanka but Blanka should not be finding gief players hard at all. HK will beat all his jump ins, HP all his Lariats, and never attack him when he has his Ultra.

:lol at the 2nd video 35 seconds, hop into failed ultra, god I hate when he does the duck instead.

Duck is there to act as a trip/stumble. The random fail. On Abel that move is ex falling star for me. I do ex falling star 80% more than the ultra when I try for ultra. I can't play DP motion characters. Or better yet, I should practice to be careful. I'm kinda riding on the hope that the saturn pad will be a lot better in that situation.


yeah that video is a bit to good... good thing she takes a bit to get all the timing down. Hope i dont see a lot more viper mirror matches haha. iam not that good but i only play viper and i hate mirror matches.

anotheriori got any advice for viper v. balrog/vega? I dont know if its just my inexp with vega but people ive gotten 10+ wins against switch to vega and i win 1 out of 6. Balrogs gives me problems as well.. seems everything they do is safe.

/shrug any help?
How do I get to that training mode that gives me different combos to do (it displays them in the top left corner) and then says "SUCESS" when you so them?


Blu_LED said:
How do I get to that training mode that gives me different combos to do (it displays them in the top left corner) and then says "SUCESS" when you so them?

That's under challenge mode, and they're called trials. There are 5 "normal" ones and five "hard" ones, but you have to unlock them linearly for each character. It helps a lot, but if you get stuck on one it can be a bit of a roadblock for getting to the rest.

Normal ones are pretty great for seeing what that particular character is capable of.


Blu_LED said:
How do I get to that training mode that gives me different combos to do (it displays them in the top left corner) and then says "SUCESS" when you so them?

It's called "Ass Fuck Bullshit" mode. In it, there are 10 trials for each character, separated into 2 categories: Normal & Hard. The Hard challenges are comprised of random shit Capcom threw together, with the intentions of discerning whether or not the CPU could pull them off within the confines of the SFIV engine. More specifically, it was designed for use in the CPU's "hardest" difficulty engine. Capcom also calculated that there is a 0.000000001% chance that a player would perform these moves in a match. There are millions of them but Capcom decided that 5 was enough.

Dreavus is right, too.

*still stuck on Ken Hard #5 :lol*


hyperbolically metafictive
sigh -- playing rog is screwing up my combo timing with guile and vice versa. something like rog's j hp, cr mp, headbutt is just slightly different from guile's j hk, cr mp, flashkick. but i don't want to drop either of them -- guile remains my best character despite all my attempts to marginalize him, and i'm having a lot of fun learning rog. i don't know why i put myself through all this when i'm fundamentally bad at the game :lol

bob_arctor said:
The timing seems stricter/slower--I've been still doing, say, cr. jab 2X into Flash Kick how I would in ST or with Remy and it just doesn't translate.

btw i was just reading on srk that sf4 won't let you cancel a normal into a special if you've chained into it, i.e. just mashed out jabs or shorts -- you could do jab jab flashkick if you linked the jabs, but this seems difficult. much harder than rog's jab jab headbutt, anyway


Trucker Sexologist
drohne said:
sigh -- playing rog is screwing up my combo timing with guile and vice versa. something like rog's j hp, cr mp, headbutt is just slightly different from guile's j hk, cr mp, flashkick. but i don't want to drop either of them -- guile remains my best character despite all my attempts to marginalize him, and i'm having a lot of fun learning rog. i don't know why i put myself through all this when i'm fundamentally bad at the game :lol

btw i was just reading on srk that sf4 won't let you cancel a normal into a special if you've chained into it, i.e. just mashed out jabs or shorts -- you could do jab jab flashkick if you linked the jabs, but this seems difficult. much harder than rog's jab jab headbutt, anyway
Guile's j hk -> hp -> lp sonic boom -> f. hp is much, much nastier. HP cancelled to flash kick is also quite nasty.


