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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


KevinCow said:
I've decided that I'm just not going to play Kens, Ryus, or Sagats. If the guy I'm playing selects one of them, I'm disconnecting.

And before someone says something about me just being a sore loser or something, no, it's nothing to do with losing against these guys. I'm perfectly happy losing to any of the other 22 characters. I'm just really tired of playing against the same damn characters over and over again.
That's going to be a lot of disconnecting! :lol

TBH, I find a good mix of characters now the game has been out a while. Shotos are probably still a big slice, but hey, Ryu and Ken are the SF posterboys.

What I do find funny are the Ken players who, if you slaughter them in the first match, will use this kind of pattern next: Sagat / Blanka / Zangief / Akuma / DISCONNECT! All the characters they think they can get an easy win with. :lol
Ooh...I got beef with Gootecks...for not delivering on the stream...then pretending it was up for everyone to see...now everyone has to buy the dvd or go to the video links I posted:D
Hey FindMyBanana, I won't be going to Arlington until later in the month. I leave tomorrow for something else. Let's play again before I leave.
HULKAMANIA© is gonna run wild on you fo sho.
I ran into 3 people playing as Akuma in ranked with it set to 1 round wins. I am guilty of disconnecting on the 3rd occasion, because that is some of the mightiest bullshit possible.

I hope Capcom is going to do some balance work soon enough :/


Woohoo! LL finally comes through:


Now I can get my ass kicked....in style!
GalacticAE said:
Hey FindMyBanana, I won't be going to Arlington until later in the month. I leave tomorrow for something else. Let's play again before I leave.
HULKAMANIA© is gonna run wild on you fo sho.

I think my name changes every time you talk lol. I'd play, but the ps3 situation is kinda iffy right now. If you could buy one please and send it to the address in your PM.

anybody got any tips to beating zangief with balrog? he gives me the most trouble. i can beat the ken and ryu's pretty easy now

If you wanna get close, just travel in, the refs won't call it. Don't worry about footsies either, just free arm the *&% outta him to keep that crap away.

FindMyFarms said:
Aite here's a link to an old write up I did on rog v gief


Only thing I'd add is to do his torpedo blow (back 2 sec, df + k) every once in a while to keep him from FA fishing.
EX upper is good for beating lariats. Also j.fp beats lariats and is comboable.
Bitch, I'm not buy you a PS3. I got bills to pay. Work your stroll a few more hours a day and you'll have a ps3 before you know it.
GalacticAE said:
EX upper is good for beating lariats. Also j.fp beats lariats and is comboable.
Bitch, I'm not buy you a PS3. I got bills to pay. Work your stroll a few more hours a day and you'll have a ps3 before you know it.

Yeah, ex upper is good, but I'll only do it from a standing position. On the off hand that you get an ex torpedo from crouch, double damage from lariat = FML

As for the stroll, lemme borrow some of your skirts and I'll hop right on it. Don't get mad when I take all your customers though.

Spiderjericho : I actually play mainly on the ps3, but only when my friend let's me borrow his(mine fried up on me.) As for the 360, my roommate has one and i might be borrowing a copy from a friend, but it won't be anything permanent. I'll let you know if it happens.
sonicspear64 said:
Why have I never heard about this guy until now?! He OCV'd a team with the most beastly japanese players out there!

Speaking of OCV...hopefully Find can do so and my team and I can win the dinner to White Castles...

Findmyfarms, let me know when you cop that ish.


I'm like a Hadouken, down-right Fierce!
sonicspear64 said:
Why have I never heard about this guy until now?! He OCV'd a team with the most beastly japanese players out there!

I dunno, anyone who makes it to the final tourney for SBO should be considered a beastly player.

It's one of the reasons why I think Japan is basically better than any country in fighting games right now. I think the top western players can definitely hang with the top Japanese players, but the talent pool quickly goes down after that, where in Japan even the scrubs are good.:lol


Slayn gg's learnt alot from our games, and that was the first time a Blanka did the ultra crossover to me.

Good thing I blocked the otherway
GGs, slayn! I finally defeated the beast! Even if it was only a few times, god damn was it something I've been working on.

Doesn't 3S SBO get won by "nobodies" all the time? Also, Oichi, what about Korean/Chinese Tekken/KOF?
so I just registered for a local tournament. When I bought SFIV, I never thought it would come to this bullshit. I don't really expect to do much of anything, but it would be fun nonetheless! I've got one 3 weeks before it starts so I'm really practicing hard with Chun right now.


