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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

catfish said:
oh man, played last night and dude RACED his icon to ken. I play ryu and most ken battles are retardedly easy due to just block the dragonpunch and punish.

this guy just held down block the entire game and anytime I walked close he did that pokey kick with ken.

Never seen him played like that and I just lost my whole game, pretty much I don't think I got off a non blocked hit on him at all! should have got back and just throw fireballs I guess, but I think I tried that and he would respond in kind.

I was really at a loss for options, couldn't get close to him due to the pokey kick and if I tried for throws, well he was ducking anyway... I really felt like I had no options against the guy :lol

First off, you can throw ducking opponents. Next, by pokey kick do you mean he one where he steps forward and sticks his leg out pretty fast? If so that's his f+mk. If he did it at the same distance everytime, you could try to just throw out lp dragon punches to catch him while he did it. A safer option would also be to just Focus attack it and depending on whether or not you get a crumple, either s. hp xx hp shoryuken or if he's not crumpled just throw. Most people that just turtle there won't know what to do in that situation. Lastly, if you're in range where you can hit him with your cr. mk, an option is to simply jump over him and hit him with a jumping medium kick. You'll be crossing him up, which means you'll actually be hitting him on the OTHER side and he'll have to change directions while blocking and also stand up, since jumping attacks hit a crouching opponent.

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FindMyFarms said:
First off, you can throw ducking opponents. Next, by pokey kick do you mean he one where he steps forward and sticks his leg out pretty fast? If so that's his f+mk. If he did it at the same distance everytime, you could try to just throw out lp dragon punches to catch him while he did it. A safer option would also be to just Focus attack it and depending on whether or not you get a crumple, either s. hp xx hp shoryuken or if he's not crumpled just throw. Most people that just turtle there won't know what to do in that situation. Lastly, if you're in range where you can hit him with your cr. mk, an option is to simply jump over him and hit him with a jumping medium kick. You'll be crossing him up, which means you'll actually be hitting him on the OTHER side and he'll have to change directions while blocking and also stand up, since jumping attacks hit a crouching opponent.

yeah the forward+mk. Just never come across it much with Kens, wasn't expecting a good player :lol

I don't understand throws very well though, im sure I whiff throws when standing right next to a ducking opponent? ryu just tries to grab and catches empty air... maybe i'm remembering wrong.


TurtleSnatcher said:
I'm having a blast using Gen but I need to learn some advance technicques.. Its hard to cross up sometimes when I can't even knock the guy down and also I'm having horrible issues getting in to attack a shoto who is fireball spamming and shoryukening nonstop..
Use the wall jump? Sometimes if they're right at the other end of the screen and forward wall jump won't reach, I sometimes use the one that goes across the top of the screen, if only to get in closer and not going for a hit. Mixing it up with the shorter wall jump can also get to them make mistakes, wiff DPs etc.

And I guess you know EX roll goes through fireballs. I try not to use them though as I rely on Gen's super a lot.


I'm seriously considering intentionally losing a bunch of matches to drop a few thousand BP. Not only have boosters made the number totally meaningless, but I think the extra points they've pumped into the system has created a sort of BP inflation. I've had much more trouble finding matches lately, and I think it's because the matchmaking system's ignoring people over an artificially large BP gap.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
yeb said:
I'm seriously considering intentionally losing a bunch of matches to drop a few thousand BP. Not only have boosters made the number totally meaningless, but I think the extra points they've pumped into the system has created a sort of BP inflation. I've had much more trouble finding matches lately, and I think it's because the matchmaking system's ignoring people over an artificially large BP gap.

Why not just play player instead? When I hit 5000 for the 3rd time, despite getting dropped on so much, I just said f it, no more. I picked 5000 since I've heard that on the patch, one of the features will require a certain amount of BP, and I figured 5000 should be enough.

Only problem is that it's hard to find suitable comp, though I did get whomped by someone yesterday. I do need to work on my Chun, she's nowhere near as good as my Honda/Rose.


yeb said:
I'm seriously considering intentionally losing a bunch of matches to drop a few thousand BP. Not only have boosters made the number totally meaningless, but I think the extra points they've pumped into the system has created a sort of BP inflation. I've had much more trouble finding matches lately, and I think it's because the matchmaking system's ignoring people over an artificially large BP gap.
Yeah. There are some absolute horrible players with 9K+ BP out there. I dropped all the way down to 6K intentionally just to see if I could find more matches and I did but the comp. isnt any better so it really wasnt much fun. There are non boosters that are damn good at 7K+ so i'm trying to stay in that range. The boosters are so obvious tho.
TurtleSnatcher try using poke strings early, Gen has alot of poke strings. Then mix them up with throws, it will give you more options to jump in and cross up. If they spam fireballs you can FA, ex roll attack, or wall jump attack.