hyperbolically metafictive
yeah, but afaik connecting something after the boom depends on spacing and the character you're playing against, and without the followup j hk, hp, boom doesn't do great damage. anyway my execution goes to shit under pressure, so i prefer to stick with simple combos and know what i'm doing before i jump -- if i miss the boom, j hk, hp isn't safe on block

i automatically do j hk, cr mp, and then go with boom or flashkick depending on whether the jump in is blocked. if i'm having a bad execution day i just do boom every time, even though the damage is identical to j hk, sweep :(


I am Korean.
myDingling said:
Ive heard doing that is a no-no on a stick...
I dunno. It's not so much of a no-no as it is unnecessary. Doesn't really take much effort to hit three buttons vs one on a stick.


Anyone wanna throw down a bit? Kojikun on xbl, koji-chan on psn.
Ive decided to play a bit of Rufus from other peoples suggestions..

I fail at him.. hes hard to use..

-EX Messiah Rocks..
-Snake Bite or w/e is good but only when you can time it right..
-I can never get his stupid target combo LK->HK launcher attack to work.. I must suck.. It only works well in training for me. Never an open opportuniuty to use it in a real game or I do it too slow and get nervous and it never combos.
-I can get the HK in Air juggle Snake Bite or into Ultra easily..
-In training I can get the cancel messiah kick into ultra. This was the first time ive ever suceeded in a FADC in this game with Ultra. I then went in to try Ryu's and i was nailing it 40% of the time.. though my fireball would only get 2 hits when facing right and all hits when facing left.. Not sure why..

I'm probably going to pause with him and continue on my Gen.. I have high hopes for my Gen.. I'm really good at cancelling hands now into Super and crossing up.. I have issues though since I need to jump in a lot with Gen and characters like Guile/Ken/Ryu are kinda of annoying due to anti jump ins. I'm also addicted to Mantis Stance and only use Crane for the damn wall dive..

I need yeb to like tutor me or some shit :(

Oh and..


Updated :)


Man, playing against some Vega players online is bizarre. I perfect him the first round, he PRACTICALLY perfects me the next two, and only the fourth is actually remotely close for either of us. :lol

Still, I'd like to play more so I can figure out that the hell to do.


I didn't play SFIV for a few weeks. Played kof thou. When I got back to SFIV Yesterday I beat some 6000 BP Ryu with my Honda without much problem. KOF really helped with my preasure game. The only thing is that I keep trying to do running shadow jump :lol.

I was surprised that Ryu didn't rage quit, because almost everyone else did and majority on player matches.

Rage quitting became fashionable why I was away?

At least I see people playing someone else then Ken.


Friend req went out, turtle snatcher.
GrayFoxPL said:
At least I see people playing someone else then Ken.
Where? Seriously. I wasn't seeing them when the game came out but that has been the bulk of my games lately.
And I lose.
You'd think I'd figure something out, but no. It's like my blocking is ignored and if I press a button my opponent is given the chance to know eight hours before hand. I am getting man handled.


RevenantKioku said:
Friend req went out, turtle snatcher.

Where? Seriously. I wasn't seeing them when the game came out but that has been the bulk of my games lately.
And I lose.
You'd think I'd figure something out, but no. It's like my blocking is ignored and if I press a button my opponent is given the chance to know eight hours before hand. I am getting man handled.

Well, maybe I just got lucky and met only 1 Ken.

Do what I did, give SFIV a rest, play some other games and get back after a while. You'll be like new.

Btw. After kof I realised how control aid SFIV has. Especially online. I was holding down+K and did Fei's Flying Flaming Kick. o_O.
GrayFoxPL said:
Well, maybe I just got lucky and met only 1 Ken.

Do what I did, give SFIV a rest, play some other games and get back after a while. You'll be like new.

Btw. After kof I realised how control aid SFIV has. Especially online. I was holding down+K and did Fei's Flying Flaming Kick. o_O.