I'm like a Hadouken, down-right Fierce!
Teknopathetic said:
Doesn't 3S SBO get won by "nobodies" all the time? Also, Oichi, what about Korean/Chinese Tekken/KOF?

well, I guess you can group Korean/Chinese players with the other western players... I think the same thing applies really. Their top players can compete with the top Japanese players, but I don't know how deep their talent pool is over there.
Oichi said:
well, I guess you can group Korean/Chinese players with the other western players... I think the same thing applies really. Their top players can compete with the top Japanese players, but I don't know how deep their talent pool is over there.

When you say top Western players...I think of mainly J.Wong (TS) or John Choi (ST). But I'd agree with you...the talent pool in Japan is probably a lot higher than the U.S. since the arcade scene here is pretty non existant. I can't remember what SBO it was...but the two U.S. players (Ricky Ortiz and someone else) got destroyed by the Japanese. And during Evo...we only get a few Japanese to come here like Daigo (sometimes), Tokido, Nuki, BAS...but it's usually slim pickings.

It isn't until SF4 where we can really tell who the top players are...
Oichi said:
well, I guess you can group Korean/Chinese players with the other western players... I think the same thing applies really. Their top players can compete with the top Japanese players, but I don't know how deep their talent pool is over there.

Korea is actually in the forefront when it comes to Tekken, and also has the games deepest talent pool as well.


I am Korean.
Teknopathetic said:
GGs, slayn! I finally defeated the beast! Even if it was only a few times, god damn was it something I've been working on.

Doesn't 3S SBO get won by "nobodies" all the time? Also, Oichi, what about Korean/Chinese Tekken/KOF?
Isn't SBO a single elimination affair? It'd be harder to have consistent winners with that kind of format.


needs to show more effort.
Teknopathetic said:
GGs, slayn! I finally defeated the beast! Even if it was only a few times, god damn was it something I've been working on.
Well played. I definitely wasn't having an off night or anything either. I thought I played really well and still got beat.


loves Arcade Sticks
FindMyFarms said:
Korea is actually in the forefront when it comes to Tekken, and also has the games deepest talent pool as well.

I'd argue that Japan is back on top for Tekken. Japan is too beastly now with so many people playing Tekken 6 series (#1 arcade game in Japan).
Wow.. I just played qcf x2.. Holy crap he was good :X

He has a beastly Viper..

We played 7 matches.. I used Fuerte, Gen (lots) and Vega ... Vega and Fuerte only once each.. Gen I'm trying to main so forcing myself to use..

I beat him 3 times.. once with Fuerte once with Vega and once with Gen.. He raped me the other times..

They were fun ass matches too.. he has a freaking amazing Viper.. Freaking amazing.
MarkMan said:
I'd argue that Japan is back on top for Tekken. Japan is too beastly now with so many people playing Tekken 6 series (#1 arcade game in Japan).

Yeah completely forgot about T6,still thinking 5DR, i remember T6 had a pretty hefty lead over the 2 spot(blazblue i think?) in that last arcadia list.


what i want is to be able to set what character i play as before i even get matched up with an opponent. and i want to be able to search for an opponent playing a specific character. and i want it to match me up with someone with that character who searched for me. hell, give us checkboxes and let us set multiple characters we want to be matched against. this would be player matches only. it would serve as match-up specific practice. it would be grand.
Sounds unnecessary, dfyb. Just talk to a friend you know is semi-competent with a certain character and ask them to practice the match up with you.


Bacon of Hope
Teknopathetic said:
Sounds unnecessary, dfyb. Just talk to a friend you know is semi-competent with a certain character and ask them to practice the match up with you.

You know I agree with dfyb on this one - I have had the same thought a lot. Not sure how it would work but really being matched up against a certain set of characters you feel you need practice against would be sick.
Today must have been my worse day ever for eating Ultra's :lol , this is what happens when you're too aggressive and impatient(and not too bright as well LOL). I let some matches get away while still being able to salvage the others despite eating a wake up ultras. I main Ryu and my problem is that when I knock a guy down I proceed to stand over them and mix it up with overhead punches, sweeps, or throws. Sometimes this leads to fantastic results, sometimes I completely forget that my opponent has a Ultra and eat it because I'm in the middle of my sweep or overhead punch animation.

I can't help it though, I hate turtles or players that have to play defensive because of there character. I'd prefer to get massacred as long as my opponent came after me instead of chasing his ass all over the stage as he slowly chips away at my life.


haunts said:
You know I agree with dfyb on this one - I have had the same thought a lot. Not sure how it would work but really being matched up against a certain set of characters you feel you need practice against would be sick.

They could implement some sort of character filter option maybe? It would definitely be something I would like to see.