My favorite tactic with gen is build meter in the 1st round, 2nd round cross up->super->ultra.
FindMyFarms said:
So I might be borrowing SF4 360 to play on my roommates system for a few days. Don't really know any of the GAFers on the 360 side, who would be interested in getting a few games off so I can start sending friend requests?

krp1976...so you help me get in a lil better shape for the tournament. After playing Gutter, Slayn, Q and Moxey...I'm going to need it (though I will continue to play on my own).

So far, it seems like I run into an equal amount of Ryu, Sagat, Akuma and Ken's...plus Boxer, Dictator and Blanka. I ran into a sick Gen yesterday...whooped my butt pretty good...had no clue against his pressure. And had no idea Gouken's DP move went through fireballs...gah. His counter also does an insane amount of damage.


How do people actually boost though? Surely those people with a trillion BP are just getting like 1 point a match aren't they?

I much prefer player matches anyway; get to try out more characters/match ups.
Garcian said:
How do people actually boost though? Surely those people with a trillion BP are just getting like 1 point a match aren't they?

I much prefer player matches anyway; get to try out more characters/match ups.

Me too. But they can just use their game saves...revert...boost, boost, boost...whoever they play against...revert...get boosted, boosted, boosted, boosted, revert...

The problem is the BP system is locally tied to the machine...not a server. And Disconnects should warrant an automatic BP penalty...not something outrageous as you never know...but something...


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
So my SFIV disc for the 360 was stolen. I'm not buying it again on the 360. Has a release been set for PC?


Garcian said:
How do people actually boost though? Surely those people with a trillion BP are just getting like 1 point a match aren't they?

I much prefer player matches anyway; get to try out more characters/match ups.
Or just disconnect at the medal screen. Really dont know why they went with BP being locally saved.


arstal said:
Why not just play player instead?
I do. When I'm having trouble finding matches, I just invite the first good player I come across to a player match. If I actually start with player matches though, it's even harder to find someone good.

I think I just need to start playing more people from SRK.


So I've decided that Cammy is a total badass who is crazy fun to play and that with her speed and insane dash is the closest thing to a 3rd Strike character in IV. Gotta learn that instant Cannon Dive business. But man she can really mess with people especially mixing up dashes with FA cancels. If she did/took more damage she'd be upper tier probably.
bob_arctor said:
So I've decided that Cammy is a total badass who is crazy fun to play and that with her speed and insane dash is the closest thing to a 3rd Strike character in IV. Gotta learn that instant Cannon Dive business. But man she can really mess with people especially mixing up dashes with FA cancels. If she did/took more damage she'd be upper tier probably.
But 3S characters have overheads :p


bob_arctor said:
So I've decided that Cammy is a total badass who is crazy fun to play and that with her speed and insane dash is the closest thing to a 3rd Strike character in IV. Gotta learn that instant Cannon Dive business. But man she can really mess with people especially mixing up dashes with FA cancels. If she did/took more damage she'd be upper tier probably.

Love love love using Cammy, in fact that's pretty much the only person I use online. Cammy is all about keeping pressure on your opponent and controlling the fight. If you're standing still with Cammy you're using her incorrectly. The hooligan combo is more of a teleport move to me at this point. Being that its a low kick, throw, or a move you can cancel out of at any point I found its an effective move to run your offense through at times. Its funny because you can actually see people getting confused and not knowing how to approach her---and that's when the air throw comes in:D (for a Frankensteiner into the corner..at that point its pretty much fight over).

I do wish that her Ultra and Super had more versatility with set-ups. It has great range, but its easily evaded or blocked.


I need tips on how to do Dictator's link combos better. In training mode I can get the j. mk > c. lp > c. lp > c. lk xx lk scissors string down about 50% of the time, but online it is about a 5-10% success rate. I think it comes down to not holding a charge long enough, but i start holding back immediately after i jump in. Someone haaaalp
Threi said:
I need tips on how to do Dictator's link combos better. In training mode I can get the j. mk > c. lp > c. lp > c. lk xx lk scissors string down about 50% of the time, but online it is about a 5-10% success rate. I think it comes down to not holding a charge long enough, but i start holding back immediately after i jump in. Someone haaaalp
If you're relying on audiovisual cues on when to input commands, abandon that. Get the timing down rhythmically instead because due to latency playing online won't give you the exact same cues.


needs to show more effort.
Relix said:
GAF Chat? This is relevant to my interests.
GAF Chat is a psn thing, not xbox. I don't know if xblive has chat rooms? I imagine the gaf 360 owners could set up something similar.

speaking of which, people that messaged me about GAF chat yesterday: I sent friend requests (for some reason you can only add friends). Be sure to add me, and then I can add you to the chat.
slayn said:
GAF Chat is a psn thing, not xbox. I don't know if xblive has chat rooms? I imagine the gaf 360 owners could set up something similar.
Not sure how chat works on 360, but it's there. I think voice chat is limited to 8 people though.
There are two XBL Friends of Friends lists: GAF SFIV and GAF SFIV 2
BitchTits said:
Use the wall jump? Sometimes if they're right at the other end of the screen and forward wall jump won't reach, I sometimes use the one that goes across the top of the screen, if only to get in closer and not going for a hit. Mixing it up with the shorter wall jump can also get to them make mistakes, wiff DPs etc.