Yah, the input system is just ridiculous. It actually seems to make things harder. Doin a charge move from db to f w/ balrog ends up with the df input if you're not like %100 accurate. Never had that problem in urbo, but now it's something I have to constantly think about.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
RevenantKioku said:
Friend req went out, turtle snatcher.

Where? Seriously. I wasn't seeing them when the game came out but that has been the bulk of my games lately.
And I lose.
You'd think I'd figure something out, but no. It's like my blocking is ignored and if I press a button my opponent is given the chance to know eight hours before hand. I am getting man handled.
Ken is SOOOO easy if it's not a really skilled player

practice blocking jump in kick -> low roundhouse.

then, whenever you knock him over, run up to ride beside him like you are going to attack on wakeup. 90 percent of the time the fire dragon punch comes out and you can murder him on landing. Then jump back and punish with an anti air when they jump forward.

who do you main? Maybe you need character change?


Still on old Kenny boy's trial. I finally have "HSRK > FADC > Air EX Hurricane Kick" down. Now I gotta put it all together.


catfish said:
Ken is SOOOO easy if it's not a really skilled player

practice blocking jump in kick -> low roundhouse.

then, whenever you knock him over, run up to ride beside him like you are going to attack on wakeup. 90 percent of the time the fire dragon punch comes out and you can murder him on landing. Then jump back and punish with an anti air when they jump forward.

who do you main? Maybe you need character change?
I main Sakura. I do decently enough against a lot of other characters. Gief has become a good matchup for me, Sagat I have a few tricks against, Blanka is tough but fun and so on. A lot of the other non-shotas I at least feel like I'm doing something when I play.
Prime example is that kick you're talking about. I always take damage. I'm holding down and back against Kens once the match starts but they always seem to get that kick in. I know I'd roundhouse afterwards... maybe I'm hitting the button to early?


FindMyFarms said:
Yah, the input system is just ridiculous. It actually seems to make things harder. Doin a charge move from db to f w/ balrog ends up with the df input if you're not like %100 accurate. Never had that problem in urbo, but now it's something I have to constantly think about.

You're right. It just makes things harder. In PS1 alpha 3 Capcom did have option for "normal" and "arcade" controls. I think it switched control help on and off.

waru said:
Hi everyone !
I need some help with my Honda...Any tips or combo video ?

Honda is amazing and underrated. Make use of his sumo throw every time you get close to oponnent. Even if you get hit. It has sick priority. Cross up oponent with body splash (d+mk in the air) to d+mk to sumo throw. Jump in's with HP and HK to HP/Ex hundret hands slap are also excellent.
If something doesn't combo use down+HP it's a low wit a hand, you'll be surprised how many people fall for it. Also F+HK from mid range is great and catches people.
EraldoCoil said:
ggs to brobazoid,guys got a good rog, had some pretty close matches there:D i had no clue what to do with Gen, stupid random select :D

Gen is pretty good, just mash punch if you don't know what else to do. :p
I played a really good Gen the other day, wish I could remember his name. It was like "elanter" or something.


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
EraldoCoil said:
ggs to brobazoid,guys got a good rog, had some pretty close matches there:D i had no clue what to do with Gen, stupid random select :D
Random is where it's at! I can't play anyone besides Balrog, so desperately flailing about is the prime way to learn.


Stuck mainly to Ranked games last night, it's difficult once you reach over 1500BP or so because most players are low BP (I'm currently at just over 2500) - I feel kind of bad taking 1BP off a 0BP player who I completely trashed. Tried custom searches, but they take a long time, and it's dis-heartening to wait for the search and get an 'Unable to play' message (8/10 this happens even if I search for stability rather than more skilled). So I mainly stick to Player matches, I get a lot more matches that way.

C.Viper is one of my new mains, she's a lot of fun, but I really dislike her Ultra, it's gotta be one of the most punishable, not just the long float down at the end, but the ground punch can be crossed-up, and the wait inbetween the punch and the flame kicks can easily be punished.