Neo Member
I find it quite sad saying, if the opponent selects character x,y or z I disconnect.
Why not show that you are much better then with your character.

Even if they select a "cheap" character (what people like to call em) why not challenge
When the original SF2 in the arcade's was out I cant remember people reacting like that.
How the hell you want to play tournaments with that attitude towards the game.

If you think they are cheap characters then show em and beat em.
Or if you couldn't ..take the beating, learn from it, train more,be better next time.
Challenge yourself, that's what SF is about.

disconnecting is pretty low..


Teknopathetic said:
Sounds unnecessary, dfyb. Just talk to a friend you know is semi-competent with a certain character and ask them to practice the match up with you.
a matchup-matchmaking system would have a better chance of exposing me to more individual player styles. don't want to get used to how one guy plays his character and then get surprised in a match when someone else plays way different.

i should make a bigger effort to find PSN friends with specific characters though.


Trucker Sexologist
I find it quite sad saying, if the opponent selects character x,y or z I disconnect.
Why not show that you are much better then with your character.

Even if they select a "cheap" character (what people like to call em) why not challenge
When the original SF2 in the arcade's was out I cant remember people reacting like that.
How the hell you want to play tournaments with that attitude towards the game.

If you think they are cheap characters then show em and beat em.
Or if you couldn't ..take the beating, learn from it, train more,be better next time.
Challenge yourself, that's what SF is about.

disconnecting is pretty low..
It's not about cheapness in this case. He just wants some different matchups. As was said before, it's better to send out player invites on the forum than to disconnect when people pick a shoto. That's just a waste of everyone's time.
I find it quite sad saying, if the opponent selects character x,y or z I disconnect.
Why not show that you are much better then with your character.

Even if they select a "cheap" character (what people like to call em) why not challenge
When the original SF2 in the arcade's was out I cant remember people reacting like that.
How the hell you want to play tournaments with that attitude towards the game.

If you think they are cheap characters then show em and beat em.
Or if you couldn't ..take the beating, learn from it, train more,be better next time.
Challenge yourself, that's what SF is about.

disconnecting is pretty low..

That makes no sense, if you don't wanna play someone, then don't play them. All there is to it. You don't have to go to tourneys either to enjoy Street Fighter either. If I'm playing ball and some 6'6 guy is dunking on me, I'm not going to be inspired to become an NBA all star and start shooting 500 jump shots every day, I'm gonna friggin quit playing with that guy all the time lol!

Ploid 3.0

Hope you're not using that vid as proof. I was a tamed and smacked around in it. I wish to get on FindMyFarm's level of play someday. I need a lot of practice, and a way to answer those combos. Especially Bison's combo punches that lead to a headbutt. It's like once they hit me it's combo city. I could stay back but then I'd be relying on rolls, short rolls, and slide. I used the slide way too much in this fight, and the ultra ineffectively. FindMyFarm is a beast.


I'm like a Hadouken, down-right Fierce!
Ploid 3.0 said:
Hope you're not using that vid as proof. I was a tamed and smacked around in it. I wish to get on FindMyFarm's level of play someday. I need a lot of practice, and a way to answer those combos. Especially Bison's combo punches that lead to a headbutt. It's like once they hit me it's combo city. I could stay back but then I'd be relying on rolls, short rolls, and slide. I used the slide way too much in this fight, and the ultra ineffectively. FindMyFarm is a beast.

Personally, I didn't think you did a bad job... sure you made mistakes but it wasn't like you got totally beasted on...
Ploid 3.0 said:
Hope you're not using that vid as proof. I was a tamed and smacked around in it. I wish to get on FindMyFarm's level of play someday. I need a lot of practice, and a way to answer those combos. Especially Bison's combo punches that lead to a headbutt. It's like once they hit me it's combo city. I could stay back but then I'd be relying on rolls, short rolls, and slide. I used the slide way too much in this fight, and the ultra ineffectively. FindMyFarm is a beast.

Hey man, you're too good a sport! I appreciate the praise, but you did great too. If you didn't notice, before I landed an ultra on you each round, you had a pretty decent lead. You just have to play a little more cautiously, and like you said, be a little more careful with moves that can be punished on block. Keep playing people in GAFchat and you'll be there soon!

Ploid 3.0

FindMyFarms said:
Hey man, you're too good a sport! I appreciate the praise, but you did great too. If you didn't notice, before I landed an ultra on you each round, you had a pretty decent lead. You just have to play a little more cautiously, and like you said, be a little more careful with moves that can be punished on block. Keep playing people in GAFchat and you'll be there soon!

Sure thing, I'm learning a lot from you guys.
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