And I guess you know EX roll goes through fireballs. I try not to use them though as I rely on Gen's super a lot.
I tend to get thrown whenever I jump over because as I land they grab my back or something.. I can try diving off their wall but sometimes they just jump up and kick me.. Maybe an EX would be safer ..

EDIT: As I double post.. fail is me.


Slowly I'm making my way through the Hard Trials. I think my biggest problem, besides the 360 pad, is my hands spazzing out whenever I get a long combo. I can do the individual parts, but putting it altogether, my fingers just end up wiggling and mashing. Actually I think it's the mashing that's worst because it's stopping the game registering strings -> special moves.

I find SF4 to be really strict about combo strings, like if it's jab,jab,jab,medium punch,special move, you better make sure you actually press 3 correctly timed jabs and not just mash till you see three register on screen.

I'm currently on Dhalmsim's 3rd Hard Trial (c.HP, MK, Yoga Flame), which is actually easier than the first one in theory as it's quite similar, MK,Yoga Flame, Super.

I hate my brain to hand coordination :(


yeb said:
I'm seriously considering intentionally losing a bunch of matches to drop a few thousand BP. Not only have boosters made the number totally meaningless, but I think the extra points they've pumped into the system has created a sort of BP inflation. I've had much more trouble finding matches lately, and I think it's because the matchmaking system's ignoring people over an artificially large BP gap.
I actually ran into a person who intentionally lost a ranked match. Did not fight back at all except to do chip damage to avoid being perfect'd one of the rounds. :lol I felt dirty afterwards for the undeserving win. :\


good credit (by proxy)
So what's this Findmyfarms vs. TurtleSnatcher beef about? Let's air this shit out in the thread some more. Let's get super nasty. Biker nasty, even.
I want my costume combo pack!!!!!!!

I know I could just go ahead and buy them individually, but if I'm going to be ripped off, I at least want to get a good deal.


slayn said:
GAF Chat is a psn thing, not xbox. I don't know if xblive has chat rooms? I imagine the gaf 360 owners could set up something similar.
probably party chat?

I want a rival :(


I've decided that I'm just not going to play Kens, Ryus, or Sagats. If the guy I'm playing selects one of them, I'm disconnecting.

And before someone says something about me just being a sore loser or something, no, it's nothing to do with losing against these guys. I'm perfectly happy losing to any of the other 22 characters. I'm just really tired of playing against the same damn characters over and over again.

Also, Threi, I want to play your Bison. I want to know if the guy I played yesterday was just ridiculously awesome or if I'm just terrible against the character.
KevinCow said:
I've decided that I'm just not going to play Kens, Ryus, or Sagats. If the guy I'm playing selects one of them, I'm disconnecting.

There's still a problem with this? Maybe I'm missing something or not noticing, or maybe it's the hours that I play... but playing against them isn't nearly as bad as it was even a month ago.


KevinCow said:
Also, Threi, I want to play your Bison. I want to know if the guy I played yesterday was just ridiculously awesome or if I'm just terrible against the character.
Well I'll be on later tonight :)

and i will be taunting.


KevinCow said:
I've decided that I'm just not going to play Kens, Ryus, or Sagats. If the guy I'm playing selects one of them, I'm disconnecting.

And before someone says something about me just being a sore loser or something, no, it's nothing to do with losing against these guys. I'm perfectly happy losing to any of the other 22 characters. I'm just really tired of playing against the same damn characters over and over again.

Well then you better stop playing. Doing that won't magically increase the amount of other characters appearing. :p


Stantron said:
I actually ran into a person who intentionally lost a ranked match. Did not fight back at all except to do chip damage to avoid being perfect'd one of the rounds. :lol I felt dirty afterwards for the undeserving win. :\

I ran into that too. Someone who picked Cammy for a best of 5, they kinda fought the first round, they did nothing in round 2, and then when they were almost dead in round three chipped me so it wasn't perfect. I think I got 80 BP from it, it was the weirdest thing ever.


Arde5643 said:
2) TAP, this will avoid the cross-up and hit you as you land

Basically, only do cross-ups when you're sure Boxer starts trying to block or dash back on wake-up instead of doing headbutt or TAP.

What is TAP?
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