NeoGAF: my new HOME
RevenantKioku said:
I main Sakura. I do decently enough against a lot of other characters. Gief has become a good matchup for me, Sagat I have a few tricks against, Blanka is tough but fun and so on. A lot of the other non-shotas I at least feel like I'm doing something when I play.
Prime example is that kick you're talking about. I always take damage. I'm holding down and back against Kens once the match starts but they always seem to get that kick in. I know I'd roundhouse afterwards... maybe I'm hitting the button to early?

I want to play your Sakura.
BitchTits said:
C.Viper is one of my new mains, she's a lot of fun, but I really dislike her Ultra, it's gotta be one of the most punishable, not just the long float down at the end, but the ground punch can be crossed-up, and the wait inbetween the punch and the flame kicks can easily be punished.
You're supposed to combo into the Ultra.

When timed right it can be done after a Fierce Thunder Knuckle when the opponent jumps in. Also after Ex Thunder Knuckle and FA crumples (obviously) and after a Burning Kick lands on an opponent in the corner. These are the easiest ways to ensure the Ultra lands just time it right.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
RevenantKioku said:
I main Sakura. I do decently enough against a lot of other characters. Gief has become a good matchup for me, Sagat I have a few tricks against, Blanka is tough but fun and so on. A lot of the other non-shotas I at least feel like I'm doing something when I play.
Prime example is that kick you're talking about. I always take damage. I'm holding down and back against Kens once the match starts but they always seem to get that kick in. I know I'd roundhouse afterwards... maybe I'm hitting the button to early?

if you are holding down and back when ken jumps at you, you're going to eat toejams aaaalll day. ;) Its first block high, then low.

something that helped me was going to the training mode picking your character and then ken as opponent and setting the training dummy to record. Then be a dick with Ken for a bit, then set it to playback and practice repeditively beating that shit out of those moves.

Also, sakura is fun to play, but she's weak as piss. which probably gives you a lot of losses... feels like I get outplayed by sakuras quite regularly, but still win due to ryu being stronger and dealing better damage.

I had to do that vs guile, man jump in kick then crouch double roundhouse was MURDERING me. It still does on occasion, so I did that and now I make my house mate suffer. Now he is the one screaming 'you cheap bastard' when I uppercut him out of that stupid stupid move.

Also, Gen freaks me the fuck out. I played him for the first time online against someone with some skill and he ripped my ryu apart. I didn't even know he HAD some of those moves. Crazy old bastard does some freaky low jumps.


RevenantKioku said:
I main Sakura. I do decently enough against a lot of other characters. Gief has become a good matchup for me, Sagat I have a few tricks against, Blanka is tough but fun and so on. A lot of the other non-shotas I at least feel like I'm doing something when I play.
Prime example is that kick you're talking about. I always take damage. I'm holding down and back against Kens once the match starts but they always seem to get that kick in. I know I'd roundhouse afterwards... maybe I'm hitting the button to early?

I think we found your secret weakness... you can't block the jump-in low, you have to block high first, then low for the sweep.

edit: beaten


_dementia said:
You're supposed to combo into the Ultra.

When timed right it can be done after a Fierce Thunder Knuckle when the opponent jumps in. Also after Ex Thunder Knuckle and FA crumples (obviously) and after a Burning Kick lands on an opponent in the corner. These are the easiest ways to ensure the Ultra lands just time it right.
Oh! This sounds like fun! Meeting jump ins with x2 fierce thunder knuckle is great too, feels almost cheap. :lol

I wasn't sure the Ultra could be combo'd. I usually just use it to punish badly timed jump ins and on wake up, but really only when I'm 99% certain it will work.
BitchTits said:
Oh! This sounds like fun! Meeting jump ins with x2 fierce thunder knuckle is great too, feels almost cheap. :lol

I wasn't sure the Ultra could be combo'd. I usually just use it to punish badly timed jump ins and on wake up, but really only when I'm 99% certain it will work.
It is fun!

I only hit it like 10% of the time and get punished the other 90% though.

Back to training mode for me.
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